Wednesday March 21
The Final Day of Earthweek in the Final Lunar-cycle of 2011/2012. The reconnection with the Earth Trine spreads to our dream world through Venus, where we remember that all is well. The Sun and Mercury retrograde make their inferior (close-side) conjunction, to start the energy of the new Mercury cycle and bring keen insights. Although we could be busy finishing up with old circumstances for up to another 13 days (the remainder of Mercury’s retrograde), we can feel the stirrings of renewal. At 1:39 am, the Moon enters its void period, although in Pisces it still “performs”. This is the Wishing (Balsamic) Moon, when we can create a vision of what we want to come into our lives in the next month. For I say unto you: it would be easier for a honeypossum to sculpt a perfect likeness of Aleister Crowley out of marmalade and motor oil than it would be to escape the effects of 2012.
Thursday March 22
The Day of Jupiter in the kabbalistic World of Fire, Atziluth. If you don't have a good laugh today, you are missing the point. There is a whole division of the Angelic Hierarchy assigned to the sephiroth Chesed (Jupiter) whose purpose is divine inspiration through laughter. And there is no vision more critical in the career of the adept than the Metaversal Joke. Everyone laughed when I sent my dog Xero to the Canine Academy Of Design, but they won't be laughing today when he continues to shit all over their lawn. At 2:57 am, the Moon enters pioneering Aries, feeding immediately into the New Moon, which occurs at 7:37 am PT/2°22′ Aries. This is a powerful lunar event that sets the tone for a month of potent developments as well as marking the first Day of the first Lunarcycle of the 2012 Astrological year. Fireweek (Atziluth) starts everything. For I say unto you: it would be easier for a wolverine to assassinate the pope using a slingshot loaded with overcooked lima beans than it would be to escape the effects of 2012. Mercury is still retrograde and in the orb of the Sun, bringing out a fruitful hesitation on our path forward. The Earth Grand Trine is dissipating, although we still have access to it via periodic lunar contacts through March 31; in addition, anything we have been building through that pattern stays with us by our own efforts. Perhaps most powerful though is Mars’s opposition to Chiron. This ties to events last year, particularly November 12, but also in late February and late June. Together they bind a series of events into a story in your life where healing is possible over the course of the month ahead. Energy is stored in this New Moon, about to be released as the Moon, then the Sun, conjoin Uranus and square Pluto, to bring the second salvo of the year related to the struggles between individuals and large entities (corporations, governments, etc.), and the same types of David-and-Goliath inequities in our own circumstances. We’ll feel all of this by the end of the day as Moon makes us aware of it from an instinctual level.In the United States, this energy is most felt in Congressional posturing and disinformation from the media, but after recent revelations about what’s really going on, the emptiness of the dialogue is obvious and mostly ignored by a wiser and disgruntled public. The President and Senate are the strongest voices of sanity. The Sabian symbol for 3 Aries, the New Moon degree, is “A cameo shows the profile of a man that suggests the outline of his country.” It may be easy to fall under the collective spell that what we do as small individuals doesn’t matter, but nothing could be further from the truth. When we rise to our own greatness, our actions ripple outward in beneficial ways. We will hear stories of courage and leadership like this as this month unfolds.
Friday March 23
The Day of Venus in Fireweek. If you actively invoke blessed HANIEL, the Archangel of Venus into your heart today, you may find you have developed the ability to feel like Khrisna, multiplying himself into a dozen pastoral, naked farmhands with muddy feet and emerald pond scum on their thighs, or maybe you are a young Freya on the back of a panther, eating honey. The Moon encounters an empty sky during its transit of mid-Aries today. Mercury retrogrades back into Pisces to revisit the subtler factors we need to consider in order to use its energies well in the next four months. Key among them is ways in which we can build a stronger foundation for the relationship ties we want to take with us into the future. It would be easier for a western screech owl to throw a javelin through the hole of a doughnut at a distance equivalent to the length of three soccer fields than it would be to escape the effects of 2012.
Saturday March 24
Moon goes void at 10:17 am PT, giving us a half-day of time out from the need for progress. At 2:43 pm, we regain our capacity to act productively when she enters steady Taurus. The big event of the day is the Sun’s conjunction with Uranus at 4°31′ Aries. This jump-starts on a new cycle of awakening that lasts a year. This year’s cycle is full of power and intensity, as Uranus and Pluto finally meet during this year for the first two of their seven squares (completed in March 2015). Despite the apparent newness of this process, we are already well acquainted with this energy, which is about the balancing of power and energy in groups and places where they are unequal. By equalizing things in our own sphere, and by living modestly in the spirit, we allow the potential fury of this interchange to pass us by and reap the rewards of the awakening, and soon you won't notice it anyway as you enter into your own state of turbulescent grace. Whatever calls you from outside the curtain can wait. You're here now, and ready at last to open your eyes. When you do, you'll see that Time is a soft jagged wave moving through you and Space is a malleable domain sculpted by perception. Rest assured: the voluptuous terror you feel swiftly gives way to splendour. Suddenly you will re more awake than you've been since retiring from the womb. The secret phenomenological truth, encrypted against corruption at your birth but now transmitted lucidly across every synapse, is that the World is determined by imaginative volition. How much love can one being express? Now that this has been revealed, your purpose is clear. You might as well get used to it: YOU ARE A GLORIOUS NEW REALITY!
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