Wednesday June 15
The third lunar week of the month (Airweek) opens with the Full Moon/total Lunar Eclipse at 24°23′ Sagittarius/1:14 pm PT. Rest assured: the voluptuous terror you feel swiftly gives way to splendour. With so many planets in early degrees of their sign, the sole aspect today beyond the Sun-Moon opposition is a lunar opposition to Mercury. This gives us deeper awareness of how to resolve our emotional restlessness that we can take into the netherworld of the Moon’s still-usable void period, which starts at 8:31 pm. Beyond the turbulated curtain of vigilant torpor lies a realm where the living vision engines dream. This being a Lunar Eclipse, it leaves its mark in our lives for the coming six months, so we will encounter situations with ripples that will not be resolved in the next two weeks but will shine a brighter light into the future. Everything seethes and churns in this region, but that’s okay: it’s all part of your new vocation, and soon you won’t notice it anyway as you enter into your own state of turbulescent grace. The Moon enters responsible Capricorn at 10:59 pm. In Washington DC, the Full Moon chart highlights the economic and financial picture once again. If a blip occurred on the New Moon, there will be a follow-up event that echoes it on this Lunar Eclipse, in which the impact is felt more in the country. Much is happening behind the scenes to smooth things out, and these efforts will be largely successful, keeping in mind that the situation belies an underlying imbalance that must be dealt with for all to be well. A foreign economic power comes to the rescue. The Full Moon’s Sabian Symbol (25 Sagittarius) is, “A chubby little rich boy rides on a hobby horse of bright colors and wishes for hazards he may never know.” This image depicts a life lived in a society that is stratified by economic “class.” Is the population of the US the rich boy, not knowing the hazards that exist in the real global economy? You bet your sweet privileged ass it does!
Thursday June 16
A truckload of lunar aspects take us on an emotional ride as the Moon continues in Capricorn. Although we are taken to the depths of the inner realms in the wake of the Lunar Eclipse, we have plenty of ropes to pull ourselves out with once we’re done learning our lessons for this round, which extend over the day. Be alert to their messages, and you’ll reap fine rewards. Mercury enters Cancer at 12:09 pm to bring a nostalgic touch to our thinking processes. This takes on a thoughtful, spiritual tone as it trines Neptune in the late evening. The secret phenomenological Neptunian truth, encrypted against corruption at your birth but now transmitted lucidly across every synapse, is that the World is determined by imaginative volition. Now that this has been revealed, your purpose is clear. You might as well get used to it: YOU ARE A GLORIOUS NEW REALITY.
Friday June 17
Mercury makes a soft landing with Jupiter to make agreements and communications go very well today. Animals love this energy. They’re thrilled about it. They romp and squeal and butt their horns and roll on their bellies like there's no tomorrow. But mostly they just amble along in quiet amazement at their own pure satisfaction. Venus supports this by resonating with Saturn. Difficult communications can be completed successfully today. The Moon continues through Capricorn but makes no contacts.
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