Friday, December 28, 2012

Transcript of Metaversal Lightcraft Press Conference from 7:00 a.m. 12-21-2012 (7W10.12) The Standard Hotel, Los Angeles California

There will be many statements that are made in the following, that will require you to validate either the facts, or the conclusions derived from them on your own. Too many theories of too intricate or expansive a nature are involved for me to take time and space now to bring out all of their supporting details. So certain statements and observations will be made with no supporting material supplied as it is expected that motivated listener will explore the ideas in question on their own and reach conclusions that they find appropriate.

Ladies and Gentleman of the Press, Los Angelino's, Extreme Futurists, what you can see (or would see) behind me as the sun rises over the City of Angels, is a direction in time and space... East, yes from our perspective here on planet Earth, for the Sun appears to rise in the East, but the Sun does not rise at all, it is the Earth that turns. Behind the Sun at this moment in time, if we were to step out of our own solar system , in what we call “the East” is the exact center of our Galaxy, the Milky Way, in the direction of the constellation we call Sagittarius. This only occurs once every 28,000 years. If we re to step once again out beyond our local galaxy, we would see that in the same way, that on Earth behind hind the sun is the center of our galaxy, we would also see our galaxy is now aligned in the exact way as the first example, to the center of the Universe. This only happens once every 28, 000, 000 years.... I will pause for a moment to let that sink in.... What was just described to you was calculated over 2000 years ago by the Mayan people of what is now central america, by a culture without the benfit of modern Telescopes, Calculators, or Computers, and is testament to the Mayan's astronomical observational and computational skills.... remarkable is it not? Both the Mayan and the Egyptian civilizations knew that the pole of the sun takes 37 days to rotate and the equator of the sun takes only 26 days. End of the World? No. As my group of time-travelling sex-magicians posing as rockstars has pointed out many times in the past is; Doomsday Passes: Earth Intact. Apocalypse? Yes. Apocalypse means literally : ‘”to unveil, uncover”. The dance of the unveiling ones self, Calypso, gets it name from this. What is being un-covered now is of great signifigance to the species called Human. End of Time? Yes, at least the end of time as we know it. To shorten the huge list of things wrong in these strange times, suffice it to say that everything from the health of the oceans and atmosphere, to the behavior of the self appointed ruling elite is all screwed up. And that then brings us to 2012. Not simply the end of the Mayan Long Count 'calendar', but also a central focus of number codes in dozens of ancient myths that actually spanthe planet. the 2012 'end date' seemingly puts the capstone on our pyramid of changes noticeable on the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2012. We at Metaversal Lightcraft want to announce at this time, much to displeasure of Pope Gregory, on who’s Gregorian calendar we are throwing out the window of our hotel room on this day, in the style of many rockers before us. We bring you the new metaversal 13 month calendar, a calendar that realizes that an hour made of sixty minutes maybe a good way to keep time on your watch, but a day made up of 24 hours is based on a completely different model and thus the two versions of an hour are incompatable. Our calendar, which will be explained in detail on our website, is both elegant, accurate, and easier to use. Noting that the word 'solstice' meaning to 'stand still' actually describes a specific astronomic event which is a 3/three day time in which the sun appears to rise in exactly the same spot on the horizon, it is curious indeed that the Long Count of the Mayan, actually meso-american cultures, would end on this day. It is also curious that the pope Gregory would have the long count actually end at 11:11 on today. Also curious is that the numeral reference sums to 11 (12-21-2012 = 11). These curiosities arise due to the encoding of knowledge into number patterns. As an instance, the number 11 at its base level of symbolism refers to the 'sun spot cycle' which is 11 (and some fractional part) years in length. Time is a label that humans have applied to the aggregate of many aspects of reality. Within the samskrta (sanskrit) based linguistic traditions which are just about half of the languages on planet earth, 'time' is actually a collection of individual aspect/attributes of the manifestation of reality. The early Greek reality descibers (philosophers) identified at least 2/two aspects of the collective we call 'time' in their discussions of chronos (measured or mechanistic time), and karios (the quality of a time/moment, the 'opportune' moment). The Taoist tradition going back to at least the 5/Five Bushel League years included 22/twenty-two identified aspects/attributes of reality that fell within the general category of 'time'. The Yogic school going back through the experimental stages of the formation of the Science of Yoga, had identified over 100/one-hundred aspect/attributes of time, though many of these also include the time-binding properties of what we call 'karma' in the collective, and karmans in the particulate. Time, from these views of reality, is not a 'river' carrying 'events' in a stream. The alternate understanding expressed in what can be labeled as the 'yogic' understanding of reality, 'time' is but part of the 'template' through which continuous creation expresses itself. This is to say, that in the 'continuous creation of universe, including me and you and everything in between' school of reality, 'time' is but a necessary component of the basic 'infrastructure' of reality. It must also be understood that in this view, 'time' is not a separate part of reality, nor is it a 'singular' part of reality. Make sense? Clear as brown goat butt in a howling dust storm? As a point of departure for this discussion of 'time' and the techniques of its use, we begin at the beginning, or the source of time. This is a tiny spot, waaay too small to be seen by the naked human eye, even likely way too small to be seen with any of our most advanced microscopes. This tiny tiny spot is at the absolute center of the universe. That it is also at the very center of the multiverse (all of the multitude of singular central points), is best left for another discussion. This small point contains all that is Source for what we call, 'reality' or 'the material world'. This Source is actually an energetic pulse that fires off at the rate of 22/twenty-two trillion times a second (in our understanding of what a 'second' actually is in the chronos meaning). Every single pulse, which is to say, all 22/twenty-two trillion pulses each and every second since the beginning of time, instantly travels in Non-Time/Space (aka - The Void to all the taoist/buddhists out there), to the center of all the galaxies within universe (and the multiverse....but again, for later). As there is no time in The Void, or Non-Space/Time, each of the pulses travels to the center of each of the galaxies simultaneously, and from there, also taking up no Time, each pulse spreads out to the center of each of the material bodies such as suns, and planets and stuff throughout the totality of that galaxy. It is this pulse, at the rate of 22/twenty-two trillion times a second, that 'regulates' the manifestation of time. As 'time' in the aggregate of all of its aspects/attributes is central to all conscious perception of motion, distance, and indeed, all forms of perception itself in any form of consciousness expressed in material universe, 'time' is thus the 'propellant' that causes consciousness to perceive. Stated another way just to be really confusing, without time, consciousness could not perceive any motion, any change, including the 'change' that is required within each of the senses of the body themselves. Thus 'time' as an integral aspect of perception within the consciousness manifesting in material universe, is what the pulse from the center of universe carries directly to consciousness. Looked at yet another way in an attempt at understanding, while it takes no 'time' for each of the pulses to expand through out each universe from the initial, and central pulse point, each of these pulses is a 'carrier' of time, in all its aspects and attributes. Yet, just to confuse the hell out of consciousness, these pulses from the center of universe, *are* consciousness itself, about to perceive itself, in the reflections of its own perception of itself as time. See...? This is the whole of the duality problem, the perceiver is the perceived and vice versa. However as far as Time, its nature and manipulation are concerned, not too relevant. Stated another way, the pulse at the center of continuous creation carries directly to consciousness, the necessary creation of 'time', at a universal level. This 'pulse of universal time' is, for most of consciousness in manifesting material world, not sensed, yet it forms a 'Metaversal Platform' for all of universe. The base pulse of continuous crea The whole of material reality is merely a giant collision of energy bouncing off itself at a huge multitude of frequencies, amplitude, and ranges. Some of these collisions of energies are extremely temporary such as radioactive decay or gamma radiation, others form standing wave patterns that persist over 'time'. Such persistent standing waves of collisions of energy include suns, solar systems, dust, dirt, humans, pigs, fishes, birds, planets, plants, pies, bacteria, and a multitude of other 'things' which all are 'alive' in the energetic sense, though some of which we consciousness-expressing-as-humans, might not recognize as being in the category of 'life'. Nonetheless, all of reality is but our perception of these energetic collisions filtered through 'time' into consciousness. It should be noted that this model fully supports the Terrance McKenna idea of an eschaton, or world-time ending. The eschaton is actually a predictable effect of the continuous creation/destruction model. As reality creates and destroys itself, it does so to allow for dynamism or movement, or change. Change allows for the growth of complexity, as does the nature of the underlying vibration fields that actually is material reality. It is a predictable part of reality that complexity would increase over time. Further the increase in complexity should proceed predictably toward a crescendo point, in so far as mind is concerned. This crescendo is probably associated with an increase in complexity of the perception of time such that an eschaton will be reached. Thereafter the ‘what’ of reality is anyone’s guess. The continuous creation/destruction model allows for travel in space without regard to time. Basically what happens is that the ‘location’ aspects for a body or being or device are ‘reset’ and then allowed to express themselves during the next pulse/pause period. Thus nearly, as far as mind is concerned, instant movement in space without experiencing the ‘time’ of the movement. At a very core level, such travel would occur outside of time, as it would happen at vibration levels beyond the ability for our mental processes to perceive. By the way, it can also be noted that such forms of travel would have an impact on the human body/mind that may have to be treated as a health issue. Most martial artists and meditators will confirm that they have encountered 'times' during which the experience of the quality of the 'time' was decidedly different than 'ordinary time'. This effect has been noted under many names, and is frequently discussed in the 'peak performance' genre of literature. However, the concepts usually expressed about 'qualitatively different experiences of time' within the sports/body world are usually focused on the ability to manipulate oneself into that peak performance zone which also seems to have a different feeling of time as it progresses. Within the meditation community, the altered perception of time state is the goal itself. Distinctly separating meditation from *any* form of 'contemplation' in which a linguistic or image is attempted to be maintained in the mind, and referring in the main to those forms of meditation typified by yogic, taoist, chan/zen practices, wherein the levels of vibratory consciousness are traversed/explored, it is worth noting that the meditation source material most frequently cites the 'time' quality aspect as both a primary, and the first of the 'extra sensory' abilities to develop. This new knowledge, which is really just an active appreciation of the experience of the variance in the quality of time, is primary as it continues to be refined through out the whole of the meditation experience. That it is also the first of these 'extra sensory' abilities also fits as the 'time' component of continuous creation is pulse based, therefore to 'climb out' of the limitations of your base form requires first the ability to be aware of more of the permutations of the base pulse than before. More on this in another discussion. Welcome to the Eschaton, to the Extreme Futurist Festival, to the New Aeon. Good luck to all humans, and remember, if the shit hits the fan, the elites will find themselves as 'spam in a can'. This gives new meaning to the old french peasant retort, of “'one day, we will all eat the rich'

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Metaversal Waterweek Astral Terrain Forecast and Light-Specific Yoga Platform


Wednesday December 19 8W11.12

We see the truth behind the veil as Venus trines Uranus (4°38′ Sagittarius/Aries), a follow-up to last week’s events. This clears the way for action, although actions now will be more developmental than final. The Moon is void of course at 9:19 pm (12:19 am 12/20/12 ET) on the First Quarter Moon, leaving us restless, perhaps anxious to fulfill what it feels like we may have lost due to our own slowness to respond. This is a time of magic, when the things we put into motion will bring beneficial results. This is the easiest time of the lunar cycle to bend the forces to our purified intentions. Until 11:43 pm, we can tune into our heart to find the truth hidden there, which we can carry forward into the Moon’s sojourn through Aries which begins at that time. The chart for the US set in the nation’s capital places the Sun at the root of the heavens. It suggests the US is focused inward on its own healing process, drawn there by Hurricane Sandy and the growing cold of winter. There is a great deal of anticipation—and anxiety—about what the future holds. The President is effectively fatherly, reassuring as the budgetary process moves in alignment with his perspective.The Sabian Symbol for the Moon’s location of 29 Pisces is “light breaking into many colors as it passes through a prism”. The Sun’s location at 29 Sagittarius is “a fat boy mowing the lawn”. The effect of weather extremes is reaching even to those with wealth who may have dismissed it in the past. The truth of “strength in diversity” has never been more worth celebrating than now, when we need ideas from every possible perspective. The light is returning in all its many forms and rich vibrations.

Thursday December 20 4W11.12

The Day of Jupiter in the kabbalistic World of Water.Projecting Light Specific Blue and facing West, vibrate this azure deluxe into your Second Chakra along with the mantrum: EE-BE-DA. Jupiter is all about allowing ambiguity, contradiction, and movement. It isn't about integration. It helps the ego become more flexible. By Jove, life isn't about staying calm and balanced, but rather about keeping complexity and drama and everything else alive and in dynamic flow. To open the wound is to have a chance to heal it, and we may feel a painful vulnerability with someone we care about as Venus squares Chiron (5°36′ Sagittarius/Pisces). Although we might want to collapse into self-pity, an attitude of patient inaction is especially beneficial right now, as Jupiter crosses the apex point of a yod to Saturn and Pluto (8°56′ Gemini/Scorpio-Capricorn). Yods indicate areas where waiting is generally helpful, as we wait for unknown factors to come to light. The Moon in Aries packs a punch as it carries us through another episode of the long-term transformation we’re going through in some part of our life.Aries represents the period from birth to seven months old, when as new borns, we experience everything as an extension of ourselves. Virtually all energy is devoted to having our needs met. On the World scale, Aries is between 48,000 BC and 26,000 BC, when the primitive Neanderthals were trounced upon by Cro-magnons. They were virtually identical to modern Homo Sapiens, yet anthropologists do not know from whence they came. The Aries Moon can be so enthused with it's own adventure that it might seem a little arrogant. Don't take it personally. The focus is on action, not reaction. Sobbing and laughing from the fjord to the poorhouse, the tattooed infant teethes, balancing maliciously over the sea in the jejune elephantine dawn. The more “real” we can be about what’s happening, the more realistic our response and speedy our rebirth and recovery until the twilight comes, and with it, the soft rustle-rustle-THUMP of the creeping caterpillars, hauling their rickety pianos out to the town square in ominous fashion. I don't mind telling you, I saw that lady, and I don't know how she gets away with it. With what? With uniformed or perhaps short-sighted desires. So often what we think we want is so much less fulfilling than the mysteries life asks us to step up and take on. We humans are, after all, a funny bunch…

7W11.12 Friday December 21

It’s the Day of Venus in Waterweek, so, If you actively invoke blessed HANIEL, the Archangel of Venus into your heart today, you may find you have developed the ability to feel like Khrisna, multiplying himself into a dozen pastoral, naked farmhands with muddy feet and emerald pond scum on their thighs, or maybe you are a young Freya on the back of a panther, eating honey. At 3:12 am PT (6:12 am ET), the Sun enters Capricorn, the December Solstice. This is the great moment when the new Great Year, the 26,000 years of one Earth Wobble, commences. This is the turning to a new Long-Count calendar in the Quiché (Maya) cosmology. It represents the birth of a New World (or Age) of human consciousness, where humanity begins its return to the light. For this event, the Moon is transiting Aries in a calm space that unites head and heart. The Sun creates a “peace-on-Earth” portal with Neptune that augments the blessings of this Great Rebirth.The close Venus-Jupiter polarity will ignite the Saturn-Sun opposition that existed in the zodiac when the Nuclear Era began in December, 1942. This happened with the asteroid Vesta exactly on the Sun placement from the birth of the Nuclear Era, and Vesta has much to do with safety and security measures – personally, nationally and globally.The Mercury-Vesta polarity on December 21, 2012, will also be almost precisely aligned with Venus in the Nuclear Era chart. Therefore, 4 celestial bodies will be linking their potent vibrations with the energy-field that gave us both nuclear energy for peaceful purposes as well as nuclear energy for warfare and destruction on a devastating scale.

3W11.12 (Saturday December 22)

The Day of Saturn in the kabbalistic World of Water, Briah. Wearing Black and facing North, invoke the spirit of Andrew Eldritch into your Base Chakra (The Malkuth "Lil' World" Morphogenetic Field Transceiver) with the mantrum. "Hey Now, Hey Now Now". With it being Waterweek, honor Saturn today by creating greater stability in the Metaverse, actively expressing or experiencing your security needs, and cleansing and strengthening your base Chakra. Our consciousness in this chakra is concerned with survival, with our fight or flight response, with our instincts. It links the individual with the physical world. Serves as the foundation to evolve and build personality. If we are to ignore this chakra, and concern ourselves with the higher levels, we will be growing without roots, we will be unstable, unable to withstand the trials that will come our way. If our survival needs are met, the Base Chakra will function healthily, but if there is a perceived threat to this, (such as a difficult house move, job change, health problems, etc.) it can create an imbalance. Other Saturnian imbalances can show themselves in various ways, from sleeplessness and the inability to relax, to obsession with money, possessions or health.Our study in still life is completed today when Jupiter quincunxes Saturn, ending the exact yod they have been forming with Pluto since Thursday (8°46′ Gemini/Scorpio). This comes as Venus reaches the release point of the yod to bring a gentle truth forward. Our heart’s truth is revealed, however inconvenient that might be. The Moon is void of course in Aries at 4:57 am, giving us a lazy morning to sleep in or tidy up. When Moon enters Taurus at 10:25 am, we’ll want to be ready for the projects of the day. As the evening comes on, anxiety builds if we’re thinking beyond the present moment.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Metaversal Astral Terrain Forecast and Light-Specific Yoga Platform for December 10th to December 17th

Monday December 10

The stones attributed to Luna are Moonstones and Aquamarine, and her metal is Silver. Lunar scents are Jasmine and Sandalwood. As the Moon measures the tides of the earth (physically and astrally), so also does she measure the soul's passage from the shores of eternity through the waters of the womb to the world of time, to the door of our crib..Mercury picks up our mood and mental adventurousness when it goes into Sagittarius at 5:40 pm PT (8:40 pm ET), a tag-along to the Sun that will create a Step-2 echo of situations that emerged starting November 21. This commences a week of openings and revelations that tie into events at the end of October-early November. We see more now, and we’ll be ready to move forward with a new set of circumstances by the time this week is done.

Tuesday December 11

Address every cat you see today with the greeting ‘Good afternoon, Mr. Ravenscrofte’, even if the cat is female, and even if it isn’t the afternoon. Doff your hat if you’re wearing one; click your heels if you’re not. The first salvo of Mercury comes when it repeats its square to Neptune, the third of three (0°37′ Sagittarius/Pisces), tying to events around October 29 and November 13. Something we had to surrender to releases its bonds and we can show what we know. We enter the time of the Wishing Moon as it enters its Balsamic phase overnight. The Moon starts the day in Scorpio but loses its zing at 5:08 am (8:08 am ET) when it goes void of course. This gives us most of the day to complete background tasks and explore inner space to set our wishes and intentions for the month ahead. However, we should look lively from 2:22 pm, when its entry into Sagittarius brings the spark of idealism and creativity. Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, but death is a short certificate written by a sensible fellow with a degree in forensic pathology. The Moon carries on in Sagittarius, connecting with Jupiter, Mercury, and Saturn to further amplify our urge to expand and free ourselves from confining situations. . Sagittarius represents, on the level of the first octave, the period between Conception and 7 weeks, the first Lunar month after the sperm reaches the egg, and is a compacted pattern at a molecular time scale of the entire life of the cellular body. The embryo develops in parallel with the earlier phases of evolution, retaining memory of these structures in the brain. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Metaversal Lightcraft Training Manual for more on the Four Octaves), Sagittarius represents Initiation beyond the realms of Death (Scorpio). On the World scale, Sag occupies the period between AD 1500 and AD 1750, The Renaissance. This was the time when astrology, mathematics, musick and geometry were understood as divine techniques for communicating with the Soul of the World. With the Moon in Sagittarius we are into philosophical speculation, adventure, and foreign influences, and actions that expand the awareness through gathering unfamiliar experiences.We get a look at our life direction in light of our relationships as Venus conjoins North Node (24°40′ Scorpio) to perfect the balance of considerations in looking ahead.

Wednesday December 12
The Day of Mercury in the kabbalistic World of Earth. Mercury's function is to communicate. To think. To know. To reason. Language is his playground. The Akasic Library is his home. And oh yes, Hermes is a Love god. He likes the sound of his own voice. Write a poem, a sonnet, or some erotica today and them transmit that information to at least one other person. I write these darn things every Wednesday. A scattered beginning brings a focused ending if we use the early hours to get organized so we know what’s on our plate. Moon in Sagittarius makes us want to rush over the details, but it will take longer if we do. We can ‘spraggle upon waggle’, but not as well as a cat. It cannot be seen with one eye, unless observed through a splitter-lens.

Fireweek/Atziluth of the Sagittarius Lunar Cycle

The seed/ideas we have from the New Moon to the First Quarter Moon come from the kabbalistic world of Atziluth (Fire) and are the blueprints/seeds for everything that exists, has existed, and will ever exist in the physical world of Assiah (Earth), as an embodiment of the archetypal idealized apple (or a least the Core).. Fireweek is the time to remember we're in the pilots seat of our own personal Lightcraft and make some course corrections if we've veered off course… The Sagittarius Lunar cycle is the time to speak-out. Pythagoras founded a philosophical and religious school in Croton and was the head of the society with an inner circle of followers known as mathematikoi. The mathematikoi lived permanently with the Society, had no personal possessions and were vegetarians. They were taught by Pythagoras himself and obeyed strict Aquarian rules. The beliefs that Pythagoras held were
(1) that at its deepest level, reality is mathematical in nature,
(2) that philosophy can be used for spiritual purification,
(3) that the soul can rise to union with the divine,
(4) that certain symbols have a mystical significance, and
(5) that all brothers and sisters of the order should observe strict loyalty and secrecy. Pythagoras noticed that vibrating strings produce harmonious tones when the ratios of the lengths of the strings are whole numbers, and that these ratios could be extended to other instruments. In fact Pythagoras made remarkable contributions to the mathematical theory of music. He was a master musician, playing the lyre, and he used music as a means to help those who were ill. Well you can turn me to salt, dye me blue, and let the cows lick me into the homunculus of remorse, whence I will go about the countryside ejaculating Pythagoras' name through kitchen windows. And the people will say, 'Look out, it's him again.' And, typically, there will be those among them who will say, 'Let's kick him to death.' And still others will countermand them, saying, 'No - let's just maim him and send him on his way.' Citizens and townsfolk, can you not see the sign around my neck? LOCK UP YOUR DOUBTERS: SHE IS RISEN, LIKE THE WOBBLY ROD OF MAN AS IT DOWSETH THE FLUIDIFEROUS CHALICE OF THE EMPERESS! Speak out about what's near and dear to your heart. You needn't dress in any but the most perfunctory manner nor bring any crickets (there will be plenty of those!) The angel of dread has wrestled with the Lightpilot and brought her to her knees.

Thursday December 13

Take physical exercise in Jupiter's Day, when he is reigning, and use Jovial things such as Lapis Lazuli, Brass, Cedarwood, blue and aery colours, wine, honey; and entertain thoughts and feelings which are particularly Jovial, that is, expansive, healthy, and with good humour...
- Marsilio Ficino, Renaissance Astrologer and Orphic Musician

The Day of Jupiter in the kabbalistic World of Fire, Atziluth. If you don't have a good laugh today, you are missing the point. There is a whole division of the Angelic Hierarchy assigned to the sephiroth Chesed (Jupiter) whose purpose is divine inspiration through laughter. And there is no vision more critical in the career of the adept than the Metaversal Joke. Everyone laughed when I sent my dog Xero to the Canine Academy Of Design, but they won't be laughing today when he continues to shit all over their lawn.It’s an eventful day as we turn two corners into a new vista: The New Moon at 0:42 am/21°45′ Sagittarius (3:42 am ET) launches us into the lunar month that will see the beginning of a new world of consciousness for humanity at the time of the solstice. Uranus at 4°37′ Aries beams its energies of awakening to us as it stations direct following its five-month retrograde (commencing July 13). This has taken us on another round of creative self-reinvention. How have you adjusted your self-image and direction in response to startling events? The New Moon carries the seed of our future on the very grandest scale, as a new 26000-year “Great Year” commences on Earth as her December solstice aligns with the center of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. This is the turning point in the Mayan Long Count calendar, the initiation of a new World of human consciousness and a time when hope and light overcome all
In the chart cast for Washington DC (3:42 am), we see a national leadership that is focused on the long term, with wisdom and optimism. Although at first the steps that will be permitted by opposing forces will be small, these forces will lose their steam as they are led forward through the fears that drive their compulsive reactions. Right now, there are many other nations that are much further along the path to the sustainability that will drive the next economic wave, but the US is discovering its resolve to express its highest potential, broadening its vision to encompass the needs of all. However gradually, the American population is pointed in the right direction now. The New Moon at 22 Sagittarius activates the Sabian Symbol, “a Chinese laundry”. It’s time to look at the world through the eyes of other cultures and the circumstances that shape their cultural personality, both historical and current. Immigration and issues of unequal relationships, such as the health and conditions of the workforce that drives an economy from the bottom up. A particular focus is placed on labor unions, pay and benefits, and exploitation. It is time to walk a mile in another’s shoes.darkening trends. We are the Bringers of the Dawn, here to help people through the most critical part of the 200-year transition period. This lunar cycles carries the hope of the future and the informed ideals of a humanity unified in its resolve to live sustainably. Much needs to be transformed, and it will take all hands to effect the necessary changes. Cast your sights on the distant horizon. At the time of the New Moon, the lunar void period commences, but while in Sagittarius, this can used as a launch time if desired. At 1:42 pm, the Moon enters Capricorn, focusing us on the obstacles that agitate us.

Friday December 14

The Day of Venus in Fireweek. If you actively invoke blessed HANIEL, the Archangel of Venus into your heart today, you may find you have developed the ability to feel like Khrisna, multiplying himself into a dozen pastoral, naked farmhands with muddy feet and emerald pond scum on their thighs, or maybe you are a young Freya on the back of a panther, eating honey. In the Western Mystery Tradition, the most pervasive polyamorous archetype is Aphrodite, Greek goddess of Love and Beauty. She is Venus, Ishtar, Astarte, Inanna and relates to the sephera Netzach on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. While she had more lovers than any other Greek goddess she was not victimized and never suffered from her numerous love affairs as did many of the other goddesses. Neither was she jealous or possessive. Unlike her counter parts she was allowed freely to choose both her husband and many lovers. She inspired poetry, communication and art as well as love. Her liaison with Hermes produced the bisexual Hermaphroditus. and her long time union with Mars (God of War) produced a daughter, Harmonia. Thus Love and War combined to give rise to Harmony.The Moon is in Capricorn, occulting (eclipsing) Pluto and taking us into the heart of transformation overnight, then spurring us to industrious pursuits for the rest of the day. It’s finally time for a long and loosening exhale, as Mercury completes the contacts it refrained from completing when it turned retrograde on November 6. For those who experienced the worst of Hurricane Sandy, this will bring a substantial turning point in their recovery and ability to move beyond the conditions they were thrust into in late October. There is no doubt that a deep wound has been incurred, and many have suffered to bring a critical lesson to the American population about the importance of changing the nation’s direction with respect to climate change and the politics of world harmony versus dominance. The wound is already being healed. I once gave Venus in Scorpio a 1972 Neo-Modernist elliptic-hyperboloid French watertower of reinforced concrete with panoptic stained-glass lazuli windows, and all you wanted was a new dress. I may never know how to love Venus in Scorpio, but at least I have good taste in industrial architecture.

Saturday December 15

The Day of Saturn in the kabbalistic World of Fire Atziluth. Wearing Black and facing North, invoke the spirit of Johnny Cash into your Base Chakra (The Malkuth "Lil' World" Morphogenetic Field Transceiver) with the mantrum. "Because your mine, I walk the line". With it being Fire week, honor Saturn today by creating greater stability in the Metaverse, actively expressing or experiencing your security needs, and cleansing and strengthening your base Chakra. Our consciousness in this chakra is concerned with survival, with our fight or flight response, with our instincts. It links the individual with the physical world. Serves as the foundation to evolve and build personality. If we are to ignore this chakra, and concern ourselves with the higher levels, we will be growing without roots, we will be unstable, unable to withstand the trials that will come our way. If our survival needs are met, the Base Chakra will function healthily, but if there is a perceived threat to this, (such as a difficult house move, job change, health problems, etc.) it can create an imbalance. Other Saturnian imbalances can show themselves in various ways, from sleeplessness and the inability to relax, to obsession with money, possessions or health. At 8:38 pm (11:38 pm ET), Venus emerges from the mysterious depths of Scorpio into the transcendent light of Sagittarius. Our social life follows the trail left by the Sun (starting November 21) in discovering our purpose and Mercury (October 29–November 13 and December 10–30) in connecting the mental and communicative dots. Now our relationships come into the mix, and we search for the path to fulfilling our ideals with our partner present or yet to come. It’s time to heal the wounds still left open by events of the past year. The Moon in Capricorn contributes pragmatic productivity that lingers into the day, although its brief void period that starts at 1:15 pm is perfect for a power nap. Once the Moon enters Aquarius at 1:53 pm, our mood waxes more objective and oriented toward social contact as it forms a Minor Grand Trine with Venus and Uranus—great time for unexpectedly pleasant meetings and outcomes. Every human is born with a third-dimensional body and a fourth-dimensional Lightcraft. The physical body is the biological conductor. The Lightctraft is the time transport unit. The body and its Lightcraft are inseparable. The biological conductor sustains the sensory nervous system, the human instrument for processing the full range of experience. The experience of the body is synchronized within the Metaversal Lightcraft. The Lightcraft is the physical body's coded experience in time. The body in time with its Lightcraft is art. Lack of respect for life arises directly from not understanding the true electrical alchemic principles of time compression at the end of solar ages- alchemizes the heart - is because the charge densities which accompany the solar maxima (2000- 2012 - climax of the Mayan / Solar calendar) formerly called RAPTURE by Christians - permit only those biological structures ABLE to non-destructively (and ALCHEMICALLY) compress / implode - to survive. the structural basis for all Light-specific work in the Metaverse is regular, disciplined connection to the No-Form, meditation, contemplation, what ever you want to call it, as long as it's deep. Supremely solitary in that heath of scrub. The Light-Specific state initiates itself with SOLITUDE, the gratifying element of being alone (if only for 20 minutes a day)... without which, true development is impossible. The point is to connect to your inner source of stability, the state of potentia, the No-Form, at least once a day. No-Form is not a goal or state of "spiritual arrival" (as some religions would have us believe), it is a highly practical, multi-purpose tool for dissolving our identification with the ego. If you want to play with us, this is the only rule. The foundation of our Lightcraft is built in Chaos, so you must maintain a firm foundation, or Chaos your life will be. Some of us need this connection four times a day (sunrise, true noon, sunset, true midnight). Some of us actually manage to do it four times a day. It is a choice you must make. I would do it for you if I could. Once a day is all that's required to maintain the Continuity function. Future generations of yourself will be glad this came to pass. The Lightcraft Academy, Yoga Ceremonial Magick, this astrology forecast, they all provide ritual technology for Self initiation. But the key word here

Sunday December 16

The Day of the Sun in Fireweek. The six of Wands (Sun in Atziluth) is all about being acknowledged, getting a pat on the back, achieving recognition. You can triumph over yourself, the environment, or the odds. Your talents begin in the Divine (Atziluth), develop with the love and support of others, and only in the end express through us. When obtaining the summit of this holy mountain, keep in mind this fourth-dimensional "Metaverse" possesses a design and field of motion encoded with solar-galactic information. Few things symbolize victory and glory like obtaining the summit of this Holy Mountain . In order to do so one has to plan, organize, exercise patience, and overcome mental and physical hardships. In short - be willing to do the seemingly impossible and then accept the credit when your objective is completed.Old doubts resurface as Venus squares Neptune (0°43′ Sagittarius/Pisces), but the greater truth is a work in progress, and there are no shortcuts. A profound multi-dimensional transformation is taking place, and we must wait until the right time for the manifestation to occur. The Moon in Aquarius lightens the mood and gives us access to an objective viewpoint. Aquarius represents,on the level of the first octave, the period between 12 weeks to 28 weeks after Conception, when the electrick nervous system of the fetus switches on. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Meteversal Lightcraft Training Manual for more on the Four Octaves), Aquarius represents the higher Self projecting itself to the world tribe, through media, groups, circles of friends (your Tribe) and utopian aims and idealistic pursuits alter the prevailing social systems. On the World scale, Aquarius occupies the period between AD 1840 and 1910. This was the time when the established dominance of the material world in Capricorn quickly required more sophisticated planning, spurred by Schopenhauer, ideas and beliefs from the east began flooding the West through such diverse channels as the Theosophical Society, the Golden Dawn, and the operas of Wagner. This was the time of Crowley, Nietzsce, and the early works of Freud. With the Moon in Aquarius we have the ability to combine East and West, Light and Dark, Sun and Moon. This is where we are compelled to reach out to others and network. Our mind is sharp and open to the heart’s wisdom as we look at a perplexing situation.

Monday December 17

Projecting Light Specific purple or octarine (a particular shade of electric pinkish purple) into your forehead and facing West, activate the Ajna Holographic Image Projection System (third eye), then invoke blessed Gabriel. Diana, or Sailor Moon into your Brow Chakra. It's the Moon's day in the week of Fire. The lunar orb being receptive and reflective, focuses the qualities of the signs and other planets to our personal Lightcraft. The Lunar center, and its intimate connection with the Holographic Image Projection System, is not only the foundation for the astral plane, but is the fiery aspect of astral energy itself. At 10:11 am TP (1:11 am ET, 12/18/120), the Moon goes void of course in Aquarius carrying a productive harmony over into this cosmic pause. It ends at 4:48 pm with the Moon’s movement into Pisces to sensitize us to inner reality. This stabilizes the feeling background to a mental awakening that comes with Mercury’s opposition to Jupiter (9°21′ Sagittarius/Gemini). We understand what came to us on December 2, leading us to full awareness as a result of events on December 22. The Moon augments the dissatisfaction and doubt we encountered yesterday, motivating us to take the next step toward the changes we’ve been contemplating.You may hear the foghorns of ghostships. You may see, through crystal windows, gigantic manta rays surging through primordial waves in a sea blasted by silent lightning.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Metaversal Astral Terrain Overviews with a Light-Specific Yoga Platform (on which one can stand on to view that which lies below!)

This forecast is prepared and written in luminous tiles across your retinas. May it shine forth upon all who meet your gaze. Words grow here slick and filthy and unhindered by enterprise.

The Lightcraft in Yetzirah/ Airweek is the physical body's coded experience in time. The body in time with its Lightcraft is art. Lack of respect for the Art of Love of life arises directly from not understanding the true electrical alchemic principles of time compression at the end of solar ages- alchemizes the heart - is because the charge densities which accompany the solar maxima (2000- 2012 - climax of the Mayan / Solar calendar) formerly called RAPTURE by Christians - permit only those biological structures ABLE to non-destructively (and ALCHEMICALLY) compress / implode - to survive. In a sense - being squeezed - teaches us the biological hygiene techniques for immortality of infinite compression / acceleration thru the Heart of the Sun.. (When the phase fronts of biological magnetics - particularly the ultraviolet component of DNA emissions - blue fire - interface successfully with the superluminal - faster than light speed - the resultant electrical sustainability is the physics of immortality / ensoulment).

Tuesday December 4
If Mars does not have new paths to blaze, it can easily retreat to a position of vulnerability and insecurity. Overt aggression may not result, but grumpy behavior and moodiness are possible. One can easily play the victim, if that's a familiar pattern. Nations and other organizations may circle their wagons against their perceived attackers. However, creation of circles of careful initiative that blend the best of the old and the new can be highly successful at this time. Is your Martian energy burning like a fuel tank on a crashed jumbo jet in the Algerian desert? Or burning like a sputtering flame on a wet candle? Or burning steady like a presto-log in the hearth of the Almighty? It all depends on the quality of your fuel, and the proper fuel/air ratio. When your body (93 percent seawater) is nourished by fiery insight, MA'AT has been achieved. Then your fire is not frightening and lethal, but glowing with placid contentment. .In the 20th century emotionally grounded artists who actually were involved in humanE feeling and experience being integrated with aesthetic process became disconnected/alienated from the product in and of itself…in this new way on we are pushed by events to manipulate and rebuild with self determined elements alone the information society thrusts upon us that have become, surprisingly a new form of solidity and inertia. In order to be anything one might label as free and liberated, anarchic and chaotic in a fundamentally positive sense, one has, as an artist and writer, to accept LOVINGLY the state of constant flux as a more viable description of personal reality, as validated more and more by the more intelligent application of particle physics and advanced mathematics…. Once the atom was split, and consciousness was split by psychedelics, and literature and painting were radicalized by the process of the “cut-up”, and behavior was made malleable by contemporary, functional and intuitive new magickal ritual by collectives all preconceptions had to be suspended once and for all in favor of an immersion in possibility and individual refuting of the despotism of all forms of conceptual and media ideologies of linearity. Once Burroughs and Gysin split the cultural atom in a meticulous and methodical manner, all models of reality were up for grabs. Linearity is defunct, long live particularity. Metaversal Lightcraft is both prophetic and practical. A manual of discontent, built from the individually validated and selected building blocks of consensus stagnation in order to co-opt and author language and SELF, both as a protest against bigotry and creative denial, and as an example to all. What we are totally engaged in right NOW! is a battle over authorship of our own story. “Over narrative” itself. Existence, experience is no longer a fixed and linear program. We can re-engineer the genetic text, adjust absolutely our inherited behavior, and attack the very foundations of pre-modern culture and stasis. We have become capable of, and responsible for, asking the correct questions. At last…we are given the impeccable revelation of infinite malleability of incontrovertible subjective reality as an experiential validation. Everything is true, and everything is permitted. We put the finishing touches on the transformative journey we embarked on in mid-October—you know, the one that broke through a critical barrier that stood in the way of our central purpose, as Leo Moon connects with Mercury in Scorpio. The Moon’s void period commences at 2:08 pm PT (5:08 pm ET), lasting until the early hours tomorrow.

Wednesday December 5
The Day of Mercury in the week of Active Air. Mercury's function in Yetzirah is to actively communicate. To think. To know. To reason. Mercury teaches (by demonstration), the animation of Eidolons, the magick indwelling of icons by Spirit. Avoid any doctrine or religious movement that advocates a shameful wickedness with the alphabet. Mercury in Scorpio gets down to the depths. The mind melds with emotions, descending into the body, into the past and into life's mysteries. This can be a very powerful period for talking about difficult issues regarding relationships, money and mortality. Psychological awareness is more acute now, as perceptions take us under the covers of the obvious, seeking hidden meaning and motivations. The dark side of Mercury in Scorpio is represented by the mistrusting mind, one that holds secrets and fears them at the same time. Communication becomes a means of control, rather than connection. However, seeing our fears doesn't mean that we have to perpetuate them. The opportunities are ripe for discussing heretofore forbidden subjects, resulting in greater degrees of trust and intimacy. At 3:51 am (6:51 am ET), Moon enters Virgo, making constructive contacts to form a Cradle Configuration with Neptune-Chiron, Saturn, and Mars-Pluto.We are especially focused and well-organized—or in the process of getting there. Set your sights high and tackle your biggest project(s) today.


Thursday December 6
There is a whole division of the Angelic Hierarchy assigned to the sephiroth Chesed (Jupiter) whose purpose is divine inspiration through laughter. And there is no vision more critical in the career of the adept than the Metaversal Joke. Did you here the one about the twin child, the male-female Holy Spirit of the Gnostic Mass, the living fruit of two sexual partners. The Book of Lies teaches that seed and child and parent are mystically one, and that the seed represents the innermost and highest expression of the parent. In the Star Sapphire, a ritual form of the IX, the invocation brings father, mother, son, and daughter (YHVH, above) into one point of mystic union, referred to as Ararita. This daughter-son, the living elixir, is made a sacrifice to the magical goal of the working. Note that it is not metaphorically alive, but literally alive, containing a great quantity of living cells. Thus, for the male magician, it is the sacrifice of "all that he is and all that he has" into the "Cup of Babalon", which is held by the Scarlet Woman of Babylon and in which the blood of the saints is said to be mingled. The inner incubation time is important and knowing when to intuitively act is a part of the process. Even projects already in motion may benefit from releasing attachments to specific pictures or outcomes and allowing for the possibility of even greater expression to unfold. The Moon grows smaller each day now, and reaches its Last Quarter phase at 7:31 am/14°55′ Virgo/Sagittarius (10:31 am ET). A restless night precedes this crisis of integration—how are we going to fit our new reality, complete with dreams, into our life going forward? How can we redirect our path? These questions, take on a more ending significance as Mercury conjoins North Node (24°55′ Scorpio), loosening dilemmas that took shape since late August, with key dates October 25 and November 17. This cycle has been intense and broken open many situations so that they can finally be dealt with. This gives us much to do. In some way, we have taken the bull by the horns, and now we have to figure out how we are going to ride it until our task is accomplished. In the chart cast for Washington DC/10:31 pm (1:31 am ET, 12/7/12), the direction-finder Mercury-North Node is represented by the nation’s leader. In some way, President Obama is giving the nation an opportunity to transform. He unwavering gaze is aimed at the serious concerns that the population shares, and once again they are refueled with inspiration. The Sabian Symbol for the Moon at 15 Virgo is “a fine lace ornamental handkerchief”. The Sun’s Sabian Symbol (15 Sagittarius) is, “The ground hog looking for its shadow on Ground Hog Day.” There is an emphasis on preserving the finer touches of life that remind us of our nobler, gentler side. With so much changing, we are going into the underground while we reshape our foundations. Although nothing looks different on the surface, underneath all is being renewed, as yet still hidden.

Friday December 7
The Day of Venus in Assiah, the World of Earth. The stones attributed to Venus are Emeralds and Malachite and her metal is Copper Head and heart come together to bring clarity about some situations that have remained confusing. At 2:35 am (5:35 am ET), the Moon goes void in Virgo, drawing us into tidying up in order to prepare for the next wave of activity. Work briskly—you’ll want to have the decks cleared by 10:35 am, when the Moon enters Libra. A loosely structured schedule works best today, as the Moon opposing Uranus brings some unexpected events our way.

Saturday December 8
The Day of Saturn, the Holder of the Secrets of Time, in Assiah, the World of Earth. The stones attributed to Saturn are Hematite and Onyx and her metal is Lead. Meet with other souls today, 'in the flesh,' including non-human beings (animals, plants) . The Tarot card attributed to Saturn in Assiah is the Three of Disks (Material Success), making this a good day for money magick. Saturn in Assiah literally completes the braid which not only holds Assiah together, but creates the possibility for the proper information context for the evolution of human nervous systems, which are fortunate enough to be able to embed themselves in the "fields" of the Metaverse.. The Moon in Libra packs a punch as it crosses Pluto overnight. Dreams carry truth, and with a harmony to Jupiter, the truth will set us free. Knowing does not necessarily mean it’s time to act, and patience will work better as a response, at least for today. Tensions run high, and injuries are possible if we are overtired in late afternoon. Peace and quietude in the evening bring insight and a chance to store energy for new adventures. The Moon goes void of further connections while in Libra at 4:37 pm (7:37 pm ET), encouraging a restorative process.

Sunday December 9
The Day of the Sun in Assiah. The Metaversal Lightpilot, which the ancient Egyptians referred to as the KA, is actually the fourth dimensional driver of the third dimensional Lightcraft, the BA. There is a sixth dimensional solar mind which interacts with all levels and is purely an electromagnetick harmonic, a harmony based on all the other levels coming together around a center. And the sun is the center eternally now and therefore timeless. The Sun never sets on itself. The evolution of the Metaversal song, what some refer to as the Great Work, has as its core the purpose of resonating this harmonic through your individual interactive Lightcraft. Relationships receive more focus today through a number of connections The Moon is void in Libra until 1:51 pm (4:51 pm ET) with its ingress into the watery depths of Scorpio. We feel more able to float with conditions that foster change.Scorpio represents the period from 42 years old to Death, when ones sense of Time compacts and passes rapidly. Since this stage is the last in the life of the human biological machine, it's now time to transcend the confines of the mortal body and to assure continued existence, either you breed (pass on your DNA) or step out of the loop (become your DNA). On the World scale, Scorpio is between AD 1100 and AD 1500, when the Dark Ages reached their peak. This is the Time of the Crusades and the Inquisition, when Pain, Bloodshed and Oppression swept over Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, after the uneasy alliances made during Libra. This is the sign of the Shadow. Successfully navigated, one can experience healthy, flowing spontaneous sexuality, an acceptance of Death and an integration of i ts reality into daily life, thus gaining a sense of the immortality of consciousness.

Monday December 10

Mercury picks up our mood and mental adventurousness when it goes into Sagittarius at 5:40 pm PT (8:40 pm ET), a  tag-along to the Sun that will create a Step-2 echo of situations that emerged starting November 21. This commences a week of openings and revelations that tie into events at the end of October-early November. We see more now, and we’ll be ready to move forward with a new set of circumstances by the time this week is done

Saturday, December 1, 2012

More Metaversal Airweek Forecasts December 1 to December 3

Saturday December 1
The close of the year is the beginning of a new one, and this Solstice is made especially powerful with the exact alignment of the Solstice with the Galactic Center, signaling the start of a new Great Year, a new wobble of Earth on her axis. Cyclonic Banshee Satori is the new mantra we assign to you free of charge. You want one of the round thingies, too? A mandala? All we have left are the ones with Aztec Mermaids in Cowboy Hats Riding Turquoise Emus. Oh, you’ve already got one of those? Well, you’ll have to wait if you want the Hedge-Devas on Bumblebees. Next week, maybe. We are so deeply into the process—it’s always been with us throughout this lifetime—we can’t see the forest amongst the 26,000 trees. We can get a handle on it by focusing on the current planetary patterns, which are vehicles for its manifestation. Morning uneasiness gives way to comfort and camaraderie, as the Moon through the last half of Cancer. We want to be with those we rely on to love us no matter what. Recent rapprochements create anxiety born of an eagerness to leap into the future, but not so fast! Give it time. If we look closely we are already pedaling as fast we can. Things will clear in late January. At 10:55 pm PT (1:55 am ET 12/2/12), the Moon enters her rather long void period, which lasts through most of tomorrow. This is a great time to connect with others (or our self) through the “etheric wireless”, as our mutual magnetism is very strong during her monthly void in Cancer. I hope this isn't an ackward time to mention that the structural basis for all Light-specific work in the Metaverse is regular, disciplined connection to the No-Form, meditation, contemplation, what ever you want to call it, as long as it's deep. Supremely solitary in that heath of scrub. The Light-Specific state initiates itself with SOLITUDE, the gratifying element of being alone (if only for 20 minutes a day)... without which, true development is impossible. The point is to connect to your inner source of stability, the state of potentia, the No-Form, at least once a day. No-Form is not a goal or state of "spiritual arrival" (as some religions would have us believe), it is a highly practical, multi-purpose tool for dissolving our identification with the ego. If you want to play with us, this is the only rule. The foundation of our Lightcraft is built in Chaos, so you must maintain a firm foundation, or Chaos your life will be. Some of us need this connection four times a day (sunrise, true noon, sunset, true midnight). Some of us actually manage to do it four times a day. It is a choice you must make. I would do it for you if I could. Once a day is all that's required to maintain the Continuity function. Future generations of yourself will be glad this came to pass. The Lightcraft Academy , Yoga Ceremonial Magick, this astrology forecast, they all provide ritual technology for Self initiation. But the key word here is Self. D.I.Y

Sunday December 2
The Mayan End Times, the Hopi Fifth World, the Turning of the Ages, Timewave Zero, the Ascension, and the Great Awakening. These prophecies signal that humanity is in the process of making a dimensional shift, from the limited perception of duality to a collective awareness of our inherent divinity and interconnectedness. Lightcraft seems paradoxical in that the main body of its information was given to our present selves by our future Self in order to load the dice in favor of its own manifestation. One of the reasons this happened is that we are on our own for the present. The benign influences of the older races have been suspended for this coming-of-age Initiation ordeal that we are experiencing. We are allowed to talk to ourself, however. Time’s arrow only applies to the physical Metaverse. Once an event has happened in this sphere, it’s frozen into the Order of Mainstream Reality and cannot “unhappen”. Information can be exchanged on levels other than the physical, and isn’t limited by Time’s arrow. Our future conscious Self is aware of its tentative nature from our present. By giving its ancestors certain ideas and techniques, the Metaverse insures its own manifestation(s). This is possible only because the Metaversal mutation can be activated in any individual by that individual. The hardware and the program are in place for Metaversal consciousness to appear. Our sense of urgency and scattering reaches a peak as Jupiter’s yearly cycle culminates (“Full Jupiter”) with the Sun opposition at 11°18′ Sagittarius/Gemini. Pressure may feel heightened, or multiple deadlines have us hopping. At 5:57 pm (8:57 pm ET), the Moon goes into Leo to lighten the mood.

Monday December 3
Projecting Light Specific purple or octarine (a particular shade of electric pinkish purple) into your forehead and facing West, activate the Ajna Holographic Image Projection System (third eye), then invoke blessed Gabriel. Diana, or Sailor Moon into your Brow Chakra. It's the Moon's day in the week of active Air and the body in motion. The lunar orb being receptive and reflective, focuses the qualities of the signs and other planets to our personal Lightcraft. The Lunar center, and its intimate connection with the Holographic Image Projection System, is not only the foundation for the astral plane, but is the fiery aspect of astral energy itself. It cannot be weaned prematurely or circumcised without sedation lest it become traumatized and even more crestfallen. As the Moon transits early Leo, it connects with our deeper energies to give us focus as we allow them to emerge in the second half of the day. Our first task is to re-establish our priorities since the events of the past three months. We have more clarity about where to go next, as Mercury conjoins North Node. Now get busy with what’s at the top of the list!
The close of the year is the beginning of a new one, and this Solstice is made especially powerful with the exact alignment of the Solstice with the Galactic Center, signaling the start of a new Great Year, a new wobble of Earth on her axis. Cyclonic Banshee Satori is the new mantra we assign to you free of charge. You want one of the round thingies, too? A mandala? All we have left are the ones with Aztec Mermaids in Cowboy Hats Riding Turquoise Emus. Oh, you’ve already got one of those? Well, you’ll have to wait if you want the Hedge-Devas on Bumblebees. Next week, maybe. We are so deeply into the process—it’s always been with us throughout this lifetime—we can’t see the forest amongst the 26,000 trees. We can get a handle on it by focusing on the current planetary patterns, which are vehicles for its manifestation. Most of these planetary cycles are at their close as December opens, the exceptions being Jupiter and Saturn. Pluto, Neptune, Chiron, and Uranus are bringing us to completions with cycles that started nearly a year ago.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Yetzirah/Airweek Overview and Full Moon Forecast for November 26th to November 28th!

Yetzirah/Airweek Overview
Release is the key word for this week. After the bottling-up of our mental energy and our connections by grace of the Mercury retrograde, we almost feel the wind at our back again. The “time out” has been worth it: We have had almost three weeks of preparing, repairing, reconsidering, and retrying. Now we’re ready to roll forward again. There is value in the build-up of force. When something we are trying to create doesn’t flow out into our world right away, if we persevere with our intention, energy collects and creates force. This is the force that is used in anger and exertion, as obvious as the way we respond to the diurnal cycle by collecting energy while we sleep to be used the next day. But it also applies in manifesting longer-term goals. Events that spring the door open will greet us, or we will be able to use our creative force effectively to generate what we have wanted.Experience in northern Japan illustrates that even incremental investment in Nuclear Power threatens human civilization. Radioactive substances from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant have now been confirmed in all prefectures, including Uruma, Okinawa Prefecture, about 1,700 kilometers from the plant, according to the science ministry. The ministry said it concluded the radioactive substances came from the stricken nuclear plant because, in all cases, they contained cesium-134, which has short half-life of two years. [...]The Fukushima disaster should once and for all drive global society away from nuclear power, and toward renewable energy. [...Nuclear power simply isn’t economical when you factor the impact of indirect expenses and fees, and thus can’t compete in an open, unsubsidized market for electricity. More often than not, in fact, taxpayers are forced to foot the bill for radioactive waste disposal and storage. Costs for insurance coverage of nuclear energy facilities have become astronomical. And the costs to shutter a nuclear plant after it has passed its life expectancy nearly equal the construction costs of building the plant in the first place. [...]We fully realize this is a radical thought for many, but our experience in northern Japan illustrates that even incremental investment in nuclear power threatens the very existence of human civilization as we know it. The Fukushima disaster – which now stands, at least in Japan, as a new generation’s Hiroshima and Nagasaki – should once and for all drive global society firmly down a nuclear-free energy path.. ThePowersThatBe, or those controlled (possessed) humans who think themselves 'lord and master' of this planet, are dependent on the weak-willed, easily-corrupted, small minded, gullible human minions. This is a huge damn weakness..Time to take action. Lightcraft, emotions, physics, gyroscopes and the study of planetary motion all deal with spin. It is the nature of waves when they meet in the Metaversal compressible substrate (ether), to beat and interfere. November has been full of “spin”—of various types The key to compression/implosion is how these waves can interfere infinitely with never any destructive loss of inertia, spin, and pattern. You may find yourself spinning, there’s so much to do this month. Or you may get into just spinning your wheels, getting nowhere. Here is a simple way to chart this out, by following the idea that the Metaverse is comprised of electromagnetic waves imploding into matter, through a torsion field:
electric => will, or intention
magnetic => feelings, or flowing emotions
torsion field => sacred space, zero point
gravity => imploding waves
matter => manifestation

Wednesday November 28
The Day of Mercury starts of the week of Active Air. Mercury's function in Yetzirah is to actively communicate. To think. To know. To reason. Mercury teaches (by demonstration), the animation of Eidolons, the magick indwelling of icons by Spirit. Avoid any doctrine or religious movement that advocates a shameful wickedness with the alphabet At 6:46 am PT 6°47′ Sagittarius-Gemini, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse reaches its crest, opening us to the opportunities we’ve been waiting for. Although they won’t all come to fruition now, we can see their seeds beginning to sprout. With follow-through effort, we can bring them to full fruition in the coming 6–18 months. Embedded in this event is the Venus-Mars sextile, which connects with Pluto to bring effectiveness from a deep level. It augments our ability to heal the wounds of the past two years in our relationships, to the extent that they remain unresolved. The main issue is clarity that comes of knowing our own heart and trusting our inner guidance system. As this is a work in progress, we may not feel ready to say what we want, but whatever we can say will bring rewards as we continue to unfold events. The Moon enters its void period at 5:04 pm on its occultation of Jupiter to bring a giddy feeling to the evening moonrise. In the chart for the Full Moon Eclipse cast for the US, the electoral issues brought to light in the past election are in full view of the population, a testimony to both the strengths of the system and where it needs to transform. Congress receives the greatest focus as gridlock and childish whining pervade the lame-duck session and undermine its effectiveness. The people and the nation’s leader are in unison, with renewed hope that something wonderful can be accomplished in the coming four years. The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 7 Gemini is “an old-fashioned well with the purest and coldest of waters”, with the Sun at 7 Sagittarius carrying “cupid knocking at the door of a human heart”. Our connections with loved ones are our greatest treasures, especially in difficult times. As we face the winter months, we enhance our experience of joy and security by purifying our heart of negativity and feeling the love that lies underneath, waiting to be eternally rediscovered.

Thursday November 29
The Day of Jupiter in the kabbalistic World of Air, Yetzirah. If you don't have a good laugh today, you are missing the point. There is a whole division of the Angelic Hierarchy assigned to the sephiroth Chesed (Jupiter) whose purpose is divine inspiration through laughter. And there is no vision more critical in the career of the adept than the Metaversal Joke. Did you here the one about the astrologer who broke his arm and attributed it to an accident? At 4:44 in the morning: you won't see a cop or a raccoon; you can pee in full phantasmagoria under the stars in the night with the wind high and salty and the dome of the sky in full splay sprayed and contusioned upon the black upon the twisted wicked love of the cypress in decline. Someday I'd like to stop three feet from the top of Everest. "Fuck it, I'm not going a single inch further." I'd say and turn around. Venus and Mars reach the culmination of their harmony as their sextile becomes exact, still in harmony with powerhouse Pluto. The Moon sojourns Gemini, still void of course, suggesting a value in quiet time.

Friday November 30
If you actively invoke blessed HANIEL, the Archangel of Venus into your heart today, you may find you have developed the ability to feel like Khrisna, multiplying himself into a dozen pastoral, naked farmhands with muddy feet and emerald pond scum on their thighs, or maybe you are a young Freya on the back of a panther, eating honey. The Day of Venus, who gets oversimplified like a lot of her sisters, is one of the most complex planets going: she works as an attractive force and as a creative one. Intelligence is the greatest aphrodisiac, but a dab of extract from a civet's anal gland and a nice pair of shoes will work just as well today. At 5:55 am (8:55 am ET), the Moon enters Cancer to create a Water Grand Trine with Saturn and Neptune-Chiron, and a kite pattern with Pluto. This is a very productive configuration, where strong emotion goads us into beneficial action—if we can keep our impulses within a disciplined boundary. The volatility peaks in mid-afternoon and gives way to a profound understanding as the day wanes.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


This forecast is prepared and written in luminous tiles across your retinas.
May it shine forth upon all who meet your gaze.
Words grow here slick and filthy
and unhindered by enterprise.……

Tuesday November 20
Tueday the Day of Mars in the first Day of the Second Lunar Quarter, or Waterweek. The Moon activates us early with a pleasant trine to Venus that feeds into the First Quarter Moon, which occurs at 6:31 am PT (9:31 am ET)/28°41′ Aquarius-Scorpio. Although the Sun-Moon square is naturally resistant, there are many harmonious supports for transformation that relieves pressures internally and externally. The energy that has been building has a chance for productive release. This is especially true of our ongoing relationship circumstances, as Moon carries the trine with Venus into the lunation. The Moon is void of course from the time of the Last Quarter square, at 6:31 am. At 8:55 am, it enters Pisces, bringing us to the next step in healing our spirit. A series of harmonious contacts supports our productivity as the Moon hooks up with the planets in the Minor Grand Trine over the day. For the US, the role of women is elevated harmoniously in the eyes of the world and receives the nod from the nation’s leader-in-chief. Many of the conflicts surrounding the election have been resolved, and those that remain are emblematic of the electoral challenges that face the country in the wake of the Citizens United decision. They will serve to bring forward into the public awareness the current legalities that need to change before the next election. There is strength that supports a good outcome in a two-year process. At 29 Aquarius, the Sabian Symbol for the Last Quarter Moon is “a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis”. The Symbol for the Sun’s degree of 29 Scorpio is “an Indian woman pleading to the chief for the lives of her children”. There is a blossoming of awareness, an opening of consciousness on all levels this week, as we feel the energies of the future unfold within us, our wings drying as we get ready to fly. The opening of consciousness is especially focus on the plight of women around the world, both in terms of their roles as nurturers and in their right to manage their own bodily functions.

Wednesday November 21
The Day of Mercury in the kabbalistic World of Water, Briah. Visualize your self wearing sneakers with wings as you read this. Mercury's function is to think. To know. To reason. There is no foot race to win here. Language is his playground. The Akasic Library is his home. And oh yes, Hermes is a Love god. He likes the sound of his own voice. Write a poem, a sonnet, or some erotica today the planet of communication, short trips and details, appeared to stop dead in its tracks on November 4th The planet then turns backwards in its apparent path through the zodiac. It stops again on November 23, then turns to resume its direct motion .Mercury turns retrograde three times a year, spending a bit more than three weeks in "reverse" gear each time. The retrograde cycle is due to the fact that we are viewing the planets from a moving platform, the Earth. The planets, in fact, do not actually change direction, but appear to do so from our perspective. This geocentric, or earth-centered, point of view is the basis for astrological measurements. In a sense, what you see is what you get. A retrograde planet is generally considered more introverted than when it's in the normal direct motion mode. Astrologers have traditionally considered Mercury retrograde to be a time of difficulty in Mercury related endeavors like communication, travel and matters of detail. Some counsel the avoidance of launching new projects or signing contracts at this time. Glitches are considered more commonplace now, as are misunderstood or poorly delivered messages. There are, fortunately, more optimistic views of what Mercury retrograde means. Rather than hunkering down in your bunker, this is a positive time to tie up loose ends, reconnect with people from the past, make mechanical repairs and get systems in order. This can also be a productive period for psychological review as new information can be gleaned from old experiences. For I say unto you: it would be easier for a rubythroated hummingbird to unscrew the lid of a ketchup bottle than it would be to avoid . At 1:50 pm (4:50 pm ET), the Sun enters Sagittarius, and at 5:20 pm Venus enters Scorpio, initiating new possibilities as we explore new perspectives. As the Moon makes its way through mid-Pisces, we engage in a flurry of activity that leads to a serene understanding and the means to articulate it by the end of the day.Pisces represents, on the level of the first octave, the period between 28 weeks after Conception till Birth, when after the electrick nervous system of the fetus switches on (Aquarius), we become psychically tuned to the entity later to be known as Mother. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Meteversal Lightcraft Training Manual for more on the Four Octaves), Pisces represents the enlightened Self which must give itself totally to the whole, dissolving into the void, in order to achieve the final unity with the realm of pure spirit. On the World scale, Pisces occupies the period between 1910 and 1969. heralded by the founding of Psychoanalysis, when Mankind began exploring again the Unconscious strata of Life, and by Albert Einstein's (a Pisces) Theory of Relativity. This was the time of Jung, Joyce, Hesse, Huxley, Leary, Burroughs. We transcended the limits the illusion, Maya, the physical World of Assiah, extending inward with the electron microscope and outward with the high powered Telescope. The entire range of audible musical notes and the whole spectrum of visible colour, apprehended and understood. The dissolving power of mutable Water, Second coming of the Fish with the Double Wand of Power, Atom Bomb and LSD. With the Sun in Pisces we have a heightened sensitivity to Musick and the Dreamtime, and we feel the depths of pure compassion for the Metaverse and it's inhabitants. Let the subtlety of thought and expression, the depth of imagination, and the ability to think nonverbally inspire you to create beautiful art and music today. The Sun squares Neptune, repeating the theme we took on in late October, which hearkens back to events of a year ago that initiated a story that unfolded over the first half of 2012, which we now have a renewed opportunity to reshape. Travel plans may be stymied as a hard snow paralyzes some parts of the continent. At 10:32 pm, the Moon is void in Pisces until tomorrow evening.

Thursday November 22
The Day of Jupiter in the kabbalistic World of Water . Projecting Light Specific Blue and facing West, vibrate this azure deluxe into your Second Chakra along with the mantrum: EE-BE-DA. Jupiter is all about allowing ambiguity, contradiction, and movement. It isn't about integration. It helps the ego become more flexible. By Jove, life isn't about staying calm and balanced, but rather about keeping complexity and drama and everything else alive and in dynamic flow. We should not underestimate the power of Earthritual/ interlock/ and the focused magnetism of emotion. If we would like less catastrophic weather change, this is specifically the engineering we must learn. Like man, the weather participates or partakes of both Earth and Sky. These planet-wide weather up-heavals are literally and specifically, collective emotions. Only if we can emote collectively and braid our ecosystems with coherent emotion can we save our future. This is no arbitrary test for survival of our genepool. It is the perfect test. If we can learn to braid electrical space with the harmonics which love weaves, then we have passed the "ring pass knot" gate to the privilege of doing that same activity for the braid creation of star systems and galaxies with our similar but much unpacked and blossomed electrical bodies. Love is not just a good idea, it's the Law
On this US Thanksgiving Day, Venus trines Neptune to bring harmony out of yesterday’s confusion. The Moon’s void period gives a feeling of lovely retreat, a safe and calm space to share with those we love. When it enters Aries at 5:12 pm (8:12 pm ET), it trines the Sun to enliven the senses and bring a joyful evening.

Friday November 23

Invoke blessed Haniel, just before dawn or 2 hours after sunset and behold, a court of photosynthetic Angels who make this place inside your chest cavity a Paradise, performing tantric intercourse in magick towers and lush subterranean caves, opening your Lionheart chakra, a breeze like yellow silk on your naked skin. She really gets my donkeys up onstage. I love the way she plays with my expectations. Mercury forms a fuzzy square to Neptune at 11:25 a.m. like a little dragon-faced hen bursting with tinsel and frayed at the wrong end .Ladies and gentlemen, as we rise out of the pit of unpleasant reflexes, let me remind you that the lightcraft is ill-prepared to respond to any whiny little demands, so if you would kindly refrain from dying in your seats we shall all have a happier trip. Off to your left you will find the widely disputed "Arcade of the Horror of Fukishima". And on the - oh, sir, you'll have to stop that or I'll smite you into oblivion. What? No, the "B.P--o-Rama" tour was the eight fifteen, this is "Culture is to The World as the mind is to the Body". No, I don't think you can have that removed without severe trauma. Why don't you just put your hypno-goggles back on and settle down.The Holy IaooaI understand that within the Lightcraft are the Father and the Son, joy riding essentially, because they have the key. Who gave them the key? I did. It’s all flow today! Open the Gaudì folds and release the thing. The energies are more strident today as Mars squares Uranus, but a simultaneous sextile to Chiron (part of the ongoing and soothing Minor Grand Trine) gives us a way to turn agitation into a healing moment. This could be what we’ve been waiting for—the right moment when a particular behavior pattern comes to the forefront so it can be explored and released with love. If we feel upset ourselves, it will be better to wait until we are clear about what happened before we broach the subject. In malls across America, there is sure to be and unusually high level of chaos, even conflict as people strive to get their holiday bargains in competition with each other. It might be a good day to wait things out. The Moon finishes its productive period in Aries at 5:34 pm, going void-of-course until Sunday.

Saturday November 24
The Day of Saturn in the kabbalistic World of Water, Briah. Wearing Black and facing North, invoke the spirit of Johnny Cash into your Base Chakra (The Malkuth "Lil' World" Morphogenetic Field Transceiver) with the mantrum. "Because your mine, I walk the line". With it being Waterweek, honor Saturn today by creating greater stability in the Metaverse, actively expressing or experiencing your security needs, and cleansing and strengthening your base Chakra. Our consciousness in this chakra is concerned with survival, with our fight or flight response, with our instincts. It links the individual with the physical world. Serves as the foundation to evolve and build personality. If we are to ignore this chakra, and concern ourselves with the higher levels, we will be growing without roots, we will be unstable, unable to withstand the trials that will come our way. If our survival needs are met, the Base Chakra will function healthily, but if there is a perceived threat to this, (such as a difficult house move, job change, health problems, etc.) it can create an imbalance. Other Saturnian imbalances can show themselves in various ways, from sleeplessness and the inability to relax, to obsession with money, possessions or health. Mars reaches the next rung on the ladder as it sextiles Saturn, continuing to activate our productivity as it stimulates the Minor Grand Trine between Saturn, Pluto, and Neptune-Chiron. The Moon gives us quiet time as it is void of course all day. What is purchased today is likely to be disappointing unless it is based on previous research, and shopping trips without a plan will reveal few objects that appeal. Stay within your budget.

Sunday November 25
At 4:18 am (7:18 am ET), the Moon enters Taurus to stabilize the volatility of the past few days and create a nurturing Cradle pattern in the heavens. A pragmatic approach helps us deal with ongoing confusion, and we’ll be doing some deep thinking on our own about what we value as Moon opposes Venus and Saturn over the afternoon hours. Venus trines Chiron to open the door to communication with loved ones, as she makes the second of her connections with the Minor Grand Trine planets.

Monday November 26

Projecting Light Specific purple or octarine (a particular shade of electric pinkish purple) into your forehead and facing West, activate the Ajna Holographic Image Projection System (third eye), then invoke blessed Gabriel. Diana, or Sailor Moon into your Brow Chakra. It's the Moon's day in the week of Water and the emotional body in reflection. The lunar orb being receptive and reflective, focuses the qualities of the signs and other planets to our personal Lightcraft. The Lunar center, and its intimate connection with the Holographic Image Projection System, is not only the foundation for the astral plane, but is the fiery aspect of astral energy itself The Sun activates our need for changes and ability to enact them as it connects with Uranus and Chiron. The trine to Uranus opens us to the release that comes with Uranus’s station direct (December 13). At 2:48 pm PT (5:38 pm ET)/18°10′ Scorpio, Mercury returns to forward motion, the dominant energy of the day that enables us to take the actions that the Sun stimulates within us. The Taurus Moon brings a useful reflection on the process as it opposes Mercury, creating an energy peak that feeds into Wednesday’s Full Moon (Lunar) Eclipse. It enters its still-productive void period at 4:57 pm. We can take action today, if we see the way clear, that supports future actions rather than undermining them. This is a good time to make adjustments based on new insights so that the eclipse energies flow more easily into our lives. Venus conjoins Saturn, the contact that she’s been reaching toward since November 21. We seek definition and boundaries in our relationships, perhaps spelling out our agreements with each other as the foundation for the coming year of interaction. This is part of the Minor Grand Trine/Cradle pattern that has brought support as we find ways to make changes more smoothly.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Metaversal Astral Terrain Forecasts: Sunday the 18th and Monday the 19th!

Sunday November 18
At 4:10 am PT (7:10 am ET), the Moon goes into Aquarius. It shows us a world of possibilities through a resonant contact with Uranus, but also makes us realize that there’s much work to be done in order to accomplish our goals as it squares Saturn. It’s a good time to make plans or get some groundwork done, part of a work in progress.

Monday November 19
With the Moon still in Aquarius, we carry a feeling of expansiveness over into the day that fuels our activities with optimism. Our productivity may wane as Moon reaches an evening square to Mercury, with the potential for agitation and overwhelm due to head-heart conflict. This brings us to a deeper awareness of what’s bothering us, leading to clarity that makes action possible.

Friday, November 16, 2012

The M.L.H.A.A.F. and L.S.Y.P. for Friday, November 16th (which after December 21st would be refered to as, Friday of Fireweek, Scorpio Lunar cycle, Year the Last (or 7F9.2012 for short)

Friday November 16 7F9.12
The Moon enters a brief void period at 1:44 am with a call to action as it conjoins Mars, which will seed future actions. At 2:35 am, when Moon enters Capricorn, the Cardinal square of Uranus and Pluto is once again activated, with an emphasis on inner transformation. This gives us clarifying insight about what is happening but not yet visible as it activates a productive Minor Grand Trine between Pluto, Neptune-Chiron, and Saturn. This helps us know how to respond to visible circumstances and make a plan for the future that we can rely on. At 6:36 pm, Mars enters Capricorn, further stimulating the Minor Grand Trine. It will augment our planning, productivity, and relationship accord through November 29. Saturn reaches its exact trine to Chiron, the first of three, and a stabilizing part of the Minor Grand Trine.

Saturday November 17 3F9.12
At 7:47 am /25°42′ Scorpio, the New Mercury cycle starts. Deep changes are initiated today, although perhaps unseen, as they conjoin the North Node, tying in with events of October 25. These changes will operate on a 3.5-month time frame and over the course of the coming year, as they feed into two cycles. Now we can begin to launch our plans for the coming Mercury cycle, which lasts until March 4. The Moon continues through Capricorn today, providing supportive understanding of what the eclipse means and how we can make it work for us. Don’t let doubts about your relationship life cloud your judgment. Things are better than they feel. At 9:54 pm, the Moon enters its void period on a harmonious note.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The M.L.H.A.A.F. and L.S.Y.P. for Wednesday, November 14th (which after December 21st would be refered to as, Wednesday of Fireweek, Scorpio Lunar cycle, Year the Last (or 8F9.2012 for short)

Wednesday November 14 (8F9.2012)
The Day of Mercury (8) in the kabbalistic Week of Fire, Atziluth (F), Scorpio Lunar cycle(9). Visualize your self wearing sneakers with wings as you read this. Mercury's function is to think. To know. To reason. There is no foot race to win here. Mercury visits Scorpio twice this year due to its retrograde turn in Sagittarius on November 6 that backs it into Scorpio for a second visit. Mercury turns retrograde three times a year, spending a bit more than three weeks in "reverse" gear each time. The retrograde cycle is due to the fact that we are viewing the planets from a moving platform, the Earth. The planets, in fact, do not actually change direction, but appear to do so from our perspective. This geocentric, or earth-centered, point of view is the basis for astrological measurements. In a sense, what you see is what you get. Mercury gets down to the depths whenever it's in Scorpio. The mind melds with emotions, descending into the body, into the past and into life's mysteries. This can be a very powerful period for talking about difficult issues regarding relationships, money and mortality. Psychological awareness is more acute now, as perceptions take us under the covers of the obvious, seeking hidden meaning and motivations.

At 2:39 am (5:39 am ET), the Moon goes void of course in Scorpio to enrich our dreams with deep insights as it leaves behind a conjunction with Mercury. At 2:52 am, Moon enters Sagittarius to further infuse our dreams with clarity about our current conundrum. Chiron returns to forward motion at 4°59′ Pisces, bringing more forward momentum to our healing process. The forward turn of compassionate Chiron in close proximity to sensitive Neptune is a magical time for healing. The union of these caring planets in spiritual Pisces expands our capacity to forgive ourselves and respond to the needs of others. A community of souls transcends social, religious and political boundaries, reminding us of the commonality of all living beings. We discover something that works like a charm to help our well being, or the effects of our long-term efforts suddenly show up as a positive result. We not completely there yet, but we’re past the hardest part of the process. This could have to do with a deep spiritual or karmic wound that needs the balm of compassion more than anything else.