Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Metaversal Daily Astral Terrain Forecasts for November 25 to 28. As Above, So Below, Bottoms Up!

Tuesday, November 25

The Day of Mars in the first quarter Fireweek. Action-oriented Mars loves
Capricorn, the executive sign. Astrologers say that Mars is "exalted" in
Capricorn. This means that its energies flow powerfully and easily here.
This period, then, is excellent for taking on big tasks and seeing them
through to the finish. Neither Mars nor Capricorn is afraid of hard work. Both, in fact, need to push against obstacles to keep their muscles in shape. If you don't have a serious goal now, find one. Create your own challenges and focus your will to meet them. There is little that can not be accomplished when you are clear, committed and stick to your plan. Capricorn is a sign of authority and organization. The independent nature of Mars could lead to some difficulties with bosses, parents and institutions at this time. This is another reason to find a healthy outlet for aggressive tendencies now. Without this sense of direction, it's easier to fall into patterns of resentful rebellion against those at the top. Neither Mars nor Capricorn is noted for its sensitivity. This "toughness" helps us break through barriers while ignoring our own discomfort. However, it can also express itself as blind ambition, the kind that doesn't see (or care about) the little people we step on as we climb the ladder of success. Compassion, for yourself and others, is a good balance against the possible excesses of Mars in Capricorn.Moon in Capricorn makes a sober background for even more sobering aspects, first from Moon to planetary heavies Pluto and Uranus and later from Mercury the messenger as it joins with Sergeant Saturn in the deep sign of Scorpio. —It’s time to get serious now and acknowledge our limits under the stabilizing influence of stern Saturn. The mentally constraining Mercury-Saturn conjunction shows us the weak links in our thinking. Fortunately, the calculating Capricorn Moon helps us revise our plans. Mercury’s connection to potent Pluto motivates us to convey our deepest concerns. Although we may hesitate, it’s still useful to get our point of view out into the open. A harmony with Chiron reminds us that facing shadows can be healing. For those with a warrior spirit and/or strong Saturn in their natal chart, this can be a day of executive achievement. For all of us, it’s a good
day to remember and heal family issues before holiday get-togethers.

Wednesday, November 26
The Day of Mercury in Fireweek. Mercury's stay in Scorpio is prolonged this year due to its retrograde
period in this sign from October 4 until October 25. This planet of communication gets down to the depths whenever it's in Scorpio. The mind melds with emotions, descending into the body, into the past and into life's mysteries. This can be a very powerful period for talking about difficult issues regarding relationships, money and mortality. Psychological awareness is more acute now, as perceptions take us under the covers of the obvious, seeking hidden meaning and motivations. The dark side of Mercury in Scorpio is represented by the mistrusting mind, one that holds secrets and fears them at the same time. Communication becomes a means of control, rather than connection. However, seeing our fears doesn't
mean that we have to perpetuate them. The opportunities are ripe for discussing heretofore forbidden subjects, resulting in greater degrees of trust and intimacy. Early birds have it if we can use the constructive harmonies of this morning’s influences to continue healing family issues. These harmonies
also favor direct action on our own behalf or that of a wizened dear one. At 7:30 am (10:30 am ET), Moon goes VOC in Capricorn, favoring household chores and altruistic support of seniors. Hold off on important purchases or actions until Moon enters Aquarius at 11:23 am (2:23 pm ET).The veil of intensity lifts this afternoon when Venus in adventurous Sagittarius trines Uranus the liberator, inspiring original creations and opening the way for a cosmic Thanksgiving celebration, in which we can
include spiritual family, share with those in need and add our own special touch on the theme of gratitude.

Thursday, November 27
The Day of Jupiter in the first quarter Fireweek. Jupiter is the largest of all the true planets, its mass greater than the rest of them combined. Astrologically, Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth and optimism. Known as "The Greater Benefic," it symbolizes good luck and fortune. In the ancient Indian language Sanskrit Jupiter is called "guru" or teacher. This fits its association with the higher mind, philosophy, truth and religion. Perhaps Jupiter's good fortune derives from the larger perspective it provides on life in general and our own circumstances.Leo symbolizes individual expression and creativity. Jupiter's presence in this bold sign emphasizes the power of one person to make a statement that will be heard by the world. The capacity to get people to stand up and take notice is likely to be expanded during this entertaining and dramatic time. Jupiter's pursuit of meaning can be enhanced by taking personal risks and an opening of the heart, with which the sign Leo is associated. The negative side of this transit, however, can be excessive glorification of the ego. Pride in self is healthy, but boundless pride is a blinding light that darkens, rather than illuminates. This can be a time of "bread and circuses," when meaningful questions are buried in the noise of spectacle. Serious inquiry may not come easily when bombast rules the land.As the day begins, sociable Moon in Aquarius harmonizes with exciting Uranus and romantic Venus. Share Thanksgiving preparations or altruistic endeavors with friends. A brunch outing can lead to new connections and even romance. This afternoon, refrain from getting ticked off or snappy with relatives, a strategy that will be easier tonight when Mercury enters
Sagittarius and mirth gets the upper hand.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Metaversal Astral Terrain Forecast for November 19 to November 26

The Day of Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, in the World/Week of Earth. The stones attributed to Mercury are Opals and his metal is of course, Quicksilver. We’ll have to rise early to enjoy the best action. For lovers, it includes the harmony between the romantic Libra Moon and Jupiter in creative Leo, an excellent mix for close encounters of the joyful kind. Libra represents the period from 23 to 42 years old, when partnerships are madeand balance is sought between others and oneself. On the World scale Libra is between 400 and 1100 AD, when division of the church and state took over, and the Dark Ages swept over Europe and Asia. The opposition is symbolic of the fact that in order to emerge from the unconscious, internal conflicts must be brought out into the light of day. Marriage was the primary process through which opposing countries where integrated into a whole. With the Moon in Libra we are aware of our communal relations, law, justice and balance. The 7th house (Libra) has been called the house of marriage. The key to the New Aeon of MA'AT is figuring out the new symbol for Libra, as the institution of marriage was originally designed as a tool by the Church to secure it's future domination. Those that cannot find this new symbol and perform these symbolic rites on themselves and their tribe, and the whole fabric of material being, will inherit only the blues, decay, and husks. Think more in terms of partnership and remember, your heart must be light as a feather. As favored is follow-up on public relations or sales efforts, artistic work, making a dream board and invoking the angels of romance or prosperity. At 6:25 am PT (9:25 am ET) Moon goes VOC in Libra for the rest of the day. Enjoy beautiful surroundings and sharing love just for the fun of it.

A chain of events can bring breakthroughs in awareness. Moon in intense Scorpio connects with Neptune, planet of intuition, as well as Pluto, its ruler, Uranus, the shaker, and Chiron, the Wounded Healer. A square from Venus to Neptune emphasizes the creative stimulation of the day that can be applied in art, romance or meditation of compassion.

The Day of Venus in Assiah, the World of Earth. The stones attributed to Venus are Emeralds and Malachite and her metal is Copper.Mercury and Moon in penetrating Scorpio harmonize with Mars in constructive Capricorn this morning,
opening the way for effective action and anticipating the force of tomorrow’s New Moon. Intuitive guidance can be surprisingly clear. Provoke a pause to consult the pendulum or other oracle, or simply ask within: who to contact, what to say and how to move in the direction of your dreams and values. Listen to its guidance, and then move to ground it.

After Scorpios alchemical workshop of the last ten weeks, Sun moves into Sagittarius and we can clarify how we would like to share our strength with the world. Whatever we intend or begin today will have the support of today’s New Moon (4:32 am PT, 7:32 am ET), at 0°7′ Sagittarius, which strengthens the Sun, and Mercury direct. Sagittarius represents, on the level of the first octave, the period between Conceptionand 7 weeks, the first Lunar month after the sperm reaches the egg, and is a compacted pattern at a molecular time scale of the entire life of the cellular body. The embryo develops in parallel with the earlier phases of evolution, retaining memory of these structures in the brain. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Metaversal Lightcraft Training Manual for more on the Four Octaves), Sagittarius represents Initiation beyond the realms of Death (Scorpio). On the World scale, Sag occupies the period between AD 1500 and AD 1750, The Renaissance. This was the time when astrology, mathematics, musick and geometry were understood as divine techniques for communicating with the Soul of the World. With the Moon in Sagittarius we are into philosophical speculation, adventure, and foreign influences, and actions that expand the awareness through gathering unfamiliar experiences. Ask yourself how you would like to share with the larger community. Maybe it’s through an altruistic project, maybe it’s by joining or returning to a spiritual group (or beginning one yourself) maybe it’s by reaching out to extended family and planning a radiant Thanksgiving. Whatever it is for each of us, Sagittarius favors fun and expanding our horizons while contributing to the collective. A contact with Neptune accentuates the Archer’s gifts of spiritual expansion and purpose. After you choose your intent, use the tail of the Saturn-Sun conjunction to plan and initiate action with your feet on ground.

The Metaversal Lightpilot, which the ancient Egyptians referred to as the KA, is actually the fourth dimensional driver of the third dimensional Lightcraft, the BA. There is a sixth dimensional solar mind which interacts with all levels and is purely an electromagnetick harmonic, a harmony based on all the other levels coming together around a center. And the sun is the center eternally now and therefore timeless. The Sun never sets on itself. The evolution of the Metaversal song, what some refer to as the Great Work, has as its core the purpose of resonating this harmonic through your individual interactive Lightcraft.Between dark and light the angles of times are best manifest at their balance, so invoke Apollo, Ra, Chiron, or the baby-faced Sun god from the Teletubbies into your heart Chakra this morning. Sagittarius or the arch man, from mythology, this constellation is the image of the centaur Chiron, a being who distinguished of the others by his wisdom and knowledge. It was born of the loves between Cronos and the Filira nymph, and had the strange form of half man, half horse, because his father had to become horse to generate it. According to the legend, her mother when seeing that she had generated a monster requested the Gods that transformed it, being turned linden tree. Our Qabalistic thunderbolt of revelation resembles a corkscrew in more ways than one. Chiron was taught by Apolo and Artemisa in the art of the medicine and the hunting, establishing a consultation in a grotto and its disciples was numerous: Cástor, Pollux, Ulises, etc. In the course of a combat it was hurt by an arrow soaked in the blood of the Hidra Lerna, which produced terrible pains to him. Since he was inmortal, it did not want to continue living with a perpetual agony, reason why with the consent of the Gods it shortly after offered his immortality to Prometheus, expiring. Zeus put between the stars of the sky constituting the constellation of Sagittarius (the arch man) A magical balance is struck between intuition and action. As a gift for early risers, Moon in expansive Sagittarius harmonizes with Uranus in dynamic Aries before dawn, followed by a contact with Chiron just as the Wounded Healer stations to turn direct. This is a good morning to listen to your inner voice and take bold action to advance on the intentions you seeded during yesterday’s New Moon portal, or those that you seed now. Moon later trines its ruler, Jupiter, facilitating positive results in business, diplomacy, publishing, publicity, group causes and inner work.

Projecting Light Specific purple or octarine (a particular shade of electric pinkish purple) into your forehead and facing West, activate the Ajna Holographic Image Projection System (third eye), then invoke blessed Gabriel. Diana, or Sailor Moon into your Brow Chakra. It's the Moon's day in the week of Fire. The lunar orb being receptive and reflective, focuses the qualities of the signs and other planets to our personal Lightcraft. The Lunar center, and its intimate connection with the Holographic Image Projection System, is not only the foundation for the astral plane, but is the fiery aspect of astral energy itself.
Waxing Moon in productive Capricorn motivates us to organize our papers and priorities with an eye to making the most of the week (which, for those who celebrate Thanksgiving, has fewer full work days). Dreams and inspiration can manifest this afternoon: the calls we make, things we create and ideas we propose are blessed by aspects from Moon and Mars in Capricorn to Neptune and Jupiter, planets of dreams, schemes and angels.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

the Metaversal Hyper-Abyssic Astrology and Light Specific Yoga Platform for November 5 to 8

The Day of Mercury in the week of Water. Mercury, the communication planet, should be feeling comfortable in the sociable air sign of Libra.
The air element is very much about the mind and communication, so it fits very nicely with Mercury's meaning. Libra is about building bridges
and overcoming differences. It recognizes that there is more than one side to any question and seeks to harmonize opposing points of view. Diplomacy,
then, is likely to be featured at this time, both in the larger public arena and in our personal lives.Mercury in Libra can soften speech to ensure peaceful relationships. It's necessary at times to bring down the noise level so that both sides can be heard. This is, therefore, a good time to heal wounds caused by misunderstandings or different views of reality. If possible, rise before dawn and use the last hours or minutes of the Aries Moon to organize your life with a focus on your goals for change. At 5:25 am (8:25 ET), Moon goes VOC, with aspects that favor creativity, transmuting mental programs and spiritual healing of oneself and others. Save important actions and purchases for after 1:33 pm (4:33 ET) when Moon goes into Taurus. The afternoon is great for tending our gardens, redecorating our homes, reviewing our investments, organizing our finances, and renewing our connection with the object of our affection.


The Day of Jupiter at the onset of Airweek (which means the Full Moon in Taurus is today) There is a whole division of the Angelic Hierarchy assigned to the sephiroth Chesed (Jupiter) whose purpose is divine inspiration through laughter. And there is no vision more critical in the career of the adept than the Metaversal Joke. Did you here the one about the twin child, the male-female Holy Spirit of the Gnostic Mass, the living fruit of two sexual partners. The Book of Lies teaches that seed and child and parent are mystically one, and that the seed represents the innermost and highest expression of the parent. In the Star Sapphire, a ritual form of the IX, the invocation brings father, mother, son, and daughter (YHVH, above) into one point of mystic union, referred to as Ararita. This daughter-son, the living elixir, is made a sacrifice to the magical goal of the working. Note that it is not metaphorically alive, but literally alive, containing a great quantity of living cells. Thus, for the male magician, it is the sacrifice of "all that he is and all that he has" into the "Cup of Babalon", which is held by the Scarlet Woman of Babylon and in which the blood of the saints is said to be mingled. The inner incubation time is important and knowing when to intuitively act is a part of the process. Even projects already in motion may benefit from releasing attachments to specific pictures or outcomes and allowing for the possibility of even greater expression to unfold. The Snow Moon becomes full at 14°26′ Taurus (2:23 pm PT/5:33 pm ET), helping us complete the projects we have been working on
since before September 13, when Mercury entered its pre-retrograde shadow period. The Bull is known to be placid, except when he sees red, as he might well do when Luna trines Mars in conjunction with Pluto this morning. This Moon is connected to the last two eclipses and whatever our central issues of change may be. It also infuses our decisions with special power, although the fruits may not be clear until after Mercury emerges from its shadow period in four days.


The Day of Venus in Airweek. If you actively invoke blessed HANIEL, the Archangel of Venus into your heart today, you may find you have developed the ability to feel like Khrisna, multiplying himself into a dozen pastoral, naked farmhands with muddy feet and emerald pond scum on their thighs, or maybe you are a young Freya on the back of a panther, eating honey. Venus, who gets oversimplified like a lot of her sisters, is one of the most complex planets going: she works as an attractive force and as a creative one. wellThe 5 roses represent the five senses in the Empress card (Atu 3) And in the Lovers card (Atu 6 ) the senses are the five fruits of Eve. Venus is indeed in cahoots with the senses. All movement of all living creatures in world of Assiah are tied to the senses and the desire-nature. The accomplished Lightpilot can remove the robe of desire in order to withdraw into the worlds of Briah and Atzitluth, but in order to achieve anything in the physical realms you keep that robe on. When you act, your gonna act in terms of desire. Venus represents that which is desirable. Every living thing seeks pleasure and tries to avoid pain. Victory lies in understanding our desire nature and learning how to use it. Moon in Taurus, sign of manifestation, opposes Saturn in Scorpio, the reformer, making this a good morning to face and take the actions we have pending to help us move out of obsolete situations and on to our greater good. At 8:17 am (11:17 ET), Moon goes VOC in Taurus, where it’s still productive, so we can close the workweek with honor. After connecting with sociable Mercury in Venus, Moon enters Gemini, making this evening nice for taking in an art movie or conversing with
stimulating friends.

The Day of Saturn in the kabbalistic World of Air. Wearing Black and facing North, invoke the spirit of Johnny Cash into your Base Chakra (The Malkuth "Lil' World" Morphogenetic Field Transceiver) with the mantrum. "Because your mine, I walk the line". With it being Airweek, honor Saturn today by creating greater stability in the Metaverse, actively expressing or experiencing your security needs, and cleansing and strengthening your base Chakra. Our consciousness in this chakra is concerned with survival, with our fight or flight response, with our instincts. It links the individual with the physical world. Serves as the foundation to evolve and build personality. If we are to ignore this chakra, and concern ourselves with the higher levels, we will be growing without roots, we will be unstable, unable to withstand the trials that will come our way. If our survival needs are met, the Base Chakra will function healthily, but if there is a perceived threat to this, (such as a difficult house move, job change, health problems, etc.) it can create an imbalance. Other Saturnian imbalances can show themselves in various ways, from sleeplessness and the inability to relax, to obsession with money, possessions or health.Moon in Gemini, ruled by Mercury in its retrograde shadow period, makes this morning good for repairing our computers, running a virus scan and editing. Contacts to Mar and Pluto, the eliminators, favor uncluttering our papers and inboxes. More significantly, these influences complement Mercury’s entrance into Scorpio to help us review our way of expressing ourselves and to realign our words—and our silences—in resonance with the authentic voice within. If we take some time out for this purpose, a contact to from Moon to Chiron can make it a healing experience, and open the way for breakthroughs as Moon goes on to harmonize with Uranus the liberator this afternoon and evening.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Greetings Fellow Immortals! Congratulate yourselves,
you have incarnated into the least boring period in human history.Halloween brought out the party-er in us. She or he might like to float right into Sagittarius, sign of the playful centaur, and skip over the most intense days of the year, in the heart of Scorpio. And postindustrial society does provide continuous opportunities to
glide along in disconnection from our deep selves. A look at the stars—and the pagan influences for these days—reminds us, however, that the year’s work is not quite over. In fact, the first part of November calls us to consolidate the chapter that 2014 opened in our lives, to reaffirm our spiritual warrior nature as we face down challenges to our inner and outer freedom, transmuting the pressure so that the phoenix can rise from within. Last month’s eclipses brought these challenges more clearly into view. For I say unto you: it would be easier for a honeypossum to sculpt a perfect likeness of Aleister Crowley out of marmalade and motor oil than it would be to escape the effects of an Eclipse. Mars the warrior ruled the Total Lunar Eclipse of October 8, and co-ruled the recent Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. At both portals Mercury was retrograde or in its shadow period—and still is as
November begins—indicating that the changes triggered by October’s lunations are to be absorbed inwardly, emerging outwardly when Mercury
leaves its shadow on November 10. Full Moons are associated with extreme emotions because we face the contradictions of opposing points of view. This one, though,
may feel more like putting our feet on solid ground than being washed out to sea. The stabilizing influence of the earthy Taurus Moon gains additional ballast from
harmonious trines with potent Mars and Pluto in competent Capricorn. The intensity of the Scorpio Sun is softened by its close proximity to pacifying Venus and we’re finally out of the eclipse zone that’s been rattling cages for the past month. Still, we may expect some drama about money,
resources and self-worth with overspending or exaggeration spurred by profligate Jupiter’s stressful squares to the Sun and Moon. But the sound and fury of strongly expressed opinions is probably more of a show than a final showdown. Once excessive pride and the need to prove others wrong have been set
aside negotiations to settle differences can commence with a common desire to find solutions. During the first half of the month, personal planets Sun, Venus and Mercury line up in Scorpio to escort Saturn the taskmaster during the last weeks of passage through the sign of alchemy. We become more keenly aware of a process that has been active since October, 2012, and use our vital energy (Sun), love (Venus) and thought-power (Mercury in Scorpio) as we make an orchestral conclusion to Saturn’s work of reformation. A look at
the house where Scorpio falls in our natal chart can prove fascinating, especially if we review how we have been called to grow up or gain independence in this area,
probably with involuntary pruning of certain situations and relationships. Everything seethes and churns in this region, but that's okay: it's all part of November, and soon you won't notice it anyway as you enter into your own state of turbulescent grace. Whatever calls you from outside the curtain can wait. You're here now, and ready at last to open your eyes. When you do, you'll see that Time is a soft jagged wave moving through you and Space is a malleable domain sculpted by perception. Rest assured: the voluptuous terror you feel swiftly gives way to splendour. Suddenly you will re more awake than you've been since retiring from the womb. The secret phenomenological truth, encrypted against corruption at your birth but now transmitted lucidly across every synapse, is that the World is determined by imaginative volition. How much love can one being express? Now that this has been revealed, your purpose is clear. You might as well get used to it: YOU ARE A GLORIOUS NEW REALITY! This year’s Scorpio cycle began with the strong seed of a Solar Eclipse New Moon, involving us as more active participants in the natural process of change, and even finding the fun in a transit (Saturn through Scorpio) that has until now felt like it is happening to us rather than through us. The diversion, however, is not the eating-chocolate-ice cream kind (drat), but that of the seasoned witch or warlock, who stands to stir the cauldron of inner change, and strategizes in preparation for daring action (after November 10) to express the newfound individuation in her or his world.

Today is the Celtic New Year, honoring the dead and those living in subtle dimensions, as natives of Mesoamerica also did at this season.
As the day begins, we’re apt to feel festive, with Mercury in sociable Libra making a harmony to jovial Jupiter in warm Leo. The tone becomes more mystical
when Moon slips into cool Pisces at 9:37 am PT (12:37 pm ET). After that, a chain of aspects involving the deep divers of the solar system, Neptune and Pluto,
accentuate the quiet, psychic atmosphere of this portal, best enjoyed by laying low and unplugging from worldly activity to focus within. Well, Your Name, have you come this far to spread intricate sadness with all possible combinations of dour gesticulations and complex facial contortions? Didn't think so. Is there any way the Moon entering Pisces could please you without resorting to the obvious? By the time we come to Pisces, we've been and are everything. Identities and boundaries get very fuzzy at this stage, and they're supposed to. Moon in Pisces reminds us that we are on an infinite journey, ever leaving, ever returning. Where have we been? And who are we? We are a raindrop. We are the ocean. As warm jets, we are two fishes swimming in opposite directions, symbolizes the imperative to integrate two dimensions - the finite and the infinite. Neptune, which rules Pisces, was the mythic God of the Sea; he is associated with the swells of emotion and the vast mysteries of the collective unconscious. In the modern Western world, this is largely misunderstood territory. Chickadees have been known to fornicate with badgers here, for christsakes. The moon, she is in the sign of fishes. Sobbing and laughing from the fjord to the poorhouse, The beneficial effects of the Piscean hormone melatonin have been part of the health supplement scene for some time, for high melatonin production is known to be synonymous with a high immune system, a low cancer risk, long life, energy, stamina, and according to many, enhanced spiritual awareness. Perhaps it is fitting then that this hormone is secreted by the pineal gland, a mysterious little item long believed by mystics to be the "Seat of the Soul," "Me Third Eye," and the organ through which psychic powers are exercised. In fact, it actually functions as an organ of sight in some reptiles, and it still seems to possess some sensitivity to light in higher mammals, since melatonin production increases when the person is exposed to darkness (thus melatonin means "night worker!") High melatonin production thereby increases the facility for receiving and transmitting high-frequency cosmic and local broadcasts, and leads to a greater state of cosmic awareness - a state simply of ’knowing.’ In this regard, it is interesting to note that the Pineal Third Eye has been found to contain very fine granular particles, rather like the crystals in a wireless receiving set.Many magical rites and meditation techniques are aimed at gaining control of this organ and the fluid it produces: Veering at the mercy of decadent thighs, In billowing abandonment, A serpent dancing on the coy derrière, A baton in the bawdy dunes Enjoy inspirational music, invoke the forces of cosmic protection and—with Pluto and Mars in Capricorn—honor your ancestors and bless the earth in her amazing powers of transformation. As for dealing with the living, an extra dose of patience and prudence will help allay potential conflict. In the afternoon and evening, creative juices surge and can be productively directed into independent work. Intuitive intelligence flows through the night: keep your journal on hand to write down your dreams on waking tomorrow.


Thank God it’s Sunday! We wouldn’t want to float through this etheric Moon in Pisces while trying to function in the normal world.
Pay attention to the dreams you remember. The veil between dimensions was particularly subtle last night, when Moon in Pisces harmonized with Sun,
harbinger of purpose, and Venus, Goddess of Love, both in Scorpio, sign of portals to the beyond. In particular, oneiric messages include a warm
greeting from a dear one in the beyond, and guidance to help us carry on the positive aspects of our lineage and to heal the more difficult ones.
Although we might wish we could idly fantasize the day away, we can only take our visions so far before more mundane issues demand our attention.
We’re comfortable weaving stories based on idealistic love as the magical Pisces Moon aligns with romantic Venus. But energetic Mars encounters expansive
Jupiter, stirring our impatience and prompting us to follow the impossible dream. We may know what’s best, but we’re likely to do what’s more fun.

Projecting Light Specific purple or octarine (a particular shade of electric pinkish purple) into your forehead and facing West, activate the Ajna Holographic Image Projection System (third eye), then invoke blessed Gabriel. Diana, or Sailor Moon into your Brow Chakra. It's the Moon's day in the week of Earth and the emotional body in reflection. The lunar orb being receptive and reflective, focuses the qualities of the signs and other planets to our personal Lightcraft. The Lunar center, and its intimate connection with the Holographic Image Projection System, is not only the foundation for the astral plane, but is the fiery aspect of astral energy itself. The early morning is good for structuring inner work, as well as healing money issues and making an audacious step to promote freedom, yours or someone else’s. Moon goes into Aries at 10:53 am PT (1:53 pm ET), followed by a contact with assertive Mars and a harmony between purposeful Sun and deeply powerful Pluto. The rest of the day favors research, focused introspection, organization and independent, creative work.