Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Metaversal Astral Terrain Forecasts: September 27th to September 30th

Tuesday, September 27
If Mars does not have new paths to blaze, it can easily retreat to a position of
vulnerability and insecurity. Overt aggression may not result, but grumpy behavior
and moodiness are possible. One can easily play the victim, if that's a familiar pattern. Nations and other organizations may circle their wagons against their perceived attackers. However, creation of circles of careful initiative that blend the best of the old and the new can be highly successful at this time. Is your Martian energy burning like a fuel tank on a crashed jumbo jet in the Algerian desert? Or burning like a sputtering flame on a wet candle? Or burning steady like a presto-log in the hearth of the Almighty? It all depends on the quality of your fuel, and the proper fuel/air ratio. When your body (93 percent seawater) is nourished by fiery insight, MA'AT has been achieved. Then your fire is not frightening and lethal, but glowing with placid contentment. Plan to have some fun in the first part of the day, and schedule key tasks for later. Moon in playful Leo goes VOC on an early trine to Uranus, the wild-and-free.
Spend the morning with children or pampering the child within. At 2:43 pm (5:43 ET), Moon enters Virgo and moves into a trine with Mars, freshly into Capricorn, sign of building. We can make great tangible progress on projects begun before August 10. Wherever you find yourself on the Holy Mountain, be it the Summit or at the Base, Make a Temple of Joy, here and now. Decorate as you see fit. Address every cat you see today with the greeting ‘Good afternoon, Mr. Ravenscrofte’, even if the cat is female, and even if it isn’t the afternoon. Doff your hat if you’re wearing one; click your heels if you’re not.

Wednesday, September 28
The Day of Mercury in the kabbalistic World of Earth, Assiah. Visualize your self wearing sneakers with wings as you read this. Mercury's function is to think. To know. To reason. There is no foot race to win here. Language is his playground.
The Akasic Library is his home. And oh yes, Hermes is a Love god. He likes the sound of his own voice. Write a poem, a sonnet, or some erotica today. The planet of communication, short trips and details, appeared to stop dead in its tracks on August 15th. The planet then turned backwards in its apparent path through the zodiac. It stopped again on September 23rd, then turned to resume its direct motion. Mercury turns retrograde three times a year, spending a bit more than three weeks in "reverse" gear each time. The retrograde cycle is due to the fact that we are viewing the planets from a moving platform, the Earth. The planets, in fact, do not actually change direction, but appear to do so from our perspective. This geocentric, or earth-centered, point of view is the basis for astrological measurements. In a sense, what you see is what you get. A retrograde planet is generally considered more introverted than when it's in the normal direct motion mode. Astrologers have traditionally considered Mercury retrograde to be a time of difficulty in Mercury related endeavors like communication, travel and matters of detail. Some counsel the avoidance of launching new projects or signing contracts at this time. Glitches are considered more commonplace now, as are misunderstood or poorly delivered messages. There are, fortunately, more optimistic views of what Mercury retrograde means. Rather than hunkering down in your bunker, this is a positive time to tie up loose ends, reconnect with people from the past, make mechanical repairs and get systems in order. This can also be a productive period for psychological review as new information can be gleaned from old experiences.
For I say unto you: it would be easier for a rubythroated hummingbird to unscrew the lid of a ketchup bottle than it would be to avoid Mercurial Retrograde confusion.Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune and later squares Saturn, triggering the energy of the square between these two that happened on September 10.
Today’s numerology of 1 accents the leadership abilities of Virgo, the sign of problem-solving. It’s a great time to double-check your visualization, plans and follow-up related to goals from before August 10 or earlier this year. The balsamic phase favors tying up loose ends, finishing, and uncluttering.
Don’t try to force yourself or others. Important actions are more promising tonight, when Moon trines the-buck-stops-here Pluto.

Thursday, September 29
The Day of Jupiter in the kabbalistic World of Earth, Yetzirah. If you don't have a good laugh today, you are missing the point. There is a whole division of the Angelic Hierarchy assigned to the sephiroth Chesed (Jupiter) whose purpose is divine inspiration through laughter. And there is no vision more critical in the career of the adept than the Metaversal Joke. Did you here the one about the astrologer who broke his arm and attributed it to an accident? At 4:44 in the morning: you won't see a cop or a raccoon; you can pee in full phantasmagoria under the stars in the night with the wind high and salty and the dome of the sky in full splay sprayed and contusioned upon the black upon the twisted wicked love of the cypress in decline. Someday I'd like to stop three feet from the top of Everest. "Fuck it, I'm not going a single inch further." I'd say and turn around.
This is an important feast day called Michaelmas. Michael is the prince of archangels and a strong force among spiritual warriors. After Fall Equinox, the earth begins to enter her phase of rest, decomposition and regeneration. It is a powerful time, when the veils between dimensions begin to fade. Michael is the keeper of the doorway, and insures that only desirable influences move through this portal. In pagan societies this doorway had direct economic implications. The work of the harvest was complete, people were expected to pay their debts, and more generous creditors might forgive them or even share food—traditional fare including a goose and apples—with the less fortunate. Farm workers would be pressed to find a new way to earn a living. And no doubt the angels and other positive spiritual forces were called to go through this sort of portal as well.
Healing our relationship to change is a good way to apply today’s VOC Moon in Virgo, and its minor connections to Chiron, the wounded healer, and Uranus, planet of innovation. If possible, take the day off, or at least postpone key actions and purchases and provoke a pause to connect with light beings.

Fireweek/The Libra Lunar Cycle 2016

The seed/ideas we have from the New Moon to the First Quarter Moon come from the kabbalistic world of Atziluth (Fire) and are the blueprints/seeds for everything that exists, has existed, and will ever exist in the physical world of Assiah (Earth), as an embodiment of the archetypal idealized apple (or a least the Core).. Fireweek is the time to remember we're in the pilots seat of our own personal Lightcraft and make some course corrections if we've veered off course…Pythagoras founded a philosophical and religious school in Croton and was the head of the society with an inner circle of followers known as mathematikoi. The mathematikoi lived permanently with the Society, had no personal possessions and were vegetarians. They were taught by Pythagoras himself and obeyed strict Aquarian rules. The beliefs that Pythagoras held were
(1) that at its deepest level, reality is mathematical in nature,
(2) that philosophy can be used for spiritual purification,
(3) that the soul can rise to union with the divine,
(4) that certain symbols have a mystical significance, and
(5) that all brothers and sisters of the order should observe strict loyalty and secrecy. Pythagoras noticed that vibrating strings produce harmonious tones when the ratios of the lengths of the strings are whole numbers, and that these ratios could be extended to other instruments. In fact Pythagoras made remarkable contributions to the mathematical theory of music. He was a master musician, playing the lyre, and he used music as a means to help those who were ill. Well you can turn me to salt, dye me blue, and let the cows lick me into the homunculus of remorse, whence I will go about the countryside ejaculating Pythagoras' name through kitchen windows. And the people will say, 'Look out, it's him again.' And, typically, there will be those among them who will say, 'Let's kick him to death.' And still others will countermand them, saying, 'No - let's just maim him and send him on his way.' Citizens and townsfolk, can you not see the sign around my neck? LOCK UP YOUR DOUBTERS: SHE IS RISEN, LIKE THE WOBBLY ROD OF MAN AS IT DOWSETH THE FLUIDIFEROUS CHALICE OF THE EMPERESS!

Friday, September 30

The Day of Venus starts Fireweek. If you actively invoke blessed HANIEL, the Archangel of Venus into your heart today, you may find you have developed the ability to feel like Khrisna, multiplying himself into a dozen pastoral, naked farmhands with muddy feet and emerald pond scum on their thighs, or maybe you are a young Freya on the back of a panther, eating honey. In the Western Mystery Tradition, the most pervasive polyamorous archetype is Aphrodite, Greek goddess of Love and Beauty. She is Venus, Ishtar, Astarte, Inanna and relates to the sephera Netzach on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. While she had more lovers than any other Greek goddess she was not victimized and never suffered from her numerous love affairs as did many of the other goddesses. Neither was she jealous or possessive. Unlike her counter parts she was allowed freely to choose both her husband and many lovers. She inspired poetry, communication and art as well as love. Her liaison with Hermes produced the bisexual Hermaphroditus. and her long time union with Mars (God of War) produced a daughter, Harmonia. Thus Love and War combined to give rise to Harmony. A New Moon in Libra opens a door for relational goals. It’s the last New Moon of the year during Mercury retrograde, so it’s great for reworking our connections and ways of interacting in the light of intentions and commitments that we were working on before August 10.
A conjunction to Jupiter opens a door to the planet of fortune, who will be blessing our relationships and the area of our lives ruled by the sign-of-scales for the next 12 months. The Sabian symbol for 9 Libra is:

THREE OLD MASTERS HANG ALONE IN AN ART GALLERY. Efficient cohesion of the three souls of man; of mind, feeling and instinct. Integrated wisdom. Sagacious behavior.

Although Rudhyar’s version mentions “man”, the symbol has a curious resonance to the triple goddess, whose face as transformer relates to the present season. Every human is born with a third-dimensional body and a fourth-dimensional Lightcraft. The physical body is the biological conductor. The Lightctraft is the time transport unit. The body and its Lightcraft are inseparable. The biological conductor sustains the sensory nervous system, the human instrument for processing the full range of experience. The experience of the body is synchronized within the Metaversal Lightcraft. The Lightcraft is the physical body's coded experience in time. The body in time with its Lightcraft is art. Lack of respect for life arises directly from not understanding the true electrical alchemic principles of time compression at the end of solar ages- alchemizes the heart - is because the charge densities which accompany the solar maxima (2000- 2012 - climax of the Mayan / Solar calendar) formerly called RAPTURE by Christians - permit only those biological structures ABLE to non-destructively (and ALCHEMICALLY) compress / implode - to survive. the structural basis for all Light-specific work in the Metaverse is regular, disciplined connection to the No-Form, meditation, contemplation, what ever you want to call it, as long as it's deep. Supremely solitary in that heath of scrub. The Light-Specific state initiates itself with SOLITUDE, the gratifying element of being alone (if only for 20 minutes a day)... without which, true development is impossible. The point is to connect to your inner source of stability, the state of potentia, the No-Form, at least once a day. No-Form is not a goal or state of "spiritual arrival" (as some religions would have us believe), it is a highly practical, multi-purpose tool for dissolving our identification with the ego. If you want to play with us, this is the only rule. The foundation of our Lightcraft is built in Chaos, so you must maintain a firm foundation, or Chaos your life will be. Some of us need this connection four times a day (sunrise, true noon, sunset, true midnight). Some of us actually manage to do it four times a day. It is a choice you must make. I would do it for you if I could. Once a day is all that's required to maintain the Continuity function. Future generations of yourself will be glad this came to pass. The Lightcraft Academy, Yoga Ceremonial Magick, this astrology forecast, they all provide ritual technology for Self initiation. But the key word here

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Metaversal Forecasts for September 20th to September 27th

Tuesday, September 20

In the wee hours, Moon in abundant Taurus made trines to Mercury the communicator in grounded Virgo, and powerhouse Pluto in constructive Capricorn. Mercury and Pluto trine one another this evening. Tuesday’s Mars energy fills out the picture of a portal for powerful thought, effective communications and lasting results for our actions. Though Moon goes VOC at 8:32 pm (11:32 ET), in Taurus it still performs.

Wednesday, September 21

The Day of Mercury in the week of Active Air. Mercury's function in Yetzirah is to actively communicate. To think. To know. To reason. Mercury teaches (by demonstration), the animation of Eidolons, the magick indwelling of icons by Spirit. Avoid any doctrine or religious movement that advocates a shameful wickedness with
the alphabet Pay attention to last night’s dreams. Thanks to a wee-hour trine from Moon in mental Gemini to Jupiter, planet of meaning, they can carry messages from spirit guides and angels.If you need to connect with earthlings, do it early in the day, as hard aspects to Neptune the dreamer and Saturn the taskmaster can lead to confusion or guilt trips.
The combination does help analyze details for problem-solving and goal achievement, and organize and visualize for results. Get concrete on plans to make a dream board or treasure map.Although Mercury turns direct, it will still be in its storm and shadow for the rest of the month, when it still acts much like a retrograde. . Lightcraft seems paradoxical in that the main body of its information was given to our present selves by our future Self in order to load the dice in favor of its own manifestation. One of the reasons this happened is that we are on our own for the present. The benign influences of the older races have been suspended for this coming-of-age Initiation ordeal that we are experiencing. We are allowed to talk to ourself, however. Time’s arrow only applies to the physical Metaverse. Once an event has happened in this sphere, it’s frozen into the Order of Mainstream Reality and cannot “unhappen”. Information can be exchanged on levels other than the physical, and isn’t limited by Time’s arrow. Our future conscious Self is aware of its tentative nature from our present. By giving its ancestors certain ideas and techniques, the Metaverse insures its own manifestation(s). This is possible only because the Metaversal mutation can be activated in any individual by that individual. The hardware and the program are in place for Metaversal consciousness to appear.

Thursday, September 22
Today is Fall Equinox, known also as Mabon (pagan/wicca), Alban Elfed (druidic), and Carpo (Greek goddess of the harvest) Day.
With the entrance of Sun into Libra, we move into the shadow half of the year. Libra represents the period from 23 to 42 years old, when partnerships are made and balance is sought between others and oneself. On the World scale Libra is between 400 and 1100 AD, when division of the church and state took over, and the Dark Ages swept over Europe and Asia. The opposition is symbolic of the fact that in order to emerge from the unconscious, internal conflicts must be brought out into the light of day. Marriage was the primary process through which opposing countries where integrated into a whole. With the Moon in Libra we are aware of our communal relations, law, justice and balance. The 7th house (Libra) has been called the house of marriage. The key to the New Aeon of MA'AT is figuring out the new symbol for Libra, as the institution of marriage was originally designed as a tool by the Church to secure it's future domination. Those that cannot find this new symbol and perform these symbolic rites on themselves and their tribe, and the whole fabric of material being, will inherit only the blues, decay, and husks. Think more in terms of partnership and remember, your heart must be light as a feather. This was actually the Day of the Dead in Mexico before the Spaniards arrived. As the leaves begin to change color, Mother Earth’s powers of elimination are unleashed and the season of release begins.
Sun in Libra guides us to consider and interact with others more attentively and to put our results so far this year on a balance, discerning where we can focus Libra’s intelligent, cardinal activity to bring forth what we want.In the wake of last week’s Lunar Eclipse, we can make conscious choices about what we need to let go of and finish.
Sun, as it approaches a conjunction to fortunate Jupiter, activates the Aries point that the big guy of the solar system triggered less than two weeks ago. Along with the energy of master number 22, not only our rituals and intentions, but our actions today can have far-reaching effects.
Moon is in communicative Gemini with tense aspects that remind us to think, listen and think again before speaking.

Friday, September 23
If you actively invoke blessed HANIEL, the Archangel of Venus into your heart today, you may find you have developed the ability to feel like Khrisna, multiplying himself into a dozen pastoral, naked farmhands with muddy feet and emerald pond scum on their thighs, or maybe you are a young Freya on the back of a panther, eating honey. Venus, who gets oversimplified like a lot of her sisters, is one of the most complex planets going: she works as an attractive force and as a creative one. wellThe 5 roses represent the five senses in the Empress card (Atu 3) And in the Lovers card (Atu 6 ) the senses are the five fruits of Eve. Venus is indeed in cahoots with the senses. All movement of all living creatures in world of Assiah are tied to the senses and the desire-nature. The accomplished Lightpilot can remove the robe of desire in order to withdraw into the worlds of Briah and Atzitluth, but in order to achieve anything in the physical realms you keep that robe on. When you act, your gonna act in terms of desire. Venus represents that which is desirable. Every living thing seeks pleasure and tries to avoid pain. Victory lies in understanding our desire nature and learning how to use it.
Mental Mercury trines powerful Pluto, deepening our mind powers and helping us see—and talk—through blocks to progress, and take advantage of the Last Quarter Moon by reviewing our progress of on what we’ve been going on since August 10, or before. Take the review to the deepest level, as the lunation’s Sabian symbol shares a strong message of rebirth:
SAILOR READY TO HOIST NEW FLAG TO REPLACE THE OLD ONE. The nascent desire to align oneself with a larger and more significant life trend. Compelling decision. Repolarization.
This is one of those moments when we can face a deep-seated need for change, a time to ask:
◾What routine have we slipped in that has come to feel like a box?
◾What chance can we take, what baggage can we release in order to align with a more meaningful direction?
◾Are we really willing to adapt to the changes our progress will bring?
The influences are confirmed by today’s number, 5, whose forted is changing gears to get out of a rut.

Saturday, September 24
The Day of Saturn, the Holder of the Secrets of Time, in Assiah, the World of Earth. The stones attributed to Saturn are Hematite and Onyx and her metal is Lead. Meet with other souls today, 'in the flesh,' including non-human beings (animals, plants) . The Tarot card attributed to Saturn in Assiah is the Three of Disks (Material Success), making this a good day for money magick. Saturn in Assiah literally completes the braid which not only holds Assiah together, but creates the possibility for the proper information context for the evolution of human nervous systems, which are fortunate enough to be able to embed themselves in the "fields" of the Metaverse.. Finally, a restful Saturday! Care for and bless your home, pamper your mother or another dear one, enjoy the garden, make a curative tea or another natural remedy. Watch for touchiness, especially after 6:42 pm (9:42 ET), when Moon goes VOC on a square to restless Uranus. People can get nervous, even neurotic, but creativity and intuition surge. Consult an oracle or work on art or merchandising. Remember to focus on what was started before August 10.

Sunday, September 25
The Metaversal Lightpilot, which the ancient Egyptians referred to as the KA, is actually the fourth dimensional
driver of the third dimensional Lightcraft, the BA. There is a sixth dimensional solar mind which interacts with all levels and is purely an electromagnetick harmonic, a harmony based on all the other levels coming together around a center. And the sun is the center eternally now and therefore timeless. The Sun never sets on itself. The evolution of the Metaversal song, what some refer to as the Great Work, has as its core the purpose of resonating this harmonic through your individual interactive Lightcraft.
Don’t press others to connect too early, as Moon in sensitive Cancer rises on a tense quincunx to defensive Mars, and somebody just may get up on the grumpy side of the bed.
Fortunately, Moon shifts into confident Leo at 6:48 am (9:48 ET), and then connects with Venus, Sun, and Jupiter, making
for an afternoon of Sun, fun and romance. This sets the light-specific stage, which indeed all the world is. The angel of dread has wrestled with the Lightpilot and brought her to her knees, and then - the lifting up into the light;, until the Lion's Mouth is opened by gentle hands, until the secret of the Sphinx revealed, and then - the revelation of the Metaversal Harmony. Of course I'm talking 'bout the archetype of Leo - the King: long live the, kill the,...etc. The Lion-serpent sun sign, the power of Will, the quest for authenticity. With the Moon in Leo today we may be seeking romance with a flare for the dramatic. We are challenged to find new solutions to issues of expansion—too much or too little—and here they are, right in front of us! Mercury’s return to forward motion is a relief. Now we can go back to ordinary levels of truth in our lives, rather than the fever pitch of revelation and disclosure that has us still flying. We can do much to assimilate our new reality into our daily life by the end of the day.
Take in an art exhibit, craft fair or play. Enjoy brunch, lunch or a hot tub with your love object. Follow up on a romantic pursuit or contact to promote your work, move ahead with promotional, teaching or altruist efforts.

Monday, September 26
Projecting Light Specific purple or octarine (a particular shade of electric pinkish purple) into your forehead and facing West, activate the Ajna Holographic Image Projection System (third eye), then invoke blessed Gabriel. Diana, or Sailor Moon into your Brow Chakra. It's the Moon's day in the week of active Air and the body in motion. The lunar orb being receptive and reflective, focuses the qualities of the signs and other planets to our personal Lightcraft. The Lunar center, and its intimate connection with the Holographic Image Projection System, is not only the foundation for the astral plane, but is the fiery aspect of astral energy itself. It cannot be weaned prematurely or circumcised without sedation lest it become traumatized and even more crestfallen.Finally the stars deign to deliver a productive Monday! Pluto the powerhouse goes direct, working well with Leo Moon and success number 8 to help us advance on our Equinox priorities.This is a time to reflect on what have we learned about using our power since mid-April, and to apply our new awareness. When Pluto comes out, there’s no hiding, so it’s wise to take an honest look. It can be helpful to make two lists: The first one of the ways of using power that we have liked over the past six months, and another of applying power that have left us feeling empty, incongruous or otherwise off key.
Tuesday September 27
Moon is in the sign of the Virgin today. Virgo represents the period from 13 to 23 years old, when mental growth dominates our lives and many attend institutes of higher learning. Many binding choices are made and the rules and details of society are learned. On the World scale Virgo is between 800 BC and AD 400, when classical civilizations like Greece and Rome flourished, when culture, science, philosophy, politics dominated. By AD 300the Books of the New Testament were chosen to support the beliefs of the Christians who formed the political organization of the Church. The naive excepted the surface value, while initiates were forced to hide (occult) their rituals and teachings. Until now. Even above Earth, there are secrets at the heart of Nature that'd make you laugh till you stopped." How can you believe in astrology?," angry, drunken Basque separatists have asked me. I tell them that astrology is not a belief system, but an archetypal, poetic language. I don't ask you if you believe in Japanese. I ask if you speak it. I don't ask you if you believe in music, I ask if you play it. I happen to speak the heavenly tongue of astrology along with thousands of other highly intelligent, inspiring, spiritual and even scientific astrologers. If I never have to deal with angry, drunken Basque separatists who have stolen the Shroud Of Turin again, it'll be too soon. Still, if my destiny is to be an untransformed seed-cum-manure of a man - or to put it another way - if I can at least be the source of unconscious friction that triggers another Christ or Buddha's urgency to awaken, then so be it. Fertilize my ego

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Blessed Metaversal Forecast for the Astral Terrain: September 15 to September 18

There is a whole division of the Angelic Hierarchy assigned to the sephiroth Chesed (Jupiter) whose purpose is divine inspiration through laughter. And there is no vision more critical in the career of the adept than the Metaversal Joke. Did you here the one about the twin child, the male-female Holy Spirit of the Gnostic Mass, the living fruit of two sexual partners. The Book of Lies teaches that seed and child and parent are mystically one, and that the seed represents the innermost and highest expression of the parent. In the Star Sapphire, a ritual form of the IX, the invocation brings father, mother, son, and daughter (YHVH, above) into one point of mystic union, referred to as Ararita. This daughter-son, the living elixir, is made a sacrifice to the magical goal of the working. Note that it is not metaphorically alive, but literally alive, containing a great quantity of living cells. Thus, for the male magician, it is the sacrifice of "all that he is and all that he has" into the "Cup of Babalon", which is held by the Scarlet Woman of Babylon and in which the blood of the saints is said to be mingled. The inner incubation time is important and knowing when to intuitively act is a part of the process. Even projects already in motion may benefit from releasing attachments to specific pictures or outcomes and allowing for the possibility of even greater expression to unfold.
Make an extra effort to recall and interpret dreams this morning, as Moon in Pisces joins the fishes’ ruler,
psychic Neptune. Psychic vibrations rule the morning and fulfill the healing promise of a wee-hour opposition from Sun
to Chiron. Our minds are particularly permeable now. Try to keep your own company or connect with spiritual and
inspiring others. Avoid news or media of a tedious, troublesome or worrying nature. Particularly avoid accepting
guilt trips or projecting them on others, as Moon squares Saturn this afternoon. Dream interpretation and spiritual
practice can also bring practical solutions to light, as Sun connects with Uranus the awakener. Themes of sensitivity
and healing continue and deepen in the evening. Connect with plant spirits, and avoid substance abuse and busy or
dense surroundings.

If you have something to do, use the mental energy of today’s number, 7, to harmonize your mind before taking action.
This way you can channel the courage and skip the potential fuss of Moon’s square to Mars.
Do it early, before the Lunar Eclipse of 12:05 pm (3:05 ET). The Sabian symbol reads:

AFTER DRASTIC REFORMS, A PURIFIED CLERGY OFFICIATES ANEW. Ability to periodically cleanse from all selfish dross the channels for spiritual service. True vision. Spiritual reformation.
The lunation harmonizes with the current Eris-Xena conjunction with Uranus, as well as Mars. The purification described in the Sabian symbol can be a freeing result of acting to empower our unique path and essence.
With the disruptive goddess on the scene, bold action can precipitate female empowerment in particular. This important
asteroid, along with Uranus and Mars, are all at 23°, also associated with Brexit, so financial independence is part of
this empowerment. A T-Square involving Pluto, Venus and Uranus-Eris suggests dissolution of repressive relationship
patterns—which may not necessarily take place in a smooth or easy manner. Check our monthly influences section to see more
details about how this plays out in your chart.


With aspects that accentuate its independent spirit, Moon in Aries brings Chapter 2 to yesterday’s bold and brave Eclipse story. Act on insights and information that comes to light, but try to remain harmonious.
Most aspects are tense and even explosive, except the lunar trine to Saturn the builder, suggesting that progress is more likely to be made via independent efforts than with attempts at collaboration.
Before moving, use Venus’ connection to Chiron by asking, how can my love for self or another heal this situation?

With Moon in Aries and tense contacts involving Venus and Uranus, everybody wants to go their own way.
This is not a day for social obligations or letting ourselves be commandeered into someone else’s idea of fun.
Bless people to do their own thing, and try to do yours. An exception may be sports or other low-risk, competitive
activities. Watching or participating can be a lot of fun. Even then, watch out for taking things personally.
This configuration is also quite creative and can inspire great art or another form of original production and,
with Mercury retrograde in Virgo, problem solving. Take action and shop if you need to before 1:11 pm (4:11 ET),
when Moon goes VOC.

Moon is exalted in Taurus, and its ruler, Venus, sextiles assertive Mars. The stellar stage is set for excitement in
prosperity and love, and today’s number 1 tells us to take action. Remember to focus on something you began before
Mercury entered shadow on August 10, preferably the goals revived at the Solar Eclipse of September 1.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Metaversal Forecasts September 9th to 15th

Friday, September 9
The Week comes to a stylish close with First Quarter Moon in expansive Sagittarius and ruler Jupiter triggering the
Aries point as he enters Libra. Moon also joins warrior planet Mars and trines rebel Uranus in feisty Aries just
before going VOC in Sagittarius, where she still performs. If those fireworks weren’t enough, Mercury retrograde in
Virgo squares Mars. The influences are more exciting than harmonious, propitious for heroic action, if we remember to
listen before speaking, and avoid the temptation to be pushy, sermonize, or go too far. If you’ve been stalling on an
opportunity or shirking a challenge: focus on one thing, design your strategy and MOVE NOW.

Saturday, September 10
At 5:55 (angel number), Moon enters Capricorn, adding ambition to today’s entrepreneurial number 3.
With Capricorn Moon’s ruler, Saturn, also ruling Saturday, the focus is definitely on building, yet Saturn’s
square to dreamy Neptune indicates that pressing onward may not produce the results we seek. In fact, there may be
confusion and frustration as our dreams seem beyond reach. We can be led or forced to look at the pan on the back
burner and discover that its contents have completely evaporated. From now through Thursday, if your heart’s desire seems
to slip away, remember that Saturn helps us wake up to the real work of manifestation.
As it side-bumps Neptune, ask yourself whether you are grounding your faith with a good visualization program, inner preparation and an organized strategy for progress.
Use this weekend and the next several days to ground this visualization and strategy

Sunday, September 11
Moon in constructive Capricorn keeps us fired up for progress, while its aspects to Neptune, Pluto, Venus and Sun, gives continuance to yesterday’s creative and transpersonal themes.
Morning is good for therapy, dream interpretation and journaling to explore subconscious feelings, resentments and beliefs. Read an inspirational book, listen to gospel or other
healing music, dissolve limiting beliefs, seek shortcuts and creative ways to press on. Afternoon can be quite productive on
things we started before August 10, and and especially so if our endeavors are humanitarian or creative.

Monday, September 12
Morning favors reviewing problems with an eye for courageous solutions. In the wake of Saturday’s square
between serious Saturn and slippery Neptune, and with retrograde Mercury squaring Mars, planning and
visualizing are still better than actually doing things. If possible, postpone key or new people connections for tomorrow.
Unclutter, organize and visualize the new good you desire.At 2:28 pm (5:28 ET), Moon enters Aquarius and the atmosphere lightens. A lunar trine to Jupiter and a conjunction from Sun
to mental Mercury, accents both intellectual brilliance and common sense, a propitious combination for editing, studying and preparing a presentation or, for that matter, any communication tools you began to create before
August 10, when Mercury entered the pre-retrograde shadow.

Tuesday September 13
The Aquarius Moon supports our progress today but the strongest influence of the day is a problematic Sun Mars square, exact at 1:38 p.m.
frustration and and impatience are common with this Solar aspect. The nervous energy eases somewhat with a trine from the Moon to Venus at 11:35 p.m.

Wednesday, September 14
The air feels lighter this morning as the Aquarius Moon forms sextiles to Mars and Uranus at 8:31 a.m. and the Moon is void of course the rest of the day.
At 7:23 the Moon enters Pisces.

Thursday, September 15
The Virgo Sun opposes Chiron in the wee hours before Sunnrise. This shows us new ways to nurture ourselves.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Metaversal Daily Forecasts September 5th to 8th

Monday September 5th

The Scorpio Moon is unaspected as this Labour Day commences, connecting us deeply to emotional truths
that must be addressed. Let's labour to protect those who need our protection, need our protection.

Tuesday, September 6th

The Day of Mars in Fireweek. Mars hasn't always been a god of War. More powerfully cool to blast ejacaulations of dragonbreath fireballs at the mainstream media charade, to shoot fireworks out the buisness ends of elf flamethrows at the fleeing asses of neo-conservative goons. Our failure or unwillingness to alter our ways, our inability or refusal to change the direction of this nation and the continued indifference or complicity to the plight of billions has unmasked us all.Luna finds positive outlets for Scorpio's intensity on this day of Mars. A Sun-Moon sextile at 11:06 a.m. and a Moon-Pluto sextile at 12:06 p.m. provide opportunities for us to focus our intentions more powerfully. An earthy Sun-Pluto trine also empowers us today and provides the grounding needed for manifesting results. Form a posse and go to the local Bar Maldoror, announcing grandly that you are the guests of Le Comte de Lautr̩amont. Trash the place, but leave swiftly when physical injury from retaliation appears imminent. (Any number of optional analogous actions Рuse your imagination Рwill be deemed acceptable if the correct spirit is brought to them.)

Wednesday, September 7
Moon in intense Scorpio harmonizes with communicator Mercury and promoter Jupiter in Virgo, giving us a last-minute boost to consolidate intentions set at the New Moon Eclipse and whatever we’ve been working on in the areas of wellness, work, service, and the house of our chart that fortunate Jupiter has been transiting for the last year.
The influence of yesterday’s Sun-Pluto trine will still be behind our focused actions, and results can be long reaching.
At 5:43 pm (8:43 ET), Moon goes VOC. Take a late lunch or rest, leaving key actions and purchases for after 6:20 pm (9:20 ET). Add a few extra syllables to every verb you utter today, e.g. enscrubulify, intellarialectualizate, disunstrangulatize.

Thursday, September 8
There is a whole division of the Angelic Hierarchy assigned to the sephiroth Chesed (Jupiter) whose purpose is divine inspiration through laughter. And there is no vision more critical in the career of the adept than the Metaversal Joke. Did you here the one about the twin child, the male-female Holy Spirit of the Gnostic Mass, the living fruit of two sexual partners. The Book of Lies teaches that seed and child and parent are mystically one, and that the seed represents the innermost and highest expression of the parent. In the Star Sapphire, a ritual form of the IX, the invocation brings father, mother, son, and daughter (YHVH, above) into one point of mystic union, referred to as Ararita. This daughter-son, the living elixir, is made a sacrifice to the magical goal of the working. Note that it is not metaphorically alive, but literally alive, containing a great quantity of living cells. Thus, for the male magician, it is the sacrifice of "all that he is and all that he has" into the "Cup of Babalon", which is held by the Scarlet Woman of Babylon and in which the blood of the saints is said to be mingled. The inner incubation time is important and knowing when to intuitively act is a part of the process. Even projects already in motion may benefit from releasing attachments to specific pictures or outcomes and allowing for the possibility of even greater expression to unfold. Today is productive through early afternoon, as Moon in enthusiastic Sag moves to join organized Saturn, further helped by today’s number, success number 8. Use this energy before 3:06 pm, when the conjunction perfects and Moon rushes toward a square with foggy Neptune. Then, change gears and enjoy dream yoga, journaling, creative visualization, contacting light-beings and artistic activities. An evening harmony to Venus, planet of love, accentuates the creative promise and favors a romantic dinner or relaunching a promotion started before August 10.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Metaversal Lightcraft Hyper-Abyssic Astrology Forecasts for September 1st through 3rd

Thursday, September 1
The Day of Jupiter in the kabbalistic World of Fire . Projecting Light Specific Blue and facing West, vibrate this azure deluxe into your Second Chakra along with the mantrum: EE-BE-DA. Jupiter is all about allowing ambiguity, contradiction, and movement. It isn't about integration. It helps the ego become more flexible. By Jove, life isn't about staying calm and balanced, but rather about keeping complexity and drama and everything else alive and in dynamic flow. We should not underestimate the power of Earthritual/ interlock/ and the focused magnetism of emotion. If we would like less catastrophic weather change, this is specifically the engineering we must learn. Like man, the weather participates or partakes of both Earth and Sky. These planet-wide weather up-heavals are literally and specifically, collective emotions. Only if we can emote collectively and braid our ecosystems with coherent emotion can we save our future. This is no arbitrary test for survival of our genepool. It is the perfect test. If we can learn to braid electrical space with the harmonics which love weaves, then we have passed the "ring pass knot" gate to the privilege of doing that same activity for the braid creation of star systems and galaxies with our similar but much unpacked and blossomed electrical bodies.
Love is not just a good idea, it's the LawThis month of study and work gets off to a powerful start with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo at 2:03 this morning (5:03 ET).
Ruler Mercury happens to be retrograde, inviting us to apply the lunation’s force in something we’ve been focusing on for the last 12 months.
Whatever tasks you may have today, provoke a pause to reflect and connect.
The Sabian symbol harmonizes beautifully with the retrograde:

Consciousness functioning in inner and outer realms. Competence in understanding. Over-sensitiveness to life currents.

This Eclipse can reawaken us to the opportunities presented by Jupiter, and help us make a new start, before the planet of fortune exits Virgo, the sign of chastity, for the light skies of Libra on Monday, September 10.
Review the house/s occupied by Virgo in your chart to see where you have not yet collected the gold that Jupiter has been offering for the last 12 months. Forgive yourself for whatever limiting attitudes or beliefs have kept you from focusing on these opportunities, and establish a clear goal for the next ten days. During the rest of today, lunar contacts to Neptune, Mars and Pluto favor intuition and trigger our warrior spirit, but are not so conducive to harmonious interaction, with the exception of spiritual encounters and deep therapy. A square from Sun to Saturn pushes us to organize for discipline and tangible results.
We should avoid potentially dense interchanges, oversensitivity and guilt trips, as this lunation is about forgiveness and reclaiming the power to ground our wellness and vocation.
Check the Monthly Influences for more detailed tips for your personal Sun and rising signs.

Friday, September 2

The Day of Venus in Fireweek. If you actively invoke blessed HANIEL, the Archangel of Venus into your heart today, you may find you have developed the ability to feel like Khrisna, multiplying himself into a dozen pastoral, naked farmhands with muddy feet and emerald pond scum on their thighs, or maybe you are a young Freya on the back of a panther, eating honey. The day gets off to a subtle start and intuition guides us to see through the fog as Sun opposes Neptune, making this morning good for dream interpretation, consulting a preferred oracle, visiting a psychic, creative visualization, and doing an Eclipse ritual.The tempo picks up at 10:18 (1:18 pm ET), when Eclipse ruler Mercury aligns with Jupiter the fortunate in practical Virgo, calling us to act on our New Moon intentions (as described for yesterday and in our Monthly Influence section). The call is echoed as the waxing Moon takes a walk over Jupiter and Mercury. Use these fortunate triggers before 3:13 pm (6:13 ET), when Moon goes VOC. At 5:55 pm (8:55 ET), she enters Libra. Take a break for friends and love. Libra represents the period from 23 to 42 years old, when partnerships are made and balance is sought between others and oneself. On the World scale Libra is between 400and 1100 AD, when division of the church and state took over, and the Dark Ages swept over Europe and Asia. The opposition is symbolic of the fact that in order to emerge from the unconscious, internal conflicts must be brought out into the light of day. Marriage was the primary process through which opposing countries where integrated into a whole. With the Moon in Libra we are aware of our communal relations, law, justice and balance. The 7th house (Libra) has been called the house of marriage. The key to the New Aeon of MA'AT is figuring out the new symbol for Libra, as the institution of marriage was originally designed as a tool by the Church to secure it's future domination. Those that cannot find this new symbol and perform these symbolic rites on themselves and their tribe, and the whole fabric of material being, will inherit only the blues, decay, and husks. Think more in terms of partnership and remember, your heart must be light as a feather. Take this time to be good to your Libra ruled kidneys. These amazing organs filter some 400-500 hundred gallons of blood a day. Lemons, beets, cranberry juice and cabbage and leafy vegetables are all healing to your kidneys.

Saturday, September 3
If you’re thinking about a romantic breakfast or coffee date, use the Libra Moon’s early conjunction to her ruler, Venus. The rest of the morning can be quite productive on things seeded before August 9. Make constructive contacts and share attractive publications, broadcasting and teachings as Moon moves to sextile Saturn the builder in Sagittarius, planet of dissemination at 1:55 pm (4:55 ET). Try to get it done by that time, since shortly thereafter lunar tensions with Neptune and later Pluto are too great for anything except visualizing, forgiveness and similar inner work. Choose a cozy night at home over the cantina or a dubious reunion.