Wednesday, April 7, 2010

the April Terrain

Greetings Fellow Immortals! Congratulate yourselves,you have incarnated into the least boring period in human history. Lightcraft, emotions, physics, dj’s, gyroscopes and the study of planetary motion all deal with spin. The embedding of spin is perfectly recursive when it is PHI based, just as DNA spin braiding. Earth’s gravity is stabilized by zodiacal spin. April is likely to be full of “spin”—of various types. You may find yourself spinning, there’s so much to do this month. Or you may get into just spinning your wheels, getting nowhere. It is the nature of waves when they meet in the Metaversal (compressible substrate /ether), to beat and interfere. The key to compression is how these waves can interfere infinitely with no destructive loss of inertia, spin, and pattern. Every spring, as the days lengthened, and the toads swelled to enormous size in anticipation of the seasonal junkets, a little more sunshine rejuvenates our lives. we bet merrily on eel-driven chariot races... raucous laughter and music fills the air at the Iao Core show on the 17th. and it will be as it once was, for a time, until the twilight comes, and with it, the soft rustle-rustle-THUMP of the creeping ant eatters, hauling their rickety pianos out to the town square in ominous fashion. We are after all, not spectators in our lives—we are our own parade. Yes, we can be spectators, but when we step aside and become an onlooker we should always remember that means we’re not fully involved. Or maybe vested is a better word. This month, all the why’s, what’s and wherefores of what we do become more apparent. All begins on a somewhat appealing (if not without issues) tone with Venus in Taurus, a period which functions best (and most rewardingly in every sense) when personal gains evolve through better understanding of yourself and your capacities. For Venus in Taurus does more than keep us warm at night - it bathes the area for miles around in mysterious reality-warping radiation. For every kiss, a nearby three legged dog grows a new limb; for every hug, a debilitating disease disappears. Some of the more interesting things it does turns frogs into peanuts at a distance of thirty miles, and makes quite a bit of noise as well. And with Mercury entering Taurus and the shadow of an upcoming retrograde on April 3, though you may feel an overhanging sense of “gotta get this done,” it’s unwise to press too hard. Maybe develop a spoonerism, or aneurysm, or whatever the hell they are, running up the long distance bill and ain't NOBODY gonna pay THAT piper. Mercury doesn’t actually go retrograde until April 17th, but things which don’t resolve naturally before/by that time are probably best left (if possible) until Mercury comes out of retrograde on May 11—at which point we may learn “why” waiting was beneficial.

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