This forecast is prepared and written in luminous tiles across your retinas.
May it shine forth upon all who meet your gaze.
Words grow here slick and filthy
and unhindered by enterprise
Atziluth, World of Forces
First Quarter Moon
Lunar-cycle 2, 2013
In April, we looked through the Aries facet, filling ourselves with a sense of who we are and what’s most important for us now, in light of the transformation that
all Earth’s inhabitants are experiencing. It’s dank and celestial at the same time. It’s orange and green and I’m sorry about that, but I happen to like the combination. There are loads of wires, encased in ultramodern varicoloured plastic. We are now making sense of events that have occurred since last May, and finding the correct response from deep inside to align with what we now know, by grace of Venus and Jupiter. At the same time, we are embarking on a new journey of awakening, thanks to Uranus and its new cycle. Pluto is taking us into the deep to dig for buried treasure.
Since its retrograde commenced on April 12, we at least know what we hope to find.As we enter May, we’re still assimilating new insights that have come from Saturn
as it reached the halfway culmination/full point in its yearly cycle. This heightened our awareness of the value and effectiveness of the social-emotional structures
we have been building since early October. Saturn in Scorpio is about finding a place where our needs can be met, in society and in our personal life.
These Saturnian matters were felt more deeply and subtly because they were raised in our consciousness simultaneously with the Full Moon (Lunar) Eclipse of April 25.
With two more eclipses to go in May, we are in mid-passage in a process that is reshaping our values in light of changes in our material-physical circumstances.
So May’s lunations are not your ordinary events. They will not take us through a straightforward experience-expression of Taurean energies from all angles,
but into deeper thematic concepts of what we value and why we value it—probably inducing a long-term shift in our perspective.The New Moon in Taurus is usually a time to lay down solid plans, a pattern that is supported by stabilizing Saturn's harmonious trine to this Sun-Moon conjunction. However, tense squares to the lunation from Mars and Neptune
spur fantasies and risk taking uncharacteristic of earthy Taurus. While we may engage in frustrating combat or get lost in clouds of illusion, imagination can lift us above the limits of current realities and instigate creative activities that expand our horizons.V.I hope this isn't an ackward time to mention that the structural basis for all Light-specific work in the Metaverse is regular, disciplined connection to the No-Form, meditation, contemplation, what ever you want to call it, as long as it's deep. Supremely solitary in that heath of scrub. The Light-Specific state initiates itself with SOLITUDE, the gratifying element of being alone (if only for 20 minutes a day)... without which, true development is impossible. The point is to connect to your inner source of stability, the state of potentia, the No-Form, at least once a day. No-Form is not a goal or state of "spiritual arrival" (as some religions would have us believe), it is a highly practical, multi-purpose tool for dissolving our identification with the ego. If you want to play with us, this is the only rule. The foundation of our Lightcraft is built in Chaos, so you must maintain a firm foundation, or Chaos your life will be. Some of us needthis connection four times a day (sunrise, true noon, sunset, true midnight). Some of us actually manage to do it four times a day. It is a choice you must make. I would do it for you if I could. Once a day is all that's required to maintain the Continuity function. Future generations of yourself will be glad this came to pass. The Lightcraft Academy , Yoga Ceremonial Magick, this astrology forecast, they all provide ritual technology for Self initiation. But the key word here is Self. D.I.Y
The Day of Jupiter in the kabbalistic World of Fire . Projecting Light Specific Blue and facing West, vibrate this azure deluxe into your Second Chakra along with the
mantrum: EE-BE-DA. Jupiter is all about allowing ambiguity, contradiction, and movement. It isn't about integration. It helps the ego become more flexible. By Jove, life isn't about staying calm and balanced, but rather about keeping complexity and drama and everything else alive and in dynamic flow. Opportunity now comes to those able to deal with the basics, a Taurus speciality. Jupiter wants to go far, but needs to be rooted in solid values to make this combination work most effectively. When the planet of more is in the sign of money, greed is a distinct possibility. It's appropriate to aim higher financially, but too much desire for material success can damage judgment and cloud ethics. A core issue, then, is to be clear about your values. When goals are grounded in common sense and simple decency, the chances are greater that they will be achieved. Jupiter's reputation for generosity and optimism can mask its potentially judgmental side. Prejudice, painting everyone or everything with an overly broad brush, is a negative characteristic of this planet. Conservative Taurus and Jupiter can work to oversimplify reality and exclude uncomfortable ideas or unusual people. When something feels right it may not be right. Complacency about dealing with the New Moon in Taurus sprouts seeds of solid values and moneymaking ideas. Yet bringing those tender shoots to maturity requires that they are planted in the fertile soil of reality and are watered with commitment. It is better to grow one healthy plant than to scatter our energy so that nothing in the garden reaches its full potential. Complex issues could prove limiting. At 8:03 am (11:03 am ET), Venus enters Gemini, setting a lighter more verbal tone for our connections and sources of abundance. I want you to talk dirty to me. The New Moon in Taurus starts a slow-cooking Fireweek, creating opportunities to increase income and discover fresh sources of pleasure. Investing in a solid foundation of training, tools and developing personal resources with patience establishes a base from which future success will grow. Taurus likes a steady pace so don't be in a hurry to get where you want to go. Sticking to a practical plan is a surer way to achieve your goals than trying to beat the clock. Long-range strategic thinking will pay dividends while get rich quick schemes are likely to fail.The Moon in Taurus meets with the Sun and Mercury by both longitude (sign degree) and declination (distance North-South) to bring a strong,”triple eclipse.” For the Sun, it is an annular (ring-like) Solar Eclipse, also the New Moon at 5:28 pm/19°31' Taurus that starts the new lunar cycle. This is the news of this eclipse, that it occurs just before the Full Mercury, Mercury’s Superior Conjunction to the Sun. This seeds the lunar cycle with an emphasis on perspective, insight, and communication. With the eclipse in Taurus, we will be
thinking about how this works in the world, especially how it impacts our resources and fulfills our desires—what we place the most value on. On the deeper level of
the eclipse process, value, especially our self-worth, will be the dominant theme. The more we value ourselves, the easier it is to establish stable, trust-filled
relationships and attract abundance our way.Security needs will be a factor in our experience, and new ventures may seem too risky. If the placements in Taurus help
us to find ways to reduce risk without quashing our adventures into the unknown altogether, we are making the most of this energy. With Venus now fast approaching Jupiter, we will feel that life is full of promise in some area, even if others are more challenged. At 5:28 pm (8:28 pm ET), the time of the eclipse, the Moon enters its void period, although in Taurus it is still productive. This lasts until tomorrow mid-afternoon. In the chart cast for Washington DC, this eclipse places emphasis on the condition of the nation’s workforce, its health (care), and productivity. There’s a feeling that the health of the nation is being undermined at its core, and this is understood with a crystal clarity that must exist to motivate the needed changes. These changes will be launched successfully with this eclipse. It is a large task that will take many months to achieve. The President will keep pointing to the need and the way to solve the problem, but he must have the cooperation of many others to achieve the goal. The Sun and Moon are both at 20 Taurus, represented by the Sabian Symbol, “Wisps of clouds, like wings, are streaming across the sky.” If we allow our ideals to inform our values, we will be able to soar to the fulfillment of our dreams and goals.
If you actively invoke blessed HANIEL, the Archangel of Venus into your heart today, you may find you have developed the ability to feel like Khrisna, multiplying himself into a dozen pastoral, naked farmhands with muddy feet and emerald pond scum on their thighs, or maybe you are a young Freya on the back of a panther, eating honey. Venus, who gets oversimplified like a lot of her sisters, is one of the most complex planets going: she works as an attractive force and as a creative one. Intelligence is the greatest aphrodisiac, but a dab of extract from a civet's anal gland and a nice pair of shoes will work just as well today. At 2:21 pm (5:21 pm ET), the Moon enters talkative Gemini, connecting with Venus for a happy hour filled with extra fun. It’s a great time to party, or just enjoy the quiet pleasures of life. You can see patterns everywhere, if you choose to. The longer you look, the more intricate they become; look away, and they’re gone. Lacework nerve-cathedrals of confounding microcircuitous elegance, fabulously vivid and animated beyond belief. Check out Metaversal Venus, the link is over in the directory, to the right of this post.
The Day of Saturn in the kabbalistic World of firey Atziluth. Wearing black and facing North, invoke the spirit of Johnny Cash into your Base Chakra with the mantrum. "Because your mine, I walk the line." We experience the culmination of our insight and understanding as Mercury finally reaches the exact Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 2:10 pm/ 21°19' Taurus (5:10 pm ET), the culmination of the Mercury cycle (a “Full” Mercury). With the Moon in Mercury-ruled Gemini, all systems are go for connecting heart and head, creating the opportunity for breakthroughs in relationship.
The Day of the Sun in Atziluth. The Metaversal Lightpilot, which the ancient Egyptians referred to as the KA, is actually the fourth dimensional driver of the third
dimensional Lightcraft, the BA. There is a sixth dimensional solar mind which interacts with all levels and is purely an electro-magnetick harmonic, a harmony based on all the other levels coming together around a center. And you are the center, eternally now and therefore timeless. The Sun never sets on itself. The evolution of the Metaversal song, what some refer to as the Great Work, has as its core the purpose of resonating this harmonic through your individual interactive Lightcraft. let me tell ya 'bout the Lightcraft, my friend. The Lightcraft is a self-evolving planetary holon. This fourth-dimensional planetary holon possesses a design and field of motion encoded with solar-galactic information. The information coding the Lightcraft is the same information encoded in the Metaversal calendar. A Lightpilot using the Metaversal calendar can simultaneously tune into the design of the planetary holon. By tracking the Metaversal calendar and tuning in to the planetary holon, Lightpilots become part of Earth's design team. Riding the g-force and synchronizing with the larger Metaversal order, we can see into the invisible world to discover what we are creating. How cool is that? Someone asked me the other day if the Mayan Calendar ended in 2012 how do we keep track of time? (as if we were still using the mayan calendar!) and i realized that I have been off the fucked up Gregorian calendar for years now and all these forecasts have actually been based on the blessed Metaversal Calendar. When the timing gets tough the tough get time keeping! The Moon’s sojourn in Gemini reaches its height with an early conjunction to Jupiter, setting a tone of special celebration and gratitude for our Mother’s Day events. The void-of-course Moon that starts after this contact at 6:32 am (9:32 am ET) is the perfect context for social events and relaxation. There is a deeper level of connecting and karmic release happening today, but it will operate on background, without a need to be addressed directly, as Mars conjoins the South Node.
At 2:57 am PT (5:57 am ET), the Moon goes into Cancer, enhancing our psychic sensitivity and creating a Water Grand Trine over the afternoon to sweeten the mood and strengthen our instincts, if not our productivity. The level of confusion we feel about our relationships peaks today, as Venus squares Neptune. v You will hear the foghorns of ghostships. You will see, through crystal windows, gigantic manta rays surging through primordial waves in a sea blasted by silent lightning. If this leads us to shed light on what’s
happening at a deeper level, it will lead to true healing of old wounds.