Thursday, February 20, 2020

Metaversal Lightcraft Astral Terrain Forecast: February 20th to 28th

Greetings Fellow Immortals! Congratulate yourselves, you have incarnated into the least boring period in human history.

As spring is right around the corner, (starts March 20 with a solar eclipse) I felt it incumbent on me to invite you to a thunderstorm which is scheduled to take place outside Metaversal Lightcraft this Lunar cycle at dusk. Will there be fireworks? No, there will not be fireworks, but there’s a young Christian girl (a bastard daughter of Sydny's, if Reverend Favors is to be believed) who will read from the Bible for tips and cheese. The Sun now in Pisces reminds us that we are on an infinite journey, ever leaving, ever returning. Where have we been? And who are we? We are a raindrop. We are the ocean. As warm jets, we are two fishes swimming in opposite directions, symbolizes the imperative to integrate two dimensions - the finite and the infinite. Neptune, which rules Pisces, was the mythic God of the Sea; he is associated with the swells of emotion and the vast mysteries of the collective unconscious. In the modern Western world, this is largely misunderstood territory. Chickadees have been known to fornicate with badgers here, for christsakes. . This is the enigma of Pisces. Paradox. Mysticism. Madness. The longing for Home and the realization that we never left. Pisces represents, on the level of the first octave, the period between 28 weeks after Conception till Birth, when after the electrick nervous system of the fetus switches on (Aquarius), we become psychically tuned to the entity later to be known as Mother. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Meteversal Lightcraft Training Manual for more on the Four Octaves), Pisces represents the enlightened Self which must give itself totally to the whole, dissolving into the void, in order to achieve the final unity with the realm of pure spirit. On the World scale, Pisces occupies the period between 1910 and 1969. heralded by the founding of Psychoanalysis, when Mankind began exploring again the Unconscious strata of Life, and by Albert Einstein's (a Pisces) Theory of Relativity. This was the time of Jung, Joyce, Hesse, Huxley, Leary, Burroughs. We transcended the limits the illusion, Maya, the physical World of Assiah, extending inward with the electron microscope and outward with the high powered Telescope. The entire range of audible musical notes and the whole spectrum of visible colour, apprehended and understood. The dissolving power of mutable Water, Second coming of the Fish with the Double Wand of Power, Atom Bomb and LSD. With the Moon in Pisces we have a heightened sensitivity to Musick and the Dreamtime, and we feel the depths of pure compassion for the Metaverse and it's inhabitants. Let the subtlety of thought and expression, the depth of imagination, and the ability to think nonverbally inspire you to create beautiful art and music today.Information flows, conversations sparkle and restlessness looms as a barrier to staying on track. The diversity of this sign is amplified by a challenging square to this Sun-Moon conjunction from diffuse Neptune. This planet of illusions and dreams inspires imagination, sometimes at the cost of recognizing reality. Creative endeavors and tuning into the ethereal vibes of spirituality open rich areas of exploration. And you, you gorgeously tall drink of Water,Every time I think of you I get a shock. Sparks fly from my third eye, spray from my crown in a luminous froth: waves crashing on cranial shores. On obsessive nights this stroboscopic cogitation hypnotizes passersby on 22nd street.Yet turning concepts into concrete form demands discerning minds that distinguish the difference between wispy wishes that will float away and useful notions that can be successfully applied to daily life. You'll definetly wanna check out Cosmic Coincidence Control Center, playing live at Metaversal on Friday, March 6th. They last time they played in the United States they got caught tasting a woman's Giraffe and vomiting cashews. Pisces is the last of the signs, the place where all of our lives, successes and failures, loves and hates, past and future, light and dark, are integrated. It is where our soul and our personality finally meet—and join. In Aquarius we incorporated our guiding star, our ideals, into our lives. Now in Pisces we can touch that inner spirit in ourselves which informs us how we are living up to those ideals. We can use that starlight to move through the dark of unfinished business, and its fire to burn away the final dross of our zodiacal journey. It was a Piscean child who could say, “See, the Emperor has no clothes!” Pisces is a water sign. All water signs are healing and bridging signs. Through them we touch our e-motions, which literally spur us to motion, move us into expression of what has real meaning to us. Pisces’ connection to proper understanding is shown by its association to the feet, which stand under us.
Water signs are in touch with suffering, and most suffering arises in the letting go of something to which we cling. In the air signs, which precede the water signs, we tend to hang onto outmoded ideas, attitudes, perspectives, and ways of thinking. Now, in Pisces, we allow intuition to work with mind to separate the significant from the petty, so that we can let go of nonessentials. In Pisces, the last of the water signs, we must go all the way, we must finish the job. It is time to go through that metamorphosis which leads to transcendence of all those earthly ties which bind only the personality. The way must be opened for the soul.
The energy for this inner ruthlessness is like the great depths of the sea. During its quiet times the sea erodes the land inconspicuously but inexorably. In its stormy times, tidal waves and hurricanes can be totally devastating. Always, the sea releases its debris. We can see it on the beaches and in the fishermen’s nets. Purification is the goal. It is during Pisces time that we engage in the fasting and penance of Lent. We are preparing the space for the fresh birth of Aries at Spring Equinox. The night force is now in its closing phase, and all the remaining ghosts must be cleaned out if we are to become agents of universal wholeness.
Our imaginations open. We touch the grand symphony of the spheres. As we strengthen our inner focus, our purpose can become clear. In Pisces we need to align ourselves with spirit; if we fail to do this, confusion and chaos result. As our sensitivity is increased, as we refocus around our spiritual center, we find a new strength to act, and that strength is generated through love. In Pisces we will be drawn to whatever we love the most, and if we focus our love on our true purpose, we will draw to ourselves opportunities for growth and success. Love is the greatest of all healing powers. In Pisces we can appreciate the poetry and beauty of life. We have a restlessness to become part of the good, the true, and the beautiful which persist through time. The eternal verities draw us. As we detach ourselves from one time and place, we can tune into all times and places. As we open and listen to our own deepest selves, we become attuned to all of life. We become aware that we are connected with one another in one vast web of life, and what happens to one part affects all the parts. We thus develop compassion and true humility. Examples of Pisceans with an ability to see the whole combined with a strong sense of purpose are George Washington, the Father of our Country, James Madison, the Father of the Constitution, and Johannes Ayres who has been behind most of the cool shit happening in the Metaverse these days. Talk about purification!

The Day of Jupiter in the kabbalistic World of Earth. Projecting Light Specific Blue and facing West, vibrate this azure deluxe into your Second Chakra along with the mantrum: EE-BE-DA. Jupiter is all about allowing ambiguity, contradiction, and movement. IT isn't about integration. It helps the ego become more flexible. By Jove, life isn't about staying calm and balanced, but rather about keeping complexity and drama and everything else alive and in dynamic flow. Jupiter is the largest of all the true planets, its mass greater than the rest of them combined. Astrologically, Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth and optimism. Known as "The Greater Benefic," it symbolizes good luck and fortune. In the ancient Indian language Sanskrit Jupiter is called "guru" or teacher. This fits its association with the higher mind, philosophy, truth and religion. Perhaps Jupiter's good fortune derives from the larger perspective it provides on life in general and our own circumstances.At 6:18 am (9:18 ET), Moon goes VOC in Capricorn. If you’re up before then, you can make great headway in work. Jupiter Sextile Neptune
We might attempt to stay on the straight and narrow path today while the serious Capricorn Moon joins up with powerful Pluto and taskmaster Saturn. But the watery Pisces Sun is a reminder that nothing is as it seems. Astrological water is connected with our emotions, drawing us away from the practical realms and into our imagination. The waters are wide as expansive Jupiter forms a cooperative sextile to diffusive Neptune. Our dreams flow into the real world, motivating us with big ideas that may be beyond our reach. Nevertheless, even when the Moon flies into futuristic Aquarius, she leaves behind four planets in ambitious Capricorn. Our heads may be in the clouds, but our plans and our actions are on the ground. Otherwise, check on an elder or sleep in until 11:42 am (2:42 pm ET), when Luna enters Aquarius. In the meantime, Jupiter in practical Capricorn will have made a lovely sextile to Neptune in Pisces. Sextiles bring opportunities and this team favors concrete projects involving:
• Altruism
• Compassion
• Service
• Creativity
• Media production
• Publicity
• Business
• Music
• Spiritual or group activities
• Anything related to our dreams.
At the same time, dynamic Mars is closing in on a trine to liberating Uranus. This is great for inspired action, seeing our way clear and finding shortcuts. It’s time to act on inspiration, knock on a key, high-up door, offer support, and seek out others who are related to or in resonance with your direction. This heavenly window is open wide open until 6:13 pm (9:13 ET), when a square from Moon to ruler Uranus may spark unnecessary arguments and exaggerate our self-righteousness. Evening favors art and journaling, and/or watching Metaversal Channel Boo Boom.

Invoke blessed Haniel, just before dawn or 2 hours after sunset and behold, a court of photosynthetic Angels who make this place inside your chest cavity a Paradise, performing tantric intercourse in magick towers and lush subterranean caves, opening your Lionheart chakra, a breeze like yellow silk on your naked skin. She really gets my donkeys up onstage. I love the way she plays with my expectations. Like a little dragon-faced hen bursting with tinsel and frayed at the wrong end.Balsamic Moon in Aquarius is great for moving out of our comfort zones and practicing release. Tthe approaching sextile from Sun to Moon’s ruler Uranus is harbinger of good results. Dynamic Mars perfects his trine to liberating Uranus: direct, bold action can open a big door. Use these influences today, since tomorrow Moon will be VOC ‘til late.
• Get closure.
• Break out of a rut.
• Quit your job!
• Make an offering or donation with no strings attached.
• Ask for what you need.
• Knock on a door you’ve approached before.
• Break the rules.
• Set a limit.
• Do investigative research involving a major life change or refinancing your home.
• Speak your mind.
• Work on forgiveness or something creative.
At 8:08 pm (11:08 ET), Moon goes VOC on a sextile to Venus. Enjoy friends or a romantic novel or movie.

The angels of renewal guide me to release obsolete attitudes, things and situations, and I act on their guidance now.


Moon is VOC in Aquarius until 10:37 pm (1:37 am ET on Sunday). This doesn’t keep the Sun from perfecting its sextile to Moon’s ruler Uranus.
Journal or meditate to release limiting beliefs and attachments (Uranus is good at this). Declutter a bookshelf or other space; enjoy some downtime with friends and a good book. I hope this isn't an ackward time to mention that the structural basis for all Light-specific work in the Metaverse is regular, disciplined connection to the No-Form, meditation, contemplation, what ever you want to call it, as long as it's deep. Supremely solitary in that heath of scrub. The Light-Specific state initiates itself with SOLITUDE, the gratifying element of being alone (if only for 20 minutes a day)... without which, true development is impossible. The point is to connect to your inner source of stability, the state of potentia, the No-Form, at least once a day. No-Form is not a goal or state of "spiritual arrival" (as some religions would have us believe), it is a highly practical, multi-purpose tool for dissolving our identification with the ego. If you want to play with us, this is the only rule. The foundation of our Lightcraft is built in Chaos, so you must maintain a firm foundation, or Chaos your life will be. Some of us need this connection four times a day (sunrise, true noon, sunset, true midnight). Some of us actually manage to do it four times a day. It is a choice you must make. I would do it for you if I could. Once a day is all that's required to maintain the Continuity function. Future generations of yourself will be glad this came to pass. The Lightcraft Academy , Yoga Ceremonial Magick, this astrology forecast, they all provide ritual technology for Self initiation. But the key word here is Self. D.I.Y


If the airs have seemed a bit heavy since the last Full Moon, today they clear. At 7:32 am (10:32 ET), Moon becomes new in Pisces. Pisces is about imagination, spirituality, inner happiness, compassion and releasing helplessness.
Although Mercury retrograde doesn’t favor completely new beginnings, Moon’s sextiles to go-getter Mars and liberator Uranus are great for combining Piscean imagination with effective action that facilitates a breakthrough. A square from Venus to Jupiter can fuel romantic fantasies and overspending, but it accentuates our kindness and brings luck in finances and people connections.
All in all, this is a great portal for dusting off our dreams and putting feet on them, finding high-vibration connections and getting our daily life in synch with our spiritual ideals.
The Sabian Symbol for 4-5 Pisces says:
A CHURCH BAZAR… RITUALIZED BENEFICENCE… the possibility of the presence of God in even the most material human activities.
Write down an intention and create tangible reminders to stay on track—a spiritual datebook, post-its around the house and office, a picture of an angel or spirit guide in sight of the bed so you remember to start the day in gratitude or connection, an hourly alarm on your phone, and so on. With Mercury retrograde, the Pisces New Moon is the best portal to review and redo treasure maps, vision boards and related materials. Remember to focus on something begun before February 1, when Mercury entered pre-retrograde shadow.
Sample intentions for this portal:
• I see myself replacing fantasy with effective, daily steps towards my dreams.
• I want to renew my visualization practice in an orderly, effective manner.
• I wish to be centered in love for myself and others.
• I want self-pity entirely lifted from me.
• I can see a high percentage of people leading spirit-centered lives.
• I imagine myself sharing with others who sincerely resonate with my spiritual preferences.
• I see myself living from a consciousness of love and faith.
• I wish to be in conscious, frequent contact with the angels and my spirit guides.
• I can see myself following my intuition with persistent, successful actions.
• I imagine world leaders that come from a place of kindness.
• We should not underestimate the power of Earthritual/ interlock/ and the focused magnetism of emotion. If we would like less catastrophic weather change, this is specifically the engineering we must learn. Like man, the weather participates or partakes of both Earth and Sky. These planet-wide weather up-heavals are literally and specifically, collective emotions. Only if we can emote collectively and braid our ecosystems with coherent emotion can we save our future. This is no arbitrary test for survival of our genepool. It is the perfect test. If we can learn to braid electrical space with the harmonics which love weaves, then we have passed the "ring pass knot" gate to the privilege of doing that same activity for the braid creation of star systems and galaxies with our similar but much unpacked and blossomed electrical bodies.
Love is not just a good idea, it's the Law

On the front porch of yesterday’s New Moon, the next 24 hours are great for manifesting the intentions we established yesterday. Moon in intuitive Pisces joins Neptune and sextiles Jupiter. These are the two angel planets and this morning is great for invoking them. It also favors dream work, consulting our intuition, and making a dream board, treasure map or related tools for visualization.
Sun in Pisces sextiles dynamic Mars in focused Capricorn, facilitating confident, effective action to ground our dreams. Tonight and early tomorrow, Moon sextiles the Pluto and Saturn duo in constructive Capricorn.
Stay up as late as you can and push to finish something creative or work-related.

Tuesday February 25
Tuesday is my Karma Yoga Workshop here at Metaversal Lightcraft, and well it's kinda all about dealing with this male yang
energy that we western types are afflicted by... Is your Martian energy burning like a fuel tank on a crashed jumbo jet in the Algerian desert? Or burning like a sputtering flame on a wet candle? Or burning steady like a presto-log in the hearth of the Almighty? It all depends on the quality of your fuel, and the proper fuel/air ratio. When your body (93 percent seawater) is nourished by fiery insight, MA'AT has been achieved. Then your fire is not frightening and lethal, but glowing with placid contentment. .In the 20th century emotionally grounded artists who actually were involved in humanE feeling and experience being integrated with aesthetic process became disconnected/alienated from the product in and of itself…in this new way on we are pushed by events to manipulate and rebuild with self determined elements alone the information society thrusts upon us that have become, surprisingly a new form of solidity and inertia. In order to be anything one might label as free and liberated, anarchic and chaotic in a fundamentally positive sense, one has, as an artist and writer, to accept LOVINGLY the state of constant flux as a more viable description of personal reality, as validated more and more by the more intelligent application of particle physics and advanced mathematics…. Once the atom was split, and consciousness was split by psychedelics, and literature and painting were radicalized by the process of the “cut-up”, and behavior was made malleable by contemporary, functional and intuitive new magickal ritual by collectives all preconceptions had to be suspended once and for all in favor of an immersion in possibility and individual refuting of the despotism of all forms of conceptual and media ideologies of linearity. Once Burroughs and Gysin split the cultural atom in a meticulous and methodical manner, all models of reality were up for grabs. Linearity is defunct, long live particularity. Metaversal Lightcraft is both prophetic and practical. A manual of discontent, built from the individually validated and selected building blocks of consensus stagnation in order to co-opt and author language and SELF, both as a protest against bigotry and creative denial, and as an example to all. What we are totally engaged in right NOW! is a battle over authorship of our own story. “Over narrative” itself. Existence, experience is no longer a fixed and linear program. We can re-engineer the genetic text, adjust absolutely our inherited behavior, and attack the very foundations of pre-modern culture and stasis. We have become capable of, and responsible for, asking the correct questions. At last…we are given the impeccable revelation of infinite malleability of incontrovertible subjective reality as an experiential validation. Everything is true, and everything is permitted.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Metaversal Lightcraft Astral Terrain Forecast: February 2020

Greetings Fellow Lightcrafters, as the month of January began, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Ceres partook of a Capricornian alignment made more intense by the recent Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on December 27th. Capricorn’s righteousness is shining. It walks on ruby shoes. There's not too much of nothing. You cannot make it do.These influences mean that our overall focus in January was on goals, work, and responsibility. It was a serious month, one in which we could potentially get a lot done. In fact, we may have gone into workaholic burn-out mode. Though, in case we forgot, the potent Eclipse in Cancer cried out to remind us of our emotional, psychic and family needs.
Capricorn is a sign of paradoxes. It is the last of the earth signs, and yet it makes its appearance at Winter Solstice, as the fiery Sun is newly rising for the year. In the Northern Hemisphere it is the sign of the deepest winter, and yet the days have already begun to grow longer. It is the sign of initiation into the spiritual life, and yet its concerns are more practical than any other sign. It is focused on the perfection of structure, but only so that it can move beyond that world of form. The symbol for Capricorn is the mountain goat, with the tail of a fish, another paradox. Give me the mountains. Give me the sea and build a mighty tower especially for me. Fill the tower up with food, the kind goats love to eat, send a couple maidens with soft hands to rub my feet. This shows that the depths of the unconscious are the foundations which Capricorn uses to build its structure, to climb its own particular mountain, to meet its unique challenge. For Capricorn must be rooted in the true depths of motivation in order to build firmly and enduringly. In Sagittarius we found our truth and validated it through sharing. Now, in Capricorn we must grasp it tightly to our bosoms and act on it. The last nine months have been like a gestation period and now, at the Holiday Season, the baby is born, and we celebrate that birth. Capricorn is a cardinal, goal-oriented sign. Cardinal signs are doers, and in earth the job is to ground our values, plans and ideals. We need to translate our ideas into achievements.
First, it is essential to clarify our goals—New Year’s Resolutions—and strengthen our intentions. At the same time we notice what is around and within us, and connect with those things which can help us move towards those goals. We take responsibility for our own pathway, and we ACT in an effective manner. Capricorn needs to achieve, and to be recognized for worthwhile contributions to society. These needs have produced many famous Capricornians. They also have to build carefully, for any missteps will be caught, as in the cases of Woodrow Wilson and Richard Nixon. They can also pick themselves up again and continue the climb, as did Mr. Nixon. Capricorn absorbs the Sagittarian truths so that they become part and parcel of his/her very being. During Capricorn time these truths can enter us like lightning bolts, so that we can feel in our bones (Capricorn rules bones) what needs to be done. Accompanying this deep absorption of truth is a special awareness of our uniqueness, of our inner authority, of our responsibility, and of our life purpose. We are alone with ourselves as we climb the mountain. Another paradox: that very aloneness allows Capricorn to open to the voice of spirit, our ultimate companion. Capricorn thus has a special affinity for divine inspiration. There are many examples of Capricorn devotion to the spiritual life: Paula’s Mom’s guru, Paramahansa Yogananda, founder of the Self-Realization Fellowship; Alan Watts, pioneer proponent of Zen Buddhism in the West, Joan of Arc, Aaron Hooks, Suzanne Newton, and Martin Luther King, Jr. are but a few. Indeed, Capricorn asks us to manifest our ideals in daily life, to involve ourselves fully in the work of humankind in a manner which increases the expression of inner life. It is a time for attending to the work at hand, approaching it with inspiration and love, to honor the best within and around us, and to initiate changes which will enable these elements to become more dominant. We often resist making these changes because it means going counter to the past, the known, the habitual, against tradition and accepted norms. It is Capricorn’s work to overcome that resistance while in the midst of it, and to help self and others to continue to evolve into the light. The mountain goat is uniquely qualified to climb that mountain.

That very same effort is also the special opportunity of Capricorn time, to penetrate beyond the outer conditions of life and tap into new revelations and spiritual power. And as we become more and more aware of the inner life, we are better able to cooperate with the changes which are unfolding. We can best tune into the forces of Capricorn by reviewing our good qualities and the good things in our lives, and by expressing gratitude for them. They are the fruits of our light, and that light is meant to shine. Perhaps this is the final paradox, that we can best fulfill our outer social responsibilities by focusing on the light within. As I wrote at the time, Saturn’s “moment in the Sun” should be viewed as a preparatory exercise for the strengthening of resolve we’d need as the collective moved towards Saturn’s conjunction with Pluto in 2020.

Have you ever watched that reality TV show Hoarders, where the dazed homeowner stands in front of a mountain of crap, wringing his hands and worrying about how he’ll continue to live without his collection of used paper plates? Or seen John Favors mountain of highly collectable brick a brak. The Saturn Pluto confluence has a similar air about it, exposing the disparity between what we think we need and what is essential. The trick is engagement regardless of our ambivalence and anxiety. Should we persevere newfound courage can meet the moment, allowing us to release the spent and worthless—and get on with living. But those first wobbly steps must be of one’s volition. More on this crucial point later. We haven’t experienced Saturn forming a conjunction with one of the outer planets—Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—in close to thirty years. The last was in 1988 when Saturn touched off Uranus in Sagittarius and the Soviet Union collapsed. An event that seemed to materialize out of nowhere (in keeping with the nature of Uranian surprises). But where Uranus’ function is to accelerate and shatter, and Neptune’s is to dissolve and disperse, Pluto invites a re-materializing effect that turns the tiny into a gigantic superstructure that occludes the aperture, or whatever is massive becomes invisibly small and insignificant. Regardless of the mutation, whatever was perceived as being one way ends up another way—and thus Pluto’s association with quantum physics. This is a tricky dimension to articulate. And for that reason, I explain to students that the jury is still out on Pluto’s influence within the larger cosmic cycles. Like so many aspects of quantum physics, the established views and theories, like Pluto, are shifting and mutating constantly.
Pluto’s entry into Capricorn in 2008 heralded the systemic collapse of the global financial markets. Too, the planet’s ingress marked the moment when the cliched disparity between the ‘haves and have nots’ became a criminal act and fact. Because Capricorn tends to literalize or concretize events related to the sign, the fallout from Pluto’s ingress into Capricorn was immediate, jarring and in our face. Following the epic wobbling of the reality matrix (financial crashes destabilize the entire planet), a bizarre cognitive dissonance took hold. Corporate media continued to tout economic improvements and stock market highs while more and more people were setting up tents beneath freeway underpasses. Silicon Valley, one of the wealthiest spots per inch on the planet now sees one in four people teetering on the edge starvation. Who wants to try and untangle the confusing contradictions that plague modern life? Whatever energy we have is funneled into our own efforts to safeguard our own piece of the pie. There’s only so much consciousness to spend in a day and so who or what are we going to spend it on? Is it any wonder we are walking around with our heads buried in our phones? Everyone seems in search of yet another New York Times article that might explain everything, to help make sense of the nonsensical. But solutions won’t come from more information, data, social networking, texting and sharing. The info-well is deep and seemingly endless with information exponentially compounding every second; a literal representation of the void.
Pluto’s twenty-year transit through Capricorn heralds what I call “propagandistic denial.” All collapsing structures, states or governments follow this pattern; it seems to be a culture’s key defense mechanism, a creepy codependence and complicity that says: “You lie to me and because I don’t really want to know what’s happening I’ll buy your bullshit.” This type of propaganda foments fake news, alternative facts and conspiracies. And on the other end: Stock market highs that shatter historical records and technological monopolies that mutate into new religions. Are we really ready for AI deities and overlords?
The first thing is to remember this is a cycle and it will end. By the time we get into 2021, the tension should ease off a bit. We do have a Saturn Uranus alignment that year which could feel stressful but it won’t be as oppressive as the Saturn Pluto conjunction. And by the middle of the coming decade things could feel great – although that depends on how we respond to the current situation.
How you experience this alignment also depends on your personal horoscope. People who resonate with Pluto are less likely to be surprised or freaked out by what happens because they’re used to this powerful energy. That includes anyone with a strongly placed Pluto, or Pluto in aspect to the natal Sun, Moon, or Ascendant, or lots of planets in Scorpio or the 8th house.
It could also be significant if Saturn and Pluto are in aspect to each other in your chart, especially the hard angles, because that means you were born during one of the previous alignments of this cycle, or the one before. For example, my natal Saturn is at 22° Taurus and trine Pluto at 26° Virgo, so the conjunction is going to form a Grand Trine with my natal placements. Pluto is currently transiting trine to my Saturn, but Saturn doesn’t get there until January 2020 – looking forward to that! As my example shows, this conjunction is significant if you have natal planets at or near 22° in any sign, except Sagittarius and Aquarius, and possibly Gemini and Leo unless you work with quincunx transits. I also have Venus at 22° Libra so Pluto is transiting square to that point too. Check your chart for any planets at or near 22° Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, or Libra because Saturn and Pluto will be conjunct, square or opposite those points. Also check for planets at or near 22° Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, or Pisces because Saturn and Pluto will be sextile or trine those points. These transits should be easier to work with and you should be able to make constructive use of the energies involved – depending on the planet and how you relate to it already. Don’t forget to check for progressed planets, angles and other points like the nodes or part of fortune, because these could be significant too. Finally, check the house position of the conjunction because this area of your life is due for transformation. No doubt you’re feeling it already and you might be getting nudges to change or do something about a situation that needs fixing. Listen and cooperate. Look at your life – both inner and outer – and see what needs to change, then get to work.
Saturn Pluto alignments represent the need for cyclical change to the structures of life and how you relate to reality. This kind of deep change is always a challenge because it involves loss, endings and death. But no matter how bad things get, it’s important to remember there’s nothing inherently bad about any planet or transit. Everything happens for a reason and nothing is meant to be mindlessly destructive. It only feels that way because it hurts and that’s why we tend to react badly to these transits.
But if you’re willing to work with the energies of Saturn and Pluto, you can use these times to transform outworn structures and systems in your life by taking responsibility for yourself and your choices. This is especially true now because the conjunction is happening in Capricorn which reinforces the need for integrity and the constructive use of power and authority.
At best, these times can be empowering, when you can work with great discipline to organise systems and resources that improve life and create abundance. While in dark times, you may discover an ability to endure hardship with courage and perseverance, and the strength to resist destructive forces, both inner and outer. This all sounds very dull and unexciting – the message to ‘work hard and take responsibility’ isn’t what we want to hear! – and this is where the problems start.We tend to see more negative events during Saturn Pluto alignments because people try to avoid the truth about themselves and reality because they don’t want to change. And that plays out in the world the way it does because the inner and outer worlds reflect each other.So what happens in the world depends on the state of your consciousness – yes, you! That means: If you want to see peace in the world, then you need to have peace within yourself.
When Saturn gets together with Pluto it represents a collision between the hidden forces of the unconscious (Pluto) and the structure of the psyche (Saturn). This tends to trigger your deepest fears and defences because your psyche is under assault by the forces of change. How you react depends on the strength of your natal Saturn and your ability to express it positively. As the reality principle, Saturn has to contain Pluto. In other words, you have to find a way to work with your deepest instincts and handle their transformative power so it doesn’t destroy either you or anybody else. With a healthy Saturn you can harness the energies of Pluto and use them to transform your life in constructive ways. But if your Saturn isn’t strong enough you can’t contain the forces of Pluto. This leaves you wide open to the energies erupting from the depths and can lead to breakdown or irrational behaviour. If your Saturn is too strong you repress the instincts and try to control or ignore the energies coming from the unconscious. This leads to obsessive and paranoid behaviour, trapped behind defensive structures and driven by compulsions you don’t understand.
When something is repressed or denied it doesn’t disappear – it leaks out in distorted form and becomes destructive. So if you give your power away, that power will be used against you. If you refuse to take responsibility for yourself, then somebody else will control you.
Ideally, you want to be as conscious as possible about what you’re doing and the reality of your situation, whatever that might be. This makes it easier to express the energies of Saturn and Pluto in a positive way. Here are some examples:
Negative expressions of Saturn
• Fear
• Denial of your problems
• Blaming others for your problems
• Avoidance
• Depression
• Cynicism
• Controlling of others
Positive expressions of Saturn
• Self-control and discipline
• Self-responsibility
• Accepting your natural limits
• Accepting your weaknesses and willing to work to change them
• Inner security
• Resilience
• Patience
Negative expressions of Pluto
• Victimisation and feeling powerless
• Giving your power away to others
• Addiction and self-destructiveness
• Obsessive compulsive behaviour
• Paranoia
• Cruelty
• Abusing your power over others
Positive expressions of Pluto
• Self-empowerment
• Making positive changes
• Letting go of the past
• Allowing yourself to grieve loss
• Allowing yourself to heal
• Deliberate positive self-transformation
• Using your power to help others
During these times, Pluto brings up whatever is hidden in the shadow so you can see it and deal with it – and it won’t necessarily be bad. The shadow contains all the unloved or unacknowledged parts of yourself, so you could discover hidden talents or skills that are waiting to be expressed.
But if you do unearth something dark and scary, the worst thing you can do is pretend it doesn’t exist. In fact, the more unconscious you are, the more likely it
is that you’ll experience the destructive side of this alignment. Your denial and avoidance will act like a magnet that pulls the dark side of the shadow to manifest in your life. (More on that: Shadow Attack: Instant Karma and a Wake-Up Call)
Saturn teams up with Pluto to let you know that you can’t avoid change. If you try to ignore what’s happening and keep your head down, you’ll invite a catastrophe into your life. Having said that, you might experience a catastrophe anyway, even if you’re super conscious and awake and totally on top of everything. There are no guarantees with these alignments – sometimes shit just happens.
But as I said, everything happens for a reason, even if you can’t understand why at the moment. Sometimes dark and difficult stuff has to come up so it can be healed and integrated into wholeness. Your soul may have its own deep and obscure reasons for wanting to go through certain things. Whatever happens, how you choose to deal with it will influence the outcome and it’ll become either self-destructive or transformative.

This alignment represents an opportunity to heal the past and let go of what no longer works. If you work with the energies you’ll be able to create a new life that truly reflects who you are. However, no matter how conscious you are, you still have to live in an imperfect world full of other people who are far from conscious. So despite your best efforts, you may experience problems with external power structures and authority via the collective unconscious. This includes situations where you need to take back power or control that has been taken from you. It’s safe to say that you can expect a certain amount of resistance and pushback. If you find yourself in this position, you’ll need to channel the positive side of Saturn and Pluto to deal with what happens. It’s a good idea to find where your own shadow intersects with the collective unconscious. It’s easy – just ask: What really pisses you off? What triggers you? Any extreme emotional reaction is a sign that you’re projecting something from your own shadow onto others. This is particularly obvious in arguments, especially online. If you don’t accept responsibility for what’s lurking in your own depths, then you’re more likely to get overtaken by the collective shadow – and that can be really dark. Beware of becoming polarised on any issue because the further you go to one side of an argument, the more you push the other person to the opposite extreme. It can quickly degenerate into a screaming match – just look at Twitter or comments on YouTube to see how this works. The interesting thing is that polarised positions end up sounding the same – it’s like they turn into each other. This happens because when you polarise against something, you become possessed by it. The thing you hate so much begins to control you from your own unconscious and you start accusing others of doing what you’re doing yourself. Remember that everyone is affected by this alignment so if something annoys or upsets you, take a deep breath and don’t be too quick to react. Everyone is struggling with their own demons and the real enemy isn’t out there in the world. The real enemy – if we can call it that – is unconsciousness. So it’s your job to be as conscious and responsible as you can.
Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are encouraging you to become more conscious so you can work towards self-mastery and self-empowerment. It’s a good idea to cooperate because these alignments tend to force change. You can’t negotiate with Pluto – you either let go of old relationships, situations, and ideas, or get your arse handed to you. If you don’t cooperate, Pluto will grind you into the ground and Saturn will help. The more you resist and try to hold on or control events, the harder you’ll make it for yourself. As the saying goes: Let go or be dragged. Or even: Let go or lose your fingers!
If you try to hold on to what’s ending, your life will be centred around an old, dead structure and this can only lead to exhaustion and depression. Holding on to the past is really an attempt to do the impossible – to stop life from changing. You need to grieve for what’s dying and let it go. Then your energy will return and new life will start to sprout.
Pluto destroys what needs to end and Saturn rebuilds and gives form to new life. But don’t try to rebuild until Pluto has finished his business of purging the old. If you try to get ahead of yourself, you’ll only hit a brick wall and have to start again.
If things keep going wrong it may be because you need to rethink. You might be doing the wrong thing, or doing the right thing in the wrong way or at the wrong time. Sometimes things end because you got lost and need to get back on track. But sometimes they end because it’s just time. Take a realistic look at your life and see what works and what doesn’t. Then make specific, concrete changes. Don’t expect positive results to fall into your lap without effort because both Saturn and Pluto are tough on laziness. Make a plan and a schedule and create a positive routine to bring about change, and then methodically work your way through it.This is a really good time to get stuff done. Saturn is great for bringing ideas and creative possibilities down into manifest form. So if you’re willing to do the inner and outer work to transform yourself, you could achieve a huge amount. By taking responsibility and walking your talk, you can make long-lasting, positive changes to your life.

In February, a plethora of Neptunian influences combine with forceful placements of Mars and Venus, strong lunations, and triggers of the Aries point to make for a month that facilitates inner and mystical processes, while it also calls us to action. If you have something to start or promote, take advantage of Saturday, February 1, the last day before Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow on Sunday, February 2. The Moon is waxing, and it’s worth moving on our ideas in whatever way we can. The Sun is in Aquarius. Aquarius is a sign of “light workers,” quite literally in the case of Thomas Edison. Now, during this time of Aquarius, we all become light workers. It is time.
There is a need for light, not only in California but throughout the nation and world, and we have much to do.
In Aquarius time we each open to our own light and let it shine for all. We learn that when we put light on any situation, we get light back. Our fear and misgivings were dissipated. In Capricorn we built the life forms to contain spirit. Now, in Aquarius, we can let that light of spirit shine through everything we do. Like electricity, the cosmos flashes through us, and we become conductors of divine messages, each in our unique way. As Aquarius enters, we feel the stirrings of individuality. Those stirrings can be symbolized by the groundhog, who emerges from his winter hibernation on February 2 to check on his shadow. How do we cope with these new impulses for autonomy? Do we become aware that we cast our shadow wherever we go, and awaken to the world? Or do we remain oblivious of our impact and return to sleep?
Aquarius calls on us to awaken—to become conscious of our world, responsive to the needs of others, and open to our own self-expression. As we become more sensitive to those forces around us, our responsibilities increase. Our ideals of brotherhood and sisterhood are stimulated, and we desire to make the world a better place.As a fixed sign, Aquarius demands commitment—commitment to our nobler aspirations, our higher selves, to that great light which radiates from the heart of each of us. Expressed poetically, the time of Aquarius might be called the month of the ‘flowering of consciousness,’ as though the service we perform now is like a rose blooming in midwinter, when no one expects it.” —Leichtman and Japiske (In fact, in northern California our flowers DO begin to bloom during Aquarius time! The first delicate white toothworts appear in the woods at the end of January, and the bold yellow acacia blooms suddenly startle us in the first days of February. Pink buds enliven the leafless branches of flowering plums, and elegant while magnolias, like big tulips, spring like magic from leafless trees.) Aquarius is an air sign, and it is important now to return to the greater grounding of the other fixed signs to help us to manifest Aquarius’ new consciousness. Scorpio gives us insight into our motivations and a grounding in our unconscious drives. Leo allows the flowering of creative self-expression, and Taurus, with its ear to the earth insists that we remain connected to reality. Aquarius can give objectivity and social relevance to all of these impulses. Aquarius is the sign of freedom, because it is in Aquarius that spirit is freed. We have the opportunity to drop willfulness, fear and pettiness as we give ourselves up to the workings of spirit and allow wisdom to penetrate.
With this direct link to spiritual truth we can accomplish much during Aquarius time. We are wide open to inventions, new ideas, better ways to do things. Our convictions are strengthened, and if we can create an agenda through which to express them and use our group connections to mobilize force behind them, the sky’s the limit. Franklin Roosevelt is an example of an Aquarian who did just that.
The expression of goodwill and higher truth encouraged during the sun’s passage through Aquarius of course meets resistance—within ourselves, within groups, within nations. Conflict, inner and outer, is likely during Aquarius time. These conflicts are opportunities for increasing our understanding of the patterns of life, and for developing compassion for all of life.
Independence is a hallmark of Aquarius, as we struggle to become true to the spirit within us. Examples of independent people born during the Aquarius time are Colette, Gertrude Stein, Yoko Ono, and Abraham Lincoln. Aquarius, as it emanates the light of the Spirit, has Star quality. Examples are Clark Gable, Paul Newman, Leontyne Price, and Ronald Reagan. We each have our personal star within us, and during Aquarius time we can let it shine.

The important thing, energy-wise, is to get a foot in the door on Saturday. We’ll have time during the rest of the month to follow up. From February 2 on, we’ll have more than two months to review, reorganize, retouch, reconsider, relaunch, and everything else that begins with “re,” From this standpoint, it’s not as bad as we tend to think. A large part of human activity is devoted to things already begun. Also, Mercury’s retrograde favors inner work. We can use these cycles to organize and strategically apply different kinds of communication, thought and work. On Monday, February 3, Mercury enters Pisces, sign of inner life. So this can be deeply reflective period, apt for visualization, dream work, forgiveness, working with light beings, developing our faith and getting closure. It’s also good for follow up on things we started before, particularly in the areas of promotions, sales, communication and writing, notably creative writing.Pisces is the psychic sign, and Mercury here is quite sensitive, so we can reach new levels of intuition. We might enjoy taking a course or reading some books on these subjects.

With Moon exalted in Taurus and Taurus’ ruler Venus in sextile to Pluto, this is a powerful day for tangible accomplishment. In the worldly realm, we can do something like open a bank account, launch a new marketing strategy, or work on something that requires long-lasting results. In the social sphere, we might show empathy, meet someone new, take a relationship to the next level, or renkindle an old flame.
Morning and midday are a bit better for independent activities, while evening is great for connections with others.
At 5:52 pm (8:42 ET), Moon reaches her Second Quarter, calling us to review the intentions we fixed and the things we started at last week’s New Moon. At 12-13 Taurus, this quarter triggers this Sabian symbol:
A PORTER CARRYING HEAVY BAGGAGE… He is the strong man, the man of ambition who has to take care of the inward turned “woman” aspect of is consciousness, the aspect that seeks to grow a beautiful garden of individual selfhood.
Guardian Angel (or Spirit Guide), please direct me to care for my inner garden now.

A quincunx from Moon to Mars at 9:14 am (12:14 pm ET) can make interactions a bit tense this morning, but it helps us get in touch with a new level of courage.
Around 11:30 am (2:30 pm ET), one of the year’s best days begins: today is Imbolc, when Sun reaches a half-way point on its climb toward Spring Equinox. Goddess Brigit motivates us to believe in and share our light.
Moon is exalted in Taurus, and she harmonizes with powerful Pluto, sweet Venus and constructive Saturn. Also, Moon’s ruler Venus is still in orb of her sextile to Pluto the transformer. The energy is particularly good for building. Apply it in anything—a creative project, a reconciliation, a cause, work or business. We can also share good food and enjoy art, but the harmonies to Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn are so constructive that it’s worth finding a way to move on something that we want to last. Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow. This favors reviewing, redoing and retrieving something started before, rather than initiating something completely new.


This is a day for applying creative thought, communication and work in creative ways to something of lasting value. At 3:29 am (6:29 ET), Moon enters Gemini. Minutes later, ruler Mercury leaves the light airwaves of Aquarius and enters sensitive Pisces, fueling our imagination.
Morning is good for using affirmations to heal or for visiting a therapist, thanks Moon’s sextile to Chiron.
And now for today’s starring aspect: sweet Venus sextiles constructive Saturn. With Mercury in retrograde shadow, we don’t want to sign new contracts, but we can make headway is something we started before relating to finances, relationships, creative work, sales, interior design or decorating, architecture and in just about anything involving a key person or people.

Moon in Gemini and Gemini’s ruler Mercury make sextiles to Uranus, facilitating breakthroughs in creative thinking. Doors can spring open in communications, sales, study, promotions, or something related to your siblings. Morning is the best time to use this influence to connect with others and push through barriers. At 11:50 am (2:50 pm ET), Moon squares Neptune, and interactions can become confusing for the next couple of hours. If you can, take a breather, meditate, visualize, practice dream yoga or pray.
The confusion clears around 3pm (6 pm ET), and we get another six hours that are great for rejoining the fray.
Around 9:00 pm (12:00 pm ET), the tense aspects start again, so we might want to low-profile it until tomorrow.
I don’t have negative thoughts because the only true thoughts that flow to me and through me are divine thoughts, that are freeing, luminous and helpful, now and always.

After a string of tense aspects, Moon in Gemini goes VOC at 6:20 am (9:20 ET) on a square to Venus. Journal, do crossword puzzles, use mantras or affirmations.
At 11:03 am (2:03 pm ET), Luna enters Cancer. Today’s numerology of 5 accents the Crab’s dynamic nature. We can support a cause for mothers, family or children, bless our house, work on business or real estate, or search for new living quarters.
This afternoon and evening, harmonies to Uranus in Taurus, sign of supply, and Mercury in sensitive Pisces make this an opportune time for communications, activism, creative activities, doing business, and giving or getting a psychic reading.

Vibrations of success flow today, as Moon in Cancer opposes fortunate Jupiter. The big planet also rules today’s numerology of 6, favoring the Cancerian realms of prosperity, family, marriage, and protection. Moon also trines psychic Neptune. With the Full Moon only two days away, we can use the tail end of its waxing cycle do business, or to take action in favor of mothers, children, families or the ocean. Or we might retrieve a project begun sometime in the past related to self-empowerment, intuition, metaphysics or angels (both Jupiter and Neptune rule the latter).Steer clear of negative surroundings and avoid making a drama or taking things personally.

Today’s numerology of 7 stimulates brain-power, and we can use all the clarity we can get with Mercury in spacey Pisces and also now in pre-retrograde shadow. After a wee-hour bout with Mars, Moon in sensitive Cancer goes VOC on an opposition to demanding Saturn. Luna in the sign of the crab still performs, although this aspect can stifle spontaneity and foment insecurity and guilt trips. It does favor reorganization, whether in home, business, stock portfolio, a ritual for tomorrow’s Full Moon, or how to best use the Mercury in shadow and retrograde that will continue through the month. Just after noon (3:02 pm ET), Venus leaves Pisces’ sweet waters and enters intense Aries. Overall, this isn’t a harmonious placement, but it can foment positive competition and team efforts to overcome a challenge. At 2:45 pm (5:45 ET), Moon enters warm Leo, where she trines Venus for a romantic afternoon. This is a fine day for a late lunch date or to attend a gathering, express your feelings in style, and give and receive recognition. Plan to get home early: at 7:43 pm (11:43 ET), Luna squares Uranus in stubborn Taurus for one of those fixed sign stand-offs that can ruin the party. On the portal of a rather intense Full Moon in Leo, it’s best that we keep a low profile. This evening, keep your ego under your vest and meditate, read or take in political commentary.

Moon in Leo makes slightly stressful contacts that bring out its creative potential, while today’s numerology of 8 pushes for tangible progress. But with Moon reaching fullness tonight, we don’t want to push too much. Better to work on emotional healing or something creative, have a personal retreat, participate in a ritual with a small group of trusted friends. Contacts with others and work are okay if we give them the light touch.The Full Moon is exact at 11:33 pm (2:33 am ET). This moon, known as the Chaste Moon, is a portal of purification, simplification, and reconnection with our inner child. It facilitates release of everything that’s not joyous or useful. In Leo, it can help us release control and ego trips, and/or fear about letting our light shine.
At 20-21 Leo, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
INTOXICATED DOMESTIC BIRDS FLY AROUND IN DIZZY ATTEMPTS. Unsteady, first realization of spiritual being. Forced inspiration which the ego cannot sustain. False self-intoxication. This lunation also favors finishing something started sometime before February 1 related to children, a creative project, romance, art, or a hobby.

Leo Moon makes some tense aspects this morning, before going VOC on a trine to eager Mars. We may feel up for adventure, but the influences are better for visualizing, enjoying the garden, going on a low-key walk, taking ourselves out to breakfast, reading poetry, philosophy and drama, playing table games or doing something creative just for fun.

With it being the day of the Moon in the week of Air, Venus joining Chiron the wounded healer in Aries this morning is great for a visit to the gynecologist; also for journaling, therapy, and any initiative that helps heal self-esteem. Creative thought flows, favoring writing, preparing a promotion or a letter to Congress. But actual communications can be a bit confusing until around 10:00 am (12:00 pm ET). The rest of the day is great for work, publicity, giving a class or seminar and service activities. That is, until 7:29 pm (10:29 ET), when Moon’s opposition to Neptune can make for confusion. However, the intangible, imaginative Neptunian influence favors work on spiritual healing, consulting our intuition, or programming our dreams.
With Moon in diligent Virgo in trine to organized Saturn and powerhouse Pluto, we can make great, practical headway in the first part of the day on such tangible projects as reorganizing desk or papers, presenting an account, taking concrete steps to manifest our dreams, and working on finance, structure and completion of something begun before February 1.
However! Avoid ruining things by getting picky or neurotic. Use these influences early, since Moon goes VOC at 10:26 am (1:26 pm ET). At this point, take a break (against the urgings of pesky Virgo), wash clothes, call someone just to show you care, and meditate or pray until 3:27 pm (6:27 ET), when Luna enters Libra. Libra represents the period from 23 to 42 years old, when partnerships are made and balance is sought between others and oneself. On the World scale Libra is between 400and 1100 AD, when division of the church and state took over, and the Dark Ages swept over Europe and Asia. The opposition is symbolic of the fact that in order to emerge from the unconscious, internal conflicts must be brought out into the light of day. Marriage was the primary process through which opposing countries where integrated into a whole. With the Moon in Libra we are aware of our communal relations, law, justice and balance. The 7th house (Libra) has been called the house of marriage. The key to the New Aeon of MA'AT is figuring out the new symbol for Libra, as the institution of marriage was originally designed as a tool by the Church to secure it's future domination. Those that cannot find this new symbol and perform these symbolic rites on themselves and their tribe, and the whole fabric of material being, will inherit only the blues, decay, and husks. Think more in terms of partnership and remember, your heart must be light as a feather. Take this time to be good to your Libra ruled kidneys. These amazing organs filter some 400-500 hundred gallons of blood a day. Lemons, beets, cranberry juice and cabbage and leafy vegetables are all healing to your kidneys. From now until 9:00 pm (12:00 am ET), we get a good window to see friends, go to a concert, send your partner roses, buy something for the house, make a court appearance, work on your bank statement, PR or something involving justice, compromise, teamwork or negotiation.


The Day of Mercury in the week of Fire. Mercury's function in Yetzirah is to actively communicate. To think. To know. To reason. Mercury teaches (by demonstration), the animation of Eidolons, the magick indwelling of icons by Spirit. Avoid any doctrine or religious movement that advocates a shameful wickedness with the alphabet.Moon in social Libra makes contacts that stimulate creativity but can also generate tension. We here at Metaversal are united firmly with our brothers and sisters in the Temple of MA'AT. Her connection is not insignificant (for more on the Temple of MA'AT go to Metaversal Venus, the link is over there to the right in the Lightcraft directory. After her role in creation and continuously preventing the universe from returning to chaos, her primary role in Egyptian mythology dealt with the weighing of souls that took place in the underworld, Duat. Her feather was the measure that determined whether the souls (considered to reside in the heart) of the departed would reach the paradise of afterlife successfully. Maat is the spirit in which justice was applied rather than the detailed legalistic exposition of rules (as found in Mosaic law of the 1st millennium BCE). Maat is the norm and basic values that form the backdrop for the application of justice that has to be carried out in the spirit of truth and fairness. From the 5th dynasty (c. 2510-2370 BCE) onwards the Vizier responsible for justice was called the Priest of Maat and in later periods judges wore images of Maat. Later scholars and philosophers also would embody concepts from the wisdom literature, or Sebayt. These spiritual texts dealt with common social or professional situations and how each was best to be resolved or addressed in the spirit of Maat. It was very practical advice, and highly case-based, so that few specific and general rules could be derived from them. During the Greek period in Egyptian history, Greek law existed alongside Egyptian law. The Egyptian law preserved the rights of women who were allowed to act independently of men and own substantial personal property and in time this influenced the more restrictive conventions of the Greeks and Romans. When the Romans took control of Egypt, the Roman legal system which existed throughout the Roman Empire was imposed in Egypt. In the Duat, the Egyptian underworld, the hearts of the dead were said to be weighed against her single "Feather of Ma'at", symbolically representing the concept of Maat, in the Hall of Two Truths. A heart which was unworthy was devoured by the goddess Ammit and its owner condemned to remain in the Duat. The heart was considered the location of the soul by ancient Egyptians. Those people with good and pure hearts were sent on to Aaru. Osiris came to be seen as the guardian of the gates of Aaru after he became part of the Egyptian pantheon and displaced Anubis in the Ogdoad tradition. The weighing of the heart, pictured on papyrus in the Book of the Dead typically, or in tomb scenes, shows Anubis overseeing the weighing and the lioness Ammit seated awaiting the results so she could consume those who failed. The image would be the vertical heart on one flat surface of the balance scale and the vertical Shu-feather standing on the other balance scale surface. Other traditions hold that Anubis brought the soul before the posthumous Osiris who performed the weighing. Looking deeper however, all contestants may both win and lose depending on the purpose and machinations behind the scenes.Look beneath the surface to find what’s really going on. A win-win could be created through an enlightened viewpoint. . If you’ve elected to forego swallowing the gravity pill, you can take part in the holographic cherub hunt – but mind you don’t bruise your fellow prisoners! At this point a viscous orange liquid. Take as many pictures as you like. Feel free to speak candidly to those in hibernation – it won’t disturb them
Have lunch with friends, download new music, give yourself a hair treatment or go for a manicure. (But don’t make major changes to your image unless you started that before February 2, when Mercury entered shadow.) Seek people out for work or socializing, but remember to be diplomatic. Use today’s numerology of 3 to choose your words carefully, and only say what lifts people’s spirits and contributes to mutual good will. Contacts with spirit guides and angels are favored.

Pay attention to this morning’s window for people connection. Moon in Libra makes a morning trine to Sun, whose benefits kick in after an early tension to Pluto wears off, at around 9:00 am (12:00 pm ET). making for a short hour-plus spell that favors people-connections. During this window, see friends, take your honey to brunch, work on a negotiation or reach a compromise, do teamwork, act on a legal process, fix your hair, hold a ceremony. At 10:46 am (1:46 pm ET), sweetness fades as Moon squares stern Saturn. This can bring guilt trips, a sense of overload or that we’re somehow not enough; so independent activities go better, like organizing our space, clothes, correspondence, or plants. At 1:40 pm (4;40 ET), Luna goes VOC on a sextile to Mars. Now we can enjoy beauty and do casual socializing. Save important connections until after 4:37 pm (7:37 ET), when she enters Scorpio, or better yet, wait until tomorrow afternoon and evening.
Now, we might use this Scorpio energy to do research, work on a long-range goal seeded before February 1, solve a problem, get closure, or work on inner change.

If you actively invoke blessed HANIEL, the Archangel of Venus into your heart today, you may find you have developed the
ability to feel like Khrisna, multiplying himself into a dozen pastoral, naked farmhands with muddy feet and emerald
pond scum on their thighs, or maybe you are a young Freya on the back of a panther, eating honey. Venus, who gets
oversimplified like a lot of her sisters, is one of the most complex planets going: she works as an attractive force
and as a creative one. The 5 roses represent the five senses in the Empress card (Atu 3) And in the Lovers card
(Atu 6 ) the senses are the five fruits of Eve. Venus is indeed in cahoots with the senses. All movement of all living
creatures in world of Assiah are tied to the senses and the desire-nature. The accomplished Lightpilot can remove the
robe of desire in order to withdraw into the worlds of Briah and Atzitluth, but in order to achieve anything in the
physical realms you keep that robe on. When you act, your gonna act in terms of desire. Venus represents that which
is desirable. Every living thing seeks pleasure and tries to avoid pain. Victory lies in understanding our desire
nature and learning how to use it Moon in Scorpio makes an early connection to romantic Venus, followed by harmonies to Mercury the messenger, Jupiter the publicist and later tonight, Neptune the mystic. A Valentine’s Day date is apt to go well, particularly with a current or old flame, since Mercury is now in storm. Socializing and seduction go well, and so do activist and work initiatives. Although Scorpio can be intense, these aspects are great for communications, promotion, teaching and sales. In one way or another, we can get closer to others.
Lady luck blesses courageous actions on something started before February 1.

If you ended up sleeping with the boss last night (or if you’re the boss that got slept with), you might move in together this morning.
Yesterday’s energies helped us merge with others, and this morning’s sextile from Moon in Scorpio to ruler Pluto just might close the merger, or the deal, or the gap that kept us from our love. With today’s prosperous, protective numerology of 6, this sextile is dynamite for moving courageously to build something or somehow firm up a change we’ve been working for. Try to do it before 2:17 pm (5:17 ET), when Moon makes her Fourth Quarter, starting her monthly cycle of wind-down. At 26-27 Scorpio, she triggers the following Sabian symbol:
A MILITARY BAND, FLASHY AND NOISY, MARCHES ON POMPOUSLY. Desire to impress upon others the glory of one’s social eminence. Materialization of normally subjective values. Show. Combined with the Fourth Quarter Moon, this is a good moment to review our postures, release concern for the opinions of others, and return to our authentic selves. At 2:20 pm (5:20 ET), Luna goes VOC on a sextile to Saturn that favors taking a break to get our inner work (books, journal, visualization tools, etc.) in order.
At 8:07 pm (11:07 ET), she enters Sagittarius. Watch a humorous movie, get caught up on correspondence, promote something, work on forgiveness or to retrieve data, socialize or incubate a dream.
Affirmation to incubate a dream:
Guardian Angel, please show me what I need to see about (describe the situation), in a clear, positive dream that I remember on waking.

Hero planet Mars enters Capricorn, sign of work. His intensely focused mode may actually come as a relief, helping mobilize us in actions related to the goals that have been absorbing us under this year’s alignment of Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Pallas in Capricorn. (See our General Influences for more on the Red Planet’s placement.) Moon in visionary Sag makes a trine to Venus that’s great for people connections! Have an adventure or a picnic, take or give a seminar, seek out friends, throw a party, socialize. Even though it’s Sunday, be creative and think of something you can do for business, applying this combination of visionary and practical influences in promotion, PR or an interaction requiring charm and diplomacy. Mercury goes fully retrograde today, so remember to focus on something begun before February 1.
At 7:10 pm (10:10 ET), Moon squares Mercury the messenger in sensitive Pisces. Communications may be confusing. Enjoy art, a film, or music, or connect with light beings.


Today’s numerology of 8 moves us to consolidate power, and the Moon in Sagittarius keeps our vision wide open.
Optimism is in the air! We can engage in a team effort, spend time outdoors, make headway in trade or a legal matter, hold a business meeting or seminar, lend or borrow money, give a tutorial, get a long-overdue answer, relaunch or do follow-up with a promotion.