Wednesday November 23
The Day of Mercury in the Earthweek and appropriately a sense of bass ackwardness permeates the day, as Mercury turns retrograde at 11:21 pm/20°07' Sagittarius, until December 13. This is not a time to put off all normal activities, but a time to be more conscious of the actions we take and more thoughtful in speech. The Moon in Scorpio provides emotional support with harmonious contacts.There’s a bear in a dress at the top of the stairs. A candleflame flickers, casts its granular light upon the deserted deck of a tree house in Mosswood Park.. Neuro-accretions in soft tryptamine sleep. Wherever the stage disappears in blackness, a caboose gets steg esoobac a……
Thursday November 24
The Day of Jupiter in the kabbalistic World of Atziluth (that’s right, it’s a brand new Lunar cycle) If you don't have a good laugh today, you are missing the point. There is a whole division of the Angelic Hierarchy assigned to the sephiroth Chesed (Jupiter) whose purpose is divine inspiration through laughter. And there is no vision more critical in the career of the adept than the Metaversal Joke. Everyone laughed when I sent my dog Xero to the Canine Academy Of Design, but they won't be laughing today when he continues to shit all over their lawn. The Moon finishes its time in Scorpio in a puff of smoke and mirrors as it squares Neptune, going void at 3:05 pm, until entering Sagittarius at 5:57 pm. After a trine to Uranus to ease the energy shifts, we experience a Solar Eclipse/New Moon at 10:10 pm/2°37' Sagittarius, which will establish new circumstances that will influence us for at least six months. For I say unto you: it would be easier for a honeypossum to sculpt a perfect likeness of Aleister Crowley out of marmalade and motor oil than it would be to escape the effects of an Eclipse. This Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius signals the need to stop scattering efforts by eliminating unessential activities and ending fruitless conversations and unsatisfying studies. Key to our successful use of these energies is the need to focus on healing and accepting the changes that are afoot. It’s time to get on with things. Under an eclipse the normal flow of solar energy is cut off, and we may feel cut away from our usual relationships and circumstances. This allows us to start afresh, taking with us only those situations that will serve us in the days ahead. For I say unto you: it would be easier for a wolverine to assassinate the pope using a slingshot loaded with overcooked lima beans than it would be to escape the effects of an Eclipse In Washington DC, the eclipse occurs on the 25th/1:10 am ET. The eclipse itself is emphasized, and the largest factor in play is communications, commerce, and the media. There are populist forces at work that will play a huge role in coming months. The economy as we know it continues to stumble along. The Sabian Symbol for the Solar Eclipse/New Moon at 3 Sagittarius is, “Two men playing chess.” Chess is a game of war. There is a complex unconscious game of chess being played between factions in the economic crisis—corporations versus the people. This is also seen in the behind-the-scenes contests between politicians and corporations. Competitiveness is a strong energy now in our lives as well—one we do not have to participate in and which creates the false sense of winning and losing.
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