Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday the 30th and Wednesday the 31st

The Day of Mars in the kabbalistic World of Air and Activity, Yetzirah.We get maximum perspective as the Libra Moon opposes Mercury, and an important decision may be required. Healing is in the air, especially in relationships, as Venus sextiles Chiron. as an exercise today, cut the beards off three Customs Officers (for those living in the interior, Customer Service Representatives will do) and place their whiskers in the glove compartment of a stalled and abandoned car. If they don't fit, keep trying. Another way of distracting your Metaversal Mind is to push zucchini through the mail slots of new neighbors while dressed as a bumblebee and singing the lyrics to 'What's New Pussycat'. Fringe benefit of this experimental behaviour: you'll be the secret envy of anyone who ever professed to know what you were going to do next.

The Moon finishes its stay in Libra before we rise, sweetening our dreams with trines to Neptune and Chiron and revealing a challenge with an opposition to Venus. At 5:13 am, the Moon goes void of course in Libra until 5:41 am, when it enters intensifying Scorpio, setting the mood today. Scorpio represents the period from 42 years old to Death, when ones sense of Time compacts and passes rapidly. Since this stage is the last in the life of the human biological machine, it's now time to transcend the confines of the mortal body and to assure continued existence, either you breed (pass on your DNA) or step out of the loop (become your DNA). On the World scale, Scorpio is between AD 1100 and AD 1500, when the Dark Ages reached their peak. This is the Time of the Crusades and the Inquisition, when Pain, Bloodshed and Oppression swept over Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, after the uneasy alliances made during Libra. This is the sign of the Shadow. Successfully navigated, one can experience healthy, flowing spontaneous sexuality, an acceptance of Death and an integration of its reality into daily life, thus gaining a sense of the immortality of consciousness. The Moon opens the day by squaring Mars for added volatility when we’re in motion—remain in your peaceful center to avoid incident. A sextile to Pluto adds oomph to our productivity. Venus enters her rulership when she goes into Taurus at 10:35 am. Relationships and emotions are more stable now, although there is a passage as she quincunxes Saturn. We are stimulated to ask., “where is this relationship going?”, even though it might not be wise to seek an answer at this juncture. Mercury sextiling Neptune aids creative expression and mental healing.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Full Moon on Monday

Today brings the Full Moon supported by a Venus sextile to Neptune. The Moon enters Libra at 4:21 am and brings us into another “deep day” as it conjoins Saturn and squares Pluto over the first half of the day. A sextile to Mars softens the effect and assists us in moving energies. The Full Moon culminates at 7:25 pm/9°17′ Libra, taking us through a passage with respect to situations associated with the eclipses of December 31 and January 14. We have a decision to make—are the decisions we made then still relevant to the conditions we face now? We are at a new decision point, and our choices will be with us for the next few months, perhaps longer. . The Full Moon at 10 Libra is symbolized by “At the bottom of a narrow rapid, a canoe is approaching the safety of placid water.” (ME Jones/Rudhyar) This indicates a situation that, while difficult, can be overcome. The pool of safe waters is in sight, but we must be vigilant to the end until we know our security is assured.
The fun part is knowing that this nice little braid cascade of planetary wave donuts gets its pressure nested to fold all inside out through one slip knot to ... elsewhere because not only is the Full Moon in Libra giving us all the stable gravity of magnetism permitted by fractal symmetry to go BETWEEN frequencies in a cascade, but this magnetism is also actually the WIND ON WHICH LOVE TRAVELS

Saturday, March 27, 2010

MARCH 27 and MARCH 28

The Day of Saturn in the kabbalistic World of Briah. Wearing black and facing North, invoke the spirit of Johnny Cash into your Base Chakra with the mantrum. "Because your mine, I walk the line." Honor Saturn today by creating greater stability in the Metaverse, actively expressing or experiencing your security needs, and cleansing and strengthening your base Chakra. Our consciousness in this chakra is concerned with survival, with our fight or flight response, with our instincts. It links the individual with the physical world. Serves as the foundation to evolve and build personality. If we are to ignore this chakra, and concern ourselves with the higher levels, we will be growing without roots, we will be unstable, unable to withstand the trials that will come our way. If our survival needs are met, the Base Chakra will function healthily, but if there is a perceived threat to this, (such as a difficult house move, job change, health problems, etc.) it can create an imbalance. At 1:58 am, the Moon goes void-of-course and makes its last contacts in Leo, oppositions to Neptune and Chiron. Through these hook-ups we can invite healing energies into our being through the dream state. Before we wake, the Moon engages the real world again by entering Virgo at 3:57 am. It trines Pluto near midday to add power to our efforts, whatever they are.

Between dark and light the angles of times are best manifest at their balance, so invoke Apollo, Ra, or the baby-faced Sun god from the Teletubbies into your heart Chakra today. Sunday is always a good day integrate all the planets in our personal Lightcraft. In the World of Yetzirah, Air, the Lightcraft is analogous to the active aspect of the psychological body, or for simplicities sake, let's call it Psyche. In the physical body (in Assiah) there are infinite subdivisions down to the frontier of the physical world, where the particles of matter and impulses of energy are interchangeable. In the same way, the Psyche interpenetrates the body so that the upper part of the physical world percolates and influences the lower part of the psyche, and vice versa. In the macrodimensions of the Metaverse, a crisis can generate a direct contact with the Sun in Yetzirah (Psyche) but after the crisis, the connection fades, and the watcher in oneself fades back into the subconscious. The Lightpilot seeks to consciously make permanent connection with the Sun in Yetzirah. This is done by constant observation of actions, emotions and intellect, to perceive impartially the way those functions operate, and to correct and perfect their performance so as to become a true seething. To be the big picture, complete in all its parts. Our almost Full Virgo Moon soars through the sign, with oppositions to Jupiter and Uranus bracketing the day. The energies of these two planets of possibility are grounded into reality, and we go from inspiration to action. The Moon goes void of course at 11:55 pm until tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

WATERWEEK March 23 to March 28

Greetings Fellow Lightpilots...So what can we expect from this second week of the last Lunar Cycle of the Astrological year. The Moon's second quarter is where we utilize the power of Metaversal Mind, Water, in the kabbalistic world of Briah, the Pattern, through the medium of our Mental body. Since Briah is the realm of Gods and Faeries, Arch-Angels, Images and Symbols, Visions and Voices, we can expect nothing less than knowledge and conversation with the patterns of our deep Selves, what Carl Jung calls "aspects of The Self. The unified, self-organizing entity we are expressions of". This week daily life sizzles as Mars direct finally provides action for projects, and though its still in the beginning phase, Mars' forward motion is deeply motivational. consciousness is under siege after all in this Neuropolitical police state, and if you don't want to live your life vicariously through the televisionary archetypes fabricated for "the good of society" (that is, the enfeeblement of the individual), then you have to rely on discrete modes of aberration. Consequently, it seems, the degree of inventiveness to which we've been forced to ascend is matched only by the level of depravity to which we've managed to slide. Mars is all about muscles and movement, which is why you could suddenly crave activity. Mercury is also full of piss and vinegar in Aries. The great potential of this period is the increased possibilties for new concepts and perspectives. Pioneering thinking is about pushing the envelope. It's not Mercury in Aries' job to substantiate its case. It is, rather, to spark the imagination and open a new world of possiblities. Don't be afraid to dream big—Jupiter is also in Pisces, and by April, as Jupiter begins its conjunction with Uranus, the world is going to open wide with possibilities.

While we sleep, we experience the “deep” transits of Moon to Saturn and Pluto, augmented by the Cancer moon’s First Quarter square to the Sun at 4:00am. The resulting cardinal grand cross will carry those energies forward into the next week and open us to the situations we will work through over the next five months. A square to Mercury late in the day brings understanding to enhance the fruitfulness of today’s experiences. Meanwhile, a fuzzy Mercury-Neptune sesquisquare prevents us from drawing any concrete conclusions from today's experiences. The Moon at 3 Cancer renders the Sabian Symbol, “An arctic explorer leads a reindeer through icy canyons.” It is a symbol of perseverance and hard work, such as suggested by the cardinal cross that forms at this time. In spite of the fact that we want an instant resolution, this is not to be the case. We will have to draw upon our patience and resilience to make it to the next plateau of consciousness and the reality that results.

The Moon wings through the last half of Cancer today, making connections with Jupiter, Venus, and Uranus. We’re in for our share of surprises, one of which could be a mild putdown or social shun. Agreements will be hard to reach around midday, but if we wait out the tension, a harmonious outcome will result. The Moon goes void of course at 9:39 pm (although in Cancer we can still be productive if we want) until early tomorrow. This approach tastes better than the original steaming platter of laser vizzaginal rejuvenation, new freedom to explore bodies and leave the world and your worries behind and focus only on lovemaking where you're part of your hungry, seductive, etc.

At 2:39 am, the Moon enters Leo, recharging the energizing Saturn-Mars sextile to enhance our day’s productivity. A trine to the Sun sustains that lift and buoys us through the Sun-square-Pluto of the day. This fulfills the “energy wedge” that opens us to new consciousness; after today we will have less consistent access or motivation to do our internal house-cleaning, although we can still use our focus and intent to open those doors. Tactically, we are the proverbial dodo feather stuck between the crocodile’s teeth. with the Moon in Leo as the Sun rises, some may shave Celtic crosses on the rumps of consenting pooches and airbrush infrared barcodes on the haunches of catnip-tripping felines, but most won’t. Leo represents the period of when as children we begin primary school, which is the first detachment from the family structure, where we learn to make relationships and satisfy the need to be loved in the world. Games provide a way to relate to others and they teach us to accept and make rules, the basis for being able to structure our lives (from 7 to 13 years old). On the World Scale, Leo is between 3,000 to 800 BC when both the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations flourished, when religion became monotheistic, where one being represented or was, God on Earth. During this Time of Pharaohs and Kings, Lion images proliferated in architecture and monuments, for the Lion is of course, King of Beasts. With the Moon in Leo tonight we may be seeking romance with a flare for the dramatic..Don’t let an insecure ego run rampant trying to overcompensate for what you think you don’t have. It’s easy to turn emotional incidents into high drama. Build emotional security by using your willpower. Be romantic. Love. Revel in the warmest kindest most tender parts of yourself. All differences can be more obvious now. Are you just another critic, or are you willing to do something to turn your talents and dreams into something that makes a real difference?

The Day of Venus in the week of Water. In the Western Mystery Tradition, the most pervasive polyamorous archetype is Aphrodite, Greek goddess of Love and Beauty. She is Venus, Ishtar, Astarte, Inanna and relates to the sephera Netzach on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. While she had more lovers than any other Greek goddess she was not victimized and never suffered from her numerous love affairs as did many of the other goddesses. Neither was she jealous or possessive. Unlike her counter parts she was allowed freely to choose both her husband and many lovers. She inspired poetry, communication and art as well as love. Today is the perfect day for harmonious communication, as the Moon moves between trines to Mercury and Venus from it position in Leo. Connect today with the zero point between Metaverse and Lightpilot through a moment of folded compassion. That timeless feeling that occurs when ones focus is completely in the present encompassing the folded space of the past and futures. As an iceskater who brings in her arms to speed up and have more spin, the thought tentacles that are brought from past and future to present and centered, concentrate intense spin AND AWARENESS. Here in the center of the lightening of spirit lies the infinite information hook-up which living cells require to survive. This electric fractal information con-centricitywhispers the meaning and direction of a "long-wave" context. The long wave connection to all that is.

March 20 to March 22

Saturday March 20
Our dreams are like Lacework nerve-cathedrals of confounding microcircuitous elegance, fabulously vivid and animated beyond belief. as Mercury squares Pluto before dawn, worth writing down and using to inform our waking actions. Spring starts today and the days are longer than nights, as the Sun enters Aries at 10:32 am. The Moon makes three contacts before giving us the afternoon off: A sextile to Uranus supports our understanding of how to make change work for us, while squares to Neptune and Chiron move us a little closer to healing our core wound. The still-productive void-of-course period in Taurus starts at 12:42 pm and ends when the Moon enters Gemini at 5:28 pm. With many planets in early degrees, three harmonious lunar contacts complete the day—sextiles to Mars and Sun form a minor grand trine for optimized joy, playfulness, and energy, while a trine to Saturn locks into an even more productive cradle configuration. I hope this isn't an ackward time to mention that the structural basis for all Light-specific work in the Metaverse is regular, disciplined connection to the No-Form, meditation, contemplation, what ever you want to call it, as long as it's deep. Supremely solitary in that heath of scrub. The Light-Specific state initiates itself with SOLITUDE, the gratifying element of being alone (if only for 20 minutes a day)... without which, true development is impossible. The point is to connect to your inner source of stability, the state of potentia, the No-Form, at least once a day. No-Form is not a goal or state of "spiritual arrival" (as some religions would have us believe), it is a highly practical, multi-purpose tool for dissolving our identification with the ego. If you want to play with us, this is the only rule. The foundation of our Lightcraft is built in Chaos, so you must maintain a firm foundation, or Chaos your life will be. Some of us need this connection four times a day (sunrise, true noon, sunset, true midnight). Some of us actually manage to do it four times a day. It is a choice you must make. I would do it for you if I could. Once a day is all that's required to maintain the Continuity function. Future generations of yourself will be glad this came to pass. The Lightcraft Academy , Yoga Ceremonial Magick, this astrology forecast, they all provide ritual technology for Self initiation. But the key word here is Self. D.I.Y

Sunday March 21
The energies today are larger than usual and carry over for the next few days, as Sun trines Mars and opposes Saturn. This is the culmination of the cradle configuration which formed yesterday, in addition to marking the halfway point of the Saturn cycle which began mid-September 09. New insights, ways to tweak our plans for success, as well as the need to say “no” to things that are draining our energies away from what we want to create—these are all within grasp today. The Moon remains in Gemini, connecting head and heart with a sextile to Mercury and challenging us to go beyond our safety zone with an evening square to Jupiter.

Monday March 22
Mars makes its sextile to Saturn today, enhancing our productivity and prolonging the beneficial effects of the cradle configuration. The Moon finishes its stay in Gemini today at 8:40 pm after several contacts. An early morning sextile to Venus sweetens our dreams, but there’s an electrical tension throughout the day as Moon squares Uranus at tea time. Evening trines to Neptune and Chiron bring soothing energies to our body for healing. The Moon’s void period ends at 11:16 pm when it enters Cancer, giving us time to relax and prepare for the next wave of heavenly activity.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March Horoscopes


Your charts suggest strongly that you are making some decision involving marriage. You might be thinking of creating a marriage or of ending one; or you are formulating your thoughts on the subject. Here is what I see: You have a concept that marriage simplifies things. This is consistent with the old expression ‘tying the knot’. There’s nothing so simple going on, however. In truth, your charts present a complex situation regarding not just a relationship, but also your whole idea of what a relationship is. What I suggest is that you shift the entire thought process from ‘relationship’ to yourself. The most important relationship is the one you have with you. When we confuse our inner relationship with the one we have with others, that is called projection. It may not be literally true that whatever you are saying about, or appreciate about, or dislike, in others is true of you; but you would be wise to look for the connection points. In this project, you will learn something from photos. Photos are interesting because they are historical documents and projection screens. Photographs of you, of loved ones, family photos and in particular wedding photos will tell you a lot right now, in the sense of providing useful information. At the moment, certain pictures will paint a thousand words.

Nearly every Taurus I know is struggling with their career. This seems to be a life-theme of your sign. Let’s pretend that has something to do with all the activity in Aquarius, your career house. Going back quite a long way — five years, 10 years, even 15 years, depending on how you count — there’s been constant change, movement and an odd sense of insecurity about what you want to do, or what you ’should be doing’. You’ve had plenty of ideas along the way, some of them excellent, but less in the way of traction or stability. Perhaps you know what you want, not how to make it work for you. Remember that most of our experiences train us to compromise passion and curiosity, or to expect certainty and incontrovertible correctness of the plan. Sure, that happens. More often, we find ourselves involved with events, uncertain where they will lead. Through many such experiments, we can arrive in an interesting place. What you have going on is subtler than either of those usual paths. At the moment, you have a rare perspective (think of it as visual, from a high place) that you didn’t have before. Use it to observe the ways you have been conditioned to not know what you want; to want what others want for you; and to doubt your own ideals, for the sake of others. What would your life be like, if you moved all that out of the way?

Last month’s Mercury retrograde was pretty impressive, and its affects are still working out. For you, it was all about agreements. You tend to live your life trying to figure out what others expect from you, rather than determining what you want. In the tangle of opinions, obligations and pushing and pulling and sorting out the details, I trust you’ve learned to make this distinction. It’s not only okay to want; whatever the Buddhists may say, desire is your organizing principle. It’s the value by which you decide what to decide: including what to do and who to associate with. Jupiter in Pisces, which just crossed the potent midheaven angle of your solar chart, is offering you a wildcard of desire. This may be arriving as an idea or a vision; or it may be an opportunity you’re not sure is solid. I promise you one thing: this qualifies as something different. It may take you a few weeks to catch on, but now that you have a clue, I suggest you look carefully and make a decision while you’re still excited. One of the distinctions between this and the kind of opportunity you’re accustomed to involves going beyond your usual sense of scale, to something much wider: so wide, indeed, that you may not recognize it for what it is, or selling yourself short because this seems too good to be true.

Life would be easier, were the playing field level. Usually it’s not; and it’s slippery, and some people cheat. The deeper issue, though, is what game you are playing, and the rules that you apply. Deeper still is making sure you take full authority over your own life. Two games show up on the radar as being particularly dangerous to your peace of mind. One is retribution; the other is teasing. It’s possible to tease yourself, and it’s possible to get revenge on yourself: if humans are good at two things, it is luring themselves with what is unavailable, and self-loathing (in its many subtle forms). Remember that guilt is not an indicator that you are wrong. Rather, it suggests you have an issue to work out, potentially that you don’t believe your life is your life. It’s altogether better if we get those around us on board with the process of mutually freeing ourselves from guilt. But you don’t need anyone’s permission; that’s part of the game. When we feel guilty the tendency is to blame ourselves or seek forgiveness; a better approach is to offer forgiveness for what you think has been done to you. It may indeed be unclear who is responsible for what, or who is perpetuating any dysfunction; account for the ways you are perpetuating anything distasteful to you, and change your act on the spot.

There has hardly been a more magnificent time to get clear on the intentions of your relationships. Indeed, it is happening without your deliberate intervention; you seem to be coming into alignment both with yourself and with the people around you. In an odd way, this quality is morphing from your sense of individuality to your sense of mutual purpose in one-to-one experiences; and this is shifting your group encounters. By alignment, I mean sense of purpose and mutual understanding of one another’s most important values. One of your gifts to the world is to love people despite their seeming flaws, and to hold yourself out with dignity as a whole person, understanding perfectly well that you’re not perfect. You now have an opportunity to see how those seeming imperfections provide sources of strength and awareness. This really is the key to enlightenment, in these days when one of the most pressing psychological issues is self-loathing, and when the lack of self-understanding seems to verge on total. It’s deep in your nature to use mistakes, misunderstandings and paradoxes as footholds for learning and awareness; it’s good times when the people around you get into that same mode, and that is approximately what you have going on now. In simple terms, everything is an opportunity to raise awareness. Every seeming fact implies a question. How you see yourself directly influences how you see others.

You may not have counted the rewards of so much restless instability in your relationships, going back so many years. The planetary setup has not lent itself to your romantic ideals; you probably canceled your subscription to Modern Bride in 2004. Yet one benefit of what you’ve been through has been to take nothing, and nobody, for granted. There has been no prefabricated scenario that was supposed to come true; you developed a knack for liking and loving people despite their wild oddities, despite what your parents would think; despite what you thought you would think. People have pushed you and challenged your beliefs and made sure you couldn’t hide in your mental box for long. In moments when spontaneous changes happened, you learned to move on. You leaned to envision the future rather than obsess over the past. But something has been missing: a degree of comfort, a space of authentic respite, an actual sense of benefit. Over the past year, you have gained an unusual new depth of clarity and focus, and I imagine you determined that was an omen of positive developments to come. Let that clarity give you the discernment to know healthy, loving influences when they manifest for you. You have been through enough, over enough time, for this to be truly possible. Lay down that restlessness for a while and open the door to love.

You are not really caught in a situation you cannot get out of — but someone else may really be certain they are. You cannot convince them of the reality of their situation; but you can figure out for yourself that you have options. Having options is another way of saying that you are at a turning point. I suggest you make peace with the possibility that someone you care about may not quite see themselves at that place where a decision is necessary; to the contrary, they may be at a point of maximum chaos and confusion. Even on a good day, you have little choice but to negotiate with the world on your own terms. You are, at least, aware of your situation, and that provides the closest thing to a guarantee that you are going to work it out sooner rather than later. The risk you run is getting drawn into someone else’s drama, their romantic ideals, or their sense of fragmentation. Keep an eye on that third one. It’s the one most likely to drive you nuts, because when people are feeling fragmented those around them tend to respond in fragments. Note, the issue that is troubling them is likely to be a past idea of what a relationship should be, and the way that gets tangled up in the simple reality of life. Give the situation till mid-March to work out; I think it will.

You may be questioning your treatment of someone important to you. You have become deeply sensitive to how someone feels in the environment of your emotions. In any form of emotional healing, step one is getting beyond the guilt that is so deeply entrenched in our relationships. The usual way to do that is by ‘not caring’, and obviously that’s not the answer: you would not be here unless you cared. One way to process guilt is to forgive yourself so that you can forgive everyone else. Most guilt, indeed, nearly all of what we think others think, is projection. Projection is something that is happening internally that we are then perceiving or ascribing to some experience or event ‘outside ourselves’. Just like you cannot write on a movie screen and change the plot, you cannot write on the world or on your relationships and change the underlying feelings. That is why you have to start with you. One thing that is clear is the extent to which you are subject to group dynamics. Much of what you’re dramatizing in your relationships right now involves what happened to you as a child; and that, in turn, created a situation where you don’t feel safe being yourself. So, let’s short-circuit this whole psychological process and summarize it as one question: what would you do if you felt absolutely safe being exactly who you are?

I’ve noticed something about some Sagittarians I know, which is that they don’t seem to mind living in half-renovated places. I guess when you feel like you came from a different galaxy, living on Earth like it’s a camping trip isn’t so bad; so you don’t mind if your house is wrapped in Tyvek or your bedroom floor is made of plywood as long as it keeps out the rain. Or do you? Jupiter has arrived in Pisces, which is the place we look for information about the home environment of Sagittarius. I suggest you take a series of swift steps to transform your home into someplace you’re actually comfortable. Finish work in progress; make a list of anything that’s broken or out of place and repair or remove it. Get someone who knows Feng Shui to come and help you arrange things to maximize the efficiency of energy flow. Clean, clean, clean — with Dr. Bronner’s soap and water, not chemicals. If you don’t like where you are, now is the time to make an easy move to someplace better. All of this will have useful material effects, and the sense of closure that you get from fixing that which was long broken will help you feel more settled, like you’re here on the planet to stay for a while; and your home is a place where others who love you feel welcome.

Do you know those email things designed to prevent you from writing to people if you’re drunk? The one with a series of arithmetic questions to make sure you’re clear enough to handle yourself? I suggest installing one of those on your entire life this month. Be careful what you do under the influence of any substance; ‘do’ includes say and do; it includes what you don’t do; and most of all, this includes how you respond to what you feel and what you think. You’re under a mix of influences that could lead you to act uncharacteristically: impulsively, or ‘not really coming from you’. Your emotional confusion is calling on you to take conscious, careful steps with the people you love, particularly with yourself. This month’s planetary setup won’t prevent you from feeling clearly who you are, unless of course you let it do so. Yet you must be especially careful with substances, which will emphasize some emotions over others, sometimes contradictory. In itself this is not a bad thing: every emotion is valuable for what it teaches you. It’s just that you don’t want to act on certain darker sentiments; better to acknowledge and make peace with them. To give another example, if you want to have sex with someone on a few glasses of wine, first make sure they’re still interesting when all you’ve had is a coffee — preferably not the next day.

Why are you the way you are? You seem to have lost contact with your motives — which you’re finally figuring out, now that you’re back in the groove of listening to them again. In the journey of awakening, you’re in that delicate space of playing snooze tag with yourself, only it’s not a single day you’re preparing to embark on; it’s the rest of your life. Denial is a peculiar state, unique to human consciousness: the ability, in essence, to pretend we’re not aware of something that we are actually aware of. Denial presumes that there is something to deny; and that we have a motive to keep it from awareness. If you notice that you’re struggling to admit something to yourself, break it down into what that something is, and why you might not want to acknowledge it. While you’re pondering that, here is another question: is this whole thing a dance around how you were treated as a child? Are you covering up for someone else’s psychological stance toward you? Once that pattern is established, it can establish a pattern that the mind copies, which then propagates and takes root in many other relationships. See if you can get to the original motive; the original transaction that led you to learn any mode of response that involved pretending or denying that something obviously true was not. Get clear about that and much else will come into focus.

For a long time, longer than you may care to admit, you’ve grown accustomed to a certain kind of progress in your life: behind the scenes, or in theory, or in principle. Fortunately, you have a rich inner life, and this enables you to stay interested in existence even in times when movement is slow or invisible, or when fulfillment seems unlikely. Yet this has caused you to live in two worlds: one being a world where so much is happening, and where you can envision what is possible; and another where the people around you seem oblivious to their own potential and where potential, in general, seems frozen. Get ready for something different. Jupiter arriving in your sign is going to do a lot in a short time, all of it in visible, tangible ways. If you write plays, you may find them suddenly being produced on the live stage. If you write books, you are likely to discover people interested in publishing you. If you drum alone, you will surely find other drummers. What was solitary can now become social; what you were sure was worthless to the world now suddenly may have a high value. Yet to manifest this potential, you must do what is perhaps the most challenging thing for a Pisces: think in a forward direction; exist outside your previous states of confinement; leave behind your prior role of victim of existence for your new role as benefactor.

Wednesday through Friday of Fireweek

Wednesday March 17
The Day of Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, in the World/Week of Fire. Fast thinking and fresh perceptions are also triggered by brainy Mercury’s entry into pioneering Aries today. Dealing with routine matters can become difficult as minds race ahead to explore unfamiliar territory. Words tend to pop out of mouths without consideration for their impact on others, making it prudent to slow down and think carefully when emotions heat up to avoid igniting an argument. Stay focused and don’t hesitate, meditate! If you’ve elected to forego swallowing the gravity pill, you can take part in the holographic cherub hunt – but mind you don’t bruise your fellow prisoners! At this point a viscous orange liquid (it doesn’t stain) will likely be pumped into the atmosherep, pint by pint, until it’s all gone. Take as many pictures as you like. Feel free to speak candidly to those in hibernation – it won’t disturb them. Try out the suction pads! And if you’re going to be sick or have to tinkle ... well, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Thursday March 18
The so called cardinal crunch shows up this morning, when quick with the mouth Mercury in Aries opposes stodgy Saturn in Libra at 4:05 a.m. Who expects you to be eloquent at that hour of the morning.. I mean shit, ya may wake up with a sense of dread but then again you could be formulating a plan to turn a fresh idea into a reality…and that’s how bringing together opposites makes one whole thang….Word! Practical manifestation becomes easy as delicious pie when the Moon enters yummy Taurus at 9:30 a.m.. that’s why I’m I easy like thursday morning. The bullish Moon squares proud, cocky Mars in Leo at 10:47 a.m.. Are you sticking to principles or just stuck up? Harmonious lunar aspects to Jupiter and Pluto later today brings awareness to the situation and helps resolve any dispute. . It's a good day to take care of mundane chores. Again, we have aspects throughout the night and early morning, transmitting the Light-Specific mysteries of transceivership, beauty and intimacy. When we can truly receive who we are within ourselves it comes from a place of personal intimacy. The original Latin root of intimacy is intimare meaning "to make familiar with." Becoming familiar with ourselves, knowing and respecting who we are assists us in truly experiencing deep intimacy (or closeness) with another who is also willing to share who they truly are. The true art of intimacy extends to every level of being including physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. With the Moon in Taurus we are tuned into the Sensual World. A pure heart mirrors unbounded love in every heartbeat.!. These next couple of
days are great for deepening your own personal intimate connection with those you love.

Friday March 19
If you actively invoke blessed HANIEL, the Archangel of Venus into your heart today, you may find you have developed the ability to feel like Khrisna, multiplying himself into a dozen pastoral, naked farmhands with muddy feet and emerald pond scum on their thighs, or maybe you are a young Freya on the back of a panther, eating honey. The 5 roses represent the five senses in the Empress card (Atu 3) And in the Lovers card (Atu 6 ) the senses are the five fruits of Eve. Venus is indeed in cahoots with the senses. All movement of all living creatures in world of Assiah are tied to the senses and the desire-nature. The accomplished Lightpilot can remove the robe of desire in order to withdraw into the worlds of Briah and Atzitluth, but in order to achieve anything in the physical realms you keep that robe on. When you act, your gonna act in terms of desire. Venus represents that which is desirable. Every living thing seeks pleasure and tries to avoid pain. Victory lies in understanding our desire nature and learning how to use it. . but it also can fractal the Vortex, mirror-into-mirror. Fractallity simplified means that if one places a mirror at a certain angle one gets a mirror into a mirror, into a mirror -- that is fractal recursion, and that is precisely mapped by the Golden Ratio, or PHI (1.618). Our body is comprised from out of it. Take the end of a finger section, to the next middle of the finger section, then onto the base of the finger, and they are in their relation to each other like a Golden Spiral, the same ratio as a mirror into a mirror, into a mirror -- holographic fractal recursion, cross-indexed within the profane and arcane of the anatomy of the self. In the same way, amidst the Lightcraft, we have tetrahedrons incascades, each cascade mapped through an 8 Hz orthorotation through the Metaverse.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Monday's New Moon and Tuesday

MARCH 15 to MARCH 22

The seed/ideas we have from the New Moon to the First Quarter Moon come from the kabbalistic world of Atziluth (Fire) and are the blueprints/seeds for everything that exists, has existed, and will ever exist in the physical world of Assiah (Earth), as an embodiment of the archetypal idealized apple (or a least the Core).. Fireweek is the time to remember we're in the pilots seat of our own personal Lightcraft and make some course corrections if we've veered off course. In the 13 cycle Light-specific lunar year, this is the beginning of last cycle, the Pisces cycle. To a certain extent, we've been wandering in a world between dream and reality since the beginning of the year. That is about to change. The New Moon in sensitive Pisces is usually dominated by feelings that feed imagination and spur spiritual inclinations. This one, though, is intellectually enriched by conjuncts with cerebral Mercury and inventive Uranus. Nervous energy may be high and minds could suddenly shift directions, but compassionate and creatively original thinking can lead the way to major breakthroughs in awareness. Still, communicating unconventional ideas so that they make sense to others might be difficult. Simplifying concepts could be necessary to bring them down to earth where they can help change the world.

Monday March 15
Today’s New Moon at 2:01 pm crackles as it lights up 25°10′ Pisces, near Mercury and Uranus. Mercury conjoins Uranus to underscore the power of intuition in our process over the coming month. This will be combined with the insights gained over the past month to build our future of Jupiterian success and expansion, so take time to check inside and plant the seeds that will ripen later this year. The Moon’s final connections in Pisces occur as it conjoins Uranus and Mercury, entering its void-of-course as 5:01 pm. This still-useful period lasts until 11:32 pm, when Moon goes into Aries. The chart cast for the US is set in Washington DC, with 29°08′ Leo rising, close to fixed star Regulus. This places emphasis on leadership and the perils of pride. The overall configuration suggests that the legislature may change its pattern and pass important legislation, such as the jobs bill and healthcare reform. Meanwhile, we’re reaching an economic turning point, where the US will either swim (if the right bills and policies are activated) or sink (if
gridlock continues). The fall of the dollar is possible—all that has to happen is for the Chinese to pull the plug. While this is not likely in the coming month, actions taken now will have an impact later in the year. The Sabian Symbol for Aries 26 is “a man possessed of more gifts than he can hold.” Sometimes it is easy to overlook the wealth we have “here” and fix our gaze on what we don’t have “there”. When we look at the here, we see what can be developed. We live in the consciousness of gratitude instead of the consciousness of lack. We are possessed of more gifts than we can hold because we have attained the cosmic viewpoint, which opens the doors to abundance. This is the challenge before the US as well—to put its efforts into developing the potential that lies on its own soil—its people and the resources they can create.

Tuesday March 16
The Day of Mars in Fireweek. A Tad after midnight a lunar trine to Mars launches rockets of aspiration, but an early morning opposition to Saturn and square to Pluto could curb the enthusiasm considerably. But we are not going to bend to the will of tyrants or surrender to the dullness of daily life, oh no we are not! The Moon is in Aries all day, all headstrong and full of piss and vinegar. Aries represents the period from birth to seven months old, when as new borns, we experience everything as an extension of ourselves. Virtually all energy is devoted to having our needs met. On the World scale, Aries is between 48,000 BC and 26,000 BC, when the primitive Neanderthals were trounced upon by Cro-magnons. They were virtually identical to modern Homo Sapiens, yet anthropologists do not know from whence they came. The Aries Moon can be so enthused with it's own adventure that it might seem a little arrogant. Don't take it personally. The focus is on action, not reaction. Sobbing and laughing from the fjord to the poorhouse, the tattooed infant teethes, balancing maliciously over the sea in the jejune elephantine dawn.
Tactically, we are the proverbial dodo feather stuck between the crocodile’s teeth. The man who invented aikido was a samurai who became a pacifist & refused to fight for Japanese imperialism. He became a hermit, lived on a mountain sitting under a tree..One day a former fellow-samurai came to visit him & accused him of betrayal, cowardice, etc. The hermit said nothing, but kept on sitting--& the other fell into a rage, drew his sword, & struck. Spontaneously the unarmed master disarmed the samurai & returned his sword. Again & again the officer tried to kill, using every subtle kata in his repertoire--but out of his empty mind the hermit each time invented a new way to disarm him. The samurai of course became his first disciple. Later, they learned how to dodge bullets. We might contemplate some form of metadrama meant to capture a taste of this performance, which gave rise to a wholly new art, a totally non-violent way of fighting--war without murder, "the sword of life" rather than death. The Sun’s conjunction with liberating Uranus in Pisces at 11:50 p.m. will raise the victory sign

Saturday, March 13, 2010


The Day of Saturn, the Holder of the Secrets of Time, in Assiah, the World of Earth. The stones attributed to Saturn are Hematite and Onyx and her metal is Lead. Meet with other souls today, 'in the flesh,' including non-human beings (animals, plants) . The Tarot card attributed to Saturn in Assiah is the Three of Disks (Material Success), making this a good day for money magick. Saturn in Assiah literally completes the braid which not only holds Assiah together, but creates the possibility for the proper information context for the evolution of human nervous systems, which are fortunate enough to be able to embed themselves in the "fields" of the Metaverse. At 6:31 am, the Moon enters its void period after it conjoins Neptune and Chiron. She enters Pisces at 10:43 am to emphasize the expansive and imaginative directions in our lives. A late-evening sextile to Pluto spices up our romantic lives or attracts us to making art from the heart.
The Day of the Sun in Assiah. The Metaversal Lightpilot, which the ancient Egyptians referred to as the KA, is actually the fourth dimensional driver of the third dimensional Lightcraft, the BA. There is a sixth dimensional solar mind which interacts with all levels and is purely an electromagnetick harmonic, a harmony based on all the other levels coming together around a center. And you are the center eternally now and therefore timeless. The Sun never sets on itself. The evolution of the Metaversal song, what some refer to as the Great Work, has as its core the purpose of resonating this harmonic through your individual interactive Lightcraft. let me tell ya 'bout the Lightcraft, my friend. The Lightcraft is a self-evolving planetary holon. This fourth-dimensional planetary holon possesses a design and field of motion encoded with solar-galactic information. The information coding the Lightcraft is the same information encoded in the Metaversal calendar. A Lightpilot using the Metaversal calendar can simultaneously tune into the design of the planetary holon. By tracking the Metaversal calendar and tuning in to the planetary holon, Lightpilots become part of Earth's design team. Riding the g-force and synchronizing with the larger Metaversal order. Mercury is at full speed and finally catches the Sun today, emphasizing mental activity. However, their position in Pisces suggests that logic will be at a low ebb—just the right sort of energy for dreaming our near-term future. The Moon is also in Pisces, heading toward tomorrow’s New Moon but encountering Jupiter today. We’ll want to get out of the house, enjoy the arts in some way, or find a way to experience spiritual upliftment.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The March Terrain

Proving again how time/space (aka the Metaverse) is so intricately confounding a thing, of far greater wit than we individual lightpilots will ever have, March hits us in the face, heart, gut and consciousness with clarifications of many kinds. Just don’t expect them to pop up where you would suspect. And there is a melancholy flavor in the way the ants, with their brightly tinted bonnets and tattered Broadway musical scores, parade up and down the street until the wee wee hours of the morning. And that’s part of the message as a whole—life isn’t all about what we want or expect, it’s about growth and change and challenge. So are you willing to tackle what may be an old task with a new outlook? The low bleating of the Sheep of the Ages has softened to a dull roar, gradually, year by perfect year, until at last you are willing to be challenged not by others but by yourself with a few hard questions which pit the “what-you-like” of life against what may be real, realistic or a better way to go? The big picture concept here is all about learning (or even re-learning!) that often our most cherished goals are limited, for a time, until the twilight comes, and with it, the soft rustle-rustle-THUMP of the creeping caterpillars, hauling their rickety pianos out to the town square in ominous fashion. I don't mind telling you, I saw that lady, and I don't know how she gets away with it. With what? With uniformed or perhaps short-sighted desires. So often what we think we want is so much less fulfilling than the mysteries life asks us to step up and take on. We humans are, after all, a funny bunch…always wanting the bigger, better and more idyllic even though we so cling to the known, the status quo and various forms of selfishness—petty and otherwise. We all do it. And because we all cling and self-protect and indulge, life occasionally has to either force us to grow or simply change the nature of the game so that like a herd of caterpillars we become compelled to go through some sort of transformation which in time will allow us to become butterflies.

The big news in March (besides the Iao Core Equinox Show on the 20th) is Mars’s long (it seems) awaited return to forward motion. Much is made of Mars, that frisky planet, who is frequently glimpsed making war, raging against both Man and Machine, stressing others with egotistical bravado. But how much do we really know about this rakish knave? What are his habits, his dreams, his preoccupations, his intimate hygienic problems, his credit card numbers? It is the in the nature of Mars that we become impatient with a holding pattern in our lives, and in some ways this has been true. His subdued activity has, however, afforded us progress in other areas that are ordinarily masked—spirituality, inner house-cleaning, ego dynamics, relationship balance, or maybe just some time to enjoy life. Mars will move forward starting March 10 from 0 Leo, permitting us to resolve (and become wiser about) issues that arose for us starting in mid-October last year. We will have absorbed them successfully into our lives by mid-May—still a while to go, but progress will be more straightforward, and we will be able to our related situations more clearly. At home, Mars can be a savage brute, fond of rubbing ferns on his bottom and playing the kazoo. He beats his children daily with hardened balls of inexplicably furry mucus. And yet, there is a softer side. He is an accomplished cinematographer, and occasionally poses for modelling shots that would make any upstanding citizen cringe in fear. On weekends, and during periods of heavy downpours, he will go from door to door collecting newspapers, which he then laboriously molds into tiny blowfish. It is of particular interest that this Mars retrograde passed over President Obama’s Sun (in Leo) square to Neptune (in Scorpio). During this time, it seems as though he may have begun to find his balls, heart and spine (all Leo-ruled) in the stratosphere of the presidency. Some of the other planetary interactions of March involve Mars, from an early Mercury-Saturn-Mars yod to a Venus-and Sun-trine-Mars. While the first will bring perhaps unsettling awarenesses, the others smooth our way to reaching peace (inner and outer) and putting relationship issues to rest. We can only peek at Mars' towering form behind the safety of our custom blast shielding and wait for him to get out of the driveway, all the while silently marveling at the crimes against Mother Nature. The planets remain in a tight cluster again this month, with the exception of Mars, Saturn, and Pluto. These bodies tend to shed a harsh light on our experiences, but their perspectives are not the only ones. Go easy on yourself as well as others when difficult feelings rise up out of the stew of consciousness. We start the month in the opening phase of three yearly planetary cycles—those of expansive Jupiter, wounded-healer Chiron, and spiritual Neptune. Saturn, the planet of structure, will reach the halfway point in its cycle on March 21.The new Uranus cycle begins on March 16, on the New Moon. Our experiences on and around that day (and over the coming month) will show us the door of awakening for the coming year. Uranus’s cycle is one of particular interest, because it interacts with Jupiter this year as they both move into Aries then back into Pisces. We will experience an “expansiveness of awakening”—an opportunity to tune in to our true self and begin fulfilling our purpose in a new way in the world around us. Saturn and Pluto are separating now, but the faster moving planets will keep our finger on the pulse of their energy in our lives—the Moon for one day every week. These planets bring us “deep days”: They take us deep in our unconscious mind, where many images and emotions are hidden. Initially, what tends to come up is fears, but as these clear we discover joy, compassion, love, and the other emotions of light. Deep days can uplift us if we do our inner work. Although we’re done with Saturn-Pluto’s direct interaction with each other until August, we get a good preview of the life dynamics that will show up then as Venus, Mercury, and Sun hook into these planets in succession for a series of deep days March 8-25. Together they create a wedge of energy that invites us to dig out buried ideas and attitudes, then accept open, loving consciousness in its place. We’re establishing a fear-free zone in our collective psyche where we can congregate in growing numbers as the seed of humanity’s awareness is quickened. Situations that arise now will return in late July–early August in sharper focus. On March 23, the First Quarter Moon forms part of a grand cross that will stretch us to be who we really are. The Full Moon unleashes considerable power through these interactions on March 29. A cradle configuration (three to five sextiles linked to each other around the chart) holds positive energy for us by which we can make the deep transformation we are experiencing productive in our lives. After Venus and Mercury move past gatekeepers Saturn and Pluto, they rush into the nodal nexus (transiting eclipse point) to resurrect what we’ve been learning since the beginning of the year. We will find areas where we feel boxed in and from which we want to escape to fulfill our goals.Off to your left you will find the widely disputed "Arcade of the Drama of March". And on the - oh, sir, you'll have to stop that or I'll smite you into oblivion. What? No, I don't think you can have that removed without severe trauma. Why don't you just put your hypno-goggles back on and settle down.

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