Wednesday, May 30
The Day of Mercury in the week of Active Air. Mercury's function in Yetzirah is to actively communicate. To think. To know. To reason. Mercury teaches (by demonstration), the animation of Eidolons, the magick indwelling of icons by Spirit. Avoid any doctrine or religious movement that advocates a shameful wickedness with the alphabet
Still on the Full Moon portal, Moon goes VOC on a square to mystical Neptune. In Sagittarius, it still performs. Sagittarius represents, on the level of the first octave, the period between Conception and 7 weeks, the first Lunar month after the sperm reaches the egg, and is a compacted pattern at a molecular time scale
of the entire life of the cellular body. The embryo develops in parallel with the earlier phases of evolution, retaining
memory of these structures in the brain. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Metaversal Lightcraft
Training Manual for more on the Four Octaves), Sagittarius represents Initiation beyond the realms of Death (Scorpio).
On the World scale, Sag occupies the period between AD 1500 and AD 1750, The Renaissance. This was the time when astrology, mathematics, musick and geometry were understood as divine techniques for communicating with the Soul of the World. With the Moon in Sagittarius we are into philosophical speculation, adventure, and foreign influences, and actions that expand the awareness through gathering unfamiliar experiences. It’s time to start filling a new empty place in our life.
We can write down a concrete intention to increase physical stamina, health, prosperity, and ability to complete something. We’ll find special success now by consulting spirit guides, working on media production, or making a vision board for one or more of these areas.With the Full Moon in Sagittarius, a sextile from Mercury in Gemini to Chiron, the wounded healer, helps us direct the healing power of our words in anything from mantras and positive affirmations to sharing our ideas in a new way.We seek independence without considering the responsibilities that come along with freedom.
The presumptuous Sagittarius Moon encourages us to initiate action before thinking through all the ramifications
of our behavior. A creative connection between artistic Venus and revolutionary Uranus makes radical change even
more likely while interactive Mercury teaches us that communication resolves most dilemmas if
we have the courage to be honest. ... the 'active' properties of time"...It is the life essence that is lacking in our scientific knowledge. Physics, chemistry and other exact sciences are able to accurately follow and predict the way of a dry leaf fallen from a tree and carried away by the wind, they can even write its equation of motion, but they are helpless in explaining how it had grown, how it took its shape and properties. One cannot refer to specific properties of plants, absent in unanimate nature. Living organisms cannot create things absent in nature. They can only collect and use something from the general properties of the World. Consequently, those properties must be present in the unanimate nature as well. "
Kozyrev spent decades investigating the the expression of the time phenomenon in nature. He was able to prove many of his thoughts about time, its essence, and what he called 'time density'. Most of Kozyrev's work was abandoned due to the political problems affecting the USSR, and then later, the renewed modern Russia. Some of Kozyrev's work was dismissed as being irrelevant in today's world of highly discrete, digital technology, and at that level, the criticism is valid. Kozyrev's work, however exacting, was done without much of the digital assistance that we take for granted in this century. Further, many in the business of 'deep thinking' are of the opinion that 'time', in spite of being studied by Kozyrev, simply passed the man by. His time in the Soviet gulags cost him the connection to the present and the giant leaps made by science over the 1940s and beyond. Kozyrev spent decades investigating the the expression of the time phenomenon in nature. He was able to prove many of his thoughts about time, its essence, and what he called 'time density'. Most of Kozyrev's work was abandoned due to the political problems affecting the USSR, and then later, the renewed modern Russia. Some of Kozyrev's work was dismissed as being irrelevant in today's world of highly discrete, digital technology, and at that level, the criticism is valid. Kozyrev's work, however exacting, was done without much of the digital assistance that we take for granted in this century. Further, many in the business of 'deep thinking' are of the opinion that 'time', in spite of being studied by Kozyrev, simply passed the man by. His time in the Soviet gulags cost him the connection to the present and the giant leaps made by science over the 1940s and beyond. Kozyrev's investigations of time were all that he had left to him after the prison rehabilitation into the crushing intellectual poverty of soviet intellectual freedom. Kozyrev studied time in ways few men have ever thought to investigate. His experiments provided many of the postulates being used by current thinkers about time, its effects on humans, and everything. Kozyrev did not live long enough to see the development of the machine augmented temporal collectors and distributors. Nor did he see the math that describes the closed, time-like loops he postulated must be able to be created, given some of his results in the late 1950's.
In all of his work with temporal fields, in all of his experiments, in his isolation work, in his math, in his conclusions, Kozyrev consistently runs into what he labeled as the 'active' properties of time. He went to great trouble over many years of painstaking measurement to codify and quantify these 'active' properties of time. He was able to isolate and experiment on individual 'active' properties such that he was compiling a list of these properties as part of his work towards understanding the 'mechanisms of temporal flow'. But what one really must wonder, after reading Kozyrev's experiment journals and lab notes, did he recognize how much of what he was studying was actually consciousness science? If we read Kozyrev's equations from the perspective of consciousness his conclusions reflect current thinking that the consciousness field affects everything, in fact, IS everthing....and Kozyrev spent years codifying lots of its aspects thinking that these were the 'active' properties of time.
Thursday, May 31
The Day of Jupiter in the kabbalistic World of Air. Projecting Light Specific Blue and facing West, vibrate this azure
deluxe into your Second Chakra along with the mantrum: EE-BE-DA. Jupiter is all about allowing ambiguity, contradiction,
and movement. It isn't about integration. It helps the ego become more flexible. By Jove, life isn't about staying
calm and balanced, but rather about keeping complexity and drama and everything else alive and in dynamic flow. At 2:27 am (5:27 ET), Moon enters Capricorn, connecting with Uranus the rebel, Chiron the wounded healer and Mercury
the messenger. Capricorn represents, on the level of the first octave, the period between 7 weeks until 12 weeks after Conception, when the embryo becomes a fetus, and the sex and physical appearance are determined. The body takes form through it's skeletal system. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Metaversal Lightcraft Training Manual for more on the Four Octaves), Capricorn represents the integration and structuring of the higher perceptions of the Self in the World on a practical level. On the World scale, Capricorn occupies the period between AD 1750 and AD 1840. This was the time when the ideology of Sagittarius was translated into material form. Humanity evinced a superiority over the forces of nature, and the Industrial revolution began. Romanticism surrounded the likes of
Shelly, Goethe, Byron, and Chopin, reacting to the cold prevailing mechanistic World view. Rudolph Steiner said
that the human being is created, and destined to be, a self-defining creature. Are we slightly higher than monkeys
or slightly lower than angels? Good old fashion hard work yields the answer. Monkeys and Angels are set to grind
corn with the Sun in Capricorn. Tackle those long term projects and remember, the Mountain must be tackled one step
at a time. Journal about and strategize for your independent path of mastery. At 5:53 pm (8:53 ET), she joins Capricorn’s ruler, demanding Saturn. We can use these influences, accented by the constructive numerology of 4 (also related to Saturn) to take the reins of our life and emotions, and strategize and move on Full Moon intentions or other key goals. Unless they’re with a teacher, boss or authority figure, save interpersonal dealings for another day. When you do connect with others, avoid being too businesslike or dry.Finish the day on a lighter note by watching a funny movie or a comedy show on Metaversal Channel Boom Boom.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Friday, May 25, 2018
Metaversal May Forecasts: 21st to 28th
Fireweek/Atziluth of the Taurus Lunar Cycle
The seed/ideas we have from the New Moon to the First Quarter Moon come from the kabbalistic world of
Atziluth (Fire) and are the blueprints/seeds for everything that exists, has existed, and will ever exist
in the physical world of Assiah (Earth), as an embodiment of the archetypal idealized apple (or a least the Core)..
Fireweek is the time to remember we're in the pilots seat of our ownpersonal Lightcraft and make some course corrections if we've veered off course… The Sagittarius Lunar cycle is the time to speak-out. Pythagoras founded a philosophical and religious school in Croton and was the head of the society with an inner circle of followers known as mathematikoi. The mathematikoi lived permanently with the Society, had no personal possessions and werevegetarians. They were taught by Pythagoras himself and obeyed strict Aquarian rules. The beliefs that Pythagoras held were
(1) that at its deepest level, reality is mathematical in nature,
(2) that philosophy can be used for spiritual purification,
(3) that the soul can rise to union with the divine,
(4) that certain symbols have a mystical significance, and
(5) that all brothers and sisters of the order should observe strict loyalty and secrecy. Pythagoras noticed that vibrating strings produce harmonious tones when the ratios of the lengths of the strings are whole numbers, and that these ratios could be extended to other instruments. In fact Pythagoras made remarkable contributions to the mathematical theory of music. He was a master musician, playing the lyre, and he used music as a means to help those who were ill. Well you can turn me to salt, dye me blue, and let the cows lick me into the homunculus of remorse, whence I will go about the countryside ejaculating Pythagoras' name through kitchen windows. And the people will say, 'Look out, it's him again.' And, typically, there will be those among them who will say, 'Let's kick him to death.' And still others will countermand them, saying, 'No - let's just maim him andsend him on his way.' Citizens and townsfolk, can you not see the sign around my neck? LOCK UP YOUR DOUBTERS: SHE IS RISEN, LIKE THE WOBBLY ROD OF MAN AS IT DOWSETH THE FLUIDIFEROUS CHALICE OF THE EMPERESS! Speak out about what's near and dear to your heart. You needn't dress in any but the most perfunctory manner nor bring any crickets (there will be plenty of those!) The angel of dread has wrestled with the Lightpilot and brought her to her knees
With Moon in expressive Leo connecting with Pluto, planet of power, the creative numerology of 3 can be applied to
giving our work a dramatic touch, pushing to finish something related to New Moon intentions, putting our best
foot forward, using a coloring book, or doing art therapy. With the Moon in Leo as the Sun rises, some may shave Celtic crosses on the rumps of consenting pooches and airbrush infrared barcodes on the haunches of catnip-tripping felines, but most won’t. Leo represents the period of when as children we begin primary school, which is the first detachment from the family structure, where we learn to make relationships and satisfy the need to be loved in the world. Games provide a way to relate to others and they teach us to accept and make rules, the basis for being able to structure our lives (from 7 to 13 years old). On the World Scale, Leo is between 3,000 to 800 BC when both the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations flourished, when religion became monotheistic, where one being represented or was, God on Earth. During this Time of Pharaohs and Kings, Lion images proliferated in architecture and monuments, for the Lion is of course, King of Beasts. With the Moon in Leo today we may be seeking romance with a flare for the dramatic..Don’t let an insecure ego run rampant trying to overcompensate for what you think you don’t have. It’s easy to turn emotional incidents into high drama. Build emotional security by using your willpower. Be romantic. Love. Revel in the warmest kindest most tender parts of yourself. At 7:03 pm (10:03 ET), Moon enters diligent Virgo, excellent for organizing papers or a project or for helping someone. A trine to Uranus in abundant Taurus can precipitate a breakthrough in healing or work. At 8:49 pm (11:49 ET), Moon reaches her First Quarter, calling us to look at our progress on intentions seeded at last Tuesday’s New Moon. At 1-2 degrees Virgo, the Sabian symbol says:
A LARGE, WHITE CROSS STANDS ALONE ON THE TOP OF A HIGH HILL. Dominance of environment through individualistic self-realization. Eminence at the cost of struggle. Full self-assurance.
This symbol seems to bequeath a new level of power on the Virgin.
Today’s Master Number 22 heightens our ability to reach the masses with intentions, efforts, products and services for the common good. And the stars support work, healing and creativity.
Moon in Virgo improves our organizational skills and her morning trine to constructive Saturn increases our productivity quotient, helping us take a realistic look at where we are in relationship to our goals. We can ground a breakthrough in work, business, finances or to finish an old project. A sextile from Sun to Chiron accents the healing power of our words—be they positive affirmations, mantras, to motivate others, or written in a journal. This afternoon and evening, Mercury connects with Neptune and Jupiter, also favoring communications, particularly in art, prayer, a psychic reading or to promote an idea, product or cause. The window of fortune stays open through the night, in case you want to stay up or get up early tomorrow.
With Moon in grounded Virgo, harmonizing with speaker-planets Mercury and Jupiter, this is a good day to rise early.
Virgo represents the period from 13 to 23 years old, when mental growth dominates our lives and many attend
institutes of higher learning. Many binding choices are made and the rules and details of society are learned.
On the World scale Virgo is between 800 BC and AD 400, when classical civilizations like Greece and Rome flourished,
when culture, science, philosophy, politics dominated. By AD 300the Books of the New Testament were chosen to
support the beliefs of the Christians who formed the political organization of the Church. The naive excepted
the surface value, while initiates were forced to hide (occult) their rituals and teachings. Until now.We can
work on a promotion or redaction, or write a letter to someone’s guardian angel—either to ask for help in our
dealings with that person, or just to help her or him. Even above Earth, there are secrets at the heart of Nature that'd make you laugh till you stopped. This window of stellar fortune closes at 7:55 am (10:55 ET), when Moon goes VOC. Though early, it’s worth making an extra effort to use it, since she won’t enter Libra until 11:52 this evening (2:52 am ET), and in the interim, Sun trines Mars, giving confidence and force to our directed, bold actions, particularly those related to the house where the virile planet transits our natal charts at 3 degrees Aquarius.
Everyone laughed when I sent my dog Zero to the Canine Academy Of Design, but they won't be laughing today when he
CONTINUES to shit all over their lawn. The Day of Jupiter in the kabbalistic World of Fire. Projecting Light Specific Blue and facing West, vibrate this azure deluxe into your Second Chakra along with the mantrum: EE-BE-DA. Jupiter is all about allowing ambiguity, contradiction, and movement. It isn't about integration. It helps the ego become more flexible. By Jove, life isn't about staying calm and balanced, but rather about keeping complexity and drama and everything else alive and in dynamic flow. Moon in Libra is uncharacteristically dynamic as she makes early connections to Mars and Sun, in echo to last night’s trine between the latter two. And today’s numerology of 6 favors prosperity, family and marriage. This is good morning to sell a car, call on a consultant or coach, start something intellectual, negotiate, resolve a legal issue or work out a bank statement, strike a compromise, or redo your image.This afternoon, diligence prevails as Moon squares executive Saturn. With expansive Jupiter building towards a trine with Neptune (precise very early tomorrow), we get a wave of good fortune that can be applied for just about anything, as long as we can keep organized, focused and with our feet on the ground.
People will be feeling more generous than usual, so we can garner support, as well as inspiring others and helping
them move towards their dreams. This is also an exceptional portal for connecting with angels, dakinis, spirit guides
and other light beings. At 4:44 in the morning: you won't see a cop or a raccoon; you can pee in full phantasmagoria
under the stars in the night with the wind high and salty and the dome of the sky in full splay sprayed and contusioned upon the black upon the twisted wicked love of the cypress in decline. Someday I'd like to stop three feet from the top of Everest. "Fuck it, I'm not going a single inch further." I'd say and turn around.
The Day of Venus in Fireweek. If you actively invoke blessed HANIEL, the Archangel of Venus into your heart today, you may find you have developed the ability to feel like Khrisna, multiplying himself into a dozen pastoral, naked farmhands with muddy feet and emerald pond scum on their thighs, or maybe you are a young Freya on the back of a panther, eating honey. In the Western Mystery Tradition, the most pervasive polyamorous archetype is Aphrodite, Greek goddess of Love and Beauty. She is Venus, Ishtar, Astarte, Inanna and relates to the sephera Netzach on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. While she had more lovers than any other Greek goddess she was not victimized and never suffered from her numerous love affairs as did many of the other goddesses. Neither was she jealous or possessive. Unlike her counter parts she was allowed freely to choose both her husband and many lovers. She inspired poetry, communication and art as well as love. Her liaison with Hermes produced the bisexual Hermaphroditus. and her long time union with Mars (God of War) produced a daughter, Harmonia. Thus Love and War combined to give rise to Harmony. The trine from Jupiter to Neptune—detailed in yesterday’s Success Guide—perfects in the wee hours, and Moon in Libra increases the charm quotient. A trine from Mercury the messenger to powerful Pluto helps us ground the luck in thoughts and words that leave their mark, whether applied subjectively—in our minds, deep research, therapy or a healing session—or to material concerns—with a key contact, business deal or financial operation, or related to an inheritance or
collection.e. The Moon in balanced Libra today feels like being social. Libra represents the period from 23 to 42 years old, when partnerships are made and BALANCE is sought between others and oneself. On the World scale Libra is between 400 and 1100 AD, when division of the church and state took over, and the Dark Ages swept over Europe and Asia. The opposition is symbolic of the fact that in order to emerge from the unconscious, internal conflicts must be brought out into the light of day. Marriage was the primary process through which opposing countries where integrated into a whole. With the Moon in Libra we are aware of our communal relations, law, justice and balance. The 7th house (Libra) has been called the house of marriage. The key to the New Aeon of MA'AT is figuring out the new symbol for Libra, as the institution of marriage was originally designed as a tool by the Church to secure it's future domination. Those that cannot find this new symbol and perform these symbolic rites on themselves and their tribe, and the whole fabric of material being, will inherit only the blues, decay, and husks. Think more in terms of partnership and remember, your heart must be light as a feather..
These influences also favor starting a business or new intellectual pursuit. Use them before 2:04pm (5:04 ET), when Moon goes VOC. Ruler Venus opposes stern Saturn; charm flies out the window. Focus on independent work and activities.
We can take a hard look at our approach to love and money, release a layer of co-dependence, and advance in recovery from an addiction to romance, shopping, or the approval of others. This aspect also helps us get real about a creative project or image-change we’ve been postponing. Journal about clarity: What’s holding you back? What simple action can you take in the direction of your dreams? Brainstorm with yourself about alternative routes.
The Day of Saturn in the kabbalistic World of Fire Atziluth. Wearing Black and facing North, invoke the spirit of Johnny Cash into your Base Chakra (The Malkuth "Lil' World" Morphogenetic Field Transceiver) with the mantrum. "Because your mine, I walk the line". With it being Fire week, honor Saturn today by creating greater stability in the Metaverse, actively expressing or experiencing your security needs, and cleansing and strengthening your base Chakra. Our consciousness in this chakra is concerned with survival, with our fight or flight response, with our instincts. It links the individual with the physical world. Serves as the foundation to evolve and build personality. If we are to ignore this chakra, and concern ourselves with the higher levels, we will be growing without roots, we will be unstable, unable to withstand the trials that will come our way. If our survival needs are met, the Base Chakra will function healthily, but if there is a perceived threat to this, (such as a difficult house move, job change, health problems, etc.) it can create an imbalance. Other Saturnian imbalances can show themselves in various ways, from sleeplessness and the inability to relax, to obsession with money, possessions or healthWith Moon in passionate Scorpio in tense aspects to rebel Uranus, sensitive Chiron and co-ruler Mars, this morning could be called anti-social at best. Sleep in if you can, meditate on forgiveness or release, practice dream yoga, soak in a hot bath, take a walk in the park.
Avoid extreme activities and exercise special caution with knives, equipment and potentially touchy people.
Save conflict resolution, negotiation and, if possible, almost all interactions for after 5:16 pm (8:16 ET), when Moon connects with confident Sun, followed by harmonies with constructive Saturn and Venus in tender Cancer.
The Day of the Sun in Fireweek. The six of Wands (Sun in Atziluth) is all about being acknowledged, getting a pat on the back, achieving recognition. You can triumph
over yourself, the environment, or the odds. Your talents begin in the Divine (Atziluth), develop with the love and support of others, and only in the end express through us. When obtaining the summit of this holy mountain, keep in mind this fourth-dimensional "Metaverse" possesses a design and field of motion encoded with solar-galactic information. Few things symbolize victory and glory like obtaining the summit of this Holy Mountain . In order to do so one has to plan, organize, exercise patience, and overcome mental and physical hardships. In short - be willing to do the seemingly impossible and then accept the credit when your objective is completed
Moon joins fortunate Jupiter in deep Scorpio and harmonizes with sensitive Neptune, opening divine doors. Plan for some special spiritual, musical or creative activity. Contacts flow with light beings, like souls, and love objects.
Scorpio works best close up: don’t squander this day on superficial activities or contacts. Investigate a mystery, back up something you feel strongly about, do something daring, have a deep talk, pray for world peace, work on forgiveness, consult an angelic oracle, visit a medium, or make a major, life-altering decision or change.
Memorial Day
If you have something important to do, get it done before 10:25 am (1:25 pm ET), when Moon goes VOC in Scorpio on an opposition to Mercury the messenger. Take a break to bless your body and use affirmations to transmute negative beliefs, enjoy the local sunshine and an informal brunch or lunch. At 3:29 pm (6:29 ET), Moon enters Sagittarius, accentuating the pioneering numerology of 1 to give impulse to our imagination, confidence and vision. Sagittarius represents, on the level of the first octave, the period between Conception and 7 weeks, the first Lunar month after the sperm reaches the egg, and is a compacted pattern at a molecular time scale of the entire life of the cellular body. The embryo develops in parallel with the earlier phases of evolution, retaining memory of these structures in the brain. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Metaversal Lightcraft Training Manual for more on the Four Octaves), Sagittarius represents Initiation beyond the realms of Death (Scorpio). On the World scale, Sag occupies the period between AD 1500 and AD 1750, The Renaissance. This was the time when astrology, mathematics, musick and geometry were understood as divine techniques for communicating with the Soul of the World. With the Moon in Sagittarius we are into philosophical speculation, adventure, and foreign influences, and actions that expand the awareness through gathering unfamiliar experiences. It’s a great time to take a class in a new subject, move on a foreign project or contact, mingle, begin a new relationship, express your truth—but avoid getting preachy, overdoing things or, especially on the doorstep of tomorrow’s Full Moon, giving full rein to a reckless impulse.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Metaversal Astrology Forecast for May 15th to 23rd
Tuesday, May 15As the day begins, we can also begin again, thanks to the New Moon in Taurus, exact at 4:48 am (7:48 ET). With Mercury direct and in trine to Mars and Pluto, we can apply our mental and physical energies to move through this door full steam ahead.If possible, write down intentions for financial independence and self-love before 8:16 am (11:16 ET), when Uranus, planet of surprises, makes an important change on entering Taurus. And move on those intentions in whatever way you can, big or small.Capricorn, focus on business, real-estate or investment goals. The Sabian symbol for 24-25 Taurus says:A VAST PUBLIC PARK. The cultivation of natural energies for collective use and recreation… the positive and impressive results of collective endeavor to live in peace and enjoy relaxation. The public park is designed and kept for the enjoyment of… all. We foresee particularly prosperous benefits for projects related to nature (products, books, trips, yards, ecology), relaxation (meditations, spas, music), and recreation (travel, hotels, vacation rentals, sports).
Wednesday, May 16
The Day of Mercury in the week of Fire. Mercury's function in Atziluth is to actively communicate. To think. To know. To reason. Mercury teaches (by demonstration), the animation of Eidolons, the magick indwelling of icons by Spirit. Avoid any doctrine or religious movement that advocates a shameful wickedness with
The combination is great for structuring a new cycle of visualization and affirmation in resonance with yesterday’s lunation. The New Moon portal actually lasts through tomorrow at midday; avoid wasting it on trivial conversation.With practical Saturn in the mix, this morning is great for organizing paperwork related to a new business project—things like applying for a permit, studying investment and banking options, or changing a website hosting package.Afternoon is best for creative and mystical pursuits, like the aforementioned visualization and affirmation program, or blessing your wand or car.
Save key decisions, promotional efforts and socializing for this evening or tomorrow morning (see tomorrow’s Success Guide tips for details).
Affirmation: Place your hands on your car (or bicycle) to bless it with words like these:I give thanks for this gift from the Source, sent through a portal of love that remains open, sustaining this vehicle and all involved in a constant stream of blessing, into which nothing negative could ever penetrate and out of which only good can and will come always.
Thursday, May 17
There is a whole division of the Angelic Hierarchy assigned to the sephiroth Chesed (Jupiter) whose purpose is divine inspiration through laughter. And there is no vision more critical in the career of the adept than the Metaversal Joke. Did you here the one about the twin child, the male-female Holy Spirit of the Gnostic Mass, the living fruit of two sexual partners. The Book of Lies teaches that seed and child and parent are mystically one, and that the seed represents the innermost and highest expression of the parent. In the Star Sapphire, a ritual form of the IX, the invocation brings father, mother, son, and daughter (YHVH, above) into one point of mystic union, referred to as Ararita. This daughter-son, the living elixir, is made a sacrifice to the magical goal of the working. Note that it is not metaphorically alive, but literally alive, containing a great quantity of living cells. Thus, for the male magician, it is the sacrifice of "all that he is and all that he has" into the "Cup of Babalon", which is held by the Scarlet Woman of Babylon and in which the blood of the saints is said to be mingled. The inner incubation time is important and knowing when to intuitively act is a part of the process. Even projects already in motion may benefit from releasing attachments to specific pictures or outcomes and allowing for the possibility of even greater expression to unfold. Get up early to iron your best shirt, braid your mustache and hit the road to knock on key doors. This morning’s numerology of 8 brings out the power-potential of the newly waning Moon in communicative Gemini. Today is the day: seek out a new or key contact, present a proposal or an idea, cut a deal, sign a contract, close a sale, launch a promotion.Focus on such actions during the first part of the day, before 11:18 am (2:18 pm ET), when Moon goes VOC on a conjunction to sweet Venus. Then take some downtime: journal and do affirmations for love, compassion or metta or enjoy lunch with a sibling or harmonious colleague.At 2:47 pm (5:47 ET), Moon enters Cancer. Her aspects to rebel Uranus and upstart Mars don’t favor PR or for that matter, harmonious interaction of any type. But the combination helps us find a new home, or to redecorate or somehow update our present space to renew its energy and make it more suitable for our current priorities. We can also tackle a major cleaning job like washing the rug, waxing the floors or wiping out the Pleistocene grease above the stove.The cleaning could also be an inside job, like freeing our imagination from frightening possibilities and filling it with new, clear images of wellness and success (something Cancer in particular should do regularly)—or embarking on a new course of spiritual study or self-empowerment.
You may also enjoy celebrating Dea Día, the ancient Cosmic Mother Goddess whose feast was on this day. Expressing pent-up energy alleviates stress but can be stressful as well. We are in a period of rapid readjustment with rambunctious Mars and radical Uranus -- both newly arrived in fixed signs -- still locked in an explosive square. The Moon’s sweet hookup with lovely Venus stretches into the future when Luna slips into nurturing Cancer at 5:47 pm EDT. Nevertheless, six separate supernatural septile aspects invite fateful
magic into our lives.
Friday, May 18
If you actively invoke blessed HANIEL, the Archangel of Venus into your heart today, you may find you have developed the ability to feel like Khrisna, multiplying himself into a dozen pastoral, naked farmhands with muddy feet and emerald pond scum on their thighs, or maybe you are a young Freya on the back of a panther, eating honey. Venus, who gets oversimplified like a lot of her sisters, is one of the most complex planets going: she works as an attractive force and as a creative one. wellThe 5 roses represent the five senses in the Empress card (Atu 3) And in the Lovers card (Atu 6 ) the senses are the five fruits of Eve. Venus is indeed in cahoots with the senses. All movement of all living creatures in world of Assiah are tied to the senses and the desire-nature. The accomplished Lightpilot can remove the robe of desire in order to withdraw into the worlds of Briah and Atzitluth, but in order to achieve anything in the physical realms you keep that robe on. When you act, your gonna act in terms of desire. Venus represents that which is desirable. Every living thing seeks pleasure and tries to avoid pain. Victory lies in understanding our desire nature and learning how to use it.According to author Nigel Pennick, today is Apollon Day, sacred to Apollo, “god of music, poetry, divination and sunlight”. Enjoy some early rays from our local star and write down intentions and goals for this day’s great influences.
Mercury the messenger in Taurus, sign of abundance, trines Saturn the builder; our communications, handiwork and ideas can lay new groundwork. in activities like creating and launching a new business strategy, clarifying goals in writing, negotiatinge and signing a deal, writing a pre-nuptial agreement, irgetting married or hold a handfasting ceremony. This afternoon and evening, Moon trines Neptune and Jupiter, planets of light beings, faith, media production and compassion. Now, we can hold the wedding reception, apply ourselves to visualization, visit a medium, contact our angels or spirit guides, do psychic traveling, or attend a mystical group, seminar or gathering.In the One Mind, I am already connected to the best and highest people. Having met them within, I meet them without, here and now.
Saturday, May 19
The Day of Saturn, the Holder of the Secrets of Time. The stones attributed to Saturn are Hematite and Onyx and her metal is Lead. Because it governs Time, Saturn governs the type of learning that can only come through Time: experience. The teaching here is that investing effort is the only way to gain a lasting understanding of a chosen activity, and thus about our own capabilities. Saturn teaches that no amount of luck or book-learning can supply the knowledge that good ol’ hard-knocks experience can supply. We can intellectualize all we want about a new skill, but unless we’ve put effort into it and acted it out (and not just once: Saturn governs repeated lessons over time), we will not integrate it. We may understand a thing conceptually, and even appreciate its significance spiritually; but until we come to know it experientially, we cannot achieve mastery over it. Although we may feel we deserve a rest, keep your antennae out and your batteries charged to make the most of today’s
promising influences. Today’s numerology of 1 compliments the recently waxing Moon, giving extra energy to new beginnings. This morning, Venus enters Cancer, putting the spotlight on tenderness, the nurturing side of affection, family union, and the growth potential of business endeavors.That cycle will last for the next three weeks, but today’s stars open a special door, as Venus makes a sextile to Uranus, planet of breakthroughs. We can strike a new deal, make a positive change in our home or family arrangements and establish new contacts and opportunities for our social lives, romance and particularly for business.
At 2:14 pm (5:14 ET), Moon goes VOC, although in Cancer it still performs, favoring the same activities.Do them before 4:11 pm (7:11 ET), when Moon enters dramatic Leo, with hard aspects to tough-guys Uranus and Mars. They accent creativity but can also cause the lion to suddenly show her claws. We can work independently on art, meditate or watch a funny movie (don’t argue about who gets to choose it!). Avoid pressing your point, and if you wish to engage with or approach someone that you couldn’t reach earlier, save the connection for next Monday night or Tuesday.
Sunday, May 20
The Metaversal Lightpilot, which the ancient Egyptians referred to as the KA, is actually the fourth dimensional driver of the third dimensional Lightcraft, the BA. There is a sixth dimensional solar mind which interacts with all levels and is purely an electromagnetick harmonic, a harmony based on all the other levels coming together around a center. And the sun is the center eternally now and therefore timeless. The Sun never sets on itself. The evolution of the Metaversal song, what some refer to as the Great Work, has as its core the purpose of resonating this harmonic through your individual interactive Lightcraft.This particular Sunday is not a time of rest. Moon in Leo, sign of the artist, nudges Saturn the master and squares Mercury the messenger in tangible Taurus; we can make our inspiration concrete in creative work, or in a project related to our children or to vacation plans or rentals. Leo represents the period of development when as children we begin primary school, which is the first detachment from the family structure, where we learn to make relationships and satisfy the need to be loved in the world. Games provide a way to relate to others and they teach us to accept and make rules, the basis for being able to structure our lives (from 7 to 13 years old). On the World Scale, Leo is between 3,000 to 800 BC when both the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations flourished, when religion became monotheistic, where one being represented or was, God on Earth. The Time of Pharaohs and Kings, Lion images proliferated in architecture and monuments, for the Lion is of course, King of Beasts.
Leo Moon may make us feel like partying, but the aspects are not particularly harmonious, although we may feel the love bite this evening, when they bring out the romantic potential of today’s numerology of 2. Enjoy an early evening outing with your honey or mingle and meet someone new. Keep your hormones in check, though, as tense contacts to fantasia-planets Neptune and Jupiter can make a dish look tastierthan it is.The most propitious contacts of all are with light beings or like’re ready for a new beginning, these energies favor making a vision board for true love.
At 7:15 pm (10:15 ET), Sun enters Gemini, propitiating evening conversations; and for the next solar month, spotlighting communication, errands, short trips, sales, siblings, and all things mental.
Affirmations to attract true friends and collaborators or true love:Spirit is now working through people (clients, etc.) who are in perfect tune with me, who I prosper and help, and who prosper and harmonize with me. We are naturally connected and they appear naturally in my now working through a person who is in perfect tune with me, who I compliment and love, and who compliments and loves me. We are irresistibly attracted to one another. Only true and good companionship can come into my world.
Monday, May 21
With Moon in expressive Leo connecting with Pluto, planet of power, the creative numerology of 3 can be applied to giving our work a dramatic touch, pushing to finish something related to New Moon intentions, putting our best foot forward, using a coloring book, or doing art therapy.At 7:03 pm (10:03 ET), Moon enters diligent Virgo, excellent for organizing papers or a project or for helping someone. and that will be the start of Earthweek. .Virgo represents the period from 13 to 23 years old, when mental growth dominates our lives and many attend institutes of higher learning. Many binding choices are made and the rules and details of society are learned. On the World scale Virgo is between 800 BC and AD 400, when classical civilizations like Greece and Rome flourished, when culture, science, philosophy, politics dominated. By AD 300the Books of the New Testament were chosen to support the beliefs of the Christians who formed the political organization of the Church. The naive excepted the surface value, while initiates were forced to hide (occult) their rituals and teachings. Until now. Even above Earth, there are secrets at the heart of Nature that'd make you laugh till you stopped." How can you believe in astrology?," angry, drunken Basque separatists have asked me. I tell them that astrology is not a belief system, but an
archetypal, poetic language. I don't ask you if you believe in Japanese. I ask if you speak it. I don't ask you if you believe in music, I ask if you play it. I happen to speak the heavenly tongue of astrology along with thousands of other highly intelligent, inspiring, spiritual and even scientific astrologers. If I never have to deal with angry, drunken Basque separatists who have stolen the Shroud Of Turin again, it'll be too soon. Still, if my destiny is to be an untransformed seed-cum-manure of a man - or to put it another way - if I can at least be the source of unconscious friction that triggers another Christ or Buddha's urgency to awaken, then so be it. Fertilize my ego!
A trine to Uranus in abundant Taurus can precipitate a breakthrough in healing or work.
At 8:49 pm (11:49 ET), Moon reaches her First Quarter, calling us to look at our progress on intentions seeded at last Tuesday’s New Moon. At 1-2 degrees Virgo, the Sabian symbol says:A LARGE, WHITE CROSS STANDS ALONE ON THE TOP OF A HIGH HILL. Dominance of environment through individualistic self-realization. Eminence at the cost of struggle. Full self-assurance.
This symbol seems to bequeath a new level of power on the Virgin.
Wednesday, May 16
The Day of Mercury in the week of Fire. Mercury's function in Atziluth is to actively communicate. To think. To know. To reason. Mercury teaches (by demonstration), the animation of Eidolons, the magick indwelling of icons by Spirit. Avoid any doctrine or religious movement that advocates a shameful wickedness with
The combination is great for structuring a new cycle of visualization and affirmation in resonance with yesterday’s lunation. The New Moon portal actually lasts through tomorrow at midday; avoid wasting it on trivial conversation.With practical Saturn in the mix, this morning is great for organizing paperwork related to a new business project—things like applying for a permit, studying investment and banking options, or changing a website hosting package.Afternoon is best for creative and mystical pursuits, like the aforementioned visualization and affirmation program, or blessing your wand or car.
Save key decisions, promotional efforts and socializing for this evening or tomorrow morning (see tomorrow’s Success Guide tips for details).
Affirmation: Place your hands on your car (or bicycle) to bless it with words like these:I give thanks for this gift from the Source, sent through a portal of love that remains open, sustaining this vehicle and all involved in a constant stream of blessing, into which nothing negative could ever penetrate and out of which only good can and will come always.
Thursday, May 17
There is a whole division of the Angelic Hierarchy assigned to the sephiroth Chesed (Jupiter) whose purpose is divine inspiration through laughter. And there is no vision more critical in the career of the adept than the Metaversal Joke. Did you here the one about the twin child, the male-female Holy Spirit of the Gnostic Mass, the living fruit of two sexual partners. The Book of Lies teaches that seed and child and parent are mystically one, and that the seed represents the innermost and highest expression of the parent. In the Star Sapphire, a ritual form of the IX, the invocation brings father, mother, son, and daughter (YHVH, above) into one point of mystic union, referred to as Ararita. This daughter-son, the living elixir, is made a sacrifice to the magical goal of the working. Note that it is not metaphorically alive, but literally alive, containing a great quantity of living cells. Thus, for the male magician, it is the sacrifice of "all that he is and all that he has" into the "Cup of Babalon", which is held by the Scarlet Woman of Babylon and in which the blood of the saints is said to be mingled. The inner incubation time is important and knowing when to intuitively act is a part of the process. Even projects already in motion may benefit from releasing attachments to specific pictures or outcomes and allowing for the possibility of even greater expression to unfold. Get up early to iron your best shirt, braid your mustache and hit the road to knock on key doors. This morning’s numerology of 8 brings out the power-potential of the newly waning Moon in communicative Gemini. Today is the day: seek out a new or key contact, present a proposal or an idea, cut a deal, sign a contract, close a sale, launch a promotion.Focus on such actions during the first part of the day, before 11:18 am (2:18 pm ET), when Moon goes VOC on a conjunction to sweet Venus. Then take some downtime: journal and do affirmations for love, compassion or metta or enjoy lunch with a sibling or harmonious colleague.At 2:47 pm (5:47 ET), Moon enters Cancer. Her aspects to rebel Uranus and upstart Mars don’t favor PR or for that matter, harmonious interaction of any type. But the combination helps us find a new home, or to redecorate or somehow update our present space to renew its energy and make it more suitable for our current priorities. We can also tackle a major cleaning job like washing the rug, waxing the floors or wiping out the Pleistocene grease above the stove.The cleaning could also be an inside job, like freeing our imagination from frightening possibilities and filling it with new, clear images of wellness and success (something Cancer in particular should do regularly)—or embarking on a new course of spiritual study or self-empowerment.
You may also enjoy celebrating Dea Día, the ancient Cosmic Mother Goddess whose feast was on this day. Expressing pent-up energy alleviates stress but can be stressful as well. We are in a period of rapid readjustment with rambunctious Mars and radical Uranus -- both newly arrived in fixed signs -- still locked in an explosive square. The Moon’s sweet hookup with lovely Venus stretches into the future when Luna slips into nurturing Cancer at 5:47 pm EDT. Nevertheless, six separate supernatural septile aspects invite fateful
magic into our lives.
Friday, May 18
If you actively invoke blessed HANIEL, the Archangel of Venus into your heart today, you may find you have developed the ability to feel like Khrisna, multiplying himself into a dozen pastoral, naked farmhands with muddy feet and emerald pond scum on their thighs, or maybe you are a young Freya on the back of a panther, eating honey. Venus, who gets oversimplified like a lot of her sisters, is one of the most complex planets going: she works as an attractive force and as a creative one. wellThe 5 roses represent the five senses in the Empress card (Atu 3) And in the Lovers card (Atu 6 ) the senses are the five fruits of Eve. Venus is indeed in cahoots with the senses. All movement of all living creatures in world of Assiah are tied to the senses and the desire-nature. The accomplished Lightpilot can remove the robe of desire in order to withdraw into the worlds of Briah and Atzitluth, but in order to achieve anything in the physical realms you keep that robe on. When you act, your gonna act in terms of desire. Venus represents that which is desirable. Every living thing seeks pleasure and tries to avoid pain. Victory lies in understanding our desire nature and learning how to use it.According to author Nigel Pennick, today is Apollon Day, sacred to Apollo, “god of music, poetry, divination and sunlight”. Enjoy some early rays from our local star and write down intentions and goals for this day’s great influences.
Mercury the messenger in Taurus, sign of abundance, trines Saturn the builder; our communications, handiwork and ideas can lay new groundwork. in activities like creating and launching a new business strategy, clarifying goals in writing, negotiatinge and signing a deal, writing a pre-nuptial agreement, irgetting married or hold a handfasting ceremony. This afternoon and evening, Moon trines Neptune and Jupiter, planets of light beings, faith, media production and compassion. Now, we can hold the wedding reception, apply ourselves to visualization, visit a medium, contact our angels or spirit guides, do psychic traveling, or attend a mystical group, seminar or gathering.In the One Mind, I am already connected to the best and highest people. Having met them within, I meet them without, here and now.
Saturday, May 19
The Day of Saturn, the Holder of the Secrets of Time. The stones attributed to Saturn are Hematite and Onyx and her metal is Lead. Because it governs Time, Saturn governs the type of learning that can only come through Time: experience. The teaching here is that investing effort is the only way to gain a lasting understanding of a chosen activity, and thus about our own capabilities. Saturn teaches that no amount of luck or book-learning can supply the knowledge that good ol’ hard-knocks experience can supply. We can intellectualize all we want about a new skill, but unless we’ve put effort into it and acted it out (and not just once: Saturn governs repeated lessons over time), we will not integrate it. We may understand a thing conceptually, and even appreciate its significance spiritually; but until we come to know it experientially, we cannot achieve mastery over it. Although we may feel we deserve a rest, keep your antennae out and your batteries charged to make the most of today’s
promising influences. Today’s numerology of 1 compliments the recently waxing Moon, giving extra energy to new beginnings. This morning, Venus enters Cancer, putting the spotlight on tenderness, the nurturing side of affection, family union, and the growth potential of business endeavors.That cycle will last for the next three weeks, but today’s stars open a special door, as Venus makes a sextile to Uranus, planet of breakthroughs. We can strike a new deal, make a positive change in our home or family arrangements and establish new contacts and opportunities for our social lives, romance and particularly for business.
At 2:14 pm (5:14 ET), Moon goes VOC, although in Cancer it still performs, favoring the same activities.Do them before 4:11 pm (7:11 ET), when Moon enters dramatic Leo, with hard aspects to tough-guys Uranus and Mars. They accent creativity but can also cause the lion to suddenly show her claws. We can work independently on art, meditate or watch a funny movie (don’t argue about who gets to choose it!). Avoid pressing your point, and if you wish to engage with or approach someone that you couldn’t reach earlier, save the connection for next Monday night or Tuesday.
Sunday, May 20
The Metaversal Lightpilot, which the ancient Egyptians referred to as the KA, is actually the fourth dimensional driver of the third dimensional Lightcraft, the BA. There is a sixth dimensional solar mind which interacts with all levels and is purely an electromagnetick harmonic, a harmony based on all the other levels coming together around a center. And the sun is the center eternally now and therefore timeless. The Sun never sets on itself. The evolution of the Metaversal song, what some refer to as the Great Work, has as its core the purpose of resonating this harmonic through your individual interactive Lightcraft.This particular Sunday is not a time of rest. Moon in Leo, sign of the artist, nudges Saturn the master and squares Mercury the messenger in tangible Taurus; we can make our inspiration concrete in creative work, or in a project related to our children or to vacation plans or rentals. Leo represents the period of development when as children we begin primary school, which is the first detachment from the family structure, where we learn to make relationships and satisfy the need to be loved in the world. Games provide a way to relate to others and they teach us to accept and make rules, the basis for being able to structure our lives (from 7 to 13 years old). On the World Scale, Leo is between 3,000 to 800 BC when both the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations flourished, when religion became monotheistic, where one being represented or was, God on Earth. The Time of Pharaohs and Kings, Lion images proliferated in architecture and monuments, for the Lion is of course, King of Beasts.
Leo Moon may make us feel like partying, but the aspects are not particularly harmonious, although we may feel the love bite this evening, when they bring out the romantic potential of today’s numerology of 2. Enjoy an early evening outing with your honey or mingle and meet someone new. Keep your hormones in check, though, as tense contacts to fantasia-planets Neptune and Jupiter can make a dish look tastierthan it is.The most propitious contacts of all are with light beings or like’re ready for a new beginning, these energies favor making a vision board for true love.
At 7:15 pm (10:15 ET), Sun enters Gemini, propitiating evening conversations; and for the next solar month, spotlighting communication, errands, short trips, sales, siblings, and all things mental.
Affirmations to attract true friends and collaborators or true love:Spirit is now working through people (clients, etc.) who are in perfect tune with me, who I prosper and help, and who prosper and harmonize with me. We are naturally connected and they appear naturally in my now working through a person who is in perfect tune with me, who I compliment and love, and who compliments and loves me. We are irresistibly attracted to one another. Only true and good companionship can come into my world.
Monday, May 21
With Moon in expressive Leo connecting with Pluto, planet of power, the creative numerology of 3 can be applied to giving our work a dramatic touch, pushing to finish something related to New Moon intentions, putting our best foot forward, using a coloring book, or doing art therapy.At 7:03 pm (10:03 ET), Moon enters diligent Virgo, excellent for organizing papers or a project or for helping someone. and that will be the start of Earthweek. .Virgo represents the period from 13 to 23 years old, when mental growth dominates our lives and many attend institutes of higher learning. Many binding choices are made and the rules and details of society are learned. On the World scale Virgo is between 800 BC and AD 400, when classical civilizations like Greece and Rome flourished, when culture, science, philosophy, politics dominated. By AD 300the Books of the New Testament were chosen to support the beliefs of the Christians who formed the political organization of the Church. The naive excepted the surface value, while initiates were forced to hide (occult) their rituals and teachings. Until now. Even above Earth, there are secrets at the heart of Nature that'd make you laugh till you stopped." How can you believe in astrology?," angry, drunken Basque separatists have asked me. I tell them that astrology is not a belief system, but an
archetypal, poetic language. I don't ask you if you believe in Japanese. I ask if you speak it. I don't ask you if you believe in music, I ask if you play it. I happen to speak the heavenly tongue of astrology along with thousands of other highly intelligent, inspiring, spiritual and even scientific astrologers. If I never have to deal with angry, drunken Basque separatists who have stolen the Shroud Of Turin again, it'll be too soon. Still, if my destiny is to be an untransformed seed-cum-manure of a man - or to put it another way - if I can at least be the source of unconscious friction that triggers another Christ or Buddha's urgency to awaken, then so be it. Fertilize my ego!
A trine to Uranus in abundant Taurus can precipitate a breakthrough in healing or work.
At 8:49 pm (11:49 ET), Moon reaches her First Quarter, calling us to look at our progress on intentions seeded at last Tuesday’s New Moon. At 1-2 degrees Virgo, the Sabian symbol says:A LARGE, WHITE CROSS STANDS ALONE ON THE TOP OF A HIGH HILL. Dominance of environment through individualistic self-realization. Eminence at the cost of struggle. Full self-assurance.
This symbol seems to bequeath a new level of power on the Virgin.
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Metaversal Lightcraft Hyper Abyssic Astrology Forecast : May 8th to May 14th
Tuesday, May 8
The powerful numerology of today’s number 8 accents one of the year’s most important transits: For I say unto you: it would be easier for a honeypossum to sculpt a perfect likeness of Aleister Crowley out of marmalade and motor oil than it would be to escape the effects of an opposition from What ruts are keeping us from exploring needed changes? Is our attachment to a place, person or known channel of good holding us back? How long will we postpone the demands of the child who presses our inner doorbell, calling us to
free it from the shadows?At 7:29 pm (10:29 ET), Moon goes VOC in Aquarius on a sextile to fun Uranus. Aquarius represents,on the level of the first octave, the period between 12 weeks to 28 weeks after Conception, when the electrick nervous system of the fetus switches on. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Meteversal Lightcraft Training Manual for more on the Four Octaves), Aquarius represents the higher Self projecting itself to the world tribe, through media, groups, circles of friends (your Tribe) and utopian aims and idealistic pursuits alter the prevailing social systems. On the World scale, Aquarius occupies the period between AD 1840 and 1910. This was the time when the established dominance of the material world in Capricorn quickly required more sophisticated planning, spurred by Schopenhauer, ideas and beliefs from the east began flooding the West through such diverse channels as the Theosophical Society, the Golden Dawn, and the operas of Wagner. This was the time of Crowley, Nietzsce, and the early works of Freud. With the Moon in Aquarius we have the ability to combine East and West, Light and Dark, Sun and Moon. This is where we are compelled to reach out to others and network. At 8:11 pm (11:11 ET), she enters mystical Pisces.I consider my own needs, and release the impulse to adapt to others’ agendas, here and now.
Wednesday, May 9
Love, creativity and contacts with light beings are favored by a quincunx from charming Venus to beneficent Jupiter.
Contacts with people also go well, though the Fourth Quarter Moon is better for finishing a joint project or intention
than for starting something new. Both Pisces Moon and the numerology of 9 favor altruistic and charitable activities. Pisces represents, on the level of the first octave, the period between 28 weeks after Conception till Birth, when after the electrick nervous system of the fetus switches on (Aquarius), we become psychically tuned to the entity later to be known as Mother. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Meteversal Lightcraft Training Manual for more on the Four Octaves), Pisces represents the enlightened Self which must give itself totally to the whole, dissolving into the void, in order to achieve the final unity with the realm of pure spirit. On the World scale, Pisces occupies the period between 1910 and 1969. heralded by the founding of Psychoanalysis, when Mankind began exploring again the Unconscious strata of Life, and by Albert Einstein's (a Pisces) Theory of Relativity. This was the time of Jung, Joyce, Hesse, Huxley, Leary, Burroughs. We transcended the limits the illusion, Maya, the physical World of Assiah, extending inward with the electron microscope and outward with the high powered Telescope. The entire range of audible musical notes and the whole spectrum of visible colour, apprehended and understood. The dissolving power of mutable Water, Second coming of the Fish with the Double Wand of Power, Atom Bomb and LSD. With the Moon in Pisces we have a heightened sensitivity to Musick and the Dreamtime, and we feel the depths of pure compassion for the Metaverse and it's inhabitants. Let the subtlety of thought and expression, the depth of imagination, and the ability to think nonverbally inspire you to create beautiful art and music today. Meditate, contact the spirit world, go for a psychic reading, throw the cards or the I Ching, work on forgiveness and art. Meditate, use mantras or positive affirmations, take a swim, apply yourself with forgiveness, act on an intention to lift someone’s spirits or help a group, person or cause—especially one related to the oceans. This afternoon, a lovely sextile from Venus to Saturn helps us ground the blessing, as we apply ourselves in organization, work, concrete steps, and constructive connections with others. Today’s actions and radiations of love will synchronize us with tomorrow’s opportunities. Love, love, love. My mind is a portal of love that I radiate to myself and all others now.
Thursday, May 10
Take physical exercise in Jupiter's Day, when he is reigning, and use Jovial things such as Lapis Lazuli, Brass, Cedarwood, blue and aery colours, wine, honey; and entertain thoughts and feelings which are particularly Jovial, that is, expansive, healthy, and with good humour... - Marsilio Ficino, Renaissance Astrologer and Orphic Musician
This morning, Moon in compassionate Pisces trines co-ruler Jupiter, opening a propitious portal for meditating on forgiveness, asking for an apology, attending a mystical group or gathering, sharing inspirational or angelic ideas, or working on or publishing a media production. The good gets better as Moon connects with sweet Venus and sextiles Sun and Pluto in earth signs. Make a vision board for romance, join your soulmate for brunch (if you’re on Eastern Time, that would be lunch), enjoy sacred or relaxing music, transmute a limiting belief, work on healing or art. People connections can go well, although small talk and trivia will drain our power. Connections flow best if we can focus on love, spirituality, charity, creativity, healing or to promote a key cause or project.
Friday, May 11
Day of Venus in Airweek. If you passively invite blessed HANIEL, the Archangel of Venus into your heart today, you may find you have developed the ability to feel like Khrisna, multiplying himself into a dozen pastoral, naked farmhands with muddy feet and emerald pond scum on their thighs, or maybe you are a young Freya on the back of a panther, eating honey. In the Western Mystery Tradition, the most pervasive polyamorous archetype is Aphrodite, Greek goddess of Love and Beauty. She is Venus, Ishtar, Astarte, Inanna and relates to the sephera Netzach on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. While she had more lovers than any other Greek goddess she was not victimized and never suffered from her numerous love affairs as did many of the other goddesses. Neither was she jealous or possessive. Unlike her counter parts she was allowed freely to choose both her husband and many lovers. She inspired poetry, communication and art as well as love. Her liaison with Hermes produced the bisexual Hermaphroditus. and her long time union with Mars (God of War) produced a daughter, Harmonia. Thus Love and War combined to give rise to HarmonyThis is a good morning to rise early and use the energy of Moon’s sextile to go-getter Mars in exercise, or tackling something we’ve been putting off. At 5:40 am, she enters Aries, joining Chiron soon thereafter. In therapy, journaling, with affirmations and mantras, a coaching session or an appropriate group, we can work on healing issues around confidence and authenticity. Getting centered will help us make the most of this afternoon’s trine from Sun to Pluto. With the planet of power currently retrograde, this aspect propitiates tangible breakthroughs in healing. Think of a risk you’ve dreamt of taking and whose postponement has been silently eating away at your self-esteem. Apply your confidence by gathering your inner and outer resources in preparation for taking a new, more forceful approach at the upcoming New Moon in Taurus of Tuesday, May 15. This aspect also activates our bullshit detector. With the Moon waning in courageous Aries, we can release a limiting situation and set a difficult but necessary limit. The situation might be an entrenched attitude of people-pleasing and/or resentment. Considering Aries Moon’s lack of diplomacy and a late quincunx from sweet Venus to bossy Pluto, before pulling the trigger take some time to think things through and make sure you hit the true target without shedding blood and leaving ugly stains. In fact, the next three days look like rug-soakers, so take some time to strategize and prepare your position. One great way to direct today’s “screw-it” energy: finally get rid of those old books and tapes we haven’t been able to part with.
Saturday, May 12
The Day of Saturn in the kabbalistic World of Water. Wearing Black and facing North, invoke the spirit of Johnny Cash into your Base Chakra (The Malkuth "Lil' World" Morphogenetic Field Transceiver) with the mantrum. "Because your mine, I walk the line". With it being Air week, honor Saturn today by creating greater stability in the Metaverse, actively expressing or experiencing your security needs, and cleansing and strengthening your base Chakra. Our consciousness in this chakra is concerned with survival, with our fight or flight response, with our instincts. It links the individual with the physical world. Serves as the foundation to evolve and build personality. If we are to ignore this chakra, and concern ourselves with the higher levels, we will be growing without roots, we will be unstable, unable to withstand the trials that will come our way. If our survival needs are met, the Base Chakra will function healthily, but if there is a perceived threat to this, (such as a difficult house move, job change, health problems, etc.) it can create an imbalance. Other Saturnian imbalances can show themselves in various ways, from sleeplessness and the inability to relax, to obsession with money, possessions or health. To begin neutralizing our judgment about Saturn, let us remember that it is the governor of nothing less than Time and SpaceWith Moon in Aries and Mercury—also in the feisty sign-squaring ruler Mars in determined Capricorn—we’ll be well advised to save marriage proposals and negotiations for another day. We can release the tension by playing Scrabble, doing crossword puzzles, and finishing letters to Congress. Stay mindful and avoid the tendency to lose your cool.
Make a space to meditate and seize today’s courage by tackling the paper salad on the desk, retouching a résumé or finishing a proposal.
Archangel Michael, direct me in courageous, harmonious progress on my true path now.
Sunday, May 13
Happy Mother’s Day. As we’ll see a bit further on, get-togethers are more propitious after 11:05 am (2:05 ET).
Mercury enters stable Taurus this morning, slowing down our thoughts and communications, a shift that seems welcome after the recent lightning storms.
This morning, walk in nature, hug a tree and invoke Earth’s spirits to sooth your mind and restore humanity’s connection to our planet and one another.
Enjoy a sauna—but keep the heat down and avoid using potentially dangerous equipment, driving too fast, or jumping off of what looks like a little mound but could end up being a cliff. It will be hard to stay still, but hold to your center, look before crossing, and if possible limit your movements to weeding the garden or engaging in armchair activism.
Life becomes easier after 11:05 am (2:05 pm ET), when Moon enters Taurus also, sign of her exaltation. We’ll get special pleasure by enjoying a picnic, singing, music, a nice meal, and art. If you have the time and can’t repress the inner witch, do mental or magical work to improve your self-esteem and open to greater financial prosperity.
Monday, May 14
Moon in prosperous Taurus harmonizes with mystical Neptune, opening us to angelic guidance for the intentions we can seed at tomorrow’s abundant New Moon.
Moon’s afternoon opposition to Jupiter, planet of beliefs, still in dusky Scorpio, brings perspective on hidden programming that has limited our prosperity.
Besides being related to spirit guides and light beings, both Jupiter and Neptune are planets of mercy. By releasing others, even those who have crossed us, to their prosperity, we can also prepare for tomorrow’s portal and move onto a new level of material mastery. Unless they’re to give an offering, make a donation, or inspire or pray with someone, save key contacts until tomorrow.Try to get to bed early, to be up for tomorrow’s exciting New Moon.
The powerful numerology of today’s number 8 accents one of the year’s most important transits: For I say unto you: it would be easier for a honeypossum to sculpt a perfect likeness of Aleister Crowley out of marmalade and motor oil than it would be to escape the effects of an opposition from What ruts are keeping us from exploring needed changes? Is our attachment to a place, person or known channel of good holding us back? How long will we postpone the demands of the child who presses our inner doorbell, calling us to
free it from the shadows?At 7:29 pm (10:29 ET), Moon goes VOC in Aquarius on a sextile to fun Uranus. Aquarius represents,on the level of the first octave, the period between 12 weeks to 28 weeks after Conception, when the electrick nervous system of the fetus switches on. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Meteversal Lightcraft Training Manual for more on the Four Octaves), Aquarius represents the higher Self projecting itself to the world tribe, through media, groups, circles of friends (your Tribe) and utopian aims and idealistic pursuits alter the prevailing social systems. On the World scale, Aquarius occupies the period between AD 1840 and 1910. This was the time when the established dominance of the material world in Capricorn quickly required more sophisticated planning, spurred by Schopenhauer, ideas and beliefs from the east began flooding the West through such diverse channels as the Theosophical Society, the Golden Dawn, and the operas of Wagner. This was the time of Crowley, Nietzsce, and the early works of Freud. With the Moon in Aquarius we have the ability to combine East and West, Light and Dark, Sun and Moon. This is where we are compelled to reach out to others and network. At 8:11 pm (11:11 ET), she enters mystical Pisces.I consider my own needs, and release the impulse to adapt to others’ agendas, here and now.
Wednesday, May 9
Love, creativity and contacts with light beings are favored by a quincunx from charming Venus to beneficent Jupiter.
Contacts with people also go well, though the Fourth Quarter Moon is better for finishing a joint project or intention
than for starting something new. Both Pisces Moon and the numerology of 9 favor altruistic and charitable activities. Pisces represents, on the level of the first octave, the period between 28 weeks after Conception till Birth, when after the electrick nervous system of the fetus switches on (Aquarius), we become psychically tuned to the entity later to be known as Mother. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Meteversal Lightcraft Training Manual for more on the Four Octaves), Pisces represents the enlightened Self which must give itself totally to the whole, dissolving into the void, in order to achieve the final unity with the realm of pure spirit. On the World scale, Pisces occupies the period between 1910 and 1969. heralded by the founding of Psychoanalysis, when Mankind began exploring again the Unconscious strata of Life, and by Albert Einstein's (a Pisces) Theory of Relativity. This was the time of Jung, Joyce, Hesse, Huxley, Leary, Burroughs. We transcended the limits the illusion, Maya, the physical World of Assiah, extending inward with the electron microscope and outward with the high powered Telescope. The entire range of audible musical notes and the whole spectrum of visible colour, apprehended and understood. The dissolving power of mutable Water, Second coming of the Fish with the Double Wand of Power, Atom Bomb and LSD. With the Moon in Pisces we have a heightened sensitivity to Musick and the Dreamtime, and we feel the depths of pure compassion for the Metaverse and it's inhabitants. Let the subtlety of thought and expression, the depth of imagination, and the ability to think nonverbally inspire you to create beautiful art and music today. Meditate, contact the spirit world, go for a psychic reading, throw the cards or the I Ching, work on forgiveness and art. Meditate, use mantras or positive affirmations, take a swim, apply yourself with forgiveness, act on an intention to lift someone’s spirits or help a group, person or cause—especially one related to the oceans. This afternoon, a lovely sextile from Venus to Saturn helps us ground the blessing, as we apply ourselves in organization, work, concrete steps, and constructive connections with others. Today’s actions and radiations of love will synchronize us with tomorrow’s opportunities. Love, love, love. My mind is a portal of love that I radiate to myself and all others now.
Thursday, May 10
Take physical exercise in Jupiter's Day, when he is reigning, and use Jovial things such as Lapis Lazuli, Brass, Cedarwood, blue and aery colours, wine, honey; and entertain thoughts and feelings which are particularly Jovial, that is, expansive, healthy, and with good humour... - Marsilio Ficino, Renaissance Astrologer and Orphic Musician
This morning, Moon in compassionate Pisces trines co-ruler Jupiter, opening a propitious portal for meditating on forgiveness, asking for an apology, attending a mystical group or gathering, sharing inspirational or angelic ideas, or working on or publishing a media production. The good gets better as Moon connects with sweet Venus and sextiles Sun and Pluto in earth signs. Make a vision board for romance, join your soulmate for brunch (if you’re on Eastern Time, that would be lunch), enjoy sacred or relaxing music, transmute a limiting belief, work on healing or art. People connections can go well, although small talk and trivia will drain our power. Connections flow best if we can focus on love, spirituality, charity, creativity, healing or to promote a key cause or project.
Friday, May 11
Day of Venus in Airweek. If you passively invite blessed HANIEL, the Archangel of Venus into your heart today, you may find you have developed the ability to feel like Khrisna, multiplying himself into a dozen pastoral, naked farmhands with muddy feet and emerald pond scum on their thighs, or maybe you are a young Freya on the back of a panther, eating honey. In the Western Mystery Tradition, the most pervasive polyamorous archetype is Aphrodite, Greek goddess of Love and Beauty. She is Venus, Ishtar, Astarte, Inanna and relates to the sephera Netzach on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. While she had more lovers than any other Greek goddess she was not victimized and never suffered from her numerous love affairs as did many of the other goddesses. Neither was she jealous or possessive. Unlike her counter parts she was allowed freely to choose both her husband and many lovers. She inspired poetry, communication and art as well as love. Her liaison with Hermes produced the bisexual Hermaphroditus. and her long time union with Mars (God of War) produced a daughter, Harmonia. Thus Love and War combined to give rise to HarmonyThis is a good morning to rise early and use the energy of Moon’s sextile to go-getter Mars in exercise, or tackling something we’ve been putting off. At 5:40 am, she enters Aries, joining Chiron soon thereafter. In therapy, journaling, with affirmations and mantras, a coaching session or an appropriate group, we can work on healing issues around confidence and authenticity. Getting centered will help us make the most of this afternoon’s trine from Sun to Pluto. With the planet of power currently retrograde, this aspect propitiates tangible breakthroughs in healing. Think of a risk you’ve dreamt of taking and whose postponement has been silently eating away at your self-esteem. Apply your confidence by gathering your inner and outer resources in preparation for taking a new, more forceful approach at the upcoming New Moon in Taurus of Tuesday, May 15. This aspect also activates our bullshit detector. With the Moon waning in courageous Aries, we can release a limiting situation and set a difficult but necessary limit. The situation might be an entrenched attitude of people-pleasing and/or resentment. Considering Aries Moon’s lack of diplomacy and a late quincunx from sweet Venus to bossy Pluto, before pulling the trigger take some time to think things through and make sure you hit the true target without shedding blood and leaving ugly stains. In fact, the next three days look like rug-soakers, so take some time to strategize and prepare your position. One great way to direct today’s “screw-it” energy: finally get rid of those old books and tapes we haven’t been able to part with.
Saturday, May 12
The Day of Saturn in the kabbalistic World of Water. Wearing Black and facing North, invoke the spirit of Johnny Cash into your Base Chakra (The Malkuth "Lil' World" Morphogenetic Field Transceiver) with the mantrum. "Because your mine, I walk the line". With it being Air week, honor Saturn today by creating greater stability in the Metaverse, actively expressing or experiencing your security needs, and cleansing and strengthening your base Chakra. Our consciousness in this chakra is concerned with survival, with our fight or flight response, with our instincts. It links the individual with the physical world. Serves as the foundation to evolve and build personality. If we are to ignore this chakra, and concern ourselves with the higher levels, we will be growing without roots, we will be unstable, unable to withstand the trials that will come our way. If our survival needs are met, the Base Chakra will function healthily, but if there is a perceived threat to this, (such as a difficult house move, job change, health problems, etc.) it can create an imbalance. Other Saturnian imbalances can show themselves in various ways, from sleeplessness and the inability to relax, to obsession with money, possessions or health. To begin neutralizing our judgment about Saturn, let us remember that it is the governor of nothing less than Time and SpaceWith Moon in Aries and Mercury—also in the feisty sign-squaring ruler Mars in determined Capricorn—we’ll be well advised to save marriage proposals and negotiations for another day. We can release the tension by playing Scrabble, doing crossword puzzles, and finishing letters to Congress. Stay mindful and avoid the tendency to lose your cool.
Make a space to meditate and seize today’s courage by tackling the paper salad on the desk, retouching a résumé or finishing a proposal.
Archangel Michael, direct me in courageous, harmonious progress on my true path now.
Sunday, May 13
Happy Mother’s Day. As we’ll see a bit further on, get-togethers are more propitious after 11:05 am (2:05 ET).
Mercury enters stable Taurus this morning, slowing down our thoughts and communications, a shift that seems welcome after the recent lightning storms.
This morning, walk in nature, hug a tree and invoke Earth’s spirits to sooth your mind and restore humanity’s connection to our planet and one another.
Enjoy a sauna—but keep the heat down and avoid using potentially dangerous equipment, driving too fast, or jumping off of what looks like a little mound but could end up being a cliff. It will be hard to stay still, but hold to your center, look before crossing, and if possible limit your movements to weeding the garden or engaging in armchair activism.
Life becomes easier after 11:05 am (2:05 pm ET), when Moon enters Taurus also, sign of her exaltation. We’ll get special pleasure by enjoying a picnic, singing, music, a nice meal, and art. If you have the time and can’t repress the inner witch, do mental or magical work to improve your self-esteem and open to greater financial prosperity.
Monday, May 14
Moon in prosperous Taurus harmonizes with mystical Neptune, opening us to angelic guidance for the intentions we can seed at tomorrow’s abundant New Moon.
Moon’s afternoon opposition to Jupiter, planet of beliefs, still in dusky Scorpio, brings perspective on hidden programming that has limited our prosperity.
Besides being related to spirit guides and light beings, both Jupiter and Neptune are planets of mercy. By releasing others, even those who have crossed us, to their prosperity, we can also prepare for tomorrow’s portal and move onto a new level of material mastery. Unless they’re to give an offering, make a donation, or inspire or pray with someone, save key contacts until tomorrow.Try to get to bed early, to be up for tomorrow’s exciting New Moon.
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Metaversal May Light Specific Yoga Platforms (Daily Forecasts) May 1 to 7
Beltane has arrived. One of the four quarters of the year, Beltane celebrates the fertile joining of female and
male energies, and of Mother Earth’s abundance. Provoke a pause to get outdoors and connect with woods, a garden or a
local tree. Praise the Sublime’s never-ending powers of abundance and visualize a greener world.
Moon VOC in Scorpio favors mystical activities of an intimate or secret nature, making this morning great for a
private ritual. At 8:20 am (11:20 ET), she enters Sagittarius: connect with people or light beings, create a vision board
for abundance, share in a group ritual, party or adventure, or engage in ecology volunteerism, or if in jail, stay optimistic and keep in mind, the bastard that put
you there is about to face the consequences of his actions (also share your swill with your cellmate). With Mercury at the end of his post-retrograde shadow, this is also a propitious window to retouch, review or re-launch a campaign for a community concern, spiritual message or publishing project, or related to marketing.
An evening connection from love-planet Venus in communicative Gemini to Saturn the builder, favors blessing and
beautifying our work space and writing down our priorities in finance and relationships.
With a quincunx from waning Moon in visionary Sag to Sun in Taurus, sign of values, morning favors creative
activities and making a physical and mental space for abundance. Discard obsolete belongings and limiting beliefs.
is also a propitious time for seeking guidance from the subtle planes on how to increase self-love and prosperity.
Save calls and connections for after 3:58 pm (6:58 ET), when Moon trines Mercury the messenger. An afternoon square
from Moon to receptive Neptune accents intuition and favors a romantic encounter, but it’s best to postpone making new
commitments. Also enjoy your freedom.
There is a sense of relief as Mercury finally emerges from shadow and into full forward motion.
Recurring glitches with phones, computers, and communications seem to dissolve. Apply the cosmic shift by
journaling about inner breakthroughs you’ve had since March 8, when the messenger planet first entered pre-retrograde
shadow. Try writing about where you’d like to go with the insights acquired. Moon in Sagittarius favors promoting something, expressing gratitude, taking a seminar, course or lesson, contacting light beings, innovating on a legal case or concern, obtaining key information, activating foreign contacts,
speaking our truth, dealing with a college, and publishing on the web. We should get it done before 7:06 pm, when Moon enters serious Capricorn, squaring Chiron, the wounded healer. After that, we will especially benefit from therapy or a 12-step group, journaling about limits, and organizing for self-care.
Moon in businesslike Capricorn joins ruler Saturn, combining with the constructive numerology of 4 to make for
a serious day. We can get on track with our goals and revive our inner executive by making lists, organizing for
progress in our profession, handling investments, having that absess drained, or another kind of institutional activity;
restructuring family or group interactions, balancing our bank accounts, apply for credit, setting a limit, doing business, or taking
tangible action of one kind or another to manifest our goals. With concentration, today’s demanding vibrations can be
well-applied to get caught up on pending priorities, ground something vital, or prepare for tomorrow’s dynamic energies.
Undirected, they can also lead to guilt trips or despondency. Don’t couch-potato it. Avoid pessimistic people like the
plague. Work independently or with the support of a coach, consultant or teacher who helps you focus and move forward.
Weekend parties are best left for tomorrow morning or Sunday from midday on.
Cinco de Mayo celebrates a key battle in which brave and savvy Mexicans achieved a decisive victory against French invaders who intended to establish a monarchy. Moon in Capricorn makes a wee-hour trine to Sun in prosperous Taurus, putting us in touch with the earthy energies of early May. Lunar sextiles to angel-planets Neptune and Jupiter are propitious for connecting with light beings and reviving our dreams and higher vision. A quincunx from verbal Mercury to expansive Jupiter
empowers our affirmations, mantras and other inspired words. These same energies also favor teaching, art, production, political activism, and business, particularly promotion. At 2:00 pm (5:00 ET), Moon joins intense Pluto. Emotions run deep; instinctual passions may get out of hand and get the best of our efforts for diplomacy. We can use the energy to journal about our feelings, schedule a therapy session, work on beliefs around money, and restructure an investment.
Tonight, send someone thoughts of forgiveness and visualize world peace.
The Day of the Sun in Airweek. The six of Wands (Sun in Atziluth) is all about being acknowledged, getting a pat on the
back, achieving recognition. You can triumph over yourself, the environment, or the odds. Your talents begin in the
Divine (Atziluth), develop with the love and support of others, and only in the end express through us.
When obtaining the summit of this holy mountain, keep in mind this fourth-dimensional "Metaverse" possesses a design and
field of motion encoded with solar-galactic information. Few things symbolize victory and glory like obtaining the summit
of this Holy Mountain . In order to do so one has to plan, organize, exercise patience, and overcome mental and physical
hardships. In short - be willing to do the seemingly impossible and then accept the credit when your objective is completed.
morning, we’ll especially enjoy an art exhibit, or writing down and analyzing last night’s dreams. Levity replaces gravity when the Moon moves into progressive Aquarius at 10:48 am EDT. Our focus shifts from carrying the weight of responsibility to experiencing the lightness of being. An imaginative Sun-Neptune sextile encourages us to explore our fantasies without trying to make them real. We aren’t restrained by rules if we keep everything inside our heads because a Venus-Uranus alignment frees our unconventional desires from containment. Between dark and light the angles of times are best manifest at their balance, so invoke Apollo, Ra, or the baby-faced Sun god from the Teletubbies into your heart Chakra today. Sunday is always a good day integrate all the planets in our personal Lightcraft. In the World of Yetzirah, Air, the Lightcraft is analogous to the active aspect of the psychological body, or for simplicities sake,let's call it Psyche. In the physical body (in Assiah) there are infinite subdivisions down to the frontier of the physical world, where the particles of matter and impulses of energy are interchangeable. In the same way, the Psyche interpenetrates the body so that the upper part of the physical world percolates and influences the lower part of the psyche, and vice versa. In the macrodimensions of the Metaverse, a crisis can generate a direct contact with the Sun in Yetzirah (Psyche) but after the crisis, the connection fades, and the watcher in oneself fades back into the subconscious. The Lightpilot seeks to consciously make permanent connection with the Sun in Yetzirah. This is done by constant observation of actions, emotions and intellect, to perceive impartially the way those functions operate, and to correct and perfect their performance so as to become a true seething. To be the big picture, complete in all itsparts. Sun in fertile Taurus sextiles creative Neptune, favoring all things artistic and mystical. Moon is VOC until 7:48 am (10:48 ET), when it enters Aquarius, sign of freedom. Tomorrow’s potentially discordant aspects won’t favor connecting with others. Whether for personal, professional or charitable purposes, make connections today.
We can go on an adventure, have a party, fight for a cause, ground our creative inspiration, or research options for a
change of location or career. In some way or another, move beyond your comfort zone.
Experience in northern Japan illustrates that even incremental investment in Nuclear Power threatens human civilization. Radioactive substances from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant have now been confirmed in all prefectures, including Uruma, Okinawa Prefecture, about 1,700 kilometers from the plant, according to the science ministry. The ministry said it concluded the radioactive substances came from the stricken nuclear plant because, in all cases, they contained cesium-134, which has short half-life of two years. [...]The Fukushima disaster should once and for all drive global society away from nuclear power, and toward renewable energy. [...Nuclear power simply isn’t economical when you factor the impact of indirect expenses and fees, and thus can’t compete in an open, unsubsidized market for electricity. More often than not, in fact, taxpayers are forced to foot the bill for radioactive waste disposal and storage. Costs for insurance coverage of nuclear energy facilities have become astronomical. And the costs to shutter a nuclear plant after it has passed its life expectancy nearly equal the construction costs of building the plant in the first place. [...]We fully realize this is a radical thought for many, but our experience in northern Japan illustrates that even incremental investment in nuclear power threatens the very existence of human civilization as we know it. The Fukushima disaster – which now stands, at least in Japan, as a new generation’s Hiroshima and Nagasaki – should once and for all drive global society firmly down a nuclear-free energy path.. ThePowersThatBe, or those controlled (possessed) humans who think themselves 'lord and master' of this planet, are dependent on the weak-willed, easily-corrupted, small minded, gullible human minions. This is a huge damn weakness..Time to take action. Lightcraft, emotions, physics, gyroscopes and the study of planetary motion all deal with spin. It is the nature of waves when they meet in the Metaversal compressible substrate (ether), to beat and interfere.
May will be full of “spin”—of various types The key to compression/implosion is how these waves can interfere infinitely with never any destructive loss of inertia, spin, and pattern. You may find yourself spinning, there’s so much to do this month. Or you may get into just spinning your wheels, getting nowhere. Here is a simple way to chart this out, by following the idea that the Metaverse is comprised of electromagnetic waves imploding into matter, through a torsion field:
electric => will, or intention
magnetic => feelings, or flowing emotions
torsion field => sacred space, zero point
gravity => imploding waves
matter => manifestation
The Day of the Moon starts of Earthweek and we find our Lady Luna entering earthy in Virgo at 4:11 am (7:11 am ET) to bring forward more healing,
this time focusing on the physical body. Projecting Light Specific purple or octarine (a particular shade of electric pinkish purple) into your forehead and facing West, activate the Ajna Holographic Image Projection System (third eye), then invoke blessed Gabriel. Diana, or Sailor Moon into your Brow Chakra. It's the Moon's day in the week of Water and the body in motion. The lunar orb being receptive and reflective, focuses the qualities of the signs and other planets to our personal Lightcraft. The Lunar center, and its intimate connection with the Holographic Image Projection System, is not only the foundation for the astral plane, but is the fiery aspect of astral energy itself
Dreams and meditations may spill rich insights into our conscious minds, as Mercury squares Pluto, planet of the depths,
and lusty Venus squares illusionary Neptune. The hour is ripe for independent, creative activities and psychological or
spiritual healing. Unless interactions are entirely harmonious or with a magician, save them for another day. Now is a good time to review current priorities and declutter our space, bookcase and feeling nature. Get rid of worn-out visualization materials.
At 7:09 this evening (10:09 ET) Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter. The Sabian symbol for 17-18 Aquarius says:
A PERSON’S SECRET MOTIVES ARE BEING PUBLICLY UNMASKED. The difficulty for the modern individual to keep secret his
private past or his deeper motives. Today, struggle between the powers of society and the rights of the individual leads to the defeat of the latter… The individual whose activities have to remain unrecognized… needs the help of higher Powers….
In prelude to tomorrow’s opposition from Sun to Jupiter, this symbol spotlights the evolutionary potential of the planet of meaning as it navigates the dark waters of Scorpio, sign of power, magic and secrets. In a journal, self-help group, with a spiritual teacher or in therapy, work to expand your awareness about which secrets you wish to share and with whom, and which secrets you choose to keep for your own good and that of others who have confided in you. This activity will also help us prepare for the upcoming trine of Sun to Pluto on Friday, May 11.
I have a right to share secrets that hurt, and keep secrets that empower me and others now.
Beltane has arrived. One of the four quarters of the year, Beltane celebrates the fertile joining of female and
male energies, and of Mother Earth’s abundance. Provoke a pause to get outdoors and connect with woods, a garden or a
local tree. Praise the Sublime’s never-ending powers of abundance and visualize a greener world.
Moon VOC in Scorpio favors mystical activities of an intimate or secret nature, making this morning great for a
private ritual. At 8:20 am (11:20 ET), she enters Sagittarius: connect with people or light beings, create a vision board
for abundance, share in a group ritual, party or adventure, or engage in ecology volunteerism, or if in jail, stay optimistic and keep in mind, the bastard that put
you there is about to face the consequences of his actions (also share your swill with your cellmate). With Mercury at the end of his post-retrograde shadow, this is also a propitious window to retouch, review or re-launch a campaign for a community concern, spiritual message or publishing project, or related to marketing.
An evening connection from love-planet Venus in communicative Gemini to Saturn the builder, favors blessing and
beautifying our work space and writing down our priorities in finance and relationships.
With a quincunx from waning Moon in visionary Sag to Sun in Taurus, sign of values, morning favors creative
activities and making a physical and mental space for abundance. Discard obsolete belongings and limiting beliefs.
is also a propitious time for seeking guidance from the subtle planes on how to increase self-love and prosperity.
Save calls and connections for after 3:58 pm (6:58 ET), when Moon trines Mercury the messenger. An afternoon square
from Moon to receptive Neptune accents intuition and favors a romantic encounter, but it’s best to postpone making new
commitments. Also enjoy your freedom.
There is a sense of relief as Mercury finally emerges from shadow and into full forward motion.
Recurring glitches with phones, computers, and communications seem to dissolve. Apply the cosmic shift by
journaling about inner breakthroughs you’ve had since March 8, when the messenger planet first entered pre-retrograde
shadow. Try writing about where you’d like to go with the insights acquired. Moon in Sagittarius favors promoting something, expressing gratitude, taking a seminar, course or lesson, contacting light beings, innovating on a legal case or concern, obtaining key information, activating foreign contacts,
speaking our truth, dealing with a college, and publishing on the web. We should get it done before 7:06 pm, when Moon enters serious Capricorn, squaring Chiron, the wounded healer. After that, we will especially benefit from therapy or a 12-step group, journaling about limits, and organizing for self-care.
Moon in businesslike Capricorn joins ruler Saturn, combining with the constructive numerology of 4 to make for
a serious day. We can get on track with our goals and revive our inner executive by making lists, organizing for
progress in our profession, handling investments, having that absess drained, or another kind of institutional activity;
restructuring family or group interactions, balancing our bank accounts, apply for credit, setting a limit, doing business, or taking
tangible action of one kind or another to manifest our goals. With concentration, today’s demanding vibrations can be
well-applied to get caught up on pending priorities, ground something vital, or prepare for tomorrow’s dynamic energies.
Undirected, they can also lead to guilt trips or despondency. Don’t couch-potato it. Avoid pessimistic people like the
plague. Work independently or with the support of a coach, consultant or teacher who helps you focus and move forward.
Weekend parties are best left for tomorrow morning or Sunday from midday on.
Cinco de Mayo celebrates a key battle in which brave and savvy Mexicans achieved a decisive victory against French invaders who intended to establish a monarchy. Moon in Capricorn makes a wee-hour trine to Sun in prosperous Taurus, putting us in touch with the earthy energies of early May. Lunar sextiles to angel-planets Neptune and Jupiter are propitious for connecting with light beings and reviving our dreams and higher vision. A quincunx from verbal Mercury to expansive Jupiter
empowers our affirmations, mantras and other inspired words. These same energies also favor teaching, art, production, political activism, and business, particularly promotion. At 2:00 pm (5:00 ET), Moon joins intense Pluto. Emotions run deep; instinctual passions may get out of hand and get the best of our efforts for diplomacy. We can use the energy to journal about our feelings, schedule a therapy session, work on beliefs around money, and restructure an investment.
Tonight, send someone thoughts of forgiveness and visualize world peace.
The Day of the Sun in Airweek. The six of Wands (Sun in Atziluth) is all about being acknowledged, getting a pat on the
back, achieving recognition. You can triumph over yourself, the environment, or the odds. Your talents begin in the
Divine (Atziluth), develop with the love and support of others, and only in the end express through us.
When obtaining the summit of this holy mountain, keep in mind this fourth-dimensional "Metaverse" possesses a design and
field of motion encoded with solar-galactic information. Few things symbolize victory and glory like obtaining the summit
of this Holy Mountain . In order to do so one has to plan, organize, exercise patience, and overcome mental and physical
hardships. In short - be willing to do the seemingly impossible and then accept the credit when your objective is completed.
morning, we’ll especially enjoy an art exhibit, or writing down and analyzing last night’s dreams. Levity replaces gravity when the Moon moves into progressive Aquarius at 10:48 am EDT. Our focus shifts from carrying the weight of responsibility to experiencing the lightness of being. An imaginative Sun-Neptune sextile encourages us to explore our fantasies without trying to make them real. We aren’t restrained by rules if we keep everything inside our heads because a Venus-Uranus alignment frees our unconventional desires from containment. Between dark and light the angles of times are best manifest at their balance, so invoke Apollo, Ra, or the baby-faced Sun god from the Teletubbies into your heart Chakra today. Sunday is always a good day integrate all the planets in our personal Lightcraft. In the World of Yetzirah, Air, the Lightcraft is analogous to the active aspect of the psychological body, or for simplicities sake,let's call it Psyche. In the physical body (in Assiah) there are infinite subdivisions down to the frontier of the physical world, where the particles of matter and impulses of energy are interchangeable. In the same way, the Psyche interpenetrates the body so that the upper part of the physical world percolates and influences the lower part of the psyche, and vice versa. In the macrodimensions of the Metaverse, a crisis can generate a direct contact with the Sun in Yetzirah (Psyche) but after the crisis, the connection fades, and the watcher in oneself fades back into the subconscious. The Lightpilot seeks to consciously make permanent connection with the Sun in Yetzirah. This is done by constant observation of actions, emotions and intellect, to perceive impartially the way those functions operate, and to correct and perfect their performance so as to become a true seething. To be the big picture, complete in all itsparts. Sun in fertile Taurus sextiles creative Neptune, favoring all things artistic and mystical. Moon is VOC until 7:48 am (10:48 ET), when it enters Aquarius, sign of freedom. Tomorrow’s potentially discordant aspects won’t favor connecting with others. Whether for personal, professional or charitable purposes, make connections today.
We can go on an adventure, have a party, fight for a cause, ground our creative inspiration, or research options for a
change of location or career. In some way or another, move beyond your comfort zone.
Experience in northern Japan illustrates that even incremental investment in Nuclear Power threatens human civilization. Radioactive substances from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant have now been confirmed in all prefectures, including Uruma, Okinawa Prefecture, about 1,700 kilometers from the plant, according to the science ministry. The ministry said it concluded the radioactive substances came from the stricken nuclear plant because, in all cases, they contained cesium-134, which has short half-life of two years. [...]The Fukushima disaster should once and for all drive global society away from nuclear power, and toward renewable energy. [...Nuclear power simply isn’t economical when you factor the impact of indirect expenses and fees, and thus can’t compete in an open, unsubsidized market for electricity. More often than not, in fact, taxpayers are forced to foot the bill for radioactive waste disposal and storage. Costs for insurance coverage of nuclear energy facilities have become astronomical. And the costs to shutter a nuclear plant after it has passed its life expectancy nearly equal the construction costs of building the plant in the first place. [...]We fully realize this is a radical thought for many, but our experience in northern Japan illustrates that even incremental investment in nuclear power threatens the very existence of human civilization as we know it. The Fukushima disaster – which now stands, at least in Japan, as a new generation’s Hiroshima and Nagasaki – should once and for all drive global society firmly down a nuclear-free energy path.. ThePowersThatBe, or those controlled (possessed) humans who think themselves 'lord and master' of this planet, are dependent on the weak-willed, easily-corrupted, small minded, gullible human minions. This is a huge damn weakness..Time to take action. Lightcraft, emotions, physics, gyroscopes and the study of planetary motion all deal with spin. It is the nature of waves when they meet in the Metaversal compressible substrate (ether), to beat and interfere.
May will be full of “spin”—of various types The key to compression/implosion is how these waves can interfere infinitely with never any destructive loss of inertia, spin, and pattern. You may find yourself spinning, there’s so much to do this month. Or you may get into just spinning your wheels, getting nowhere. Here is a simple way to chart this out, by following the idea that the Metaverse is comprised of electromagnetic waves imploding into matter, through a torsion field:
electric => will, or intention
magnetic => feelings, or flowing emotions
torsion field => sacred space, zero point
gravity => imploding waves
matter => manifestation
The Day of the Moon starts of Earthweek and we find our Lady Luna entering earthy in Virgo at 4:11 am (7:11 am ET) to bring forward more healing,
this time focusing on the physical body. Projecting Light Specific purple or octarine (a particular shade of electric pinkish purple) into your forehead and facing West, activate the Ajna Holographic Image Projection System (third eye), then invoke blessed Gabriel. Diana, or Sailor Moon into your Brow Chakra. It's the Moon's day in the week of Water and the body in motion. The lunar orb being receptive and reflective, focuses the qualities of the signs and other planets to our personal Lightcraft. The Lunar center, and its intimate connection with the Holographic Image Projection System, is not only the foundation for the astral plane, but is the fiery aspect of astral energy itself
Dreams and meditations may spill rich insights into our conscious minds, as Mercury squares Pluto, planet of the depths,
and lusty Venus squares illusionary Neptune. The hour is ripe for independent, creative activities and psychological or
spiritual healing. Unless interactions are entirely harmonious or with a magician, save them for another day. Now is a good time to review current priorities and declutter our space, bookcase and feeling nature. Get rid of worn-out visualization materials.
At 7:09 this evening (10:09 ET) Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter. The Sabian symbol for 17-18 Aquarius says:
A PERSON’S SECRET MOTIVES ARE BEING PUBLICLY UNMASKED. The difficulty for the modern individual to keep secret his
private past or his deeper motives. Today, struggle between the powers of society and the rights of the individual leads to the defeat of the latter… The individual whose activities have to remain unrecognized… needs the help of higher Powers….
In prelude to tomorrow’s opposition from Sun to Jupiter, this symbol spotlights the evolutionary potential of the planet of meaning as it navigates the dark waters of Scorpio, sign of power, magic and secrets. In a journal, self-help group, with a spiritual teacher or in therapy, work to expand your awareness about which secrets you wish to share and with whom, and which secrets you choose to keep for your own good and that of others who have confided in you. This activity will also help us prepare for the upcoming trine of Sun to Pluto on Friday, May 11.
I have a right to share secrets that hurt, and keep secrets that empower me and others now.
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