Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Earthweek Forecast: May 24 to June 1

At 0:40 am, the Moon goes void of course, a condition that lasts until 5:24 am when she enters Pisces. Moon in Pisces reminds us that we are on an infinite journey, ever leaving, ever returning. Where have we been? And who are we? We are a raindrop. We are the ocean. As warm jets, we are two fishes swimming in opposite directions, symbolizes the imperative to integrate two dimensions - the finite and the infinite. Neptune, which rules Pisces, was the mythic God of the Sea; he is associated with the swells of emotion and the vast mysteries of the collective unconscious. In the modern Western world, this is largely misunderstood territory. Chickadees have been known to fornicate with badgers here, for christsakes. The beneficial effects of the Piscean hormone melatonin have been part of the health supplement scene for some time, for high melatonin production is known to be synonymous with a high immune system, a low cancer risk, long life, energy, stamina, and according to many, enhanced spiritual awareness. Perhaps it is fitting then that this hormone is secreted by the pineal gland, a mysterious little item long believed by mystics to be the "Seat of the Soul," "Me Third Eye," and the organ through which psychic powers are exercised. In fact, it actually functions as an organ of sight in some reptiles, and it still seems to possess some sensitivity to light in higher mammals, since melatonin production increases when the person is exposed to darkness (thus melatonin means "night worker!") High melatonin production thereby increases the facility for receiving and transmitting high-frequency cosmic and local broadcasts, and leads to a greater state of cosmic awareness - a state simply of ’knowing.’ In this regard, it is interesting to note that the Pineal Third Eye has been found to contain very fine granular particles, rather like the crystals in a wireless receiving set. Many magical rites and meditation techniques are aimed at gaining control of this organ and the fluid it produces: Veering at the mercy of decadent thighs, In billowing abandonment, A serpent dancing on the coy derrière, A baton in the bawdy dunes Our overnight experience leaves us sanguine with the Moon’s sextile to Jupiter, and the relaxed energy continues as the Moon blends nicely with Neptune and Pluto. The Sun’s sextile to Uranus gives us more perspective on what choices our most recent awakenings are bringing to us. At 11:52 am/3°16′ Pisces, the Moon reaches its Last Quarter square to the Sun, starting off Earthweek, the closing lunation event of the Taurus Luinar cycle. For the coming week, we’ll play out the integration and assimilation of all that has transformed us during May. In this chart, the Moon is “confined” by Chiron and Neptune, suggesting that we could feel limited by circumstances from the past to which we must surrender for the moment. There is the promise, however, of many good things to come. In the chart cast for Washington DC, big events are afoot that carry a deeper impact than usual because they tie into the Solar Eclipse coming next week. Foreign powers are using their economic leverage to manipulate the nation’s global policy, as weakness in production and manufacturing and weather extremes continue to undermine stability. President Obama handles it all well, with objectivity and equanimity. Events now will leave a bigger than usual imprint on us.The Last Quarter Moon’s Sabian Symbol (4 Pisces) states, “The narrow isthmus between two summer resorts, both sparkling with life, carries crowded holiday traffic safely.” [Jones] Even though uncertainty and obstacles may be part of our lives right now, we need only raise our eyes to the longer range goals and the fulfillment that lies not too far off. It’s in sight now—don’t give up.

The Day of Mercury in Assiah. Mercury generally excels at flexibility, but Taurus is arguably the least flexible of all the signs. We may find ourselves digging in and taking rigid positions when opposed by different ideas, concepts or facts at this time. It's vital that we not lose our ability to stay open-minded to overcome Taurean resistance to whatever is new or different. Ideally, Mercury in Taurus connects us with the earthy realities that will nurture the growth and development of our ideas. Taurus offers a rich soil of values and commitment that can provide resources to carry thoughts from conception to birth. Slow, careful conversations enable us to consider alternatives without ever losing sight of fundamental values and underlying practical issues. The Moon in Pisces opens us to joy and light as it reconnects Mars, Venus, and Mercury over the morning hours. Although it goes void of course at 11:15 am, it is still useful for our enterprises, since it is in a Jupiter-ruled sign. That’s a good thing, because the Moon is in the void zone until tea time tomorrow.

The Day of Jupiter in Assiah finds Jove in Aries. The planet of wisdom in this pioneering and spontaneous sign favors originality and shoot-from-the-hip thinking. This is a time when lightning bolts of intuition provide glimpses of the future that will spur innovation. It’s an opportunity to step out of the limits of the past and come up with new solutions for the future. Aries is a sign of immediate action so philosophical Jupiter is not going to linger in a world of wooly concepts. An urgency to put insights into practice creates quick opportunities for breakthrough changes yet impulsiveness can also produce big mistakes. The Moon continues its void-of-course transit of late Pisces most of the day. Luna enters Aries at 5:14 p.m. all full of piss and vinegar Giant maple keys will come spiralling from the sky to cut off the heads of the Evil Ones and delight the children. With no contacts today, we get time to assimilate what has gone before. Enjoy!

The Aries Moon reaches the cardinal heavy hitters over the day—Uranus, Pluto, and Saturn. This brings out our most significant challenges of the moment, but chances are good that they are not as urgent right now, perhaps even on the road to being resolved. Look for opportunities as the Moon sextiles the Sun. We’re gaining wisdom.

Once it’s over, it’s over, and the planets’ heyday in Aries is certainly past. This gives us a day of unfettered activity as we apply ourselves to our favorite projects with no new fires to put out—there are no planetary connections today.

Sweet. The Day of the Sun in Assiah and the Solar Center of our system is in Gemini. The Twins represent the ability to detach ourselves from the environment to see it more objectively. All the air signs (libra and Aquarius are the others) are about breathing room with which to better observe and comment on the world around us. The Moon goes void after its conjunction to Jupiter in Aries while we sleep, at 3:28 am. If you’re still partying by then, it’s time to go to bed. At 6:02 am, the Moon enters Taurus and finds where all the planets have been hiding. With a sextile to Neptune and a trine to Pluto to smooth our path, today promises to flow evenly toward our desired conclusions.

Monday, May 16, 2011

May 16 - 18 Scorpio Full Moon Window

Monday May 16
At 2:25 am PDT/0°34′ Taurus, Mercury catches Venus and drops a message in her inbox. It’s quite a packet. With so much to say, perhaps little will be said but much will be meant. Forgiveness is the best remedy when the heart is in the right place. The Moon is in stealth mode today, gliding silently through Scorpio with no contacts..Ladies and gentlemen, as we rise out of the pit of unpleasant Scorpio reflexes, let me remind you that the lightcraft is ill-prepared to respond to any whiny little demands, so if you would kindly refrain from dying in your seats we shall all have a happier trip. Off to your left you will find the widely disputed "Arcade of the Horror of Fukishima". And on the - oh, sir, you'll have to stop that or I'll smite you into oblivion. What? No, the "B.P--o-Rama" tour was the eight fifteen, this is "Culture is to The World as the mind is to the Body". No, I don't think you can have that removed without severe trauma. Why don't you just put your hypno-goggles back on and settle down.The Holy IaooaI understand that within the Lightcraft are the Father and the Son, joy riding essentially, because they have the key. Who gave them the key? I did. It’s all flow today! Open the Gaudì folds and release the thing.

3rd Quarter Moon
May 17- May 24

The Lightcraft in Yetzirah/ Airweek is the physical body's coded experience in time. The body in time with its Lightcraft is art. Lack of respect for the Art of Love of life arises directly from not understanding the true electrical alchemic principles of time compression at the end of solar ages- alchemizes the heart - is because the charge densities which accompany the solar maxima (2000- 2012 - climax of the Mayan / Solar calendar) formerly called RAPTURE by Christians - permit only those biological structures ABLE to non-destructively (and ALCHEMICALLY) compress / implode - to survive. In a sense - being squeezed - teaches us the biological hygiene techniques for immortality of infinite compression / acceleration thru the Heart of the Sun.. (When the phase fronts of biological magnetics - particularly the ultraviolet component of DNA emissions - blue fire - interface successfully with the superluminal - faster than light speed - the resultant electrical sustainability is the physics of immortality / ensoulment).This will also be felt in the political arena and bodes well for resolution of long-term differences with a nation that has been alienated from the US. Well, the monsters are up to something. They’re bombing the New Madrid Fault Line and they’ve got the new and improved dead guy as a rallying point for the in house Al Qaeda dirty bomb squad, courtesy of Mossad and the CIA, WHO WERE THE AUTHORS OF 9/11, 7/7 (help from MI6) and the Madrid Train Station; not to be confused with the New Madrid Fault line. It’s just going to be something along the lines of wondering what these motherfuckers are going to get up to next. There used to be these old psychological tests, which are different from the psychological tortures that replaced them. One question was about a bear in a field under a tree. Did you try to make your way around the bear? Did you wait in the woods until the bear left? Or did you march forward and confront the bear? The bear can personify the libido or the sum of your fears; possibly the two are connected (grin) or the bear can represent evil. So there’s another possibility; you go back the way you came and wait for the bear to die of old age, because the bear actually symbolizes evil and as we know, evil eventually destroys itself, possibly once it has run out of everything else to destroy. Please pardon the sarcasm. The most heartbreaking sign of full on disaster ahead is the mind numbing stupidity of a significant portion of the public, which was unable, across the course of ten years, to suss out that Bin Laden had already been dead all that time. The New York Times, famous for “all the news that Israel wants printed” has been lowering the bar for awhile and has now gone into an unlearning curve that resembles the stock market graph for 1929. The public just dug a trench under the limbo bar of lowered expectations and is now tunneling its way to China in search of daylight. On the plus side, understanding Chinese has got to be easier than understanding government doublespeak. How does it happen? How does it work? The whole government is lying and everyone reporting the news- distinguished journalists all –are lying. Businesses are lying. Corporations are lying. The courts and enforcement agencies are lying. Educators are lying. Religious leaders are lying. Lies should be and are currency. This is how the rich have gotten so much richer. The lies have gotten infinitesimally larger. They’ve worth more even though the money is worth less or nothing at all but all of that, like the stock market rests largely on belief and that explains how important the lies are. I struggle to imagine how such a number of the public; tens of millions of people can have reached a level of Dumb and Dumber that definitely doesn’t need a laugh track. We know who’s laughing; who wrote the copy that gives them such a chuckle. After giving contradictory versions of events for two days following the killing of terrror mastermind Osama bin Laden, including misidentifying which of his sons was killed and wrongly saying bin Laden's wife died in gunfire, the White House Tuesday said bin Laden was unarmed when Navy SEALs burst into his room and shot him to death. Over two days, the White House has offered contradictory versions of events, including misidentifying which of bin Laden's sons was killed and wrongly saying bin Laden's wife died in gunfire, as it tries to sort through what the president's press secretary called the "fog of combat" and produce an accurate account.I just have to say this while all the talking heads in intelligence and in the military are saying it is legal. Even some members of congress are saying it was lawful. The truth is it legal,lawful and constitutional? The answer it is no to all three. If Osama Bin Laden was the culprit of Sept 11, 2001 as the politicians say. The facts speak for themselves that there was no evidence Osama Bin Laden was behind the attacks on the Sept 11th. Osama was the villain they used to sell fear and the police state to the American people. Was it necessary to spend trillions of dollars and needless deaths of American soldiers with no declaration of war from congress? If Bin Laden was the villain without a reasonable doubt. Was there is more effective way to deal with it without committing trillions of dollars and soldiers? Yes there was. Back in 2001.Legislation was introduced by Congressmen Ron Paul from Texas was the constitutional way to deal with people who pose a threat to the security of its American citizens without putting our military in harms way. If Osama Bin Laden was the mastermind behind Sept 11th attacks.Congressmen Ron Paul introduced legislation granting a Letter of Marque and Reprisal as a solution dealing with international terrorism.The same congressmen advocated is the same letter of Marque dealing with the Somali pirates. That was the constitutional way for dealing with a problem with people who pose a threat to the safety of the American people. Congress declaring war is for dealing with nations whom attack us and and Letters of Marque and Reprisals deal with international criminals who attack the American people.To give an example is piracy on the high seas. Congressmen Ron Paul exposed the whole fraud of the War on Terror introducing legislation suggesting implementing Letters of Marque. This war on terror was for the Military Industrial complex to drop bombs on sovereign nation that never attacked us. The use of unmanned drones killing people who are suspected terrorist all violate international laws. The President can not declare no one an enemy combatant or mark someone for assassination at his discretion. There has to be a legal process where Congress and the President. That has to be granting letters of Marque voted by both houses in congress signed by the President to become legal.That is the only legal and constitutional way to deal with people(Pirates) who are threats to the safety of the people of the United States. Osama Bin Laden guilty or innocent. His capture or killing was illegal because their was no letters of Marque granting giving the authority for the government to go after this man.There was not. If they were serious about dealing with him. They would have went the legal process under the Constitution. Countless lives innocent and in our armed forces died over this fraud called the War on Terror that only enriched the people who make the bombs and bullets.Osama was the fable they used to sell us this war and the police state. If the leader of Al Quada was behind all these attacks and now we have for people claiming to be desiring to kill Americans in retaliation of killing Osama Bin Laden. Instead of people sticking their hands down our pants and sending our sons off to war in a distant hostile land . Let propose Letters of Marque putting out a bounty on these people instead committing billions of dollars and young lives off to war.Then the fable to expose the fraud of this war on Terror will be seen....

Tuesday May 17
The Day of Mars starts off Airweek. Mars hasn't always been a god of War. More
powerfully cool to blast ejaculations of dragonbreath fireballs at the mainstream media charade, to shoot fireworks out the business ends of elf flamethrowers at the fleeing asses of slum lords and their hired thugs, and neo-conservative goons. Our failure or unwillingness to alter our ways, our inability or refusal to change the direction of this nation and the continued indifference or complicity to the plight of billions has unmasked us all. A key to success now is to be solidly rooted before reaching out in a new direction. When Mars in Taurus has its feet on the ground, there is no limit as to how far it can go. It is motivated not by hunger, fear or desire. It is motivated by the joy of building, creating and the intrinsic joy of the work itself. Taking pleasure in your job not only makes life nicer, but can make you much more productive. All is revealed as the Moon reaches its opposition to the Sun, the Full Moon at 4:09 am/26°13′ Scorpio. Well, as much as can be considering the nature of Scorpio. Don’t mistake lack of openness for coldness—at the root of Scorpio’s reticence is sensitivity. Approach gently, and you’ll be amazed at the response. Action now requires faith in the outcome, because the Full Moon also opens the door to the Moon’s void period. This means that conditions will change by the time we figure out what’s going on and how we want to respond to the revelations. We feel momentum once the Moon enters Sagittarius at 10:22 am, but a square to Neptune brings the hesitation needed to allow more pieces to fall into place. The clarity that results leads to sudden plot twists later in the day. Don’t for a minute think that these are random events; they have been in the works for months (maybe years), and they are culminating in the “long now” that constitutes our new beginning.In the US, it’s all about the people and how we care for them, especially the aged and disadvantaged. Those in power in the House continue their posturing, while the sages in the Senate patiently wait them out. Emphasis goes to the jobs picture, which is receiving more attention these days. The outlook is still cloudy but more attention will eventually lead to more solutions. Industrial toxicity rises as a concern.The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon degree of 27 Scorpio is, “Scintillating with the flash of the instruments and the colors of the banners and uniforms, a military band is marching.” [Jones] There is power in numbers, and we get a chance to reevaluate who we align ourselves with now. Do those we adhere to share our deepest values, or is our allegiance based on habit and appearance, the enticement of a catchy phrase or flashy slogan? As the truth emerges, many will be shifting their affiliations.

Wednesday May 18
The Day of Mercury in the week of Active Air . Earthy Taurus offers a sturdy environment for speedy Mercury, the planet of communication. This period is one in which solid values, concrete ideas and practical perspectives are likely to take on greater significance for all of us. Mercury generally excels at flexibility, but Taurus is arguably the least flexible of all the signs. We may find ourselves digging in and taking rigid positions when opposed by different ideas, concepts or facts at this time. It's vital that we not lose our ability to stay open-minded to overcome Taurean resistance to whatever is new or different. Ideally, Mercury in Taurus connects us with the earthy realities that will nurture the growth and development of our ideas. Taurus offers a rich soil of values and commitment that can provide resources to carry thoughts from conception to birth. Slow, careful conversations enable us to consider alternatives without ever losing sight of fundamental values and underlying practical issues. The moon in Sagittarius sets the tone for the day. Sagittarius represents, on the level of the first octave, the period between Conception and 7 weeks, the first Lunar month after the sperm reaches the egg, and is a compacted pattern at a molecular time scale of the entire life of the cellular body. The embryo develops in parallel with the earlier phases of evolution, retaining memory of these structures in the brain. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Metaversal Lightcraft Training Manual for more on the Four Octaves), Sagittarius represents Initiation beyond the realms of Death (Scorpio). On the World scale, Sag occupies the period between AD 1500 and AD 1750, The Renaissance. This was the time when astrology, mathematics, musick and geometry were understood as divine techniques for communicating with the Soul of the World. With the Moon in Sagittarius we are into philosophical speculation, adventure, and foreign influences, and actions that expand the awareness through gathering unfamiliar experiences. It’s dealer’s choice today, as the Moon in Sagittarius makes a solo contact to Saturn (a sextile), and you’re the dealer. :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother, do you think they'll drop the Bomb? Mothers Day forecast and then some.....

A Moon sextile to the Sun infuses our dreams with a gentle support that carries over into the day, when a series of squares bring new awareness. The gathering of planets in Aries is still with us, and it’s not too late to move in our desired direction if we’ve been hesitant to launch. We’ll feel lots of energy today, but we may feel burdened or overwhelmed by the sheer force of it all. Let go of expectations, and it will flow more smoothly. This Mother’s Day may be better spent in a low-key celebration. At 11:52 pm, the Moon enters its void period, but it is still completely accessible to us for activation while in Cancer. If you can "grok" or understand any of the enclosed image/materials, you may come to agree that the issue "resolves" to: how is the energy of in-FORM-ation sent between worlds of different scales. As for example the energy of feeling as it emerges emotionally in the long sonic waves of the heart sending love (cf spectrograms), somehow penetrates to the smaller world of the cell.... and the larger world of the Earth. Well, the monsters are up to something. They’re bombing the New Madrid Fault Line and they’ve got the new and improved dead guy as a rallying point for the in house Al Qaeda dirty bomb squad, courtesy of Mossad and the CIA, WHO WERE THE AUTHORS OF 9/11, 7/7 (help from MI6) and the Madrid Train Station; not to be confused with the New Madrid Fault line. It’s just going to be something along the lines of wondering what these motherfuckers are going to get up to next. There used to be these old psychological tests, which are different from the psychological tortures that replaced them. One question was about a bear in a field under a tree. Did you try to make your way around the bear? Did you wait in the woods until the bear left? Or did you march forward and confront the bear? The bear can personify the libido or the sum of your fears; possibly the two are connected (grin) or the bear can represent evil. So there’s another possibility; you go back the way you came and wait for the bear to die of old age, because the bear actually symbolizes evil and as we know, evil eventually destroys itself, possibly once it has run out of everything else to destroy. Please pardon the sarcasm. The most heartbreaking sign of full on disaster ahead is the mind numbing stupidity of a significant portion of the public, which was unable, across the course of ten years, to suss out that Bin Laden had already been dead all that time. The New York Times, famous for “all the news that Israel wants printed” has been lowering the bar for awhile and has now gone into an unlearning curve that resembles the stock market graph for 1929. The public just dug a trench under the limbo bar of lowered expectations and is now tunneling its way to China in search of daylight. On the plus side, understanding Chinese has got to be easier than understanding government doublespeak.
How does it happen? How does it work? The whole government is lying and everyone reporting the news- distinguished journalists all –are lying. Businesses are lying. Corporations are lying. The courts and enforcement agencies are lying. Educators are lying. Religious leaders are lying. Lies should be and are currency. This is how the rich have gotten so much richer. The lies have gotten infinitesimally larger. They’ve worth more even though the money is worth less or nothing at all but all of that, like the stock market rests largely on belief and that explains how important the lies are. I struggle to imagine how such a number of the public; tens of millions of people can have reached a level of Dumb and Dumber that definitely doesn’t need a laugh track. We know who’s laughing; who wrote the copy that gives them such a chuckle. After giving contradictory versions of events for two days following the killing of terrror mastermind Osama bin Laden, including misidentifying which of his sons was killed and wrongly saying bin Laden's wife died in gunfire, the White House Tuesday said bin Laden was unarmed when Navy SEALs burst into his room and shot him to death. Over two days, the White House has offered contradictory versions of events, including misidentifying which of bin Laden's sons was killed and wrongly saying bin Laden's wife died in gunfire, as it tries to sort through what the president's press secretary called the "fog of combat" and produce an accurate account.I just have to say this while all the talking heads in intelligence and in the military are saying it is legal. Even some members of congress are saying it was lawful. The truth is it legal,lawful and constitutional? The answer it is no to all three. If Osama Bin Laden was the culprit of Sept 11, 2001 as the politicians say. The facts speak for themselves that there was no evidence Osama Bin Laden was behind the attacks on the Sept 11th. Osama was the villain they used to sell fear and the police state to the American people. Was it necessary to spend trillions of dollars and needless deaths of American soldiers with no declaration of war from congress? If Bin Laden was the villain without a reasonable doubt. Was there is more effective way to deal with it without committing trillions of dollars and soldiers? Yes there was. Back in 2001.Legislation was introduced by Congressmen Ron Paul from Texas was the constitutional way to deal with people who pose a threat to the security of its American citizens without putting our military in harms way. If Osama Bin Laden was the mastermind behind Sept 11th attacks.Congressmen Ron Paul introduced legislation granting a Letter of Marque and Reprisal as a solution dealing with international terrorism.The same congressmen advocated is the same letter of Marque dealing with the Somali pirates. That was the constitutional way for dealing with a problem with people who pose a threat to the safety of the American people. Congress declaring war is for dealing with nations whom attack us and and Letters of Marque and Reprisals deal with international criminals who attack the American people.To give an example is piracy on the high seas. Congressmen Ron Paul exposed the whole fraud of the War on Terror introducing legislation suggesting implementing Letters of Marque. This war on terror was for the Military Industrial complex to drop bombs on sovereign nation that never attacked us. The use of unmanned drones killing people who are suspected terrorist all violate international laws. The President can not declare no one an enemy combatant or mark someone for assassination at his discretion. There has to be a legal process where Congress and the President.That has to be granting letters of Marque voted by both houses in congress signed by the President to become legal.That is the only legal and constitutional way to deal with people(Pirates) who are threats to the safety of the people of the United States. Osama Bin Laden guilty or innocent. His capture or killing was illegal because their was no letters of Marque granting giving the authority for the government to go after this man.There was not. If they were serious about dealing with him. They would have went the legal process under the Constitution. Countless lives innocent and in our armed forces died over this fraud called the War on Terror that only enriched the people who make the bombs and bullets.Osama was the fable they used to sell us this war and the police state. If the leader of Al Quada was behind all these attacks and now we have for people claiming to be desiring to kill Americans in retaliation of killing Osama Bin Laden.Instead of people sticking their hands down our pants and sending our sons off to war in a distant hostile land . Let propose Letters of Marque putting out a bounty on these people instead committing billions of dollars and young lives off to war.Then the fable to expose the fraud of this war on Terror will be seen....

Monday May 9
At 2:35 am, the Moon enters Leo, and we feel the build-up toward tomorrow’s First Quarter Moon. We feel the fire of ingenuity and invention through a trine to Uranus, then the power of our focus and persistence through a sextile to Saturn. The big event of the day, however, is Venus’s conjunction to Mercury. This is a fairly infrequent event that only occurs when Mercury is recovering from a retrograde and still traveling more slowly than usual. Mercury catches up with Venus next Monday for a second conjunction. This creates a story in our lives about an incomplete communication, where the normal protocol is reversed. Allow yourself to engage in an unusual encounter today. It will all become clear and/or be brought right next week on the Full Moon.