Friday, May 18, 2012

Metaversal Forecast for May 18th through May 21st, including The New Moon Solar Eclipse on Sunday

Moon enters Taurus at 3:03 am, allowing us to make headway once again. It reconnects the planets that have been with us in the harmonious Earth Grand Trine, with trines to Pluto in Capricorn and Mars in Virgo. This bodes well for all actions taken today, but they will bear fruit on the slow, yin schedule of subtle us all the stable gravity of magnetism permitted by fractal symmetry to go BETWEEN frequencies in a cascade, but this magnetism is also actually the WIND ON WHICH LOVE TRAVELS

The Day of Saturn, the Holder of the Secrets of Time, in Assiah, the World of Earth. The stones attributed to Saturn are Hematite and Onyx and her metal is Lead. Meet with other souls today, 'in the flesh,' including non-human beings (animals, plants) . The Tarot card attributed to Saturn in Assiah is the Three of Disks (Material Success), making this a good day for money magick. Saturn in Assiah literally completes the braid which not only holds Assiah together, but creates the possibility for the proper information context for the evolution of human nervous systems, which are fortunate enough to be able to embed themselves in the "fields" of the Metaverse.. The Moon in Taurus hides from us the full force of the impending New Moon Solar Eclipse, but we can still feel the alignment, if not the energy of the sign it will be in. All things are complete for the past eclipse period, which started November 24last year. Now it’s time for a new chapter. Today is the dark of the Moon, called the “Wishing Moon”, but with an eclipse we need to go deep to find what we really want to carry forward, since all ties disconnect during the eclipse. The ones we want (or need) to keep reconnect in a matter of hours. Our clarity will be highest in the evening hours as head and heart align to the tune of a Moon-Mercury conjunction.

The Day of the Sun in Atziluth and the Solar Center of our system moves today into Gemini at 8:16 am, shifting gears into a more socially oriented focus. Moon does the same, after spending most of the day in Taurus expanding our reality via a connection to Jupiter. It enters Gemini at 4:05 pm, triggering the energies of the New Moon Solar Eclipse, which comes at 4:47 pm/0°20' Gemini.This is an annular eclipse, where there is a ring of the Sun visible around the Moon at the time of greatest totality.This lunar event reinvigorates the emphasis on piercing through ancient blocks, karmic or ancestral, and clearing them so we can move on. There may be “leaving” and completion events in our life, fulfilling directions that have unfolded since December 2010. A feeling of destiny pervades our experiences. What happens today holds a key, but it is only the beginning of a process that will be timed by Venus, Mars, and Saturn in addition to the lunar cycles that play out before the next Solar Eclipse on November 13. In the chart of the New Moon Eclipse cast for the US, the healing energies are highlighted, with Mars’s opposition to Neptune-Chiron on the MC-IC axis. This suggests that a new truth will emerge and grab the awareness of the nation. The party out of power will play the victim card as it has before, but the publicis not so eager to buy into it.The Sabian Symbol for 1 Gemini, the New Moon Eclipse degree, is “A glass-bottomed boat reveals undersea wonders.” It is a time for seeing into the depths of the unconscious mind, its wonders to behold. It is a magical world that reveals its beauties when we clear our negative associations with what is hidden. It is luminescent and rich with resources for our present and future use.

The Moon carries on in Gemini, spreading our awareness of how we can use the eclipse energy in our life. There may be a particular point of discomfort as it connects to Mars, that we should not ignore. It will fuel our growth in the coming months. Don’t be afraid to take it on, as it holds a key to your freedom. Mercury reconnects Saturn to Jupiter over the course of the day and makes its beneficial conjunction to Jupiter, smoothing the way for lasting agreements.

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