Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Metaversal Lightcraft End 'O' September Forecast

Today can be a milestone in healing, prosperity and connections with others. Moon exalted in fertile Taurus trines Pluto the powerful in Capricorn, sign of manifestation, giving a Midas touch to our efforts in work, investments or business. It helps reveal secrets, either for material gain or to heal wounds that have been buried. If this resonates for you, you can facilitate their retrieval in therapy, or a support group. This afternoon, Moon opposes expansive Jupiter. This is a great aspect for altruistic activities and generous gestures. It also favors promotion and connections with others or the public. With Moon in sensual Taurus and Jupiter in sexy Scorpio, dinner out could easily evolve into something hotter.

During Moon’s last moments in Taurus, enjoy breakfast in bed with a side of Tantra. Or, if you have business or creative work, try getting it done before 6:26 am (9:26 ET), when Moon enters mental Gemini. Here, she connects with Saturn, where our intentions become more disciplined and pragmatic—we might write a letter or an article, show your ideas to a superior, present a proposal, sign a contract, focus to use your time well. This afternoon and evening, Moon becomes socially emboldened as she trines Sun and Mars. We can work on sales or promotion, publish a video, close a deal, attend a gathering or go out to meet people. Fresh winds blow away stagnant thoughts when the responsive Moon flies into restless Gemini at 9:25 am EDT. Unfortunately, we can’t gain altitude on fickle breezes that shift with each new whim. Luckily, the Moon forms a Grand Air Trine with enterprising Mars and the willful Sun. We can accomplish our goals today if we are able to adapt to change. However, an anxious Sun-Jupiter semisquare us that more of a good thing isn’t necessarily better.

Yes, It's the Day of the Sun and what do ya know? Sun and Moon are joy riding basically, because they have the key. Who gave them the key? I did. So, fuck me like fried potatoes on the most beautifully hungry morning of my God-damn life. The Sun works in strange and mysterious ways, but then so do the Lord, Serial killers and plumbers. Moon in communicative Gemini favors connecting with siblings or friends, sending messages, writing affirmations, and blessing and consecrating your pen (or computer!). A contact from ruler Mercury to mystical Neptune supports any inner practice, and particularly writing letters to angels. At 8:38 am (11:38 ET), Moon goes VOC, and will be for the rest of the day. Now we can enjoy table games, run minor errands, go on a walk or bicycle rides, work on crossword puzzles, throw a casual party.
We can’t seem to make a simple decision while rational Mercury creates an irritating aspect to nebulous Neptune. We can do the necessary research and analysis, but the closer we get to a final answer, the less convincing it is. The fast-thinking Gemini Moon squares Neptune to add another layer of uncertainty. Nevertheless, the truth ultimately reigns supreme once the reflective Moon forms a working relationship with intelligent Mercury. As the day, the weekend and the month end, Pluto stations to turn direct. This is a power transit, opening portals to release hidden forces and marking a new cycle, more conscious in relation to our evolution and power.

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