Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Metaversal Libra Lunar Cycle begins September 23rd ...talkin' 'bout Love!

Tuesday September 23
Greetings Crafty Lightpilots, and welcome to the Libra Lunar cycle. The Moon finishes its stay in Virgo and makes its
final aspect of the lunar cycle at 5:15 am , the conjunction with Venus, closing the lunar month on a promise of love.
After a day to relax and reconnoiter, we leap into the new, as Moon enters Libra at 8:59 pm, and we reach the New Moon at 11:14 pm/1°08' Libra.
Encoded in this lunar cycle is Jupiter’s first of three quincunesx to Chiron. It’s important to take care of what
needs healing as we go bravely toward our goals. If we rush, we’ll lose time in backtracking. Although we encounter the
same old issues as before, we have new perspectives, tools, and opportunities to use in resolving them now. That makes
all the difference to what we experience. We feel bolder now, as Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Mercury hold hands to see us
through. In the New Moon chart cast for the US (occurring on September 24 at 2:14 am ET), sudden changes are afoot, and
they come from the highest level, the President. These are usually favorable changes—responses to crisis or natural disaster by
use of executive order, in ways which strengthen the nation and his favorability rating. What I noticed was Obama
raising the safe amount of radioactivity in our drinking water to 250 times it's previous limit (by the way, there is no such thing as a safe amount of radioactivity) The mood of a nation asleep to reality would be buoyed by a false sense of triumph. The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon
is very powerful: “the light of the sixth race transmuted to the seventh.” This suggests the opportunity to transmute
old worn-out solutions in the face of new insights brought on by the evolution of consciousness. Never has there been
more need for such leadership and change. In our own life, we can look for ways to think outside the box regarding
matters that have previously daunted us. Now is not the time to follow convention.

Wednesday September 24
The Day of Mercury in the World/Week of Fire, Atziltuth, during the Libra Lunar cycle. Read from a Holy Book today
(or let the Ape of Thoth help you write your own) Write that letter.
The Moon sojourns through Libra’s mid degrees, and harmoniously conceived action encounters the very obstacles
it is meant to uproot, via contacts to Mars and Pluto.

Thursday September 25
The Day of Jupiter in the World/Week of Fire, Atziltuth, during the Libra Lunar cycle. If you don't have a good laugh
today, you are missing the point. There is a whole division of the Angelic Hierarchy assigned to the sephiroth Chesed
(Jupiter) whose purpose is divine inspiration through laughter. And there is no vision more critical in the career of
the adept than the Metaversal Joke. Did you here the one about the astrologer who broke his arm and attributed it
to an accident?Astonishing events may lead to unexpected good outcomes, as Jupiter trines Uranus for the first of three times. This is very auspicious, but also developmental—we may not see results in this moment. What we see today will work to activate much larger forces of release in the next nine months, initiating a drive toward freedom in society. More people are now able to embrace a vision of the future by letting go of old thoughts, values, and beliefs. The Moon augments this in the very best way, sextiling Jupiter and opposing Uranus to bring a winning perspective.

Friday September 26
The Day of Venus in the World/Week of Fire, Atziltuth, during the Libra Lunar cycle.
Head and heart unite in the dreamworld and take us into the Moon’s void period at 5:39 am (8:39 am ET). This doesn’t last

Friday, September 19, 2014

Metaversal Lightcraft Hyper-Abyssic Astrology Forecast (and Light Specific Yoga Platform) for 9-18th to 9-23rd

Thursday September 18

The Day of Jupiter in the kabbalistic World of Water.Projecting Light Specific Blue and facing West, vibrate this azure
deluxe into your Second Chakra along with the mantrum: EE-BE-DA. Jupiter is all about allowing ambiguity, contradiction,
and movement. It isn't about integration. It helps the ego become more flexible. By Jove, life isn't about staying calm
and balanced, but rather about keeping complexity and drama and everything else alive and in dynamic flow.
After yesterday’s rapidly moving emotional reality, we get a pause to integrate thoughts and feelings.
We feel our connections with others on the inner plane once the Moon goes void at 11:38 am (2:38 pm ET).
We are lifted into the stratosphere when the Moon enters Leo at 8:10 pm; connections with Mars, Jupiter,
and Uranus to light up a Fire Grand Trine are in the offing through Saturday.

Friday September 19

If you actively invoke blessed HANIEL, the Archangel of Venus into your heart today, you may find you have developed the ability to feel like Khrisna, multiplying himself into a dozen pastoral, naked farmhands with muddy feet and emerald pond scum on their thighs, or maybe you are a young Freya on the back of a panther, eating honey. The Day of Venus, who gets oversimplified like a lot of her sisters, is one of the most complex planets going: she works as an attractive force and as a creative one. Intelligence is the greatest aphrodisiac, but a dab of extract from a civet's anal gland and a nice pair of shoes will work just as well today. The Leo Moon’s contact with Mars in Sagittarius forms a trine that is part of a Fire Grand Trine that
completes tomorrow. It’s a good time to enter the realms of possibility and use optimism and confidence to
devise a plan of action to bring it into form. Or maybe it’s just a good day to cut class and go to the beach.

Saturday September 20

The Day of Saturn in the kabbalistic World of Water, Briah. Wearing Black and facing North, invoke the spirit of
Johnny Cash into your Base Chakra (The Malkuth "Lil' World" Morphogenetic Field Transceiver) with the mantrum.
"Because your mine, I walk the line". With it being Waterweek, honor Saturn today by creating greater stability in
the Metaverse, actively expressing or experiencing your security needs, and cleansing and strengthening your base Chakra.
Our consciousness in this chakra is concerned with survival, with our fight or flight response, with our instincts.
It links the individual with the physical world. Serves as the foundation to evolve and build personality. If we are to
ignore this chakra, and concern ourselves with the higher levels, we will be growing without roots, we will be unstable,
unable to withstand the trials that will come our way. If our survival needs are met, the Base Chakra will function
healthily, but if there is a perceived threat to this, (such as a difficult house move, job change, health problems, etc.)
it can create an imbalance. Other Saturnian imbalances can show themselves in various ways, from sleeplessness and the
inability to relax, to obsession with money, possessions or health.Ideas of opportunity and expansion abound, and it’s a
good time to dream about what we want, while we’re in a sanguine mood. Although Saturn tries to get us to see sense, we’re having none of it.
Engaging in evening frivolity is the cure for what ails us. The Moon’s void starting at 9:33 pm gives us
complete freedom to enjoy life (12:33 am Sunday ET). I hope this isn't an ackward time to mention that the structural
basis for all Light-specific work in the Metaverse is regular, disciplined connection to the No-Form, meditation,
contemplation, what ever you want to call it, as long as it's deep. Supremely solitary in that heath of scrub. The
Light-Specific state initiates itself with SOLITUDE, the gratifying element of being alone (if only for 20 minutes a day)... without which, true development is impossible. The point is to connect to your inner source of stability, the state of potentia, the No-Form, at least once a day. No-Form is not a goal or state of "spiritual arrival" (as some religions would have us believe), it is a highly practical, multi-purpose tool for dissolving our identification with the ego. If you want to play with us, this is the only rule. The foundation of our Lightcraft is built in Chaos, so you must maintain a firm foundation, or Chaos your life will be. Some of us need this connection four times a day (sunrise, true noon, sunset, true midnight). Some of us actually manage to do it four times a day. It is a choice you must make. I would do it for you if I could. Once a day is all that's required to maintain the Continuity function. Future generations of yourself will be glad this came to pass. The Lightcraft Academy ,
Yoga Ceremonial Magick, this astrology forecast, they all provide ritual technology for Self initiation. But the key word
here is Self. D.I.Y

Sunday September 21

The Day of the Sun in Briah, the World of Water. The Metaversal Lightpilot, which the ancient Egyptians referred to as
the KA, is actually the fourth dimensional driver of the third dimensional Lightcraft, the BA. There is a sixth
dimensional solar mind which interacts with all levels and is purely an electromagnetick harmonic, a harmony based on
all the other levels coming together around a center. And the sun is the center eternally now and therefore timeless.
The Sun never sets on itself. The evolution of the Metaversal song, what some refer to as the Great Work, has as its
core the purpose of resonating this harmonic through your individual interactive Lightcraft.
At 6:54 am, when the Moon enters Virgo, we feel more desire to accomplish things and get down to business (9:54 am ET).
There’s much to be done. .Virgo represents the period from 13 to 23 years old, when mental growth dominates our
lives and many attend institutes of higher learning. Many binding choices are made and the rules and details of
society are learned. On the World scale Virgo is between 800 BC and AD 400, when classical civilizations like
Greece and Rome flourished, when culture, science, philosophy, politics dominated. By AD 300the Books of the
New Testament were chosen to support the beliefs of the Christians who formed the political organization of the Church.
The naive excepted the surface value, while initiates were forced to hide (occult) their rituals and teachings. Until now.
Even above Earth, there are secrets at the heart of Nature that'd make you laugh till you stopped." How can you believe
in astrology?," angry, drunken Basque separatists have asked me. I tell them that astrology is not a belief system, but
an archetypal, poetic language. I don't ask you if you believe in Japanese. I ask if you speak it. I don't ask you if
you believe in music, I ask if you play it. I happen to speak the heavenly tongue of astrology along with thousands of
other highly intelligent, inspiring, spiritual and even scientific astrologers. If I never have to deal with angry,
drunken Basque separatists who have stolen the Shroud Of Turin again, it'll be too soon. Still, if my destiny is to be
an untransformed seed-cum-manure of a man - or to put it another way - if I can at least be the source of unconscious
friction that triggers another Christ or Buddha's urgency to awaken, then so be it. Fertilize my ego.
This feeling is augmented as Venus sextiles Saturn—by working together, we get everything done. Our ideals outpace our
ability to respond though, as Mars squares Neptune, so sleep well in the knowledge of what’s checked off your list rather than
being anxious in what remains to be done. We’re in the Wishing Moon now, the time when we can choose the seeds we wish to
plant on the new lunar cycle based on where we
feel empty.

Monday September 22

Pluto returns to forward motion (Stationary Direct) at 11°00' Capricorn, ending its 4.5-month retrograde
that commenced on April 14. This allows us to spring into action on an initiative that we’ve been carefully
cultivating since then. We have until early January to wrap things up before the next phase begins.
The Moon in Virgo is a dark moon, a tiny sliver at dawn, reflecting this deep process back to us through a
workable plan. The Sun makes the Libra ingress at 7:29 pm (10:29 pm ET), establishing a new imprint for the next
three months’ activities.The Sun in balanced Libra today feels like being social. Libra represents the period
from 23 to 42 years old, when partnerships are made and balance is sought between others and oneself.
On the World scale Libra is between 400 and 1100 AD, when division of the church and state took over,
and the Dark Ages swept over Europe and Asia. The opposition is symbolic of the fact that in order to emerge
from the unconscious, internal conflicts must be brought out into the light of day. Marriage was the primary
\process through which opposing countries where integrated into a whole. With the Moon in Libra we are aware of
our communal relations, law, justice and balance. The 7th house (Libra) has been called the house of marriage.
The key to the New Aeon of MA'AT is figuring out the new symbol for Libra, as the institution of marriage was
originally designed as a tool by the Church to secure it's future domination. Those that cannot find this new
symbol and perform these symbolic rites on themselves and their tribe, and the whole fabric of material being,
will inherit only the blues, decay, and husks. Think more in terms of partnership and remember, your heart must
be light as a feather.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Metaversal Daily Forecasts for September 9th through September 15th


The Day of Mars in the World/Week of Fire, Atziltuth. Dynamic Activity (the Martial Arts, Ecstatic Dance, etc) is what
our Mars wants! Mars is quite at home in Scorpio now, as it used to be the signs ruler, before the discovery of Pluto.
We are spurred to action, and it will turn out well, as Moon trines Mars before leaving Pisces behind.
Although Moon goes void at 12:09 pm (3:09 pm ET), we can still gain fruits from our actions taken during the
void period. At 4:33 pm, the Moon’s entry into Aries strengthens our initiative as well as our optimism.
Rock out with your Aries Moon out, so to speak. Meanwhile, Mercury squares the nearly direct Pluto, now beaming its rays
of change into our lives in vivid color. It’s time to revise our plans to make sure we achieve our overall goal—don’t get
lost in a short-range view and gloss over what needs to happen.

The Day of Mercury in the World/Week of Fire, Atziltuth, during the Virgo Lunar cycle. Read from a Holy Book today (or let the Ape of Thoth help you write your own)When Venus opposes Neptune today, we experience a fertile separation from others in order to correct our p riorities. Don’t be afraid to admit you made a mistake. Mercury’s sextile to Jupiter favors the best of outcomes. The midday is very
favorable for agreements. The Moon will keep us on our toes however, as its transit of Aries takes us through the
litany of reasons why we should and should not act. The Moon gives us respite when it goes void at 5:58 pm (8:58 pm ET),
occulting Uranus in the process. Ahhhhh, feel the energy of awakening pervade our perspective, lifting us into the realms
of possibility for a night and a day.

The Day of Jupiter in the World/Week of Fire, Atziltuth, during the Virgo Lunar cycle. If you don't have a good laugh
today, you are missing the point. There is a whole division of the Angelic Hierarchy assigned to the sephiroth Chesed
(Jupiter) whose purpose is divine inspiration through laughter. And there is no vision more critical in the career of
the adept than the Metaversal Joke. Did you here the one about the astrologer who broke his arm and attributed it
to an accident? The Sun sextiles Saturn, an opportunity to re-jig our plans as we examine how far we’ve come in
fulfilling our plans for restructuring our life to bring more emotional satisfaction our way. We have two more months
until the next Saturn cycle begins. Moon is void all day in Aries, until it enters Taurus at 6:17 pm (9:17 pm ET), making this a good day for completing unfinished tasks.

The Day of Venus in the World/Week of Fire, Atziltuth, during the Virgo Lunar cycle.
Our words may not flow in the “right” direction today, nor will those of others, as Mercury quincunxes Chiron.
This may not be as unfortunate as it sounds—new healing doors are being opened. The Moon fills in a beautiful Kite
and Earth Grand Trine pattern over the day, leading to an outpouring of activity as we eagerly embrace the
opportunities that are created. We won’t get it all done today.

The Day of Saturn in the World/Week of Fire, Atziltuth, during the Virgo Lunar cycle.
Startling thoughts and words abound as Mercury opposes Uranus. We may be both inspired and reactive. Fortunately, we have the Moon still in Taurus to steady our hands and feet as we leap forward. We feel another giant whoosh blasting us skyward as Mars enters Sagittarius at 2:57 pm (5:57 pm ET). The Moon gives us a day-long void period from 6:31 am until 11:26 pm with its entry into Gemini. The void shouldn’t dampen our spirits or our drive to act while the Moon is in Taurus, its exaltation Sign. Then the Moon in Gemini encounters Mars for a late-night thrill. Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow at 16°46' Libra prior to retrograding on October 4. This is the day to increase our observation of our words, thoughts, and connections with others—they are seeds that will sprout in the coming weeks and months.

The Day of the Sun in the World/Week of Fire, Atziltuth, during the Virgo Lunar cycle.
It’s like sliding into home base as Venus trines Pluto to smoothe the way to deep relationship harmony.
It’s been a good week for love and camaraderie, which peaks today. The Gemini Moon encounters a bevy of connections
that affect our sense of direction, as we incorporate new relationship goals into the opportunity mix. It’s a heady,
bubbly mix of energies.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Metaversal Full Moon in Pisces Report

Monday September 8
We start to feel the urge to take sudden action as the Sun quincunxes Uranus, but a lack of clarity
suggests a more deliberate approach. This urge is augmented by the Full Moon, which reaches culmination
at 6:38 pm/16°19′ Pisces-Virgo (Also signifies the beginning of Airweek). This picks up the energy of yesterday’s
Full Chiron event, so the healing theme of this solar month is in full focus now. Though our attention is drawn inward,
the clearing of old blocked energies that results will open us up to much greater inspiration and productivity in the
weeks VThe Moon in Pisces remains quite useful (even brilliant) in helping us realize our dreams through action.
Pisces represents, on the level of the first octave, the period between 28 weeks after Conception till Birth, when after
the electrick nervous system of the fetus switches on (Aquarius), we become psychically tuned to the entity later to be
known as Mother. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Meteversal Lightcraft Training Manual for more on
the Four Octaves), Pisces represents the enlightened Self which must give itself totally to the whole, dissolving into the void,
in order to achieve the final unity with the realm of pure spirit. On the World scale, Pisces occupies the period between 1910 and 1969.
heralded by the founding of Psychoanalysis, when Mankind began exploring again the Unconscious strata of Life, and by Albert Einstein's
(a Pisces) Theory of Relativity. This was the time of Jung, Joyce, Hesse, Huxley, Leary, Burroughs. We transcended the limits the illusion,
Maya, the physical World of Assiah, extending inward with the electron microscope and outward with the high powered
Telescope. The entire range of audible musical notes and the whole spectrum of visible colour, apprehended and understood.
The dissolving power of mutable Water, Second coming of the Fish with the Double Wand of Power, Atom Bomb and LSD.
With the Moon in Pisces we have a heightened sensitivity to Musick and the Dreamtime, and we feel the depths of pure
compassion for the Metaverse and it's inhabitants. Let the subtlety of thought and expression, the depth of imagination,
and the ability to think nonverbally inspire you to create beautiful art and music today In the US, all eyes are turned
toward what is happening in the conflict zones around the world. Hidden negotiations have their success, while the whiners in Congress
do their best to paint an unfavorable picture of these results as the elections loom closer. The President is strong as he stays
focused on managing the crises. The Full Moon’s Sabian Symbols are: For the Moon, “an Easter promenade”;
and for the Sun, “a volcanic eruption bringing dust clouds, flowing lava, earth rumblings”. This suggests a focus on
the contrast between inner truth and outward appearances, which provides leverage for transformation and healing.
The civilizing forces of celebration and artistry contrast with the destructive force of conflict to show the way to

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Metaversal Daily Hyper-Abyssic Astrology Forecast for September 1st to September 5th

Monday September 1
Sustaining strength carries us forward as the Moon completes its transit of Scorpio,
ensuring that we got through the obstacle course in our relationships that came up a week ago.
At 8:40 am PT (11:40 am ET), the Moon gives us a brief interlude to integrate this process as enters its
void period. Our initiatives can be reawakened with its movement into Sagittarius at 10:17 am. The Cardinal
drive to move forward is reactivated when Mercury enters Libra at 10:38 pm.

Tuesday September 2
At 4:11 am PT/9°55' Sagittarius-Virgo, the Moon squares the Sun, the First Quarter lunation and the start of Waterweek.
This opening Sun-Moon square is the time when the magic of setting our intentions toward specific goals is
most powerful. There’s nothing to impede our progress once we pass the static of the square, as the Moon
makes a Fire Grand Trine with opportunity planets Jupiter and Uranus. These energies will propel us forward
throughout the week ahead. Use logic and organization to enhance your results. In the lunation chart cast for the US
capital, we see the energy of the people turned toward industry. It’s the day after Labor Day, when the educational
year begins in earnest and logic rules. This also opens the final run up to the mid-term elections, where a potential
upset in the balance of power is brewing. The key events of the week are found on the home front, where weather,
global warming, and the acts of industry are front and center. The people’s awareness of the costs of corporate
greed is growing by leaps and bounds, while some are dazzled by what glitters. The Sabian Symbols for the First Quarter Sun-Moon square are: “a theatrical representation of a golden haired goddess of opportunity” (the Moon); and for the Sun, “two heads looking out and beyond the shadows”. Both symbols speak of possibilities, the opportunities that lie in the unknowns of the future. What we put our focus on in the coming week is what we add energy toward creating, even beyond this lunar cycle. Archetypal energies, such as those found more readily in myth and story, can be used to empower us in our journey toward what we want.

Wednesday September 3
The Day of Mercury in the kabbalistic World of Water, Briah. Mercury's function is to communicate. To think. To know.
To reason. Language is his playground. The Akasic Library is his home. And oh yes, Hermes is a Love god. He likes the
sound of his own voice. Write a poem, a sonnet, or some erotica today and them transmit that information to at least
one other person. I write these darn things every Wednesday. Mercury teaches (by demonstration), the animation of
Eidolons, the magick indwelling of icons by Spirit. The Sun trines Pluto today, alerting us to the fact that Pluto is about to go direct. We have an open portal now to ramp up the transformations that will lead us to our long-term goals. The Moon continues in Sagittarius, bringing joy and optimism that carries us through, even as the Moon goes void at 11:06 am (2:06 pm ET). This gives way to deeper analysis once the Moon makes its way into Capricorn at 3:15 pm, as it heads into an evening square to Mercury.

Thursday September 4
The Day of Jupiter in the kabbalistic World of Water.Projecting Light Specific Blue and facing West, vibrate this azure deluxe into your Second Chakra along with the mantrum: EE-BE-DA. Jupiter is all about allowing ambiguity, contradiction, and movement. It isn't about integration. It helps the ego become more flexible. By Jove, life isn't about staying calm and balanced, but rather about keeping complexity and drama and everything else alive and in dynamic flow Jupiter is the largest of all the true planets, its mass greater than the rest of them combined. Astrologically, Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth and optimism. Known as "The Greater Benefic," it symbolizes good luck and fortune. In the ancient Indian language Sanskrit Jupiter is called "guru" or teacher. This fits its association with the higher mind, philosophy, truth and religion. Perhaps Jupiter's good fortune derives from the larger perspective it provides on life in general and our own circumstances. Leo symbolizes individual expression and creativity. Jupiter's presence in this bold sign emphasizes the power of one person to make a statement that will be heard by the world. The capacity to get people to stand up and take notice is likely to be expanded during this entertaining and dramatic time. Jupiter's pursuit of meaning can be enhanced by taking personal risks and an opening of the heart, with which the sign Leo is associated. The negative side of this transit, however, can be excessive glorification of the ego. Pride in self is healthy, but boundless pride is a blinding light that darkens, rather than illuminates. The Moon runs the Capricorn course today. We can jump in with action, as harmonies to the Sun and Saturn enhance effectiveness and good outcomes. Capricorn represents, on the level of the first octave, the period between 7 weeks until 12 weeks after Conception, when the embryo becomes a fetus, and the sex and physical appearance are determined. The body takes form through it's skeletal system. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Metaversal Lightcraft Training Manual for more on the Four Octaves), Capricorn represents the integration and structuring of the higher perceptions of the Self in the World on a practical level. On the World scale, Capricorn occupies the period between AD 1750 and AD 1840. This was the time when the ideology of Sagittarius was translated into material form. Humanity evinced a superiority over the forces of nature, and the Industrial revolution began. Romanticism surrounded the likes of Shelly, Goethe, Byron, and Chopin, reacting to the cold prevailing mechanistic World view. Rudolph Steiner said that the human being is created, and destined to be, a self-defining creature. Are we slightly higher than monkeys or slightly lower than angels? Good old fashion hard work yields the answer. Monkeys and Angels are set to grind corn with the Sun in Capricorn. Tackle those long term projects and remember, the Mountain must be tackled one step at a time.

Friday September 5
Invoke blessed Haniel, just before dawn or 2 hours after sunset and behold, a court of photosynthetic Angels who make
this place inside your chest cavity a Paradise, performing tantric intercourse in magick towers and lush subterranean
caves, opening your Lionheart chakra, a breeze like yellow silk on your naked skin. She really gets my donkeys up
onstage. I love the way she plays with my expectations. Like a little dragon-faced hen bursting with tinsel and frayed at
the wrong end. While Jupiter is in Leo, it makes three quincunxes to Pluto, and the first one is today. This is part of a yod that
formed on August 14 when Jupiter made the other supporting quincunx to Neptune. We can use our dreams to further our
long-term processes of change, but it is best not to leap too soon, as Jupiter may want to do. Let things mature and
come to you. Venus enters Virgo at 10:07 am (1:07 pm ET), steadying our perspective on love and increasing our
appreciation of the little things we do for each other. The Moon finds harmony with Mars before entering its void period
in Capricorn at 8:08 am. We have a day to collect our forces, until Moon enters Aquarius at 4:59 pm.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014