Monday November 14
Projecting Light Specific purple or octarine (a particular shade of electric pinkish purple) into your forehead and facing West, activate the Ajna Holographic Image Projection System (third eye), then invoke blessed Gabriel. Diana, or Sailor Moon into your Brow Chakra. It's the Moon's day in the week of active Air and the body in motion. The lunar orb being receptive and reflective, focuses the qualities of the signs and other planets to our personal Lightcraft. The Lunar center, and its intimate connection with the Holographic Image Projection System, is not only the foundation for the astral plane, but is the fiery aspect of astral energy itself. It cannot be weaned prematurely or circumcised without sedation lest it become traumatized and even more crestfallen. Moon in Cancer makes the Cardinal Connection again, heating up our awareness of the big changes afoot around the world. With sextiles to Mars and Jupiter, we feel more able to deal with it — and to take action. This is an activist day. We tune in to how love informs our direction in life as Venus conjoins North Node, a moment of truth.elsewhere because not only is the Moon in Cancer giving us all the stable gravity of magnetism permitted by fractal symmetry to go BETWEEN frequencies in a cascade, but this magnetism is also actually the WIND ON WHICH LOVE TRAVELS
Tuesday November 15
The Day of Mars in active Airweek and Mars in Virgo. On the surface Mars and Virgo seem very different. Mars is direct , impulsive, fiery and impatient, while Virgo is careful, practical and detail-oriented. However, these two share a certain sharpness that can be combined to enhance productivity and higher levels of efficiency. Neither Mars nor Virgo wants to waste time. Both understand the value of getting a job done with dispatch. This period, then, can help us find out where to cut the fat in our work habits, so that tasks are handled quickly, making time for the development of new skills. Taken to its extreme, however, this focus on results can manifest as ruthless detachment and a lack of concern for the human side of the equation. The critical (Virgo) attack (Mars) is a negative potential for this period. It's easy to find fault and express oneself aggressively. If a situation is getting too tense, it may be that someone is frustrated by a lack of efficiency or are feeling a loss of power. Patiently attacking problems in a systematic way can help restore harmony.—Emotional insecurities and financial worries lurk in the shadows of our awareness today, yet we could waste energy by attempting to avoid our fears. There are two reasons for this. One is a secret and the other is a lie. The Qabalistic thunderbolt of revelation resembles a corkscrew in more ways than ...Although the sensitive Cancer Moon forms a series of uneasy aspects that highlight the differences between our thoughts and our feelings, we are still rather optimistic about the future. We're eager to leave the angst behind since we're already anticipating tomorrow's enthusiastic Mars-Jupiter trine. Mercury in Sagittarius drops the other shoe when it conjoins North Node: Now we can talk about what we feel. It’s time to tell the truth. The Moon is void at 9:22 pm PT, although still useful in taking action. Chickadees have been known to fornicate with badgers here, for christsakes. Yes Sun and Moon are joy riding basically, because they have the key. Who gave them the key? I did. So, fuck me like fried potatoes on the most beautifully hungry morning of my God-damn life.
Wednesday November 16
The Day of Mercury in active Airweek Expansive Sagittarius can be overwhelming to detail-oriented Mercury. Small things are easily blown out of proportion. Facts are out of whack. Tall tales abound. Yet, this is also when the lens of perception is widened and the mind opens. Mercury in Sagittarius can be a time of enthusiastic words, confident messages and creative communication, but big promises may stretch the truth. The trick is to drop your prejudices, but not your reason. In the desire to find one big answer to all of life's questions it is easy to overlook nuance and appreciate different points of view. Sagittarius looks toward the future, so that perceptive Mercury's presence here supports visions of tomorrow. The trick is to fill in all the details so that the picture you're selling is the one that actually develops. The Moon makes its way into optimistic Leo at 8:17 am. Mars trines Jupiter, opening the Earth Grand Trine energy to us again. This will boost our self-assurance and optimism. The Leo Moon adds to our confidence today as well, although there’s just enough self-interest to keep us from completely overwhelming ourselves with activities. This is an excellent day to start a physical training program or take on a task that requires high levels of self-esteem. Intelligence is the greatest aphrodisiac, but a dab of extract from a civet's anal gland and a nice pair of shoes will work just as well today
Thursday November 17
The Day of Jupiter in active Airweek The Moon’s trines to Mercury and Venus bring silk to our speech and allow the truth to come through. It’s a great day to resolve conflicts.Then turn me to salt, dyed blue, and let the cows lick me into the homunculus of remorse, whence I will go about the countryside ejaculating Your name through kitchen windows. And the people will say, ‘Look out, it’s him again.’ And, typically, there will be those among them who will say, ‘Let’s kick him to death.’ And still others will countermand them, saying, ‘No – let’s just maim him and send him on his way.’ Citizens and townsfolk, can you not see the sign around my diminishing neck? LOCK UP YOUR DOUBTERS: HE IS RISEN, LIKE THE WOBBLY ROD OF MAN AS IT DOWSETH THE FLUIDIFEROUS CHALICE OF THE EMPRESS.
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