Saturday, August 25, 2012

Metaversal Waterweek Astral Terrain Forecasts (and Light Specific Yoga Platforms) for August 24th to August 27th!

Friday August 24
The Day of Venus in the week of Water. In the Western Mystery Tradition, the most pervasive polyamorous archetype is Aphrodite, Greek goddess of Love and Beauty. She is Venus, Ishtar, Astarte, Inanna and relates to the sephera Netzach on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. While she had more lovers than any other Greek goddess she was not victimized and never suffered from her numerous love affairs as did many of the other goddesses. Neither was she jealous or possessive. Unlike her counter parts she was allowed freely to choose both her husband and many lovers. She inspired poetry, communication and art as well as love. Venus represents that which is desirable. Every living thing seeks pleasure and tries to avoid pain. Victory lies in understanding our desire nature and learning how to use it. . but it also can fractal the Vortex, mirror-into-mirror. Fractallity simplified means that if one places a mirror at a certain angle one gets a mirror into a mirror, into a mirror -- that is fractal recursion, and that is precisely mapped by the Golden Ratio, or PHI (1.618). Our body is comprised from out of it. Take the end of a finger section, to the next middle of the finger section, then onto the base of the finger, and they are in their relation to each other like a Golden Spiral, the same ratio as a mirror into a mirror, into a mirror -- holographic fractal recursion, cross-indexed within the profane and arcane of the anatomy of the self. In the same way, amidst the Lightcraft, we have tetrahedrons incascades, each cascade mapped through an 8 Hz orthorotation through the Metaverse.and out in the mangroves the mynah birds cry in the shadows of sulphur the trawlers drift by, they're chewing dried meat in a house of disrepute, the dust of opiates and syphilis patients. The Sun reaches its opposition to retrograde Neptune at 5:33 am (8:33 am ET) to bring a crisis in faith and clarity, the “Full” phase of Neptune’s yearly cycle. We are aware now of what we don’t know, as if we just turned a corner and saw a whole new world. If we are not fixed in our expectations, this generates more intrigue and wonder than shock and disillusionment. Now we know what we need to work with before Neptune goes direct November 10. At 3:50 am, the Moon enters Sagittarius and wakes up the Mutable pattern that has been less active since the end of July, creating a T-square with the Sun and Neptune-Chiron. This is the dominant pattern of the First Quarter lunation, which occurs at 1°48′ Sagittarius at 6:54 am (9:54 am ET). The pattern lends itself to impulse, including quick actions and reactions as we make a bid for freedom. This could result in injury (physical, emotional) if too hasty. The stage is set for benefit if we are fluid, as there’s also a trine to Uranus. The chart cast for Washington DC, the T-square activates a flurry of communication, some of which is false, in an attempt to change the game prior to the election. This is a turning point week, during which a momentum will be built toward the November outcome. President Obama’s strong suit is his popularity with women, and we will see Michelle Obama on center stage this week. The Sabian Symbol for the Moon at 2 Sagittarius is “the ocean covered with whitecaps.” For the Sun at 2 Virgo the symbol is “A large white cross, dominating the landscape, stands alone on top of a high hill.” These together could suggest a whitewashing job, a false appearance of turbulence, but also a far deeper unrest than is revealed on the surface. It necessary to have faith in our ideals and goals, even if they seem far away right now. The truth is emerging.

Saturday August 25
Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, but death is a short certificate written by a sensible fellow with a degree in forensic pathology. The Moon carries on in Sagittarius, connecting with Jupiter, Mercury, and Saturn to further amplify our urge to expand and free ourselves from confining situations. . Sagittarius represents, on the level of the first octave, the period between Conception and 7 weeks, the first Lunar month after the sperm reaches the egg, and is a compacted pattern at a molecular time scale of the entire life of the cellular body. The embryo develops in parallel with the earlier phases of evolution, retaining memory of these structures in the brain. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Metaversal Lightcraft Training Manual for more on the Four Octaves), Sagittarius represents Initiation beyond the realms of Death (Scorpio). On the World scale, Sag occupies the period between AD 1500 and AD 1750, The Renaissance. This was the time when astrology, mathematics, musick and geometry were understood as divine techniques for communicating with the Soul of the World. With the Moon in Sagittarius we are into philosophical speculation, adventure, and foreign influences, and actions that expand the awareness through gathering unfamiliar experiences. When Mars trines Neptune, our feelings emerge more strongly, a sense of relief. The Moon enters its void-of-course at 11:39 pm on a harmonious note.

Sunday August 26
At 6:58 am (9:58 am ET), the Moon reactivates us when it goes into Capricorn for another take on the Cardinal Cross. Today it hooks up with Neptune, Chiron, Mars, and the Sun to give us the outlet of a new but transient productive and nurturing Cradle pattern. We feel the rumblings of awakening changes, but they do not drown out our sense of what we can do with them. The evening finds us tending toward introspection as the connections with Pluto and Uranus are perfected.

Monday August 27
Projecting Light Specific purple or octarine (a particular shade of electric pinkish purple) into your forehead and facing West, activate the Ajna Holographic Image Projection System (third eye), then invoke blessed Gabriel. Diana, or Sailor Moon into your Brow Chakra. It's the Moon's day in the week of Water and the emotional body in reflection. The lunar orb being receptive and reflective, focuses the qualities of the signs and other planets to our personal Lightcraft. The Lunar center, and its intimate connection with the Holographic Image Projection System, is not only the foundation for the astral plane, but is the fiery aspect of astral energy itself The Moon opposes Venus to bring out the contrasts between past and present associations. Who feels like family? With whom do we feel secure?

Friday, August 24, 2012

IAO Core Live from Mosswood "The Rite of Venus" Part 7 of the Rites of E...

This is nothing less than pure awesome and behold a court of photosynthetic Angels who make this place inside your chest cavity a Paradise, performing tantric intercourse in magick towers and lush subterranean caves, opening your heart chakra screaming " fuck me like fried potatoes on the most beautifully hungry morning of my God-damn life." It is Art that pleads a kind of lost divine madness a its guiding inspiration. the center will make itself known to those who will be a part of it there and who will find their way there and those who are to be a part of it in another location will also respond to the gravitational pull of Love in evolution, embracing the death of the false, for the endless perpetuation of the real, via the mysterious process of change, which is the dance performed by that which is immortal in us …and is the perceptible part of the divine in demonstration of it. Chickadees have been known to fornicate with badgers here, for christsakes.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Astral Terrain Forecast for the local Metaverse: August 21 to August 23

Tuesday August 21
The Moon makes its final Cardinal contacts today as it conjoins Saturn and then Mars late in the day to give us the last shot of the urge to bond before Mars leaves Libra. We could charm a snake from a cat’s vagina just by snoring. We could steer a tank with our diction even if you numbed our tongue with a lethartonic unguent. This is another moment of truth that leads us to make commitments and release old ones if we haven’t tied up those loose relationship ends yet.

Wednesday August 22
The Moon tags the Sun as it reaches Regulus, the Heart of the Lion, to add the punch of courage to our actions. Its brief void period commences at 0:13 am PT, which ends at 3:58 am (6:58 am ET) upon its entry into Scorpio. . Scorpio represents the period from 42 years old to Death, when ones sense of Time compacts and passes rapidly. Since this stage is the last in the life of the human biological machine, it's now time to transcend the confines of the mortal body and to assure continued existence, either you breed (pass on your DNA) or step out of the loop (become your DNA). On the World scale, Scorpio is between AD 1100 and AD 1500, when the Dark Ages reached their peak. This is the Time of the Crusades and the Inquisition, when Pain, Bloodshed and Oppression swept over Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, after the uneasy alliances made during Libra. This is the sign of the Shadow. Successfully navigated, one can experience healthy, flowing spontaneous sexuality, an acceptance of Death and an integration of i ts reality into daily life, thus gaining a sense of the immortality of consciousness. A trine to Neptune before we awaken infuses our dream state with visions of truth and future. The Sun enters Virgo at 10:07 am to bring forth the Priestess archetype for the coming month. A soft Moon contact to Pluto helps us bring harmony from the depths, and Mercury finally clears its retrograde shadow with its third sextile to Jupiter. This is a good day for agreements, an opportunity to clear up what is still unsaid or undone from the Mercury retrograde. The Sun squares the Moon’s (Mean) Nodes to bring to the surface unfinished business from mid-May. We have three more months to complete the directives we took on then, but the urge to “make it so”, already strong in August, is thus amplified.

Thursday August 23
Although the Moon is not far into Scorpio, it loses contact with the other bodies at 2:34 am (5:34 am ET) to commence a void period that lasts until 3:50 am (6:50 am ET) tomorrow. This inclines us to go deep inside and see what’s brewing in the unseen world, as well as to complete what remains on the surface. The depth dive is augmented when Mars enters Scorpio at 8:24 am (11:24 am ET), a sign of its rulership. For I say unto you: it would be easier for a honeypossum to sculpt a perfect likeness of Aleister Crowley out of marmalade and motor oil than it would be to escape the effects of Mars in Scorpio. Mars was very strong in Libra but challenging in this sign of its detriment; now in rulership it is stronger and easier to manage if we refine our emotion-driven willpower with discipline to create what we may have lacked the resilience to accomplish up to now.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Fireweek/Atziluth of the Leo Lunar Cycle; August 17 to August 20

Fireweek/Atziluth of the Leo Lunar Cycle

The seed/ideas we have from the New Moon to the First Quarter Moon come from the kabbalistic world of Atziluth (Fire) and are the blueprints/seeds for everything that exists, has existed, and will ever exist in the physical world of Assiah (Earth), as an embodiment of the archetypal idealized apple (or a least the Core).. Fireweek is the time to remember we're in the pilots seat of our own personal Lightcraft and make some course corrections if we've veered off course… The Leo Lunar cycle is the time to begin that creative project that's near and dear to your heart. You needn't dress in any but the most perfunctory manner nor bring any crickets (there will be plenty of those!) The angel of dread has wrestled with the Lightpilot and brought her to her knees, and then - the lifting up into the light;, until the Lion's Mouth is opened by gentle hands, until the secret of the Sphinx revealed, and then - the revelation of the Metaversal Harmony. Of course I'm talking 'bout the archetype of Leo - the King: long live the, kill the,...etc. The Lion-serpent sun sign, the power of Will, the quest for authenticity. Leo represents the period of development when as children we begin primary school, which is the first detachment from the family structure, where we learn to make relationships and satisfy the need to be loved in the world. Games provide a way to relate to others and they teach us to accept and make rules, the basis for being able to structure our lives (from 7 to 13 years old). On the World Scale, Leo is between 3,000 to 800 BC when both the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations flourished, when religion became monotheistic, where one being represented or was, God on Earth. The Time of Pharaohs and Kings, Lion images proliferated in architecture and monuments, for the Lion is of course, King of Beasts. The electric Sun itself, Leo calls on each of you to shine your light, your singular essence. No one else has seen through your fingertips, felt through your eyes, lived in your skin The sign of Leo is ruled by the Sun, our source of light and life. What is your Sun saying? What kind of light do you shine? What do you love more than anything? Give yourself some soul time around this New Moon and take notes on what your heart is telling you. This New Moon in courageous Leo plants seeds of inspiration in a child's garden of creativity and play.. Pythagoras founded a philosophical and religious school in Croton and was the head of the society with an inner circle of followers known as mathematikoi. The mathematikoi lived permanently with the Society, had no personal possessions and were vegetarians. They were taught by Pythagoras himself and obeyed strict Aquarian rules. The beliefs that Pythagoras held were
(1) that at its deepest level, reality is mathematical in nature,
(2) that philosophy can be used for spiritual purification,
(3) that the soul can rise to union with the divine,
(4) that certain symbols have a mystical significance, and
(5) that all brothers and sisters of the order should observe strict loyalty and secrecy. Pythagoras noticed that vibrating strings produce harmonious tones when the ratios of the lengths of the strings are whole numbers, and that these ratios could be extended to other instruments. In fact Pythagoras made remarkable contributions to the mathematical theory of music. He was a master musician, playing the lyre, and he used music as a means to help those who were ill. Well you can turn me to salt, dye me blue, and let the cows lick me into the homunculus of remorse, whence I will go about the countryside ejaculating Pythagoras' name through kitchen windows. And the people will say, 'Look out, it's him again.' And, typically, there will be those among them who will say, 'Let's kick him to death.' And still others will countermand them, saying, 'No - let's just maim him and send him on his way.' Citizens and townsfolk, can you not see the sign around my neck? LOCK UP YOUR DOUBTERS: SHE IS RISEN, LIKE THE WOBBLY ROD OF MAN AS IT DOWSETH THE FLUIDIFEROUS CHALICE OF THE EMPERESS!

Friday August 17
With the Moon in Leo as the Sun rises, some may shave Celtic crosses on the rumps of consenting pooches and airbrush infrared barcodes on the haunches of catnip-tripping felines, but most won’t. Leo represents the period of when as children we begin primary school, which is the first detachment from the family structure, where we learn to make relationships and satisfy the need to be loved in the world. Games provide a way to relate to others and they teach us to accept and make rules, the basis for being able to structure our lives (from 7 to 13 years old). On the World Scale, Leo is between 3,000 to 800 BC when both the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations flourished, when religion became monotheistic, where one being represented or was, God on Earth. During this Time of Pharaohs and Kings, Lion images proliferated in architecture and monuments, for the Lion is of course, King of Beasts. With the Moon in Leo today we may be seeking romance with a flare for the dramatic..Don’t let an insecure ego run rampant trying to overcompensate for what you think you don’t have. It’s easy to turn emotional incidents into high drama. Build emotional security by using your willpower. Be romantic. Love. Revel in the warmest kindest most tender parts of yourself. The New Moon in Leo is a gold mine of creativity, courage and confidence. It warms the heart with pride and promotes self-expression. It lets us feel like children free to play and take artistic and entrepreneurial risks as if we are the makers of our world. This is excellent for pushing forward original concepts, facing the public, and showing affection without fear. Fortunately, the potential for arrogance associated with this royal sign is constrained by smart 60-degree sextiles to this Sun-Moon conjunction from energetic Mars and disciplined Saturn. They are in equitable Libra where an understanding of cooperation and commitment temper the excesses of egocentrism. Working in harmony with others increases the likelihood that new concepts will take root and grow. Sun, Moon and Saturn commingle harmoniously to bring a constructive and productive platform to support the New Moon, which comes at 25°08′ Leo/8:54 am PT (11:54 am ET). An array of planets apply to the separating Mars-Saturn conjunction, many harmoniously. This conjunction has revealed its truths, but we get another chance through translations from the Sun and Moon today, a celebration of the good that has come — whether union or separation, all is better aligned. With this New Moon however, the outcomes look good and will be dispersed over the month to come, a month of healing, insight, and alignment with the love that runs as an undercurrent through every situation. With the third Mercury-Jupiter sextile strong in this chart, we get a month of opportunity to create harmonious communications and agreements. In the chart cast for Washington DC showing events the US, the emphasis is on the nation’s leader. President Obama will be showing the full range of his leadership ability and vision for the future both in actions taken in his current role and on the campaign trail. With Congress on recess, this leaves the Beltway focus to be trained on what happens in the Administrative Branch, and Obama fills those shoes amply. The degree of the New Moon is 26 Leo, “After a heavy storm a rainbow appears” in the Sabian Symbols. We have experienced the emotional storms of summer, even as the rain refused to fall. Will the clouds pour forth now and end the drought of soil and consciousness? With both Sun and Moon at this degree, it confers the blessing of a double rainbow, a rare and powerful omen of good.

Saturday August 18
The Day of Saturn in the kabbalistic World of Fire Atziluth. Wearing Black and facing North, invoke the spirit of Johnny Cash into your Base Chakra (The Malkuth "Lil' World" Morphogenetic Field Transceiver) with the mantrum. "Because your mine, I walk the line". With it being Fire week, honor Saturn today by creating greater stability in the Metaverse, actively expressing or experiencing your security needs, and cleansing and strengthening your base Chakra. Our consciousness in this chakra is concerned with survival, with our fight or flight response, with our instincts. It links the individual with the physical world. Serves as the foundation to evolve and build personality. If we are to ignore this chakra, and concern ourselves with the higher levels, we will be growing without roots, we will be unstable, unable to withstand the trials that will come our way. If our survival needs are met, the Base Chakra will function healthily, but if there is a perceived threat to this, (such as a difficult house move, job change, health problems, etc.) it can create an imbalance. Other Saturnian imbalances can show themselves in various ways, from sleeplessness and the inability to relax, to obsession with money, possessions or health. Quiet days alternate with busy ones as the planets cluster around particular degrees. Mercury reaches the synchronized sextile of Pluto and Chiron to form a yod, simultaneously trining Uranus. It’s all about what we say and how we connect. Use the truthful trine gently, because feelings whose depth you’re not aware of will be hurt. There is a deep sensitivity that it helps to know is there, even if we can’t see any evidence of it yet. The Moon continues in Virgo, reaching a very early end to its contacts at 4:26 pm, to commence a void period that lasts until 9:45 pm tomorrow evening. Every human is born with a third-dimensional body and a fourth-dimensional Lightcraft. The physical body is the biological conductor. The Lightctraft is the time transport unit. The body and its Lightcraft are inseparable. The biological conductor sustains the sensory nervous system, the human instrument for processing the full range of experience. The experience of the body is synchronized within the Metaversal Lightcraft. The Lightcraft is the physical body's coded experience in time. The body in time with its Lightcraft is art. Lack of respect for life arises directly from not understanding the true electrical alchemic principles of time compression at the end of solar ages- alchemizes the heart - is because the charge densities which accompany the solar maxima (2000- 2012 - climax of the Mayan / Solar calendar) formerly called RAPTURE by Christians - permit only those biological structures ABLE to non-destructively (and ALCHEMICALLY) compress / implode - to survive. the structural basis for all Light-specific work in the Metaverse is regular, disciplined connection to the No-Form, meditation, contemplation, what ever you want to call it, as long as it's deep. Supremely solitary in that heath of scrub. The Light-Specific state initiates itself with SOLITUDE, the gratifying element of being alone (if only for 20 minutes a day)... without which, true development is impossible. The point is to connect to your inner source of stability, the state of potentia, the No-Form, at least once a day. No-Form is not a goal or state of "spiritual arrival" (as some religions would have us believe), it is a highly practical, multi-purpose tool for dissolving our identification with the ego. If you want to play with us, this is the only rule. The foundation of our Lightcraft is built in Chaos, so you must maintain a firm foundation, or Chaos your life will be. Some of us need this connection four times a day (sunrise, true noon, sunset, true midnight). Some of us actually manage to do it four times a day. It is a choice you must make. I would do it for you if I could. Once a day is all that's required to maintain the Continuity function. Future generations of yourself will be glad this came to pass. The Lightcraft Academy, Yoga Ceremonial Magick, this astrology forecast, they all provide ritual technology for Self initiation. But the key word here is Self. D.I.Y

Sunday August 19
The Day of the Sun in Fireweek. The six of Wands (Sun in Atziluth) is all about being acknowledged, getting a pat on the back, achieving recognition. You can triumph over yourself, the environment, or the odds. Your talents begin in the Divine (Atziluth), develop with the love and support of others, and only in the end express through us. When obtaining the summit of this holy mountain, keep in mind this fourth-dimensional "Metaverse" possesses a design and field of motion encoded with solar-galactic information. Few things symbolize victory and glory like obtaining the summit of this Holy Mountain . In order to do so one has to plan, organize, exercise patience, and overcome mental and physical hardships. In short - be willing to do the seemingly impossible and then accept the credit when your objective is completed. The Moon is void of course all day, giving us time for inner work, leisure activity, and glorious time-wasting. At 9:45 pm (12:45 am August 20 ET), we feel the energy pick up as Moon enters Libra, but actual contacts will wait until tomorrow.

Monday August 20
Projecting Light Specific purple or octarine (a particular shade of electric pinkish purple) into your forehead and facing West, activate the Ajna Holographic Image Projection System (third eye), then invoke blessed Gabriel. Diana, or Sailor Moon into your Brow Chakra. It's the Moon's day in the week of Fire. The lunar orb being receptive and reflective, focuses the qualities of the signs and other planets to our personal Lightcraft. The Lunar center, and its intimate connection with the Holographic Image Projection System, is not only the foundation for the astral plane, but is the fiery aspect of astral energy itself. The Sun catches Mars by sextile before they change signs, finalizing events of the past week surrounding our relationship bonds. There will be more to come through the end of September—this is all about Saturn, a culmination and completion of what we’ve been working on with our closest ties since Fall 2009. The Moon in Libra touches base with the plethora of bodies in Cardinal Signs today and tomorrow: Pluto, Uranus, and Venus are today’s fare. What pains us needs to be corrected, and we see what needs doing, even if we don’t know how yet. Even if our feelings are conflicted, we can think lucidly and communicate effectively as Moon makes a Minor Grand Trine with Mercury and Jupiter. With the Moon balanced in Libra today and we feel like being social. Libra represents the period from 23 to 42 years old, when partnerships are made and balance is sought between others and oneself. On the World scale Libra is between 400 and 1100 AD, when division of the church and state took over, and the Dark Ages swept over Europe and Asia. The opposition is symbolic of the fact that in order to emerge from the unconscious, internal conflicts must be brought out into the light of day. Marriage was the primary process through which opposing countries where integrated into a whole. With the Moon in Libra we are aware of our communal relations, law, justice and balance. The 7th house (Libra) has been called the house of marriage. The key to the New Aeon of MA'AT is figuring out the new symbol for Libra, as the institution of marriage was originally designed as a tool by the Church to secure it's future domination. Those that cannot find this new symbol and perform these symbolic rites on themselves and their tribe, and the whole fabric of material being, will inherit only the blues, decay, and husks. Think more in terms of partnership and remember, your heart must be light as a feather. Take this time to be good to your Libra ruled kidneys. These amazing organs filter some 400-500 hundred gallons of blood a day. Lemons, beets, cranberry juice and cabbage and leafy vegetables are all healing to your kidneys . .

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Friday August 19th, New Moon in Leo: Thus begins the Creativity Cycle of the Metaversal Year

Friday August 17
With the Moon in Leo as the Sun rises, some may shave Celtic crosses on the rumps of consenting pooches and airbrush infrared barcodes on the haunches of catnip-tripping felines, but most won’t. Leo represents the period of when as children we begin primary school, which is the first detachment from the family structure, where we learn to make relationships and satisfy the need to be loved in the world. Games provide a way to relate to others and they teach us to accept and make rules, the basis for being able to structure our lives (from 7 to 13 years old). On the World Scale, Leo is between 3,000 to 800 BC when both the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations flourished, when religion became monotheistic, where one being represented or was, God on Earth. During this Time of Pharaohs and Kings, Lion images proliferated in architecture and monuments, for the Lion is of course, King of Beasts. With the Moon in Leo today we may be seeking romance with a flare for the dramatic..Don’t let an insecure ego run rampant trying to overcompensate for what you think you don’t have. It’s easy to turn emotional incidents into high drama. Build emotional security by using your willpower. Be romantic. Love. Revel in the warmest kindest most tender parts of yourself. The New Moon in Leo is a gold mine of creativity, courage and confidence. It warms the heart with pride and promotes self-expression. It lets us feel like children free to play and take artistic and entrepreneurial risks as if we are the makers of our world. This is excellent for pushing forward original concepts, facing the public, and showing affection without fear. Fortunately, the potential for arrogance associated with this royal sign is constrained by smart 60-degree sextiles to this Sun-Moon conjunction from energetic Mars and disciplined Saturn. They are in equitable Libra where an understanding of cooperation and commitment temper the excesses of egocentrism. Working in harmony with others increases the likelihood that new concepts will take root and grow. Sun, Moon and Saturn commingle harmoniously to bring a constructive and productive platform to support the New Moon, which comes at 25°08′ Leo/8:54 am PT (11:54 am ET). An array of planets apply to the separating Mars-Saturn conjunction, many harmoniously. This conjunction has revealed its truths, but we get another chance through translations from the Sun and Moon today, a celebration of the good that has come — whether union or separation, all is better aligned. With this New Moon however, the outcomes look good and will be dispersed over the month to come, a month of healing, insight, and alignment with the love that runs as an undercurrent through every situation. With the third Mercury-Jupiter sextile strong in this chart, we get a month of opportunity to create harmonious communications and agreements. In the chart cast for Washington DC showing events the US, the emphasis is on the nation’s leader. President Obama will be showing the full range of his leadership ability and vision for the future both in actions taken in his current role and on the campaign trail. With Congress on recess, this leaves the Beltway focus to be trained on what happens in the Administrative Branch, and Obama fills those shoes amply. The degree of the New Moon is 26 Leo, “After a heavy storm a rainbow appears” in the Sabian Symbols. We have experienced the emotional storms of summer, even as the rain refused to fall. Will the clouds pour forth now and end the drought of soil and consciousness? With both Sun and Moon at this degree, it confers the blessing of a double rainbow, a rare and powerful omen of good.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hyper-abyssic Astrology Forecasts (and Light-Specific Yoga Platforms) for the last two days of Earthweek: August 15th and 16th


The Day of Mercury in the kabbalistic World of Earth. Mercury's function is to communicate. To think. To know. To reason. Language is his playground. The Akasic Library is his home. And oh yes, Hermes is a Love god. He likes the sound of his own voice. Write a poem, a sonnet, or some erotica today and them transmit that information to at least one other person. I write these darn things every Wednesday. This very busy day is filled with contrasts. Protective Venus in Cancer crashes into hard aspects with disruptive Pluto and Uranus that can provoke power struggles and spur surprises. Breakthroughs in relationships and finances are its possible benefits. Self-control is an issue with active Mars joining strict Saturn in Libra. The margin of error is very small and rules must be followed carefully, yet discipline and concentration help to establish constructive patterns for developing skills and mastering methods.


Take physical exercise in Jupiter's Day, when he is reigning, and use Jovial things such as Lapis Lazuli, Brass, Cedarwood, blue and aery colours, wine, honey; and entertain thoughts and feelings which are particularly Jovial, that is, expansive, healthy, and with good humour... - Marsilio Ficino, Renaissance Astrologer and Orphic Musician

The Day of Jupiter in Earthweek. Can you recognize something better than you've ever experienced, utterly new and positive, without letting yourself be lulled into lassitude by overconfidence, arrogance or still incompleteness? Then you are up to the Jupiterian challenge today.The Moon carries on in Leo, harmonizing with Uranus and Jupiter to bring out our innovative spirit early in the day. The angel of dread has wrestled with the Lightpilot and brought her to her knees, and then - the lifting up into the light;, until the Lion's Mouth is opened by gentle hands, until the secret of the Sphinx revealed, and then - the revelation of the Metaversal Harmony. Of course I'm talking 'bout the archetype of Leo - the King: long live the, kill the,...etc. The Lion-serpent sun sign, the power of Will, the quest for authenticity. Leo represents the period of development when as children we begin primary school, which is the first detachment from the family structure, where we learn to make relationships and satisfy the need to be loved in the world. Games provide a way to relate to others and they teach us to accept and make rules, the basis for being able to structure our lives (from 7 to 13 years old). On the World Scale, Leo is between 3,000 to 800 BC when both the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations flourished, when religion became monotheistic, where one being represented or was, God on Earth. The Time of Pharaohs and Kings, Lion images proliferated in architecture and monuments, for the Lion is of course, King of Beasts. With so much happening in Leo we may be seeking romance with a flare for the dramatic. We can use this time, the dark of the Moon, to tap the “Wishing Moon” and set our intentions for the coming lunar month, which starts tomorrow.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hyper-abyssic Astrology Forecasts (and Light-Specific Yoga Platforms) for August 10th to August 13th

Friday August 10

The Day of Venus in Assiah, the World of Earth. The stones attributed to Venus are Emeralds and Malachite and her metal is Copper .At 1:11 (4:11 pm ET), the Moon enters Gemini. We’ll feel especially chatty as it connects with newly-direct Mercury, while confusion over an awkward situation nags us.

Saturday August 11

The Day of Saturn, the Holder of the Secrets of Time, in Assiah, the World of Earth. The stones attributed to Saturn are Hematite and Onyx and her metal is Lead. Meet with other souls today, 'in the flesh,' including non-human beings (animals, plants) The Tarot card attributed to Saturn in Assiah is the Three of Disks (Material Success), making this a good day for money magick. Saturn in Assiah literally completes the braid which not only holds Assiah together, but creates the possibility for the proper information context for the evolution of human nervous systems, which are fortunate enough to be able to embed themselves in the "fields" of the Metaverse.. Wearing black and facing North, invoke the spirit of Johnny Cash into your Base Chakra with the mantrum. "Because your mine, I walk the line." The Moon makes contact with Uranus and Jupiter, occulting Jupiter (a “Jupiter eclipse”) to bring out our latent ingenuity. It’s challenging to sit still today because we want to experience everything now that the Moon is back in curious Gemini. We are confident that every path ends at a pot of gold, or at least a good time, since the Moon hooks up with fortuitous Jupiter. However, things are not as they appear with mischievous Mercury forming a slippery quincunx to illusory Neptune. Unrealistic expectations can create disappointment while an open mind leads to magic.Give yourself the freedom to pour this into a burst of creativity or play.Cyclonic Banshee Satori is the new mantra we assign to you free of charge. You want one of the round thingies, too? A mandala? All we have left are the ones with Aztec Mermaids in Cowboy Hats Riding Turquoise Emus. Oh, you’ve already got one of those? Well, you’ll have to wait if you want the Hedge-Devas on Bumblebees. Next week, maybe.

Sunday August 12

The Day of the Sun in Assiah. The Metaversal Lightpilot, which the ancient Egyptians referred to as the KA, is actually the fourth dimensional driver of the third dimensional Lightcraft, the BA. There is a sixth dimensional solar mind which interacts with all levels and is purely an electromagnetick harmonic, a harmony based on all the other levels coming together around a center. And the sun is the center eternally now and therefore timeless. The Sun never sets on itself. The evolution of the Metaversal song, what some refer to as the Great Work, has as its core the purpose of resonating this harmonic through your individual interactive Lightcraft.Social busy-ness pervades the early part of the day as Gemini Moon connects with Sun, Mars, and Saturn. If anything needs smoothing out to set the stage for this week’s big changes, this is the time to do it. We tend to internalize after 2:49 pm (5:49 pm ET), when the Moon goes void of course for the remainder of the day.

Monday August 13

Projecting Light Specific purple or octarine (a particular shade of electric pinkish purple) into your forehead and facing West, activate the Ajna Holographic Image Projection System (third eye), then invoke blessed Gabriel. Diana, or Sailor Moon into your Brow Chakra. It's the Moon's day in the week of Earth and the emotional body in reflection. The lunar orb being receptive and reflective, focuses the qualities of the signs and other planets to our personal Lightcraft. The Lunar center, and its intimate connection with the Holographic Image Projection System, is not only the foundation for the astral plane, but is the fiery aspect of astral energy itself. The stones attributed to Luna are Moonstones and Aquamarine, and her metal is Silver. Lunar scents are Jasmine and Sandalwood. As the Moon measures the tides of the earth (physically and astrally), so also does she measure the soul's passage from the shores of eternity through the waters of the womb to the world of time, to the door of our crib.. At 1:28 am (4:28 am ET), Moon enters Cancer. We get a chance to harmonize our energies overnight before plunging into a day that predicts what’s coming for the rest of the week. When Moon conjoins Venus (another occultation) opposes Pluto and squares Uranus, we get in touch again with what we really want in our relationships—it just won’t go away, and the only conclusion is to go ahead with our plans. It is worth it. with the Moon in cancer You may hear the foghorns of ghostships. You may see, through crystal windows, gigantic manta rays surging through primordial waves in a sea blasted by silent lightning.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hyper-Abyssic Astrology Forecasts (and Light Specific Yoga Platforms) for the last two rather exciting days of Airweek, and the first day of Earthweek (namely 6th, 7th, 8th of August, 2012)

Tuesday August 7
Everyone laughed when I sent my dog Zero to the Canine Academy Of Design, but they won't be laughing today when he continues to shit all over their lawn. At 6:43 am, Venus crosses into Cancer after her long stay in Gemini (since April 3rd). It can ‘spraggle upon waggle’, but not as well as a cat. It cannot be seen with one eye, unless observed through a splitter-lens. We become less interested in varied social connectivity and more in securing our emotional future, where our finances and relationships are concerned. Her impending hook-ups with Uranus and Pluto can be felt immediately; expect changes based on long-term developments and deep emotional needs. I once gave Venus in Gemini a 1972 Neo-Modernist elliptic-hyperboloid French watertower of reinforced concrete with panoptic stained-glass lazuli windows, and all you wanted was a new dress. I may never know how to love Venus in Gemini, but at least I have good taste in industrial architecture. The Moon continues in Aries, bringing an acute awareness of what’s not working for us in our relationships, as it opposes Mars and Saturn and gives us a more powerful sense of what’s coming as Mars moves into its conjunction with Saturn on August 15th. The Moon is in Aries, all headstrong and full of piss and vinegar. Aries represents the period from birth to seven months old, when as new borns, we experience everything as an extension of ourselves. Virtually all energy is devoted to having our needs met. On the World scale, Aries is between 48,000 BC and 26,000 BC, when the primitive Neanderthals were trounced upon by Cro-magnons. They were virtually identical to modern Homo Sapiens, yet anthropologists do not know from whence they came. The Aries Moon can be so enthused with it's own adventure that it might seem a little arrogant. Don't take it personally. The focus is on action, not reaction. The Moon goes void at 1:04 pm with its opposition to Saturn, suggesting necessary separations. At 10:40 pm PT/1°26′ Leo, Mercury's 24-day retrograde ends. Now we can move forward with the full cooperation of the personal planets. New beginnings abound!

Wednesday August 8

The Day of Mercury in the kabbalistic World of Air, Yetzirah.,. Mercury's function is to communicate. To think. To know. To reason. Language is his playground. The Akasic Library is his home. And oh yes, Hermes is a Love god. He likes the sound of his own voice. Write a poem, a sonnet, or some erotica today and them transmit that information to at least one other person. Mercury teaches(by demonstration), the animation of Eidolons, the magick indwelling of icons by Spirit. Let intuition rule. Since Mercury is no longer bassackwards (retrograde) now, add a few extra syllables to every verb you utter today, e.g. enscrubulify, intellarialectualizate, disunstrangulatize. At 0:26 am, the Moon enters Taurus, creating a Cradle Configuration over the day with Venus, Neptune, and Pluto. We are drawn to those we care most for, especially where there is discord or misunderstanding. It’s a good time to clear the air and come clean. Address every cat you see today with the greeting ‘Good afternoon, Mr. Ravenscrofte’, even if the cat is female, and even if it isn’t the afternoon. Doff your hat if you’re wearing one; click your heels if you’re not.

Thursday August 9

The Day of Jupiter in the kabbalistic World of Earth, Assiah. If you don't have a good laugh today, you are missing the point. There is a whole division of the Angelic Hierarchy assigned to the sephiroth Chesed (Jupiter) whose purpose is divine inspiration through laughter. And there is no vision more critical in the career of the adept than the Metaversal Joke. Did you here the one about the astrologer who broke his arm and attributed it to an accident? The Moon catches up with the Sun to bring the Third Quarter Moon at 17°34′ Taurus-Leo/11:55 am PT and begin what we here at Metaversal Lightcraft refer to as Earthweek. Mars coming to Saturn magnifies our frustration, but if we slow down we’ll get more done. We’re eager because we see so much that needs changing. This lunation is about integrating what we’ve learned and experienced, as well as casting out what no longer belongs in the light of our new awareness. This is timed perfectly with the release of Mercury and Venus reminding us that there’s no time to waste. Venus leads us to set our sights high as she makes an idealistic trine to Neptune. Whatever we set our cap at, it should come from a place of inner clarity. Once you’ve set your course, hold on—the coming week (through August 15) is going to be a wild ride! The Moon’s long void period commences at 11:55 am (2:55 pm ET), although this time can be used productively. In the chart cast for the US, the light of day is dawning on the consequences of Congress’s lack of vision, which is having a huge impact on the nation’s employment and productivity. A light is shone in particular on the effects of overseas outsourcing, as a movement grows to bring jobs back home. Wetter weather reaches the Midwest and east of the country.
At 18 Taurus, the Moon’s Sabian Symbol is “a woman airing an old bag through a sunny window to give it air and sunshine.” Besides the suggestion of reusing our precious resources whenever possible, this suggests that it’s time to let go of old energy that’s been bottled up. Whether it’s a household spring-clean or an inner cleanse, the waning Third Quarter Moon assists us in releasing what is no longer useful. Politically, this can bring truths to light that result in “throwing the bums out”. The Sun’s Sabian Symbol at 18 Leo is “A chemist conducts an experiment for his students.” As we clear out old energies and situations, it frees us to experiment with the opening that we’ve created for ourselves. It suggests moving forward gradually without building a new structure too quickly. Let it settle into place and build each aspect as it presents itself. Although you may know the outcome, there are always tricky stages where things could shift in an unexpected direction.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Metaversal Hyper abyssic Astrology Forecasts (and Light- Specific Yoga Platforms) for August 1 through August 6, 2012

Wednesday August 1
The Day of Mercury in the kabbalistic World of Air and Activity, Yetzirah. Mercury's function in Yetzirah is to actively communicate. To think. To know. To reason. Mercury retrograde teaches (by Retroactive demonstration), the animation of Eidolons, the magick indwelling of icons by Spirit. The Leo Sun and Aquarius Moon bring a culmination of awareness as they oppose each other in the Full Moon at 10°15′ Leo-Aquarius/ 8:27 pm PT . The angel of dread has wrestled with the Lightpilot and brought her to her knees, and then - the lifting up into the light;, until the Lion's Mouth is opened by gentle hands, until the secret of the Sphinx revealed, and then - the revelation of the Metaversal Harmony. Of course I'm talking 'bout the archetype of Leo - the King: long live the, kill the,...etc. The Lion-serpent sun sign, the power of Will, the quest for authenticity. Leo represents the period of development when as children we begin primary school, which is the first detachment from the family structure, where we learn to make relationships and satisfy the need to be loved in the world. Games provide a way to relate to others and they teach us to accept and make rules, the basis for being able to structure our lives (from 7 to 13 years old). On the World Scale, Leo is between 3,000 to 800 BC when both the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations flourished, when religion became monotheistic, where one being represented or was, God on Earth. The Time of Pharaohs and Kings, Lion images proliferated in architecture and monuments, for the Lion is of course, King of Beasts. With so much happening in Leo we may be seeking romance with a flare for the dramatic. The electric Sun itself, Leo calls on each of you to shine your light, your singular essence. No one else has seen through your fingertips, felt through your eyes, lived in your skin, with plenty of harmony where there was tumult, so a smoothing of life’s wrinkles is in order. This reactivates the nurturing, force-building Cradle of the past three weeks, pushing our progress and precipitating beneficial results. Connectivity is key, which means that some results will wait until after our slowing Mercury retrograde returns to forward motion on Tuesday August 7. Relief! This bodes well for the arena of politics as well, with a Grand Trine forming. Sub-rosa agreements with other nations, despite their secrecy, are nonetheless truly beneficial for the economy, both national and worldwide. Although he could blow his horn, President Obama is uncharacteristically silent about what’s really going on, instead allowing the effects to prove themselves. Mercury lack of movement means the air is still, and weather patterns may hold in place rather than moving. Rain is in the forecast, but the overall tendency is still toward dryness.instead allowing the effects to prove themselves. Mercury lack of movement means the air is still, and weather patterns may hold in place rather than moving. Rain is in the forecast, but the overall tendency is still toward dryness. The Sabian Symbol for the Moon’s placement at 11 Aquarius is “During a silent hour, a man receives a new inspiration which may change his life.” This suggests the retreat process that often occurs naturally during Mercury’s retrograde. We need to replenish ourselves regularly with universal light and love, which happens when we turn inward in silence and open to receive. Inspiration aligns us and brings clarity, making our actions more effective and harmonious. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun’s placement at 11 Leo is “children on a swing in the safety of a huge oak tree.” Safety, nurturance, protection, shelter, and play are suggested by this symbol. We may turn to the most ancient of values as we seek to augment these qualities for ourselves and those we care about. Homesteading, sinking roots, fostering growth, being an oak in someone’s life are possible in the coming week. Traditional values (real and false) are likely to be a theme in the public arena.

Thursday August 2
Take physical exercise in Jupiter's Day, when he is reigning, and use Jovial things such as Lapis Lazuli, Brass, Cedarwood, blue and aery colours, wine, honey; and entertain thoughts and feelings which are particularly Jovial, that is, expansive, healthy, and with good humour... - Marsilio Ficino, Renaissance Astrologer and Orphic Musician

The Day of Jupiter in Airweek. Can you recognize something better than you've ever experienced, utterly new and positive, without letting yourself be lulled into lassitude by overconfidence, arrogance or still incompleteness? Then you are up to the Jupiterian challenge today. The Sun sextiles Jupiter to help us in building our future, with the yearly cycle begun in mid-May. It’s time to check in make sure we’re headed in the desired direction. The Moon continues in Aquarius, bringing early indications and possible rewards in our relationships, tied to Venus, Mars, and Saturn. The other shoe may not drop today, but we’ll see signs of what’s coming on August 15, the culmination date for this pattern. Aquarius represents, on the level of the first octave, the period between 12 weeks to 28 weeks after Conception, when the electrick nervous system of the fetus switches on. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Meteversal Lightcraft Training Manual for more on the Four Octaves), Aquarius represents the higher Self projecting itself to the world tribe, through media, groups, circles of friends (your Tribe) and utopian aims and idealistic pursuits alter the prevailing social systems. On the World scale, Aquarius occupies the period between AD 1840 and 1910. This was the time when the established dominance of the material world in Capricorn quickly required more sophisticated planning, spurred by Schopenhauer, ideas and beliefs from the east began flooding the West through such diverse channels as the Theosophical Society, the Golden Dawn, and the operas of Wagner. This was the time of Crowley, Nietzsce, and the early works of Freud. With the Moon in Aquarius we have the ability to combine East and West, Light and Dark, Sun and Moon. This is where we are compelled to reach out to others and network.

Friday August 3

The Day of Venus in Yetzirah, the World of Air. Invoke blessed Haniel, just before dawn or 2 hours after sunset and behold, a court of photosynthetic Angels who make this place inside your chest cavity a Paradise, performing tantric intercourse in magick towers and lush subterranean caves, opening your Lionheart chakra, a breeze like yellow silk on your naked skin. In the Western Mystery Tradition, the most pervasive polyamorous archetype is Aphrodite, Greek goddess of Love and Beauty. She is Venus, Ishtar, Astarte, Inanna and relates to the sephera Netzach on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. While she had more lovers than any other Greek goddess she was not victimized and never suffered from her numerous love affairs as did many of the other goddesses. Neither was she jealous or possessive. Unlike her counter parts she was allowed freely to choose both her husband and many lovers. She inspired poetry, communication and art as well as love. Her liaison with Hermes produced the bisexual Hermaphroditus. and her long time union with Mars (God of War) produced a daughter, Harmonia. Thus Love and War combined to give rise to Harmony.The Moon finalizes its sojourn through Aquarius with a beautiful trine to Venus, icing on the cake, before commencing its void period at 0:24 am PT (3:24 am ET). This continues until her 6:58 am PT entry into Pisces. We are drawn inward with a Neptune contact, then given the opportunity to deepen into our healing process with connections to Pluto and Chiron late in the day.Love is the reason we're all here, and is not the dominion of any one planet. Make art from the heart that can blow closed minds apart)A cherubic barking up the wall loosens the paint enough that we can read the inscriptions underneath; however, we have discovered to our surprise and delight that we would rather just eat the paint as it peels away like the skin of a blank but meaning-filled chrysalis, the unscripted flesh of the years...

Saturday August 4
With the Moon in Pisces today, ya somehow just know the Divine Metaversal Mother loves you (even if you are shunned by your biological Mother). Pisces represents, on the level of the first octave, the period between 28 weeks after Conception till Birth, when after the electrick nervous system of the fetus switches on (Aquarius), we become psychically tuned to the entity later to be known as Mother. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Meteversal Lightcraft Training Manual for more on the Four Octaves), Pisces represents the enlightened Self which must give itself totally to the whole, dissolving into the void, in order to achieve the final unity with the realm of pure spirit. On the World scale, Pisces occupies the period between 1910 and 1969. heralded by the founding of Psychoanalysis, when Mankind began exploring again the Unconscious strata of Life, and by Albert Einstein's (a Pisces) Theory of Relativity. This was the time of Jung, Joyce, Hesse, Huxley, Leary, Burroughs. We transcended the limits the illusion, Maya, the physical World of Assiah, extending inward with the electron microscope and outward with the high powered Telescope. The entire range of audible musical notes and the whole spectrum of visible colour, apprehended and understood. The dissolving power of mutable Water, Second coming of the Fish with the Double Wand of Power, Atom Bomb and LSD. With the Moon in Pisces we have a heightened sensitivity to Musick and the Dreamtime, and we feel the depths of pure compassion for the Metaverse and it's inhabitants.Moon in Pisces makes an early morning contact with Jupiter to bring out our restless spirit. We are eager to move forward, but confusion in some areas counsels caution.I hope this isn't an ackward time to mention that the structural basis for all Light-specific work in the Metaverse is regular, disciplined connection to the No-Form, meditation, contemplation, what ever you want to call it, as long as it's deep. Supremely solitary in that heath of scrub. The Light-Specific state initiates itself with SOLITUDE, the gratifying element of being alone (if only for 20 minutes a day)... without which, true development is impossible. The point is to connect to your inner source of stability, the state of potentia, the No-Form, at least once a day. No-Form is not a goal or state of "spiritual arrival" (as some religions would have us believe), it is a highly practical, multi-purpose tool for dissolving our identification with the ego. If you want to play with us, this is the only rule. The foundation of our Lightcraft is built in Chaos, so you must maintain a firm foundation, or Chaos your life will be. Some of us need this connection four times a day (sunrise, true noon, sunset, true midnight). Some of us actually manage to do it four times a day. It is a choice you must make. I would do it for you if I could. Once a day is all that's required to maintain the Continuity function. Future generations of yourself will be glad this came to pass. The Lightcraft Academy , Yoga Ceremonial Magick, this astrology forecast, they all provide ritual technology for Self initiation. But the key word here is Self. D.I.Y

Sunday August 5

The Moon makes contact with Venus at 10:56 am to open its void period on a note of uncertainty and social challenge. This fades once Moon enters Aries at 1:59 pm PT, then glides into harmony with near-stationary Mercury to help us finalize our understanding of how to bring in the energy of the new Mercury cycle.The fun part is knowing that this nice little braid cascade of planetary wave donuts gets its pressure nested to fold all inside out through one slip knot to ... elsewhere because not only is the Moon in Aries giving us all the stable gravity of magnetism permitted by fractal symmetry to go BETWEEN frequencies in a cascade, but this magnetism is also actually the WIND ON WHICH LOVE TRAVELS

Monday August 6

The Day of the Moon and she is in bold Aries, all full of piss and vinegar, and our courage is immediately activated by conjunctions to Uranus and Jupiter, then a square to Pluto. This is bound to be a powerful experience and a stimulus for innovative solutions to all the situations we’ve been dealing with since early June. Now we can establish a rococo nerve lattice among the quarantined survivors of Operation: Rapture, or we can stamp down a huge and perfect Mandelbrot Set with our ding-a-lings in popular wheatfields, or even feed raspberries to carp. (I’ve just been informed when Carp are fed raspberries they throw them up, so cancel that last one. Thanks Lynn!) If we can put a boundary on that process, solutions come to us over the afternoon hours as we experience a Moon-Sun-Jupiter Minor Grand Trine. Take it easy.

And this is the perfect time to have a personalized transit forecast from
Johannes Ayres, M.A.A.T. A personal consultation is just 20 dollars an hour
and we can even do it over the phone.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

You want 'em, we got'em ! Yes, it's the Metaversal Sun Sign's for August 2012

You may find yourself at the center of a bizarre love rhombus. Them's some mighty fine meatballs in that pasta. They bounce jubilantly like children with superballs installed in their feet. People expecting a change in their career or people looking out for better job prospects can expect interesting news coming their way this August but you’ll get a hell of a lot more out of September’s experiences, I guarantee you. The dancing bear puts the red dress back on, announcing grandly that you and I are the guests of Le Comte de Lautréamont. We trash the place, but leave swiftly when physical injury from retaliation appears imminent. (Any number of optional analogous actions - use your Aries imagination – will work) It is an uphill climb August 4-11. Respect your physical limits and don’t miss the chance for career advancment after the 8th. Illumination from a friend may come with the Full Moon.) . Much of the past decade has taken you on a prolonged journey where you have seen many strange things, encountered a world bigger than you ever imagined, and endured several difficult tests of your mettle. You have wrestled with your conscience (and, likely, that of someone else). At times, you have prevailed in these tests of integrity and at other times, events have seemed to crush your preconceived ideas. You are now in a well-deserved phase of reconsidering what you have been through, and the decisions you make through the winter will be absolutely essential in determining your life path for an entire long phase of your life. So tell me, now that you know this, can you afford to play any games with what you know? I don't think so, particularly not since all the forces of the Metaverse are conspiring to focus your power. The whole problem with power in this world is that it does not care much for the difference between right and wrong. Most people in a position to conduct themselves this way -- and to some extent, that includes anyone privileged enough to be reading this horoscope -- have granted themselves an exemption from karma. You have no such luxury now, and neither do you want it. You have responsibilities that are much more worth while. Communications and workplace matters will improve in the second half of August, unless you live in Northern Japan In that case, your Fucked!

Let your creative nature loose in August. Thoughts of your beloved will keep you busy when alone. You will be highly romantic during this month, and you will crave to do something that would impress your lover immensely. This yummy crayon never quits scribbling ,weighing events like dough and mutton. You will probably send him/her a costly gift or could probably write your thoughts in the form of poetry and send it across by mail. Thoughts of the past will keep you engaged, and you will be rewinding and reliving your love life A moaning ape reweaves its apparel, like a poor Chilean nun with tanned loins. an innocent free-association exercise will ultimately reveal a dark and deep-seated connection you hold between azalea bushes and garden trowels. There will be a renewed zest in your managerial skills. Can you really not know something about yourself? Well, you can think it's possible, and if so, you can set up a smokescreen between you and your self-awareness. Yet even given that basic factor, you have at least two choices: delve in bravely and with a sense of exploring (which means, yourself and the world) or pull away and hide inside your shell. You may ask what 'the world' has to do with this, but if astrology . means anything, your process of self-definition is intimately mingled with the society you inhabit; with the people you share creative energy amongst; with your mission in life, as you define it; and most of all, with the patterns that dominate your life. To get anywhere, you need to define those patterns yourself, and to do that, you need to witness the current ones for what they are. One of your greatest liabilities is that you are a creature of habit. If you are going to develop one dependable fixed pattern, let it be that of constantly changing your fixed patterns. But see to it that you don't get carried away from what your colleagues say about you. Communications and workplace matters will improve in the second half of August unless you live in Northern Japan In that case, your Fucked!

THIS BUSINESS of Gemini and dualism -- it's getting old. I'm not sure who has convinced us all, particularly we the supposedly intellectual ones, that 'the world is dualistic.' Somebody did. Yet however many viewpoints, people or concepts of ourselves we encounter or possess, it seems to be a heck of a lot more than two. The only actual dualism that exists, as far as I can see it, is based exclusively on seeing oneself as separate from others (and that may be all it takes). Pretend you can breathe even if you have a butternut squash shoved down your wind pipe. True, it helps not at all that so many people insist with such passion that they are separate from us (greed is a significant influence here), that they have different interests, and most of all, that they have different ideas that typically turn out to be the lack of ideas. That being said, how you get along with yourself is a critical question at this point. Bygones are bygones - and there is no point in analysing your past. That which has to end will end no matter what you do. At this juncture you need to let go your past and take time to bring back the lost energy and enthusiasm. Once you are completely open - a fresh relationship will unfold bringing immense joy into your life. This is where you let me ... no – you won’t even let me do that here, will you. Watch your health. You’re not the routine type, but do try to stick to a healthy schedule. Taoist eyes reveal the ripening of new sex, dazed with the amorous knowledge of death this August, The old will come to an end, and a new phase will begin. The change could reflect in your life in the form of a new job or an altogether new assignment in the present environment. now is the time Your uniqueness and originality will pave way for your success. Communications and workplace matters will improve in the second half of August, unless you live in Northern Japan In that case, your Fucked!

From August 5 to 15 neighbors or relatives may bring frustration, maybe even pent-up rage. So tread carefully. Night goggles for the fancy-dress, for a two bit brother, his brat dog and a caustic shot, aimless on the back of the neck and Face You will be content with what you have in hand at present. You neither would try to extract pleasure from your love life nor would you experiment much with your partner - instead you will love to spend some time 'alone'. On the romantic front this will not be a boring two months for you. I'll put you on a lemon-yellow plastic bridge over an endless mirror lightly flooded with Chartreuse. THE FUNNY THING about you is, you move in cycles, but the cycles are predictable, and you keep coming around to the same basic place of honoring your commitments. It took you a while to learn to trust yourself in this process: to mean it when you say, I'll be back in the future to take care of this; this is what I intend to get done by this date, or whatever the commitment may entail. The breakthrough came when you discovered that your track record supported the meaning of your words, rather than the words being a promise of speculated future action. If those who doubt you knew how seriously you take your commitments, they would be compelled to question their own integrity, and rightly so. The stars will be out in full force and the mirrorstream will be kleiglit by lamps affixed to the underside of the bridge. I love the way you play with our expectations. Like a little dragon-faced hen bursting with tinsel and frayed at the wrong end. Patience will pay you with immense luck and fortune. You surely will be able to crack an impressive deal in the month of august on the career front. If you have been contemplating of finding a new job, it will surely get manifested. An elderly person will be of immense help in guiding you through the rough patch. Communications and workplace matters will improve in the second half of August, unless you live in Northern Japan In that case, your Fucked!

TO THE EXTENT you can, you need to choose the course your life is taking as a conscious act. In the Western world, this is the only path to enlightenment. We are faced with options; our one remaining power is to make decisions. Believe it or not, those decisions are most often choices between what is true and what is not. Life does not always seem this simple, and I doubt it seems so simple for you right now, but that is the nature of the moment you are in. Your great lesson the next four seasons is discernment. Surely, in hindsight long after this year has passed, what was worth believing and what was not will seem obvious. In any event, you have learned something in recent years, which is that you can influence the course of your own existence. You have an edge on those who typically refuse to do this, which is that you are willing to take full responsibilities for your successes as well as your errors. August is a month of major changes in your love life. Relationships that were dilly dallying will get over with a sudden interference of divine will. Though initially you might feel bad about it, later you will realise that what had happened was for your own good., you and the radial-arm-saw-wielding stranger in your basement will finally just agree to disagree. You will take the initiative of breaking some interesting deals and you will be successful in carrying them out. A person of opposite sex will be of immense help for you this august - it could even be your spouse. This scummy æon never quits snivelling, weighing events like dough and mutton, a moaning ape reweaves its apparel, like a poor Chilean nun with tanned loins. Don't ignore what he/she has to advice you about your career. August 7 to 9 and again August 16-18 you will find excellent work opportunities. Communications and workplace matters will improve in the second half of August, unless you live in Northern Japan In that case, your Fucked!

RECENTLY, the truth came running to you like the last albino dacshund bolting out of the catacombs into your arms. What did you do with it? Do you still have it? While many complain that the truth is not knowable, or is a philosophical concept and not a provable reality, our problem involves how we respond once we encounter it. A peculiar function of the mind, known as denial, makes sure that we are usually out of contact with our most vital knowledge. You can afford no such luxury at this point. The reason for this is that you are gathering too much power to cut yourself off from your personal truth, or any other truth. This is one of the key life transits, and it can happen at any age; it is happening to you now or in the immediate future. In a personal chart, the theme is about fundamentally coming to terms with yourself. If it portends change, that change is about getting relief from nervousness and instability, and calling your life into focus. It is about having the confidence and substance to stand up to the world, which is so rare to find. Finally, this transit is about finding the ability to go deeper into yourself. Don't bother if your partner ignores you in august. At this point it is better for you to play it safe, and give your partner enough freedom. Have trust in your partner and faith in the divine and events will surely unfold in your favour. Careful investments made before July 11th can work out well. The Full Moon period is time to relax a bit. You will be able to win over peers and colleagues with ease this august. Office politics will create some stressful moments for you. Use your diplomatic tactics to win over critical situation. You have immense divine helping. Your hard work, sincerity and dedication will get recognised and appreciated by the right people. Communications and workplace matters will improve in the second half of August, unless you live in Northern Japan In that case, your Fucked!

Why do we never get an answer, When we're knocking at the door? With a thousand million questions, About hate and death and war. It's where we stop and look around us, There is nothing that we need. In a world of persecution, That is burning in it's greed. Few people truly want to face their fears. Fewer yet want to face themselves. The planets are pushing you to do both. Not only will you be a better person for it, you will feel better and live with a greater sense of connection to your own existence, and to all these people who surround you: those whose names you know and those you do not. The whole problem with your fears is that they are so detailed. This detail gives them a sense of reality that they might not otherwise have. What this season of your life is trying to teach you is that you are bigger than your anxieties and, as such, they are like pictures you draw rather than lions who can eat you. The ability to see this distinction is not learned in a day. Most people live like they are being chased down the street by a pack of wild dogs. But there are those points of breakthrough, and you are in one right now. Part of the process involves acquiring mental discipline that is not, frankly, a skill that's rewarded and barely even noticed in our current moment of collective psychic chaos. When you express yourself in a daring way, you will take the pressure off of yourself. The hottest focus of your chart these days is on the sign Aquarius, the most creative house in your horoscope, and the place you go when you feel like a genius. This you do from time to time, but the paradox is as follows. To tap into your brilliance, that true light that comes from beyond you, you need to soak yourself in your struggle. You need to feel and live through the extent to which your revelations are the result of your pain, your sense of not belonging, and most of all, your craving for the passion that you have not yet experienced. At least in recent years, you have begun to move toward that hunger, rather than trying to satisfy yourself with a fantasy. Here is a clue. Give the darkness in you a voice that you own. Paint with the colors of your shadow. Feel the freedom in doing so, and listen to what others say to you when they respond. All in all, this is the miracle of healing. Communications and workplace matters will improve in the second half of August, unless you live in Northern Japan In that case, your Fucked!!

Torso-miming the first act of a logistical play, startling and incestuous protective and cacoëpistic, so pretty and artistic, vernacular and déclassé little flyer. YOU HAVE LONG regretted stealing the giant ham. YOU HAVE LONG felt different; what you must now do is act differently. I know -- you are still mulling that one over. Sometimes you take so long to think about things that you make your friends over in Taurus seem like a kid on Red Bull and rollerblades in the mall. I will concede that at the moment (August 2010) you are still working out all the negotiable points with someone close to you, and they seem to have a viewpoint that's difficult to pin down. You may be uncertain if someone close at hand is a friend or an enemy -- of themselves. If you've gotten that far in your observation process, you're living up to the psychological capabilities of your sign. That is precisely the issue: whether anyone who gets close to you is on their own side. The ones who are, you can work with; the ones who are not you must consider dangerous. Now, as you sort this out, you're going to come across a diversity of ways that you are divided against yourself, and that is indeed a great time to pause. Pause, that is, and consider this. You have been dragged over hot coals the past decade of your life trying to establish your independence, your autonomy or perhaps just a healthy self-sufficiency. Exactly what you were recovering from I cannot be sure, but God did not make you a Scorpio for nothing. Usually someone as strong as yourself is that way for a reason, and the reason can be found in early childhood. But it will show up again and again in your life. You developed the idea that you have to be sufficiently powerful (in particular, financially and spiritually) to withstand the extreme swings of loyalty that you were exposed to. Now that you have grown up and accomplished that, you are being put back into the position to cultivate mutual trust, a sense of community and a new lesson, that of interdependence. But this will all go a lot smoother if you remind yourself every moment that you must be committed to your own cause, and use that as the criteria for who you involve yourself with. Communications and workplace matters will improve in the second half of August, unless you live in Northern Japan In that case, your Fucked!

You have the property of setting things into motion; you must accept that you may never see the results of any process you start. exotic and embroidered--nothing like Ohio which is default for mundane-anywhere, nothing like you dressed up in a blond wig, holding a spoon that you threaten you'll shove down your throat. All of this is untrue. All of it is the first thing you hear on an airplane. After being welcomed with kitty cat cup cakes. Ungodly pink like an underwater plant. After a sweet hello, stupid goodbyes, before Thailand after the rain falls. Most of them are either invisible to perception or occur too far from the reach of your senses to register consciously. Some will bear fruit in a measure of years that exceeds the length of a human lifetime. And some, you don't notice because you're not doing that elusive thing known as paying attention. Yet set things into motion you do, and you do it effectively: for good, or for ill. You have always known this, but the time has arrived to live as if it were true. If you are some kind of 'cause' in the process of cause and effect, keep the experience as conscious as possible, so that you can make choices while you have the opportunity to do so. See if you can notice the results, be they immediate or extended over time, and observe the vast constellations of forces that have come together in order to manifest anything. Look back and observe what you have inspired, facilitated or ignited and be grateful that some of it actually worked. See if you can make amends for that which did not work so well, or that which harmed anyone at all. Remember that you are only getting a small sample of what you could be seeing, but as the next four seasons progress, it will be more than enough to inform you as you make some radical revisions to your values system. There is something from the past, some old idea that you are dragging around, that is about to get torpedoed. As visionary as you are, there is an attribute of your values that could be described as antique. Now, it is true that anyone who is authentically a radical needs to have a strong footing in tradition. Yet it is also true that a tradition is not a tradition unless it is alive. The way things were done in the past is not an excuse for anything; the reason things were done in the past is an excuse for even less. Mid August brings your attention to finances/possessions. Communications and workplace matters will improve in the second half of August, unless you live in Northern Japan In that case, your Fucked!

WE LIVE on a planet where people will kill one another for the right to kill a tree. We also live on a planet where people will give their last dollar, their only blanket or one of their kidneys to someone in need. Unfortunately, between the ordinary saints and the boring warmongers there exists a vast ocean of what you might call gray area, and I don't mean gray matter. This is the least common denominator, which is getting lower all the time. Look around at the world and notice how many people aspire to mediocrity. Heck, you've even done it yourself a few times. Enter Pluto into your birth sign. This has been warming up for two years as Pluto has been crossing the Galactic Core. That particular transit (which peaked in December) has put you into contact with a deeply hidden attribute of yourself: the one that is immune from all the limits and conventions of the world; the one that connects directly to Prime Source. Now you're aware of this it's no longer hiding down in a cave, but rather waiting in the wings for its moment on the Great Stage of your life. This is a transit that affects every living creature. We all have approximately one calendar year of the transition until the energy takes hold through 2024. This portends many, many changes for the world, including structural changes to society and the Earth herself (Edgar Cayce was onto this a while ago). For you, it means reaching to your depths and ripping forth into the community with all your energy. It means embodying the Shiva-like attributes of Pluto: becoming the embodiment of change itself. That is to say, by changing, you will set change in motion. By allowing yourself flexibility, you will create the same around you. By being willing to question yourself to the depths of your existence, you will hold open the space for the people around you to ask the questions that they need to ask. By being fair and insisting on fairness, you will create that pattern around you. Travel goes best when it is not rushed. Be Flexible and consider not travelling until after August 13. Communications and workplace matters will improve in the second half of August, unless you live in Northern Japan In that case, your Fucked!

YOUR SIGN, like you, presents one of the most complex equations in all of astrology, to allow for light's extremely high speed even though it was not required mathematically, but "action at a distance" seemed absurd That makes some sense: Aquarius is the sign of humanity itself. You see how complex you are, and how complex the human race is; you must live with yourself and the rest of us; the people who live with you coexist in a conscious way with your complexity. Let's skip for a moment the constellation of planets that has taken up long-term residence in your region of the sky. Let's consider a bit of theory: Aquarius is ruled by two planets considered vastly different by astrology -- Saturn, the planet of tradition and structure, and Uranus, the planet of revolution, innovation and upheaval. Even in ancient times before the discovery of Uranus, Aquarius was considered the sign representing places where minerals are quarried -- a place where old stuff was dug out of the ground to make something new; a place where what is ancient and natural is being made into something new at the hands of human industriousness. The planets now in your sign, mainly Chiron and Neptune, are taking you to extraordinarily deep places lately. Neptune has been raising a question; it has almost been negating your existence, making you feel like you are distant from yourself or granting you relief from having an ego. Chiron, which arrived more recently, is making it painfully clear that you are indeed a product of and partner in humanity. All your faults are magnified such that you can see the hairs on their nose. The injuries you have suffered in your life seem to be with you still, and you are aware that you can always get hurt again. But for some extremely odd reason, everything you have struggled with is becoming a source of strength and wisdom. Places that were once the scene of an ache or pain are now the place where you can grasp something heavy, carry a load with unusual strength, or express yourself in a way that was, for most of your life, impossible. Communications and workplace matters will improve in the second half of August, unless you live in Northern Japan In that case, your Fucked!

IF YOU TELL yourself the truth, you can do just about anything else you want. That is the price you will have to pay in order to go to the next level or stage of your life; the price of freedom. This is a small tariff for some people, and the highest there is for others. Which is it for you? While you're sizing that up, you can also size up the price of any other way of living, and there are several options, to be sure. Of course, the real price of the truth is that which is not true. For some people that is no price at all; for others, it would represent the collapse of their entire existence, at least psychologically. Now, as a Pisces, you need your fantasies, and you need your dreams. But you need them in moderation, like any drug or substance (including art and music) that provides a pathway beyond the rational world. Yet what you need the most, if astrology means anything, is to break the partitions that separate your visions for your life -- and for the world -- from your simple desire to make them happen. It's like you typically get stuck right at the point where you can take something out into the world where it can do some good. You know what you create is worthy of attention and that it would be good for the world. You also know how hard it is to penetrate into that space where the past is not so heavy that it crushes or confines that which is new and seeking to take root and grow. Now, believe it or not (and I don't blame you if you don't, yet) you are about to see what kind of impact is possible, particularly where the stalwart structures of society need a little...shall we say...encouragement to update their files. Society can mean your friends, your family, your professional vision and most of all, your personal vision for how you will fit into the world. There is an extremely good reason you must be honest with yourself at every opportunity: you will be handling power that can be dangerous if you are not. Communications and workplace matters will improve in the second half of August, unless you live in Northern Japan In that case, your Fucked!