Wednesday, January 26, 2011

last days of january 2011

The sasquatch stumbles upon the missile silo at dusk. Mercury reaches its square to Saturn early, making us aware of areas of weakness due to disorganization. This feeds into our process of the next five months, as Saturn begins its retrograde transit. More immediately, it becomes part of our process over the coming week (as does the Saturn station), with the Last Quarter Moon phase occurring at 4:57 am/6°36′ Scorpio. Noteworthy on this lunation is the fact that the Sun, Moon, and Pluto are all at the same degree (6°13′) of their respective sign. This affords us the opportunity to act more effectively, with a deeper sense of purpose than usual, in the coming week. There is a drive to get a lot done now, and we will be able to accomplish much, but more in the social department than in tangible areas. In Washington DC, the chart has 18 Aquarius rising, tying itself to Saturn and Mercury by exact degree. This chart suggests hidden use of force (military or police action) that is really an open secret. There is a strong drive, with Jupiter and the Nodes in partile contact, to take a position instead of look for compromise. This will be felt and expressed throughout the government system. More secrets are about to come out. The Sabian Symbol at 7 Scorpio is "Deep sea divers with special machinery." This suggests being able to go more deeply than usual into the ordinarily hidden recesses of consciousness because we are specially prepared at this time. Deep sea activities are likely to be in the news.

The Day of Jupiter in the kabbalistic World of Earth, Asiah. If you don't have a good laugh today, you are missing the point. There is a whole division of the Angelic Hierarchy assigned to the sephiroth Chesed (Jupiter) whose purpose is divine inspiration through laughter. And there is no vision more critical in the career of the adept than the Metaversal Joke. Everyone laughed when I sent my dog Xero to the Canine Academy Of Design, but they won't be laughing today when he continues to shit all over their lawn. Tactically, we are the proverbial dodo feather stuck between the crocodile’s teeth. Our friends all thought we were psychologically damaged from trying to please them, and indeed our behaviour bore all the earmarks of a cart-horse trained to suck ankles. Scorpio Moon brings new understanding through our dreams that we can use in the coming days to guide our actions, even though we are unaware of it. We reach more deeply than usual to find confidence in the face of doubt, successfully transmuting it to light. The Moon is void of course from 9:32 pm, until it goes into Sagittarius at 10:55 pm. For I say unto you: it would be easier for a rubythroated hummingbird to unscrew the lid of a ketchup bottle than it would be to not be optimistic with the Moon in Sag.

The Moon in Sagittarius asks us to seek new answers to the struggle between listening to our inner intuition and the need to be part of the larger culture. Spiritual expansion assists the process of understanding. Explore new horizons, take a look at the big picture, seek spiritual and philosophical explanations; then tactfully, perhaps even humorously, use your renewed optimism to encourage others. And then, for the umpteenth time in the history of the world, we discover a beautious garden and let it unfold into its new season, to copulate delicately amongst a squadron of tiny black badgers down at the grain elevators.This is a good metaphor for wolf-children adopted by the mayor who have the key to the city but we've already picked the lock so we sell it to a posse of renegade urban planners experimenting with the geomantic cultivation of organic concrete. The Sagittarius Moon finds a harmonious sky all day through a trine to Jupiter and sextiles to Sun and Mars to create another minor grand trine, heading into a cradle configuration when Saturn is brought into the mix. Think of this as a pot for melting the ore of consciousness to create the gold of our intentions.

We continue a sublime creative process today as the Sagittarius Moon sextiles Saturn early and conjoins Venus late. We could charm a snake from a cat’s vagina just by snoring. We could steer a tank with our diction even if you numbed our tongue with a lethartonic unguent. And yet even the slightest breeze seemed to send us into a blazing legislative fury.

Before we wake, the Moon completes its sojourn through Sagittarius, going into its void period at 4:54 am, which lasts until it enters Capricorn at 6:04 am. The energies become more strident and tension-ridden as the Moon squares Jupiter, carrying expansive self-expression to the deep penetrating focus fostered through its conjunction with Pluto. This can be experienced as a bold action which we later realize has more consequences than we paid attention to at the time. That doesn’t mean it’s wrong, only that we may feel a bit awkward about it.

Moon continues in Capricorn, squaring Saturn to help us understand how we need to tweak our plans to deal with what’s next. Giant maple keys will come spiralling from the sky to cut off the heads of the Evil Ones and delight the children.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 20th to the 24th

Thursday January 20

Take physical exercise in Jupiter's Day, when he is reigning, and use Jovial things such as Lapis Lazuli, Brass, Cedarwood, blue and aery colours, wine, honey; and entertain thoughts and feelings which are particularly Jovial, that is, expansive, healthy, and with good humour... - Marsilio Ficino, Renaissance Astrologer and Orphic Musician

The Day of Jupiter in the week of active Air. There is a whole division of the Angelic Hierarchy assigned to the sephiroth Chesed (Jupiter) whose purpose is divine inspiration through laughter. And there is no vision more critical in the career of the adept than the Metaversal Joke. Did you here the one about the twin child, the male-female Holy Spirit of the Gnostic Mass, the living fruit of two sexual partners. The Book of Lies teaches that seed and child and parent are mystically one, and that the seed represents the innermost and highest expression of the parent. In the Star Sapphire, a ritual form of the IX, the invocation brings father, mother, son, and daughter (YHVH, above) into one point of mystic union, referred to as Ararita. This daughter-son, the living elixir, is made a sacrifice to the magical goal of the working. Note that it is not metaphorically alive, but literally alive, containing a great quantity of living cells. Thus, for the male magician, it is the sacrifice of "all that he is and all that he has" into the "Cup of Babalon", which is held by the Scarlet Woman of Babylon and in which the blood of the saints is said to be mingled. The inner incubation time is important and knowing when to intuitively act is a part of the process. Even projects already in motion may benefit from releasing attachments to specific pictures or outcomes and allowing for the possibility of even greater expression to unfold. At 2:19 am, the Sun enters Aquarius to bring out the contrarian that lurks inside us all. If we’re a little more cantankerous or curmudgeonly than usual, having a good laugh at ourselves is the Aquarian way. The Moon continues through Leo, harmonizing Venus and Saturn along the way to create a minor grand trine (apex Saturn). We’ll feel stable and secure in our relationships today, and a good time to take a risk, since peaceful feelings lead to better outcomes. In hail we storm the edifices of a scream more incredible than the bursting of a thousand hearts amplified through vacufazers at full speed.

Friday January 21
Being the Day of Venus in the Week of Yetzirah, Air and Activity,if ya'll invoke blessed Haniel, just before dawn or 2 hours after sunset, behold, a court of photosynthetic Angels who make this place inside your chest cavity a Paradise, will perform tantric intercourse in magick towers and lush subterranean caves, opening your Lionheart chakra, a breeze like yellow silk on your naked skin. Venus, she really gets my donkeys up onstage. I love the way she plays with my expectations. Like a little dragon-faced hen bursting with tinsel and frayed at the wrong end. Residual areas of wounding may come to the surface today as Moon opposes Neptune and Chiron, a doorway to healing if we redirect the energy that is released. The Moon enters its void-of-course period at 1:16 pm to give us some down time to assimilate our experiences, entering Virgo, the sign of Cosmic Quality Control, at 3:10 pm. And when I am done with my wanderings, I too will lie upon those dewavèd sands, crawled upon by starfish radiant beneath the earth’s shadow, and there will I surrender myself to the first tongues of water, a salt doll waiting for its ocean. Honest Iago, please tell me. Do these boots go with this outfit?

Saturday January 22
The Virgo Moon helps us play out the resolution of our deepest problems through our dreams when it trines Pluto in the wee hours. Across the day, she enhances communications and adjustments in relationships by trining Mercury and squaring Venus. At 9:11 am, Jupiter makes its re-entry into Aries. The last time it was in Aries was June 6–September 7. Now it completes its stay in Aries, augmenting our courage and pioneering spirit. We’re doing something completely new now—something we have no prior knowledge of. With "beginner’s mind," we will experience beginner’s luck.

Sunday January 23
Between dark and light the angles of times are best manifest at their balance, so invoke Apollo, Ra, or the baby-faced Sun god from the Teletubbies into your heart Chakra today. Sunday is always a good day integrate all the planets in our personal Lightcraft. In the World of Yetzirah, Air, the Lightcraft is analogous to the active aspect of the psychological body, or for simplicities sake, let's call it Psyche. In the physical body (in Assiah) there are infinite subdivisions down to the frontier of the physical world, where the particles of matter and impulses of energy are interchangeable. In the same way, the Psyche interpenetrates the body so that the upper part of the physical world percolates and influences the lower part of the psyche, and vice versa. In the macrodimensions of the Metaverse, a crisis can generate a direct contact with the Sun in Yetzirah (Psyche) but after the crisis, the connection fades, and the watcher in oneself fades back into the subconscious. The Lightpilot seeks to consciously make permanent connection with the Sun in Yetzirah. This is done by constant observation of actions, emotions and intellect, to perceive impartially the way those functions operate, and to correct and perfect their performance so as to become a true seething. To be the big picture, complete in all its parts. We have been laying new relationship foundations since January 7; now we finalize that focus so we can move to the next phase, as Venus makes it to its sextile to Saturn. Moon in Virgo takes us into its void period at 12:08 pm with the splash of an opposition to Uranus, so don’t write off anyone or anything yet. At 3:59 pm, she enters peace-keeping Libra, revealing our new relationship truths when she opposes Jupiter, her first contact to Jupiter since the giant entered Aries. A trine to the Sun soothes us, helps us integrate this new perspective, and fosters success in any actions we take.

Monday January 24
Projecting Light Specific purple or octarine (a particular shade of electric pinkish purple) into your forehead and facing West, activate the Ajna Holographic Image Projection System (third eye), then invoke blessed Gabriel. Diana, or Sailor Moon into your Brow Chakra. It's the Moon's day in the week of active Air and the body in motion. The lunar orb being receptive and reflective, focuses the qualities of the signs and other planets to our personal Lightcraft. The Lunar center, and its intimate connection with the Holographic Image Projection System, is not only the foundation for the astral plane, but is the fiery aspect of astral energy itself. It cannot be weaned prematurely or circumcised without sedation lest it become traumatized and even more crestfallen. As the Moon traverses Libra over the day, we survey our current situation from many perspectives. We start in the wee hours with Pluto taking us into the deepest corners of our unconscious mind, which we may take into a very active dream state as Mars is triggered. We’ll be focused on structure and organization as the day progresses through contacts to Mercury, Saturn, and Venus.